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When There Comes a Time
When There Comes a Time
When There Comes a Time
Ebook177 pages2 hours

When There Comes a Time

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About this ebook

Katie Macintosh suffers from anxiety, regret and fear and must go through the battle of choosing pain vs. freedom. She is loved by her children, Leslie, Tara and Cole, her husband and faithfully nosy neighbor. But does their support give her any relief? Does she choose to live with the fear she has or finally put herself out of her misery?
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateMar 19, 2019
When There Comes a Time

Chelsea Nenno

Chelsea Nenno lives in Spokane Washington and enjoys time with her son, family and friends. She owns CN Massage and loves working with her Massage Members. She dreams of sunny days on the beach and loves to escape the mental chaos of the world through music and books.

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    When There Comes a Time - Chelsea Nenno

    Copyright © 2019 Chelsea Nenno.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2376-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2377-9 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date:  11/19/2019




    Chapter One

    Chapter Two

    Chapter Three

    Chapter Four

    Chapter Five

    Chapter Six

    Chapter Seven

    Chapter Eight

    Chapter Nine

    Chapter Ten

    Chapter Eleven

    Chapter Twelve

    Chapter Thirteen

    Chapter Fourteen

    Chapter Fifteen

    Chapter Sixteen

    Chapter Seventeen

    Chapter Eighteen

    Chapter Nineteen

    From The Author

    About The Author


    At 12 years old I put a pen to paper and began a story I only hoped would be on a shelf at the nearest book store with my name on it. Many years have gone by and finally my little self feels seen and heard.

    As I look back at all the years between then and now so much life has happened. I’m not much different than the little girl who wrote this story but I have experienced and learned so much more.

    A quick shout out to those of you who have shaped me growing up and to those who have currently just entered my life making me brave enough to step into the God-given purpose I have within me. THANK YOU!

    But the real thank you that I cannot go without acknowledging is my beautiful mama. Thank you, Mom. We’ve struggled, but oh how that struggle has turned our relationship into something so beautiful. Somehow this story is yours too. Thank you for teaching me about HOPE. I love you.

    And to all of you who are holding this book in your hands whether you paid for it or not. Thank you.


    dedicate this book to my family and to my 12 year old self.

    You are not a quitter.


    Are you kidding me!?

    Katie stared at him, her eyes wide, her smile engulfing her face.

    Well… I am on my knee and I do have a ring, Jeff said, looking around at the expanse of land. The night was clear, the stars bright. Jeff’s truck put them in the spotlight. Katie couldn’t stop laughing. She tried to pull him from the wet ground but he grabbed her hands instead and held them close to his chest.

    Baby, if I had nothing but you, I’d still be the richest man in the world. Without you by my side I don’t have meaning. His eyes filled, Will you marry me? His vulnerability made her want to break. I swear I mean it. He smirked.

    Excitement filled her veins. Yes! Yes! Yes! He couldn’t have looked more relieved, or pleased. Jeff stood removing the simple diamond ring from the velvet case and slipped it onto Katie’s finger. Her smile said everything her tears didn’t. Jeff spoke to her soul, I promise you, Katie Marie Sanders, to love you forever and to protect you. He gripped her hands tighter. I promise to support you and give you my very best.

    Katie held back her sobs while he convinced her of his love. I promise to never leave you, to never walk away without working it out first.

    He pulled her into his embrace. Her temple pressed against his chest. Their hearts beating as one.

    I love you, too, Jeff. I never want to hurt you. I never want to be a nagging wife. He brought his lips to hers and smiled as she spoke against his kiss, You’re my breath, my heartbeat, my purpose.

    Jeff picked her up and spun her around, placing her on the ground, Baby, you complete me.

    Katie’s heart leapt with joy and she knew from this day forward she could never live without Jeff Cameron. He was her oxygen, she was his and he promised he would never, ever leave her.

    chapter one

    Don’t go to work.

    Hmm… I wouldn’t mind staying right here all day.

    Don’t do that! Playfully she pushed his mouth from her neck. He tightened his grip. She tried to stifle her laughter as he whispered in her ear. She jumped out of bed and pointed a finger at him. His eyes sparkled with fun.

    You know I can’t help myself. He laughed and patted the bed. Truce? I have five minutes. Get back in here.

    She edged closer and hopped back under the covers with a wary eye when he smirked and reached back to grab her. She squealed and her feet landed on the cold wood floor.

    I always fall for that! I never should believe your truces.

    A toddler’s cry came from the hall. Jeff sat up as their fun ended. Katie sighed, as she went to comfort their two year old daughter.

    Jeff met her in the living room and kissed her forehead.

    We’re framing the Jameson’s house today. You could come by later.

    Katie nodded. I wish you could call it a day.

    Believe me… He kissed their nursing daughter, then brushed a promising kiss against Katie’s lips. I do, too. He smiled.

    I love you.

    I love you. And he walked out the door.

    When Leslie finished nursing, Katie went to confirm her suspicions of another little Cameron. The two pink lines proved what she already knew. As soon as Leslie woke from her nap, she would head to the Jameson’s and tell Jeff the news.

    Two hours later the phone rang.

    Mrs. Cameron?

    This is she.

    This is Captain Richie from Fire Department 1. Your husband was just transported to Memorial Hospital. We need you to meet us there.

    Dread filled her body. She shook as she called her father. Her mother kept Leslie and her dad drove her to the hospital. Katie’s legs threatened to give way as the nurses took her back to a waiting room. Two men in scrubs were talking in hushed tones and one gave the other a sympathetic look. The air in her lungs felt solid as the tall, dark haired doctor came to her.

    Mrs. Cameron?

    Katie nodded. The doctor looked down and sighed. Connecting with her eyes,

    I’m sorry. But your husband…

    No! Don’t say it. Her father wrapped his arms around her waist.

    The doctor didn’t have to. He looked at her father and nodded, I can take you back in a few minutes.

    Panic gripped her like a straight jacket. Katie screamed. She writhed out of her fathers grip.

    Katherine! Her fathers authoritative voice hushed her. Tears of anguish racked her body. They were led to the room where Jeff was lying.

    She leaned over his body and grasped his face. Jeff! Baby wake up! Please! The tears blurred her vision and the pain in her heart threatened to explode. She held her breath and counted, hoping when she got to sixty he would inhale.

    Jeff! Jeff. She climbed onto the hospital bed and laid beside him. Jeff! She sputtered his name over and over as she wrapped her arms around his limp body.

    Her father came to her side and gently brushed her hair back as she lay there holding her dead husband. The nurses came in to take him away. She fought to stay sane. They wheeled Jeff’s body out of the room. She followed, until they pushed open the swinging double doors.

    I’m sorry, Mrs. Cameron

    Silently her tears fell as she leaned against the wall and slid to the ground. Slowly the world unfolded around her and she knew she would never be the same. Leslie and this new little one no longer had a father and the mother she had been five hours earlier was dead right along side him.


    The service was similar to being in a ring with an opponent twelve times her size. Leslie continued calling out for her daddy and each time Katie felt the pain in her gut.

    We’re so glad you’re home, Sweetie. Her mom kept saying to her as she moved her belongings back into her childhood home the following week. The girls called today, why don’t you spend some time with them?

    Her mom was right. She needed fresh air.

    That night Julie, Stacy and Emma took her out to their happy place. It was a hole in the wall bar where the four of them could people watch as long as they wanted. Live bands played and they would find themselves drinking, dancing and laughing until someone suggested it was time for them to go home.

    Tonight the girls watched her carefully and she hated it. Stacy saw a group of their friends from high school sitting at one of the booths when they arrived. They joined their table and Katie was squeezed between Julie and a stranger next to her. She excused herself and found her usual quiet spot in the corner.

    She sat there in a daze knowing she would always be pretending she was fine. She would never be happy again. She closed her eyes and listened to the music. Jeff’s death and the new baby were wreaking havoc on her emotions, and she was drowning.

    Moving into her parents house had been the right choice. Leaving the scene and ignoring the memories of Jeff felt like a step in the right direction.

    The band stopped and when she opened her eyes a soft pair of green ones met hers. Her seat buddy from earlier.

    I’m Tom.

    Hello. He took that as a welcome and made himself comfortable in the seat next to hers. The waiter came by and he ordered. Her eyes screamed he was intruding, hoping he would leave. She took a sip of her lemon water before she could kick him out. She knew her friends had an unforgivable streak of match-making, no matter the anger it caused the victim.

    Did Stacy put you up to coming over here?

    Nope. Just thought you could use the company.

    You feel bad for me? She said straight faced and stared at the band.

    Nah, just thought a pretty lady shouldn’t be alone.

    Ha. He had no clue.

    Listen dude, She leaned forward, intently throwing daggers. Still wanna sit here? ’Cause I sure don’t want you to.

    He sipped his drink.

    Nothing more refreshing than straight honesty,

    Katie sat back disgusted and sighed. The girls had brought her here to get out of the house. Countless times she would sit in this exact corner and reminisce her life while her friends would get wasted. It had been enjoyable at one point. Her new friend was not making her happy place feel very happy.

    He didn’t say anything else. He drank and listened to the music with her. The band played an acoustic piece. Surprisingly she couldn’t help steal glances his way. He didn’t look uncomfortable and didn’t say sorry like everyone else was these days.

    The band called it a night and the girls were wobbling towards them with their coats on. Tom’s eyes met hers and Katie felt for an instant she was looking at Jeff.

    Tomorrow, same time, same place?

    Katie couldn’t look away. She absently said yes, wishing desperately it was Jeff’s face that matched the light green ones she suddenly was melting into.

    The next two weeks Katie and Tom would meet every night at the same spot. Once she was comfortable enough she would talk and he would too.

    Three weeks later she walked into her parent’s house announcing she was getting married.

    Her parents disagreed and she wouldn’t stand their pity. The courthouse made it quick and simple. They moved from Colorado to Tennessee and shortly after, Katie told him she was pregnant.

    What he didn’t need to know was the baby wasn’t his.

    chapter two

    Sarah Leblanc could feel the urgency to pray for Katie Mackintosh. It had been 10 years since the young family had moved in next door. Sarah and her husband, James had tried to make them as welcome as they would have wanted themselves. Sarah loved their children as the girls were quiet and observant and Cole reminded her of her own little grandson.

    Sarah had hoped she could give Tom and Katie a friend base, one they could rely on. It didn’t take much figuring out that Katie liked her space and had walls up the height of Everest.

    Sarah was grateful Paul had the heart to hire her at his art studio. Katie had taken to it right away and Sarah saw that work became her life. The office became her home.

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