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God Chronicles: The Collection
God Chronicles: The Collection
God Chronicles: The Collection
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God Chronicles: The Collection

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The world is spiraling out of control with anger, hatred, divisiveness, selfishness, and greed. It will take people finding their way back to their true identity, people working in communion with the source, God, to create a society of love, hope, and compassion.

Mainstream ministers will dispute the concept that we are little gods, but this concept is as ancient as time.

God Chronicles is a collection of encouraging writings that will be relatable to many regardless of their denomination. You can journal through the topics sharing your struggles, testimonies, and prayers.

Take this journey of inspiration knowing you are not alone in your travails. God, by whatever name you call God, is with you, if you just believe.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 12, 2019
God Chronicles: The Collection

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    God Chronicles - Wanda Outlaw

    god chronicles

    The Collection

    Wanda Outlaw

    Copyright © 2019 by Wanda Outlaw.

    ISBN:                Softcover                    978-1-7960-2083-0

                              eBook                          978-1-7960-2104-2

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized

    Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright ©

    1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.


    Scripture quotations marked NLT are taken from the Holy Bible, New Living Translation,

    copyright © 1996, 2004, 2007. Used by permission of Tyndale House Publishers, Inc. Carol

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    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®.

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    Scripture quotations marked MSG are taken from The Message. Copyright © 1993, 1994, 1995,

    1996, 2000, 2001, 2002, 2003 by Eugene H. Peterson. Used by permission of NavPress

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    Scripture quotations marked AMP are from The Amplified Bible, Old Testament copyright ©

    1965, 1987 by the Zondervan Corporation. The Amplified Bible, New Testament copyright ©

    1954, 1958, 1987 by The Lockman Foundation. Used by permission. All rights reserved.


    The M. H. Shakir translation is copyrighted by Tahrike Tarsile Qur’an, Inc., Elmhurst, New York, USA. The Quran transliteration was made available by The source data for the Arabic Quran was made available by

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    Tablets of `Abdu’l-Bahá Abbas

    Volume III pp. 485-730


    P. O. Box 283


    Rev. date: 03/11/2019





    In the Genesis…


    The Power of Love

    It’s All About Love

    A Love Prayer

    Unconditional Love

    Essential Love



    I Am in Prayer

    Let us Pray

    When in Doubt

    All Shook Up

    Going Along to Get Along

    Something from Nothing


    Call Me Lord

    Ah Ha Moment!

    Creeping into God’s Camp

    In the Now

    Knock it Out!

    Laid Bare

    The Presence of the Lord


    Didn’t Know I Needed to be Set Free!

    In Relationship

    In Relationship II


    Purification to Elevation

    Wash Yourself

    Flakes of Purification

    Striving for Perfection

    Natural Purification

    I AM


    The Truth Has Set You Apart

    I AM Complete

    More Than Mere Words

    Command Performance

    I See You

    Courage is the Way

    You are Evolving

    God is In the Hood

    Make All Things New

    Man Up!

    Where is God?

    Why Are We Here?

    Poetic Justice

    The Incubation Period


    Strength: An Attainment of Power

    Put ‘Em Up!

    A Burning Must

    Speak Your Substance

    A State of Numb

    CHANGE…I Won’t Accept it!

    Even in the Rain Be Happy!

    God Decides

    How Wonderful is God’s Grace!

    God is in Control: Peace in the 23rd Psalm

    A Thorny Adventure!

    Look Before You Leap…Think Before You Speak

    Lost but Not Found

    Loyalty + Love = God

    Oh Well!

    A Blessing in Due Season

    A Ram in the Bush

    What God Has for You

    Why Complain?

    Be Still…


    In Search of Identity

    Planet Be Still

    What Will People Say?

    Seek Your True Nature

    Are You a Work of Art?

    So What Happened?


    Oh, Worship God!



    For My Pastors…this one’s for you!

    Golden Calf 2018


    Do You Have A Servant’s Attitude?

    Be Blind to the Flesh

    The Least of These


    A Letter to My Black Family

    A Letter to My White Family

    Communal Living

    Crabs Coming Out


    All Things Being Equal

    Victory in Justice

    How Divine

    The Voice of an Artist

    When the Wind Blows

    A Conversation

    God’s Justice Will Reign


    A Season of Women: Joan of Arc

    Hey Women! Why Worry?

    Gentle Whispers—Words of Encouragement Let’s Party!

    Mother Forgive Them


    Stand Strong

    Man…A Woman’s View

    We Need You


    Do You Want to Know?

    Marriage…Until Death Do You Part!

    Are You Ready?


    Parents…Make the Time

    Teach the Children Well…

    The Strength of Our Children

    Parental Resources

    Please Who?


    It’s in the Womb

    The Journey Toward Motherhood

    Get the Job Done

    A Mother Who Knows Her Power

    A Precious Gift

    Letter to a Mother

    Open My Womb

    Womb Love

    Mothers in Battle


    It Ain’t Easy…But Worth It

    Father of All

    Daughters Need Fathers


    Get Back The Sanctuary!

    Our Children, Our Gift, Our Responsibility

    Don’t Hate…Appreciate!

    Flip the Script

    A Son


    The Divinity of Age

    The Journey of Aging

    Too Old?


    What Were You Taught?

    Where there is a Will There is a Way!


    A Christmas Dream

    New Beginnings: Resurrection for All!

    A Sage in the North Quadrant

    In the beginning

    A Week of Liberation

    An Easter Consciousness of Truth

    Village…Stand Up

    Begin Again

    Time Out

    A New You in A New Year

    Go Without

    gods in prayer

    For the Babies in the Hood…this one’s

    for you.

    In the Genesis…

    I read through each of these god chronicles and I was encouraged. I have been writing these entries for 10 years or more; forgetting what I have written. People asked me why I did not put the chronicles together in a book. This is the collection of god chronicles for little gods. There is no blasphemy in this. The god chronicles are about and for us. There is one Supreme God and we are God’s children; we are little gods. Read Psalm 82 (KJV)…

    "God standeth in the congregation of the mighty; he judgeth among the gods.

    How long will ye judge unjustly, and accept the persons of the wicked? Selah.

    Defend the poor and fatherless: do justice to the afflicted and needy.

    Deliver the poor and needy: rid them out of the hand of the wicked.

    They know not, neither will they understand; they walk on in darkness: all the foundations of the earth are out of course.

    I have said, Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.

    But ye shall die like men and fall like one of the princes.

    Arise, O God, judge the earth: for thou shalt inherit all nations."

    It is time that we grow up in our spiritual understanding of our existence. Now is the time to know our true identity as defined in Genesis.

    "So God created human beings in his own image.

    In the image of God he created them;

    male and female he created them." –Genesis 1:27

    You either believe the scriptures or you don’t. As little gods, it is not from arrogance or ego; rather, humility and the qualities of our Supreme Parent, God. We are the offspring of God, we came from the womb of God making us little gods. There needs to be an account of a god’s life; this is what the god chronicles are all about.

    The god chronicle is about the in between time, the waiting for the breakthrough time, the time when you look at yourself in search of how to be better, so you can do better. Hopefully, you will read this collection knowing that you are not alone in what you experience in life. The god chronicles are a narrative of the heart and soul of a people. It is about remembering who we are and whose we are. I wrote these chronicles from various spiritual voices; voices of the everyday human spirit.

    Search your soul as you read each Chronicle. Contemplate your thoughts and feelings; meditate on where you are on your journey. Place your words between the Chronicles, making them even more relatable to your experiences. Allow the Chronicles to propel you into agreement with the Creator, God, who is inside of you. Never judge your journey; rather, embrace the lessons to enhance your spirituality.

    It Begins with Love!


    The Power of Love

    Have you ever entered the realization that you are from another planet, from an entirely different place in the universe; you are different. The differences can come under society’s heading of selfish, nerdy, homely, quiet, shy, mean and there are more descriptors. In your difference, you sit off in a bubble that floats over society watching the pain, the abuse, the neglect of one to another. You want to rescue but you do not have the tools, the skills, the heart or it is not your place, your destiny. It is amazing that the world is still in rotation for all the pain that people inflict upon each other. The energy that comes from their anger, abuse, hatred, jealousy and depressions transfers to the globe putting it, seemingly, off balance.

    When you come to some understanding of our connectivity to the earth it makes you think about how you think, how you speak and how you treat other people. The most difficult part of a faith walk is not being able to physically do anything about it; solely relying on God. We constantly look for solutions, some charge ahead in to the lion’s den flailing arms, sprouting knowledge that no one hears. We hope against hope that someone hears the power of love.

    The power of love defeats that darkness that holds you hostage. How do you tell a woman who is in a destructive relationship that she has the power of love—the power of God—in her to walk away. It may mean admitting to bad behavior on her part but confession is good for the soul; it brings liberation to the mind, body and spirit. It could mean the difference between a slow death and a life of abundance. It may mean spending more time with your children teaching them right from wrong. It may mean getting a second job to keep a roof over your head but it would be a roof of peace and harmony.

    The power of love says that if you do not fit in with your friends’ fashion or party habits you are still free because you stand in your true identity. Love says that as you are, right now, is acceptable to God. God is the only One you have to please. The God inside of you says that all is well and that meeting up to the standards of those who have no more than you is liberating. It may feel uncomfortable at first but the more you listen to God inside of you the uncomfortable will transform into peace.

    Praying the power of love into family members who have lost their way will push the light to chase away the dark. The power of love in prayer will manifest breakthrough. The human will transform to God’s will. It is essential to pray the power of love on the self as well as on others; pray the power of love on the planet earth. We have to come into conformity with the God force to bring about balance and to excel the pure power of love. This love only comes from God; it is a force that cannot be defeated. This love inside of the human spirit can bring about new life, it shifts the mind to a realization that there is no one better than you except for God, it is a love that opens your heart to love others as God loves you.

    The power of love is an energy like no other. God made all things one; the earth, the heavens, man/woman. The elements in human beings are the same elements that are found in the earth. The earth relies on us and we rely on the earth through the power of love, the Source, called God. All of this is expressed whether we believe or not but how much more powerful is love if we have faith in the Originator, God.

    It’s All About Love

    Our living is all about love. Love, in its purest form, is perfect. Pure love enhances perfection in us and around us. If love could speak it would say, I love you enough to correct you without judging you. It is the language that we use that determines positive correction versus judgement. Love says, You love me enough to accept my correction and not think less of yourself. It is the thoughts of past experiences that cause us to reject love in its purest form. Love affords us the opportunity to release the past to live in the now. Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. It does not dishonor others, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres. Love never fails. (1 Corinthians 13:1-8) This is love in its purest form.

    Those who unknowingly protect the pain of past experiences cannot find their way to pure love. Pure love speaks to our true nature as children of God. Love is a healing force that renews the mind, body and spirit. Love proves the healing power in forgiveness, it enhances self-acceptance, proving that we are complete as we are and have nothing to fear. It is all about love; how we live, how we move and how we have our being, it is all about love.

    A Love Prayer

    Yahweh-Rapha, You are our Healer. We bow down in humble praise, worship and awe. We know that You are Love in its purest form; You are Divine in all Your ways. We live in this world but we are not of this world. Our essence was created from Yours as we are Your image and likeness.

    Forgive us for all that we think, say and do that separate us from the presence of Your Love.

    Gratitude is our song of praise morning, noon and night. We are grateful for our waking up and our lying down. We are grateful for nourishment, shelter, and all that You provide. We are grateful for life more abundantly, not in riches or glory but in the internal peace that we receive from Your presence. This is our true joy!

    Lord, we desire a closer walk with Thee. We crave Your Love in our thoughts, our words and in our deeds. We want to love others as we love ourselves under the perfection of Your Love. We desire love that blocks weapons of mass destruction, we speak Love that renews a troubled mind, we stand as Love to encourage a downtrodden spirit. O Lord, our God, we are one with You and we strive to be Love as You are Love. Amen.

    Unconditional Love

    Love is unconditional. Love does not say, if you do this…I will do that, this is not love; it is a contract and the terms of agreement are spoken in if’s. Love is not based on what you can get, rather what you will give freely; I speak this not in fleshly terms. I speak from a place of spiritual understanding; God understanding. There is a responsibility that comes with giving love in the physical and even in this there is a spiritual aspect. Love is energy; a powerful force that should not be taken for granted.

    Hate also, like love, is energy that should not be passed around. It is quite toxic and can spread like a disease. The only cure for hate is pure love. John 1:5 says, The light shines in the darkness, and the darkness has not overcome it. Love is light and hate is darkness. Sometimes hate is disguised as a prerogative… it’s my prerogative! We all have a right to what we think and feel and believe but if your prerogative oppresses another, makes another feel less than a child of God, then your prerogative is not built on love.

    Unconditional love accepts people and their faults, it does not judge. When people offend you, it does not mean that you accept or approve of their behavior; you can still love them. We all have God inside of us and we are on a journey toward Kingdom living. While on that journey we will make mistakes and we all are worthy of forgiveness for our words and actions that bring harm. This is how God’s love in us is to be lived. This is the love that can bring healing and perfection. This is unconditional love.

    Essential Love

    Major religions believe that the essence of God is love. So, we have come to know and to believe the love that God has for us. God is love, and whoever abides in love abides in God, and God abides in him.1 John 4:16 (Christian); [Allah] is the Forgiving and Loving.Qur’an 85:14 (Islam), Love is the mystery of divine revelations! Love is the effulgent manifestation! Love is the spiritual fulfillment! Love is the light of the Kingdom! Love is the breath of the Holy Spirit inspired into the human spirit! Love is the cause of the manifestation of the Truth (God) in the phenomenal world! Love is the necessary tie proceeding from the realities of things through divine creation!–`Abdu’l-Bahá, Tablets of `Abdu’l-Bahá v3[1] (Baha’i) and the Dalai Lama says, All major religious traditions carry basically the same message, that is love, compassion and forgiveness. The important thing is they should be part of our daily lives.

    God’s love is in us and around us searching to perfect us. A relationship must be built on a foundation of God’s love, whether it is friendship, family or love relationship it must be built on a foundation of God’s love. A worldly love does not lend itself to supporting us in troubling times. The worldly love is based on emotions and passions rather than wisdom. Wisdom is about discerning via God’s word and prayer, the right decisions in our lives. There is no healthy relationship that excludes love, compassion, hope and forgiveness. You can know all the scriptures of your holy writ but if you don’t have love, you are nothing. If I have the gift of prophecy and can fathom all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have a faith that can move mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing.1 Corinthians 13:2

    Love, God’s love, is the Source of life. Search within yourself for God’s love to share it with others; this is essential to our existence and the survival of the plan

    Journal…..Contemplating Love



    The sisters of the church, the old Mothers, knew the power of moaning. They moaned their prayer requests unto the Lord, they moaned for their men; they moaned for their children, they moaned for the preacher unto the Lord. It came from a place deep in the unseen recesses, a place where only God could go. The Holy Spirit dwells in that place but Satan could not grasp it, could not overtake that space—that place in the soul where the deepest desires of hope and love live. Out of the slave tradition, moaning does not come out of pain rather, faith. It is a kind of blissful rendition of a song, often mixed with humming and spontaneous melodic variations.

    There was the ring shout that was done in the old mother church when the people formed a circle, the music; a Spiritual, traveled into a strong driving rhythm. The people would move slowly and then the pace would pick up. A musical phrase would be repeated over and over again as a call and response as the people moved, stomped, and danced faster and faster. The educated preachers and congregations banned this frenzied tradition as it was just so undignified and exasperating to their sensibilities. They missed the power of the Holy Spirit in the ring shout.

    Listen! You can hear a stirring song, moaned in acapella, hear the men and women moan, Sometimes I feel discouraged and think my works in vain, but then the Holy Spirit revives my soul again. There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole; there is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul. There’s a sin sick soul in all of us and this is a season of moaning—a season of ashes. Daniel moaned, I turned to the Lord God, pleading in earnest prayer, with fasting, sackcloth and ashes. Moaning is our surrender to God giving over our sinful ways…we are in the ring shout. Feel the rhythm of the ancestors, moan through your wounds, moan from your soul, shout Holy Spirit, SHOUT! Move and moan in the ring shout…dance in the ashes children, moan and dance little gods! Heal my sisters, heal my brothers…hear the ancestors moan;

    "Don’t ever feel discouraged, for Jesus is your friend;

    And if you lack for knowledge, He’ll never refuse to lend.

    There is a balm in Gilead to make the wounded whole;

    There is a balm in Gilead to heal the sin sick soul."

    (African American Spiritual)

    I Am in Prayer

    When I was little the first prayer I prayed as a little girl was, "Now I lay me down to sleep I pray the Lord my

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