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Group Home: True Stories of Troubled Teens
Group Home: True Stories of Troubled Teens
Group Home: True Stories of Troubled Teens
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Group Home: True Stories of Troubled Teens

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About this ebook

This book is dedicated to all the young people of various backgrounds in America (and the world), who are living unfortunate lives because of selfish adults. These are the types of adults who have their own agendas in mind; not the youths requiring supervision
Release dateApr 10, 2019
Group Home: True Stories of Troubled Teens

Youth World

Youth World is a single father of three boys. He is the author of two books. His goal is to make a difference to the youth of the world. At present, he is a proud resident of Queens, New York. His goal is to make his first book a movie, to encourage males to do their jobs as fathers, for the sake of all our young.

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    Group Home - Youth World

    © 2019 Youth World. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse 04/09/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-0473-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-0474-8 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-0472-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019903404

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    This book is dedicated to all the young people of various backgrounds in America (and the world), who are living unfortunate lives because of selfish adults. These are the types of adults who have their own agendas in mind; not the youths requiring supervision and assistance to make their lives worth living.

    Disclaimer: Names and identifying details were changed to protect the privacy of individuals.


    About the Author


    Story 1     Misunderstood

    Story 2     Runaway Mommy

    Story 3     In Need of Stability to Grow

    Story 4     Surfing The System

    Story 5     I Got This

    Story 6     Everythingis all Crazy

    Story 7     A Different Twist

    Story 8     Innocence

    Story 9     Blowin’ In the Wind

    Story 10   Just A Little T.l.c.

    Story 11   Confused and Abused

    Story 12   What’s poppin’

    Story 13   Which way is up?

    Story 14   Group Home History


    About the author


    Y OUTH WORLD IS A SINGLE father of three boys. He is the author of two books. His goal is to make a difference to the youth of the world. At present, he is a proud resident of Queens, New York. His goal is to make his first book a movie, to encourage males to do their jobs as fathers, for the sake of all our young.



    I WROTE THIS BOOK BECAUSE I am sick of seeing our children and teens approaching a bleak future. I am sick of seeing homeless teens and young adults of all races coming out of broken homes, and family members not stepping up to the plate and help ease the pain and stress our youth endures. I’m tired of parents thinking about themselves instead of carving some time out of their overwhelmed lives and focus on the lives they helped to make.

    I wrote this book to bring awareness to the people of America and the world. My goal is to make adults realize the impact they have on the lives of their children, and not allow their issues, or low self-esteem, disturb the growth or blossom of this new generation. A generation of innocent youths contaminated by an environmental world of greed, selfishness, and prejudices, in which there seems no end.

    They are not receiving the foundation they profoundly require to stay afloat and work their way into the next level of existence God intends that we do. I want youths to abandon their parents’ negative ways and formulate a new U.S.A. that allows all kids of different backgrounds, religion, culture, and ideology to come together in one big melting pot.

    I would like to see the old school generation step down and allow the new generation to take control of life. Previous generations had an opportunity to give their grandkids a better future and failed.

    We the people must begin to dig deep and make changes for the betterment of our children and our community. So, to all the adults who have the patience to make changes, let’s alter the way we do things and provide a productive future for generations to come. Hey, they didn’t ask to be here; so, let’s make an improved existence possible for their future.

    Story one



    T ONI IS A SEVENTEEN YEAR old male, who enjoys dressing as a female, and he had something on his mind to release.

    Toni told me that his mother put him out the house because he was out of control. Around the age 16 he was sent to a group home facility in New York.

    According to him, in his own words, It was mad scary. The staff treated me with respect, but in a shitty way.

    Later, he said, "The kids there would rob and beat people up. They did it to me, and the staff did nothing.

    All they would do is take away an individual’s weekend pass that’s used to leave the facility, and if need be, call the ambulance, but not the police.

    Toni admitted that he didn’t get into many conflicts, but there was a time when a dude wanted some jeans that he had. Toni told the guy he didn’t want to give them up. That night, Toni got jumped in the bathroom by four boys while everyone was asleep. They knocked out his front tooth.

    As Toni told the story, he pointed to it, and said, The staff did nothing at all. It’s like jail in there, he said. "It’s nasty and dirty. The staff tells you when to go to sleep and when to wake up. If you’ve been there for a long time as a resident, and do something wrong, and a staff member likes you, you will have no problems.

    "They call that, holding weight. But if you do something staff don’t like, or cuss around them. They will hold your allowance, and are not supposed to do that. They must give you your money, by law.

    "They start us off with 11 dollars, and each month gives you 10 dollars more, as-long-as you’re still living there. So, within five months that’s about fifty bucks. They’re supposed to give us 200 dollars every month from the state. Instead, they give us 50 dollars out of the 200 because most kids smoke it up and run away, because of the treatment that’s happening there.

    "It’s like a correctional facility…seriously!

    "You can leave at the age of eighteen, only if you were taken from your parents’ house. But if your parents brought you there, you can stay as-long as you please, up until twenty-one.

    "There’s sexual activity going on in there which is not allowed. If you are cool with the staff members and you tell them you want to have sex with another person they’ll let it happen.

    "Once you get there, they tell you the rules, and having sex is out. But, if someone wants to have you they will take you, and there’s really nothing you can do about it. That goes for boys and girls.

    "I was in a facility that had boys and girls, and a section for transsexuals, where I stayed. I heard once staff was dealing (sex wise) with the girls in there, but it’s a fifty, fifty thing; you can’t believe everything you hear. But, yeah, there have been staff members messing with the girls. I can vouch for that.

    I was in the home for a full year, and would run away often. They would put out a warrant on me and bring me back to the facility. I told them I wanted a transfer, and they told me it would take a while. You can scream and pout about the matter but you must comply.

    Story two



    I CAME ACROSS THIS YOUNG LADY by the name of Kenya, who was a tall light-skinned girl with a great attitude, as she told me about herself.


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