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Your Universe: Holistic Life and Health
Your Universe: Holistic Life and Health
Your Universe: Holistic Life and Health
Ebook182 pages2 hours

Your Universe: Holistic Life and Health

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About this ebook

You are the center of the story in Your Universe.

Lita Elisabeth Fridolin explores the importance of an individual’s surroundings, from their relationships, and their home to their workplace and where they choose to spend their free time.

She focuses on nine life areas, self-knowledge, relationships, cycles of time, and balancing feelings— examining what works and what you may need to adjust.

For your home, she urges you to discover whether you get support from your immediate surroundings— and she reveals steps that can make it a more nourishing place to live.

From there, she examines workspaces, analyzing four important areas and what influences you during your workday. This time is critical as influences at work can follow you home, including when you’re sleeping.

Lastly, she examines attitude and how it can impact your situation as a whole.

Get practical tips on taking responsibility for your life and navigating its ups and downs, happy and unhappy moments, and turns and changes along the way.

Cover Graphics/Art Credit: Irene Larsen
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateFeb 20, 2019
Your Universe: Holistic Life and Health

Lita Fridolin

Lita Elisabeth Fridolin, a married mother of four children, is a full- time lawyer, attorney, and former high court judge that took time out to study and learn more about holistic life and health. In Your Universe she facilitates wisdom and knowledge into practical and useful tools in everyday life. A guide on conscious living and how to handle life in a harmonized way making it nourishing for yourself and your family. Visit to learn more.

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    Your Universe - Lita Fridolin

    Your Universe

    Holistic Life and Health

    Lita Fridolin


    Copyright © 2019 Lita Fridolin.

    Interior Graphics/Art Credit: Irene Larsen

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Balboa Press

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2003-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2005-1 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2004-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019900638

    Balboa Press rev. date: 02/18/2019





    Part I: YOUR LIFE

    Chapter 1 Your Life Areas—What Needs Attention?

    Chapter 2 Know Yourself—Nine-Star Ki Analysis

    Chapter 3 Relationships—Nourishing and Maybe Harmful

    Chapter 4 Cycles of Time—Your Phases in Life

    Chapter 5 Balance Your Feelings


    Chapter 6 Nourishing Surroundings

    Chapter 7 Flow of Life

    Chapter 8 Clutter Clearing

    Chapter 9 The Nine Life Areas in Your Home

    Chapter 10 Symbolism

    Chapter 11 Use of Color

    Chapter 12 Yin and Yang

    Chapter 13 Space Clearing

    Chapter 14 Sacred Space

    Chapter 15 Space for Creativity

    Chapter 16 Mirrors

    Chapter 17 The Bedroom


    Chapter 18 The Art of Placement

    Chapter 19 Use of Light

    Chapter 20 Green Is Good for Your Health

    Chapter 21 Architecture


    Chapter 22 Creating a Treasure Map

    Chapter 23 Our Attitudes

    Chapter 24 Quiet Contemplation

    Chapter 25 Energy Placement

    I Ching—Book of Changes

    Universal Laws or Laws of Nature


    Dedicated to my father


    For many years I have had the feeling that I’ve missed out something in the way that I lived my life. I have lived my life the ordinary way—with a family, children, friends, hobbies, and a job that requires a lot. I have never allowed myself to take the time to reflect on the way that I used my energy and my (inner) resources. At the same time, though, I have, somewhere in my thoughts, had a strong feeling that I’ve missed out some very important aspects of life. Mostly these thoughts have arisen when things have been difficult and life has treated me hard, when, for example, it has been difficult to be fully present in my daily life, at work, with my family, and in general.

    From time to time I’ve been presented with aspects of life that I found interesting and inspiring, aspects representing a holistic way of seeing and understanding how to best live one’s life. But at the same time it has been difficult to find the time and especially to sort everything out and to navigate my way in this universe. I am thinking of all the wisdom and knowledge and different ways of understanding life, hoping to actually transform all this into something useful in my daily life.

    Several times I have wanted to dig in to this world, but questions and doubts came into my mind, questions like the following:

    • How do I transform all the knowledge and wisdom into something "useful" in my own life?

    • Is it okay to blend different ways of seeing and understanding life?

    • Is it possible to combine a career and this way of seeing and understanding life without compromising one or the other?

    These are questions that in many ways stopped me from taking the next step.

    In meeting with Lita, I have seen how it is possible to contain both sides at the same time.

    The wisdom and knowledge that Lita possesses and the way that she has succeeded in uniting this in her life has been and still is a daily inspiration for me. She has opened my eyes to a new world of inspiration, illustrating how to handle life in a much more harmonized way without making it difficult.

    I think of Your Universe as an inspiration on how to influence one’s own life in ways I wasn’t aware of earlier in my life.

    Remember to be curious and open-minded. Enjoy the read, and enjoy stepping into a world of more self-knowledge—and at the same time be able to use that knowledge in daily life.

    Louise Vagner

    Copenhagen, Denmark


    I give thanks to my loving husband Jens and my friend Louise for encouraging me to write Your Universe.

    Also I give thanks to my friend Catherine for being who she is, my witness and support no matter what direction my life takes, and at the same time a priceless help with my second language, English, that I have chosen to use for writing Your Universe.

    Furthermore, I thank my friend Irene for all the illustrations and drawings throughout Your Universe, as well as the graphic design.

    Finally, I give thanks to my three followers: love, freedom, and joy.


    Today when we talk about a happy and fulfilled life, we need to consider several aspects. I am thinking about:

    • our self-knowledge and relationships

    • our environment, both indoors and outdoors

    • our mind-set, beliefs, and thoughts.

    In Your Universe I base my story on the fact that we all have our own unique universe that is true for us, our family, our friends, our home, our colleagues, our job, and our direction in life.

    In Your Universe you are the center of the story.

    We focus on you.

    How are you?

    What do your surroundings look like at home and in your work space? Anything that you can improve will hopefully be found during the reading of Your Universe.

    In part I, about your life, we look at nine life areas, relationships, cycles of time, and balancing feelings. What works, and what needs a little attention to be adjusted and considered?

    In part II, we focus on your surroundings in your home. Do you get support from your immediate surroundings? What can you do to let your home become a nourishing place to live? Do you live in the best location for you?

    In part III, we look at your work space and how to improve things here. We analyze four important areas and give advice about different aspects that influence you during your workday—an influence that continues to follow you throughout the rest of your day, including your leisure time and sleep.

    Finally, in part IV, we take a quick look at your attitude and your situation as a whole. You get some practical tips that I use myself in my daily life.

    So many people live a life they don’t enjoy. They are not at peace with themselves or their lives. Some of you don’t want to change anything. That’s okay. However, you always have a choice. And not doing anything counts as having made a choice.

    In Your Universe we will look at our choices. You make the decisions. I will show you many possibilities and share with you how I handle life myself, including different challenges.

    I work as a full-time lawyer and have a second education in interior design because of my interest in health and well-being from a holistic point of view. Especially after having children, I have been implementing my knowledge in everyday life.

    Your Universe is written as an inspiration to everyone interested in a joyful life that is in balance and in alignment with their dreams and desires, especially women with children. My marriage was life changing, but having children felt even more life changing—a gift and a task, and sometimes a challenge. My life was turned upside down, and I began to see it from a new perspective. New meanings became visible to me, as in one of the most beloved Christmas carols in the Nordic countries. We sing it for Christmas in Denmark:

    Beautiful Is the Earth

    Ages shall come to be,

    ages shall roll by,

    each generation succeed the last;

    yet shall the heavenly sound

    never fall silent—

    the pilgrims’ song is unsurpassed.

    My mother says that grandchildren are the dessert of life.

    It is my hope that the messages in Your Universe will inspire you, take you in a helicopter for a new view, and bring joy also to your family.

    Embrace the future and embrace the change because, you know, change is unavoidable anyway. The universe does not stand still.

    Think about now and about your future steps. By reading Your Universe, you are already on your way.

    It is not about living in happiness all day long. The way I see it, it is more about getting the best out of your life and time with all its ups and downs, progress and setbacks, happy and unhappy moments, and turns and changes along the way.

    You have much more influence over your life than you probably are aware of.

    I will introduce you to Magna Inspirante. It is a Latin phrase and means great inspiration with regard to life and well-being, and it entails an extraordinary selection of knowledge and experience gathered from around the world, East and West, plus my own discoveries during the last thirty years.

    By the way, you don’t need to read Your Universe from start to end. If you are curious to read about mirrors, you may jump directly to chapter 16 in part II and start your reading. Or if colors are of interest, you may start reading about colors in chapter 11 first. To get the full value, though, you need to read all twenty-five chapters.


    Part I


    The object is to become more aware of who we are and create the life that we truly want to live in alignment with our dreams and desires.

    Chapter 1

    Your Life Areas—What Needs Attention?

    Take some time out to reflect. Give yourself a quick test where you focus on nine different areas of your life as explained below. This will give you clarity and an idea about how

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