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Motherless: Memoirs of a Teenage Girl
Motherless: Memoirs of a Teenage Girl
Motherless: Memoirs of a Teenage Girl
Ebook66 pages55 minutes

Motherless: Memoirs of a Teenage Girl

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This body of work stretches over the course of nine years, beginning at the author’s tender age of fifteen. During this time, a full-on battle with rejection, abandonment, and unforgiveness are centered around her mother’s untimely death, the broken marriage of her parents, and also one of her own. Journey with Carsen, who as a young woman sees her life as shattered and almost completely in disrepair; but she somehow finds the strength in God and the motivation from her children to keep pressing forward toward a better life.
Release dateFeb 8, 2019
Motherless: Memoirs of a Teenage Girl

Carsen Aminna

Carsen Aminna is a writer and emerging multi-field counselor for school aged children and adults. Writing has always been her passion, beginning with her first short-story at age 8. With humble and heart-wrenching beginnings, Carsen has made phenomenal life changes hoping to positively impact everyone she encounters.

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    Motherless - Carsen Aminna







    Copyright © 2019 Carsen Aminna.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6635-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6640-5 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5320-6636-8 (e)

    iUniverse rev. date:  01/16/2019



    1   A Shift in the Atmosphere

    2   Summer of ‘96

    3   Vulnerable

    4   From A Hawk to a Falcon

    5   Home, Not So Sweet Home

    6   Senior Flight

    7   Changes

    8   Beyond the Brokenness

    This book is a memoir. It reflects the author’s present recollections of experiences over time. Because this is a work of nonfiction, some names have been changed in order to protect their identity, however no characters have been invented and some events have been condensed.

    Letter to my teen self…

    Hey Girl,

    I know things really appear to suck right now, but they get greater later. And while you may feel abandoned, God has not left your side. Everyone is not going to understand you, and it’s not your job to make them. Some folks just don’t want to see things any other way but their own. Also, not being included is often times a blessing in disguise-don’t try to fit a square peg in a round hole.

    Remember, love does not hurt, and there is nothing cute about jealousy on your end or in your significant others. When people show you who they are, please, by all means, believe them! You are incredibly perfect with all your imperfections, because you have been made in the image and likeness of God, and if you give yourself enough time, your rough edges will be made smooth through life experiences, His grace, and His mercy.

    Be patient with yourself. People come and people go consider yourself blessed to have one good friend that is there through it all. Surround yourself with people that have your best interest at heart and use wisdom liberally. Tell people exactly how they’ve made you feel, and make no apologies for it. Protect your heart and always seek God first.

    In closing, love every part of you…even the most difficult pieces, those are the parts that if nurtured, will push you into your greatness.

    With Love & Much Hope for the Future


    Thank you to my beautiful mother, truly you have left your mark upon this world, and it continues to resonate through me. I am most proud to have been your daughter and honored that God chose me. Your prayers, strength, and love exceed all space and time, and I will forever carry you in my heart, for they are the very things that have carried me.

    To my father, you always said you were proud of me, and it was reflected in the way you talked about me to everyone you encountered. To know you, was to love you! I proceed every action that I take with that warm thought leading the way.

    Thank you to everyone that has had a part in my life, past and present, whether good, bad, or indifferent, know that every interaction has helped to mold me into the beautifully flawed, courageous, God-seeking woman I am today.

    Special thanks to my husband, who is an army without numbers all by himself; I could not have done this without you encouraging me to speak my truth. Your love and patience has assisted in smoothing those rough edges, that most will never understand.

    To my four beautiful blessings, Anniah, Amir, Carter & Saundra…I thank God for each one of you! What you read here is very much a part of who I am and what has made me the mother that you are learning to love, as I am you.

    It matters not the amount of time we

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