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Battle Plans for Spiritual Warfare
Battle Plans for Spiritual Warfare
Battle Plans for Spiritual Warfare
Ebook71 pages46 minutes

Battle Plans for Spiritual Warfare

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Would you like to know how to live a life of victory over the enemy in your Christian walk? Look at some of the tactics Satan uses against us in our everyday lives.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateApr 24, 2017
Battle Plans for Spiritual Warfare

Bishop Henry Miller

I surrendered my life to the Lord in 1977 and was called into the ministry. Since I received and accepted the call I have devoted my life to the Lord. I have been a Pastor for 37 years. I have traveled to many countries Philippines, Mexico, Africa, Dominican Republic as a Missionary. I have also been in prison ministry since 1993 and continue to do so. I also started in radio ministry in 1980 and have had broadcast all over the world and currently still have radio broadcast. I wrote my first book in 1993 Five steps to spiritual which sold many copies. My desire is that this book Battle plans for spiritual warfare will help us understand and encourage Christians to know they can live a victorious life in Christ . As we all know in these last days we are in a spiritual conflict with satan . If we look to Gods word it has a Plan to overcome the enemy in every battle.

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    Battle Plans for Spiritual Warfare - Bishop Henry Miller

    Copyright © 2016, 2017 Bishop Henry Miller.

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    All scriptures are from the KING JAMES VERSION (KJV): KING JAMES VERSION

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    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8128-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8130-4 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5127-8129-8 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2017904552

    WestBow Press rev. date: 04/12/2017



    Section 1: General of the Past

    Section 2: General of Confusion

    Section 3: General of Finances

    Section 4: General of Lust

    Section 5: General of Discouragement

    Section 6: General of Unforgiveness

    Section 7: The General of Family Problems


    I would like to say

    thank you to three People who helped Me accomplish the task of writing this book.

    First Dr. Allan Mcfadden who several times read through the book and edited the Manuscript

    Second My Sister in Christ and Close friend Joyce Pafford who in the beginning of the project edited, corrected. Downloaded and printed the original manuscript

    Third Rebekah Concepcion a missionary in the Dominican Republic who read and corrected my terrible English writing and Phrases

    Without these three awesome Brother and Sisters it would have been very hard for Me to get this book to publication. Thank you all so Much.

    Bishop Henry Miller


    In today’s world, true Christians are fighting an intense war being waged against them by the powers of Satan. (See Ephesians 6:12, 2 Timothy 2:3–4.) When we surrendered our lives to Christ and became Christians, we became a part of God’s kingdom, heirs of God, and joint heirs with Christ. At the same time, we also gained an enemy—the devil. He has several names: Satan, Lucifer, old Slewfoot, father of lies, etc., which show his character. He has a mission, and that is to steal, kill, and destroy. (See John 10:10.)

    In this book, we will study the tactics that Satan uses against us. He has an army that he commissions to do his dirty work and carry out his assignments. However, we are not ignorant of his ways. Praise God we are not left defenseless. We will study some of his generals and how they attack us and try to defeat us. We will also study battle plans to overcome these generals or strategies the enemy uses against us. God has given us all power over the enemy (Luke 10:19). God has a battle plan as well, and if we will follow it, we will prevail and win. Jesus did (Matthew 4:1–11). My desire is that you study this book, learn the battle plans, and defeat the strategies of Satan in your own life.

    God bless,

    Bishop Henry

    General of the Past




    I once watched a tractor pull, and as I was watching, I noticed there was a huge weight at the very back of the sled. When the tractor started the pull, the weight slowly started coming forward toward the tractor’s rear wheels. The closer the weight got to the tractor, the harder it had to work to move the

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