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Mid-Summer Woods: Collection of Poems: a Classic – Vol 6
Mid-Summer Woods: Collection of Poems: a Classic – Vol 6
Mid-Summer Woods: Collection of Poems: a Classic – Vol 6
Ebook107 pages36 minutes

Mid-Summer Woods: Collection of Poems: a Classic – Vol 6

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About this ebook

The poems are a reflection in time of a person’s life. The poems are not directed at anyone.
It is my perception of moments in one’s life.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateFeb 26, 2019
Mid-Summer Woods: Collection of Poems: a Classic – Vol 6

Jane Summers

Jane Summers wrote Durvue, new language dictionary. She produced and directed a movie, Autumn Sacred, released March, 2023. She played the role of Jane Summers in the movie highlighting Autumn as an auspicious season and sacred for autumn prayers and autumn harmony. The movie is available on IMDb. The author is planning to publish two new books, next year. The new Marquis Biography book 2023 features Jane Summers with her biography and details and will release sometime this year. Jane Summers released a commemorative coin, in July 2022. The coin has a insignia of Peace and Harmony.

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    Mid-Summer Woods - Jane Summers



    Collection of Poems: A Classic – Vol 6

    Jane Summers

    Copyright © 2019 by Durga Madiraju.

    ISBN:                Softcover              978-1-7960-1803-5

                              eBook                   978-1-7960-1804-2

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 02/25/2019






    Portrait of a family

    1. Midsummer Flowers, Wonder!

    2. Mid-Summer Skies, Seasons

    3. Mid-Summer Leaves!

    4. Mid-summer Flowers, an awakening

    5. A Mid-Summer Harvest

    6. Mid-summer Colors, my tree

    7. Mid-summer Hills

    8. Trees apart, a journey of life

    9. Mid-Summer Cottages

    10. Trees a decoration

    11. Mid-Summer Afternoon Tea

    12. Tree a dance it’s own

    13. Midsummer flowers, my marigolds

    14. A temple, art many ways

    15. Brown my farm bed!

    16. Muggu, my art

    17. Mid-Summer Corn Stalks

    18. Train a journey

    19. Lavender Bells

    20. Dress an art!

    21. Hills of dresses!

    22. Rocks strewn, An art

    23. Mid-Summer Bells

    24. Mid-Summer trees, an art!

    25. Nature, Prayers a day

    26. Mid-summer woods, a melody

    27. Mid-Summer petals

    28. Mid-Summer, leaves flowers!

    29. Mid-Summer leaves a theme!

    30. Mid-Summer lotuses

    31. Caves, a traditional art

    32. My Mid-Summer Song

    33. Mid-Summer Afternoon

    34. Mid-Summer Kanakambaram

    35. Mid-Summer Kavacham!

    36. A lie for a Need

    37. Mid-Summer Tulips and Roses

    38. Mid-summer Woods

    39. Mid-Summer Daisies

    40. Mid-Summer Bougenvillas!

    41. Mid-Summer jewels!

    42. Trees Pink, a Decor?

    43. Mid-Summer leaves, a mark?

    44. Mid-Summer Ivies, Flowers!

    45. Mid-Summer Papaya Leaves

    46. Mid-Summer Coconut Palms

    47. Mid-Summer Moon a quest

    48. Mid-summer petals a fragrance

    49. Mid-Summer Sunset

    50. Mid-Summer Apple Orchards!

    51. Mid-Summer Sunrise

    52. Mid-summer hydrangeas

    53. Birds a line, Mid-Summer!

    54. A Mid-Summer Shop

    55. Mid-Summer Village

    56. Mid-Summer Paintings

    57. Mid-Summer Tranquil!

    58. Mid-Summer Woods, Dreams!

    59. Mid-Summer Kitchen

    60. Mid-Summer Garlands!

    61. Sand an indent

    62. My Farm Wasted?

    63. A lake an island?

    64. Hedges, a journey

    65. An inch of my crop, a six pence land!

    66. A tree only to stand!

    67. Trees a line

    68. Mid-summer mango groves!

    69. A Jowar Crop

    70. Hidden my yellow bells!

    71. Dry grass stalks!

    72. Oh!Banana trees

    73. Small Hills… only for a big hill


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