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Christian Leaders
Christian Leaders
Christian Leaders
Ebook49 pages45 minutes

Christian Leaders

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About this ebook

The author's desire, in writing this book, is to provide the evangelical Christian community with a practical handbook on leadership and leadership. The Christian Leader's main purpose is to help Pastors, as well as other Christian workers working in lower leadership positions, to understand the concept of leadership in the performance of their duties and to help them exercise this leadership with care and efficiency. His approach is imbued with the desire to see the work of God, which all too often suffers from a chronic lack of leadership. The author wishes that the use of this book will answer a real need in this domain and that it will be of a common and appreciable utility.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 19, 2019
Christian Leaders

Rév. Wilguymps Charles

L’auteur est un Ministre ordonné, diplômé du Séminaire Théologique de Gordon Conwell. Il est le Pasteur titulaire de l’Eglise Baptiste Evangélique des Rachetés à Medford, Massachusetts (U.S.A.) qu’il dirige depuis plus de 24 ans. Pendant longtemps, l’auteur hésita d’afficher son appui à une telle célébration jusqu’au jour, où, convaincu par le Saint-Esprit, il croit trouver un atout majeur à explorer dans le texte de Luc 1 :26-38 …, que la date du 25 Décembre puisse être, en réalité, la date de la naissance du Sauveur Jésus. Alors, lisez ces pages et méditez profondément sur ce que vous aurez lu, et tirez votre propre conclusion en comparant ce que vous avez cru ou pensé dans le temps avant la lecture de cet ouvrage. Que le Saint-Esprit vous aide à comprendre les démarches qui ont été effectuées dans sa rédaction et vous persuade à accepter les faits qui y sont rapportés comme étant authentiques !

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    Book preview

    Christian Leaders - Rév. Wilguymps Charles

    Copyright © 2019 by Rev. Wilguymps Charles.

    ISBN:                Softcover                  978-1-7960-2201-8

                              eBook                       978-1-7960-2200-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    All biblical quotations are from the New International Version, N.I.V. copyright of 1973, 1978, 1985 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

    Certain stock imagery © Getty Images.

    Rev. date: 03/18/2019








    Chapter 1   What is a Leader?

    Chapter 2   Why leadership?

    Chapter 3   How to recognize a good leader?

    Chapter 4   The characteristics of a leader.

    Chapter 5   The fundamental principles of leadership.

    Chapter 6   The Pastor as a leader.

    Chapter 7   Nehemiah an exemplary leader.


    T HIS BOOK ON Christian leadership is first dedicated to my family, and especially to my wife Jusleine E. Charles and my daughter Joanne Charles. I thank them for their support and encouragement during the writing of this book.

    In the second place, I especially dedicate this work to the deacon Wisler Exilhomme who approached me and encouraged me to undertake the writing of this work. For my part, I did not think of writing another book so quickly, but during one of our conversations, he managed to persuade me to embark on this new project.

    Then I dedicate it to all the members of the Evangelical Baptist Church of the Redeemed (EBCR), a congregation I have been leading as Pastor for over 25 years.

    I finally dedicate it to Rev. Wesnel René, and all my friends.


    I THANK THE Almighty from the bottom of my heart for inspiring me and giving me the privilege of writing this book. The leader Christian is a basic training book dedicated to Christian leaders. He discusses how to exercise the authority to feed the flock of God, which is entrusted to our charge, in order to avoid the reproduction of a scene similar to that portrayed by the prophet Ezekiel " So they were scattered because they was no shepherd, and when they were scattered they became food for all the wild animals. " (Ezekiel 34: 5)

    I have the honor of presenting this book to the evangelical Christian community as a practical guide and training for leaders.

    I dedicate his pages to all those who are looking for a manual of this kind to help them, either in courses of collective academic training or in individual use.

    To God be the glory!

    Rev. Wilguymps CHARLES.



    T HE LEADING FUNCTION is an essential element of the administration. It is a key factor in the proper functioning of any serious organization wishing to exercise some authority over the members of a group, and hoping that this group operates according to the standard set by that organization. Alain Leblay tells us: " As long as a movement does not have a leader, it is uncontrollable. " Therefore, the presence of a qualified leader within an organization is something that is necessary to encourage members of a group to submit to principles based on rules of conduct, laws, or established

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