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Cross-Cultural Ministry
Cross-Cultural Ministry
Cross-Cultural Ministry
Ebook49 pages1 hour

Cross-Cultural Ministry

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This book is a reexamination of the great commission that was given by Jesus Christ. The command to go into all of the world was given to a group of Jewish believers that followed Christ. The scripture record presents the Jewish people as chosen by God. To have that distinction brought with it not only a religious divide but a natural separation. While we celebrate cultural identity, this book looks at the incredible challenge connected with identity and the response to the great commission. Jesus, being fully aware of the challenges they would face, sent these men. I believe that Jesus knew the power of the message of the Gospel. This message would not only change the world; it will change the messenger.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMar 22, 2019
Cross-Cultural Ministry

Kevin T. Brown

Kevin Brown was born in Atlanta, Georgia. He was greatly impacted by my mother’s commitment to the Lord in her personal devotion and prayer life. He served in the US Army for almost 16 years. He was licensed to preach the Gospel in 1986. His heart was to see others come to know and trust the Lord as he did. For over 30 years he have served the body of Christ as a preacher and teacher with a passion to see lives transformed by the power of God. The Lord has used the ministry to touch people in Georgia, Alaska, Texas, Kentucky, Washington, Hawaii, Honduras, Central America, Saudi Arabia, Philippines and Nigeria with the message of the Gospel. He is the Senior Pastor of Naalehu Assembly of God on the Big Island of Hawaii.

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    Cross-Cultural Ministry - Kevin T. Brown

    Copyright © 2019 by Kevin T. Brown.

    ISBN:                    Softcover                        978-1-7960-1745-8

                                 eBook                              978-1-7960-1744-1

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 03/21/2019







    Finding our true value

    The Great Commission

    Cross-cultural Ministry

    Rotten Apples

    A Likeness Paradigm

    Created for a Higher purpose

    Sacrifice or Obedience

    The Supply Side

    The Great Commission

    The Heavens declare the glory of the Lord.

    The Old and The New

    In the Garden

    The Paradigm of Separation

    The Church: Conformational or Transformational


    There are so many people that have been instrumental in both the content and the contextual arguments presented in this book. Without them it would have been unlikely that this book would be have been published.

    First I thank my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, who taught me to love people in a way that I never could alone. I thank my Mother for her unrelenting faith in God, her life of prayer and the godly example she set in the early formation of faith in my life. I thank my wife Minda for her encouragement and understanding in writing this book. I thank the many pastors, ministers and church members who have been so instrumental in my walk of faith. God has used you to help me see the value of Cross-cultural ministries.


    Why should this book be written? This is a question many authors struggle with. Is it necessary? Is the topic important to people other than you? Pondering these issues could be quite discouraging, however in the search for one’s purpose, one’s reason for existence one must find courage to speak even when it seems to be little reason for our voice to be heard. In over 30 years of ministry, there has been one unchanging need in the life of people everywhere. This need is at the core of the work of the ministry. I say work because what we have been called to do is not easy. It will challenge not only our activity, the service we provide, but also our attitude about those to which we are to serve.

    How do we feel about the poor and the rich? What is our attitude toward those who are not like us, socially or ethnically? What about those of a different belief or those that don’t believe at all? Do we categories them or treat them differently? The work of ministry challenges all who answer the call by encouraging even commanding

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