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The Hidden Truth About Living the True Life
The Hidden Truth About Living the True Life
The Hidden Truth About Living the True Life
Ebook96 pages1 hour

The Hidden Truth About Living the True Life

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This book is about the mind of God, the mind of man, and the mind of robot. The mind of God is what I call the Universal Server (Uninet), and the mind of man the Global Server (Internet). God created man in his own image to carry out his will. Man also created the robot in his own image to carry out his will. The mind of the robot is the computer, and it connects to the mind of his creator, the mind of man, the global server (Internet) for information. While man connects to the mind of his creator, the mind of God, the Universal Server (Uninet) for information. While man is the son of God, the robot is the son of man. What you can do on the Internet, you can do on the Uninet. Just like man was created in the image of God, the Internet was created in the image of the Uninet. To connect to the Internet, one needs a service provider like AOL, Comcast, Starcomms, MTN, etc. And to connect to the Uninet, one also needs a service provider—Jesus Christ for the Christians, Mohamed for the Muslims, Buddha for the Buddhists, Krasner for the Indus, etc.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 22, 2019
The Hidden Truth About Living the True Life

Arojojoye 'Bayo

Mr. Arojojoye, Moses Adebayo was born in Ijebu Ode, Ogun State of Nigeria in 1952. He attended Ebenezer African Church School, Ibadan; Government College, Apata, Ibadan; Central YWMCA Community College, Chicago, Illinois, United States in 1974; and University of Illinois, Circle Campus, Chicago, studying medicine, which was eventually abandoned for a course on human mind—an aspect of psychology. At this juncture, young Bayo discovered that he had to study computer science because the human mind and computer function alike. In 1987, he established Compunet Business Systems Centre in Bolingbrook, Illinois, and began coaching people on how to connect to God by using their mind as a computer. He is happily married with children.

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    Book preview

    The Hidden Truth About Living the True Life - Arojojoye 'Bayo

    The HIDDEN TRUTH about

    living the TRUE LIFE

    Adebayo Arojojoye

    Copyright © 2016 by Adebayo Arojojoye.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Thinkstock are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 07/15/2016






    The Dream

    Chapter 1 Conversation with God

    Chapter 2 Who You Are

    Chapter 3 The Identity of Man

    Chapter 4 What You Are

    Chapter 5 The Computer and the Mind

    Chapter 6 Memory

    Chapter 7 Man Lost Concious Connection with God

    Chapter 8 The Operating System (DOS)

    Chapter 9 The Upgrade

    Chapter 10 The Uninet

    Chapter 11 The Science of Believing

    Chapter 12 Faith

    Chapter 13 Manifestation

    Chapter 14 The Kingdom of God

    Chapter 15 The Upgrade

    Chapter 16 Programing

    Chapter 17 The Virus

    Chapter 18 The Antivirus

    Chapter 19 Synchronization

    Chapter 20 Goal Contracts


    This book is about the Mind of God, the mind of Man and the Mind of Robot. The mind of God is what I call the Universal Server (Uninet) and the mind of man the Global Server (Internet). God created man in His own image to carry out His Will. Man also created the robot in his own Image to carry out his will. The mind of the robot is the computer and it connects to the mind of his creator the mind of man, the global server (internet) for information. While man connects to the mind of his creator, the mind of God, the Universal Server (Uninet) for information. While man is the son of God, the robot is the son of man. What you can do on the internet, you can do on the Uninet. Just like man was created in the image of God, the internet was created in the image of the Uninet. To connect to the internet, one needs a service provider like AOL, Comcast, Starcomms, MTN, etc….. And to connect to the Uninet, one also needs a Service Provider, Jesus Christ for the Christians, Mohamed for the Muslims, Buddha for the Buddhists, Krasner for the Indus, etc….

    So you see, there are two main servers in the Universe, a global server Internet and a Universal Server Uninet. They are a mirror image of each other. Everything on the internet came from the mind of man and everything in the mind of man came from the Mind of God. The book explains how to tap into the mind of God and download anything your heart desires in the same way you download information from the internet. Everything man invented was downloaded from the Mind of God into the mind of the inventor. It is just that simple. The Bible says my people perish for a lack of knowledge. This book will change the way you have been viewing God and your personal relationship with HIM. It was inspired by God through a dream I had several years ago.

    The Dream

    In this dream, I was in church. To my left was a lady standing next to me and in front of us was a long table the full length of the distance between us. Behind us was a partition with an opening to the back of the partition right next to me.

    People were lined up from the entrance to the church to the front of the lady. She talked to them and when she finished talking to them, she sent them to me. When they got to me, I handed them a package and directed them to the back of the partition. I noticed that behind the partition they were lined up while they were been processed to enter Heaven.

    The dream switched. Inside my head was a tunnel running from Earth to Heaven. The tunnel was lit with a very bright white light. Inside the tunnel was a bright white light with people dressed in white gowns lined up going to Heaven. I said, oh my God, they are all going to heaven and I am the one leading them there. I woke up.

    I went to see my pastor and told him about the dream. He interpreted the dream and told me that the lady and myself will be leading people to God. I told the dream to other pastors and prophets. They all gave me the same interpretation. So, I went back to God and asked Him what was I giving to the people that was taking them to Heaven. Hence, the birth of this book, you are reading.

    It was after hearing from God that I became aware of a journey I started years before. This journey was about the MIND. Someone once told me to take control of my mind. I told him you can’t control your mind and he said yes you can. A few days later, I went to the Library, while I was at the Library, I went to the receptionist desk to ask about where I could find the books on the Mind. Then she showed me a book which the post man I ran into at the door just dropped off. The title of the book was Silver Mind Control Method. I said wow!!!!!, this is God because this is the book that I am looking for. I studied the book and practiced the methods that were established in the book and found out that they worked. Now I can control my mind. The urged to control my mind became an obsession with a passion for more knowledge about the mind. It was this passion that led me to make this book public so that I can share this knowledge with anyone who has an interest in understanding the human mind in relation to God.

    Thank you.


    Conversation with God

    O N JANUARY 1 ST , 2007, I was in my living room feeling lonely and depressed; I had just come home from Church and I felt all alone. I asked God, where are you? Then HE answered, right here. And I said if you are here with me, why do I feel so lonely and so empty? Again I asked where are you? And again He said right here and I said but I don’t see YOU. Then He said go to the bathroom. When I got to the bathroom, He asked me to look in the mirror. HE asked me what do you see and I told HIM I see me. HE said no. He asked me again, what do you see? I looked around the bathroom and I told HIM I see the toilet, the shower, the shower curtain, the towels and everything else that was in the bathroom. He said no and He asked me once again, what do you see? Now

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