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Effective Preaching
Effective Preaching
Effective Preaching
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Effective Preaching

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Today, I encourage you to turn your thoughts to the Father. Ask him to show you his love in a fresh, new way. Get a picture of him standing before you with his arms stretched toward you, ready to lead you through the valley to the place of peace, rest, and victory.
Release dateApr 16, 2019
Effective Preaching

Paul K Irad

I was born and brought up in a small village called Gikomora in Murang’a County Kenya. After my primary and secondary education I went to Nairobi to look for employment and eventually left Kenya for London. I am married with grown up adults and happy to see what God has done in their lives. When I arrived in United Kingdom I enrolled myself with a college and successfully completed Business Administration Diploma and Hotel Operation and Management. Eventually I started my Bachelor in Church Ministry. afterward I enrolled to do Master’s in Biblical Studies and that’s when I started asking God what I can do with the knowledge I have. I have been to Pentecostal Churches in the past few years and I want to thank Pastor Stephen Kasuvu for giving me a chance to be among the Ministers in Jesus Restoration Centre without him it could have been so hard to know how effective I can be in terms of preaching. I bless God for him. Now I am a member of Presbyterian Church PCEA UK Outreach and because I help my pastor in preaching and even teaching in church monthly Districts fellowships I decided to be keeping the notes for my future use and that is how I came up with this book called effective preaching. The opportunities and support I get from my Pastor Rev Edwin Kibathi is phenomenal. Truly without him my dream of writing this book would not have become a reality. I bless God for bringing this man of God to my life. I cannot forget to thank my wife Elizabeth who has been my intercessor my friend and more so my encourager in times when felt like giving up. Becoming an effective preacher means you have to focus on the saviour and always remember the goal is to bring sinners closer to God. Anything else will pass away but the word of God will remain forever. Gold will come along the way, good name will follow but the focus and the mission statement will remain Go ye therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptising them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit:

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    Effective Preaching - Paul K Irad

    © 2019 Paul K Irad. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  04/15/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-8737-6 (sc)

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    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    In 1 King 18:41-46, Elijah the prophet of God experienced divine speed …

    In 1 King 18:41-46 NIV, Elijah the prophet of God experienced divine speed. He encouraged King Ahab to eat and drink after a long time of drought then he called on God for rain and the Lord answered. Elijah quickly requested King Ahab to go down with his chariot before the rain stopped him. Now King Ahab rode away and went to Jezreel but the bible says the hand of the Lord came upon Elijah and he girded up his loins and ran ahead of Ahab to the entrance of Jezreel. I pray that this hand of the Lord that was on Elijah the prophet will rest on us to outrun others in Christ name.

    Psalms 1:1 NIV Blessed is the man who does not walk in the council of the wicked his is like a tree planted by the rivers which bears fruits in all season May God plant you by the rivers in 2017 your leaves will never wither nothing that concerns you will wither, your children shall be blessed your brother will be blessed your husband is blessed your sister is blessed your mother will have a new song. Your face shall remain radiant all the year through because you’re planted by the rivers. Your source shall continue to multiply in 2017. You shall be blessed until the blessed call you blessed in Jesus mighty Name.

    Jacob was promised by Laban that after working for 7 years he would receive Rachel as his bride but after the wedding night he realized he was conned and instead of Rachel he was given Leah. Before you receive your desire, sometimes you are given a disappointment. Before you receive what you want, life may first give you what you don’t want. What do you do when life gives you a Leah instead of a Rachel? What do you do when men break their promises? What do you do when people you trusted betray you and breaks your heart? What do you do when you expected a big yes but life gives you a cold No? Jacob never gave up, he never complained, he did not become bitter but he said, I accept the situation but I will still pursue my Rachel, I will go after what I wanted at first That is the attitude of a winner. Make a decision not to give in to the disappointments but pursue the desires of your life. Follow after your vision. Put the Leah behind you and go after the Rachel!

    Psalms 23:1 NIV

    The Lord is my shepherd; I shall not want. He makes me to lie down in green pastures; He leads me beside the still waters. He restores my soul … What a beautiful picture this paints of us walking with God in beautiful, lush, fragrant pastures. It is a picture of peace, security and contentment. But then, the very next verse talks about very different surroundings. In a seemingly abrupt transition, verse four reads, Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil; for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me.

    How in the world did we go from green pastures to the valley of the shadow of death in a Single verse?

    You know, sometimes life is like that. Unexpected circumstances, tragedy and trials take us from one place in life to another in an instant. But no matter where we are in life, no matter what has happened, God is still there. When we look to Him, we don’t have to fear. He always brings peace. He always brings comfort. And notice that it says, Though I walk through … It doesn’t say, Though I end up in the valley of the shadow of death. We have to remember that the dark times don’t last. We don’t have to live in the valley of the shadow of death; we are just passing through. Sometimes when circumstances are so overwhelming, we can begin to feel stuck and limited. If you feel that way today, let this truth sink down into your heart: you are never stuck in the valley. He is leading you to a place of safety and rest. There may be seasons of uncertainty, but that’s when trust kicks in. There may a season of mourning, but God is near to the broken hearted. He is near to all who call on His name. Lift your eyes to Him, focus on His goodness, and let faith rise up in your heart again. Know that God is good. He is not the author of confusion but of peace. John 10:10 tells us that the thief comes to kill, steal and destroy, but Jesus came to give us everlasting and abundant life. God is always on a mission of hope, healing and restoration—a mission of love.

    Today, I encourage you to turn your thoughts to the Father. Ask Him to show you His love in a fresh, new way. Get a picture of Him standing before you with His arms stretched toward you, ready to lead you through the valley to the place of peace, rest and victory.

    Zacchaeus means Pure, Righteous.

    But the people did not see him as pure or righteous the See a short man and a tax collector. Even if we hide, He knows where we are.

    He knew where Zacchaeus was.

    Zacchaeus was probably hiding in the tree when Jesus and the crowd of people came by.

    However Jesus saw the real Zacchaeus.

    He knew who he was supposed to be.

    Jesus doesn’t see who we are, He sees who we are supposed to be.

    Jesus sees the real you and me.

    He sees our real name.

    The world sees us as they want to see us.

    They see us because of what we do, what we portray, who we are.

    They see only our names and a bit of history

    But Jesus sees who we are supposed to be.

    He sees Zacchaeus as pure and righteous.

    He sees potential.

    You see everyone on earth was created with a purpose. Luke 19:1-9 NIV

    Can dead, dry bones live? With God, nothing is impossible. Sometimes we look around ourselves and all we see is a valley of dry, dead bones. It looks pretty hopeless it looks pretty devastating it looks pretty grim. But God’s got a Plan. Get into His Word, and He’ll speak to you. Yield to the Holy Spirit, and He will give you a new life. Speak live to that dead dry situation. Ezekiel 37:1-14 NIV

    Nothing will go wrong in our lives as long as we have Jesus in our boat. In our lives We need Jesus before the storms come:

    The disciples didn’t have to send someone running to get Jesus because He was already in the boat. He was sleeping through the lightning and the thunder and the torrential downpour.

    It wasn’t the storm that woke Jesus. It’s not the wind and rain and thunder in your storm that will wake Jesus.

    What woke Jesus and the thing that frustrated Jesus was the fear in His men and the fact these men had forgotten whose they were and who they were with.

    What wakes Jesus is not your storm but your fear. What frustrates Jesus is the fear in my life, even though He is in the boat. Mark 4:35-41 NIV

    The children of Israel faced mountains on one side, desert on the other, and an enemy at their back. I can tell you right now many of us right now have been in this same place. Problems at home, then when we get to work we are surrounded by chaos at work, friends turn out not to be who we thought they were … If God knew what was going with Israel then he knows what’s going on with us … Remember he said he will never leave us or forsake us.

    The devil will try to turn us back just like the children of Israel. He will do things to scare us. Put fear in our lives so we can cling back to the world we once had … one that we were comfortable in. Make us get back in our box. That’s why another reason God moves to the back … to protect us from going backwards. How many here right now, gets scared and wants to jump back into your old life? Wanna take off and run like the wind. Back to the old you. God places himself between you and the old you so you don’t return to your past. In other words God stands between us and our circumstances. Stand still and see the salvation of God. Exodus 14:5-21 NIV

    Yes, my soul, find rest in God; my hope comes from Him. Truly He is my rock and my salvation; He is my fortress, I will not be shaken. My salvation and my honour depend on God; He is my mighty rock, my refuge.

    Trust in Him at all times, you people; pour out your hearts to Him, for God is our refuge*. Psalm 62:5-8 NIV

    Psalm 62 is a great one for one who feels threatened in one way or another.

    As we pray for our nation, may we *speak to our souls* to submit, to find peace, salvation & refuge in no other but God. 1-2

    Like David *may we find rest in God who he describes 9 times in 5-7 *my* hope, my rock, my salvation, my fortress, my honour, my refuge,

    May we also know God personally like David did. 5 times he refers to *He* or *Him* with confidence in v5-8.

    Our dear heavenly Father help us to trust in you other than scheming how to fight back. May we rely on you as our only source of deliverance? Help us pour our hearts, our anxieties, our pain & our confusion to you as our burden carrier. May we remain in total submission to you, in Jesus name?

    Jabez cried out to the God of Israel, Oh that you would bless me and enlarge my territory! Let your hand be with me, and keep me from harm so that I will be free from pain. And God granted his request.

    If we are pursuing divine breakthrough in any area of our live, then we need to:

    1. Fulfil all the principles of God for divine breakthrough.

    2. Pray fervently for our breakthrough in line with the will of God.

    3. Depend on the power of the Holy Spirit alone to bring about the desired breakthrough. Jabez name mean pain but he refused to live a life of pain let this be a prayer today.1 chronicles 4:9-10 NIV

    I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten, the cankerworm, and the caterpillar, and the palmerworm, my great army which I sent among you.

    Restoration comes when a review of the past activities is carried out. When God says He will restore, He means He is going into your past to see those waste that have decayed. Good news: god knows about the pains of the past. He saw you while you struggled and at the end of the day could not break even. God knows about those wasted dreams, He knows about those investments that went down the drain … He knows about those relationships that failed after much investments … He saw the places where your hopes were dashed! Now He says, ‘I will restore to you the years that the locust hath eaten …" Believe it! Joel 2:25 NIV

    1samuel 30:1-31 NIV

    Destruction of Ziklag made David to return to Hebron. Your comfort zone need to be destroyed for you refocus. While in Ziklag David did not compose any song (Psalm)

    From this story we learn the invaluable truth that we do not have to be able to see God’s hand for us to know that it is there and we do not have to understand how some-thing can be for our good in order for it to be so. Even while David was reaping the consequences of his sin and is at the lowest point in his entire life, God is graciously acting on his behalf to give David the throne of Israel just as he had promised. Just three days after this near revolt by his followers there came a fugitive into the camp with the news that Saul was dead and the way was now open for David to become king (2 Sam. 1:2-4). So it was not in vain that he had strengthened himself in his Lord.

    Even the loss of Ziklag was God’s gracious action in his behalf, because its destruction was the end of his roots in the land of the Philistines and it opened the way for him to move to Hebron where he would begin his rule over Israel. Often God must destroy our links to the world so that we will open our hearts to receive His best.

    Nehemiah 4:1-23 NIV

    Then I stationed men in the lowest parts of the space behind the wall, the exposed places, and I stationed the people in families with their swords, spears and bows. Neh. 4:13

    Rather than moving the people away from the wall – he moved them up to the wall. So they could look at the wall and see how much work they had already done on it and how much still needed to be done. They were reevaluating their goals.

    If you walk away from the wall – you have given up. But is that what you really should do? Nehemiah was saying, We need to look this over. We need to get this problem solved.

    When you get discouraged, don’t give up on your goals. Instead, figure out a way to get it done. When you get discouraged, it doesn’t necessarily mean that you’re doing the wrong thing – you may have just gotten tired. You may have just gotten frustrated. You may just be discouraged. Don’t give up – reevaluate what you’re doing.

    Was it wrong for these Jews to be building the wall? No! They needed protection. They needed to feel secure. They needed to feel a sense of accomplishment. They were half way to the goal – now they needed to keep going.

    …and I stationed the people in families

    Why would he post people together with their families? I think there are a couple reasons. First – they needed to see who they were building the wall for. It was for the protection not just for themselves but for their families also. Second – because families need to encourage one another. When one person in a family gets discouraged – other members can lift him up. We need our fellow Christians to support each other and encourage each other. When I get down – you lift me up. When you get down – I lift you up.

    Jeremiah 29:1-14 NIV

    in verses five and six, of Jeremiah 29, God instructs the exiles to build houses, plant gardens, and take wives. In verse seven the exiles are even told to seek the welfare of the city where they have been it is in order to bloom where we are planted.

    Often we think that when we are in a situation, in which we are uncomfortable or believe is wrong, that we cannot be used by God there. This is not true. Even though conditions may not be ideal God can use us and we can bloom where we have been planted.

    We don’t need to wait for things to change. Though our situation that we are in may not be our ultimate calling it is most certainly our present calling. We have both the freedom and the ability to live lives that are empowered by the Holy Spirit and that shine brightly for the LORD.

    Isaiah 54:2-3 NIV 2"Enlarge the place of your tent, stretch your tent curtains wide, do not hold back; lengthen your cords, strengthen your stakes. 3For you will spread out to the right and to the left; your descendants will dispossess nations and settle in their desolate cities.

    Enlarge and stretch. God is saying: You will not be disgraced. You will spread out to the left and to the right." You will stretch your own curtains because of what the Lord is doing in your life. So, don’t look at what you are now, see the change that is coming.

    Barren women are usually considered fruitless and failures. The Lord is saying, "It doesn’t matter what your condition is presently, a new season is coming your way. Ignore what people have called you. You, whose life was once a laughing stock, be glad. You, whose hopes were dead, dreams were darkened, eyes were swollen with tears, rejoice, burst into songs of praise and thanksgiving. Your God the Lord God of Heaven has remembered you this day.

    Isaiah 45:1-7 NIV

    Cyrus was a man of influence or power. But before he rose to prominence, many scholars believed that in his infancy he encountered adverse conditions that threatened at one time his purpose and destiny; for they believed that Cyrus was an outcast, left exposed to the evil elements of this world as an infant. But, by divine grace he was rescued from perishing by a herdsman wife because he was to be there in a type of the great Redeemer releasing God’s people out of their captivity.

    Cyrus, who was spiritually ignorant of knowing intimately the God of Israel, because of being trained up in the worship of idols was yet called by God to manifest His purposes upon the earth.

    It does not matter who you are or what your vocation is, you are an influencer. It does not matter what your economic status, your culture, race, or age is, nor your level of education, if your life in anyway connects with others, you are an influencer, a driving force for change. And God seeks to work through you to accomplish His purposes by your hand.

    They labelled you as a failure, but yet God has called you. Branded you as a nobody, but yet God has called you and anointed you to do great exploits. Even the religious circles have turned their back on you because of their doctrinal view, but yet God has called you.

    How do we get the walls to fall?

    A. Keep the ark in the centre

    B. Blast the Rams horn. Two horn were used 1) silver trumpet to call the assembly 2) rams horn to sound the victory.

    C. Keep quiet. Let God give us the victory.

    D. Just keep marching until God’s timing.

    1Co 15:58 NIV Therefore, my beloved brethren, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that your labour is not in vain in the Lord.

    The very walls that used to keep you out will be used to propel you to the next level. Just follow God’s instructions.

    If Elisha had told Naaman to go to one of those famous rivers. Many of those present would have assumed that the healing had something to do water of the river but when Elisha said go to the Jordan …, nobody connected the water of that muddy river to the healing …, they would only connect it to faith in God. The link between the river and the healing … Started out with a little girl who had faith enough to tell somebody about the word of God. The river of God bless is still flowing and whoever touch it will be cleansed of his or her sins.

    Our link is the cross and the one who died on the cross in our place … All that we have now melts into nothingness. The fact that he was a great general, the fact that he was courageous, the fact that he was honourable, the fact that he was highly esteemed by his own king, and even the fact that God had lead him to accomplish great victories is completely meaningless, because he is soon doomed to die. He is a leper.1Kings 5:1-15 NIV

    A. We must guard against forgetting God and failing to teach our children. That’s why they were even in this mess. Everyone was doing what was right in their own eyes in Israel. Even Gideon had some idols to remove.

    B. God can use ordinary people to do ordinary things in a great way. The steps of Gideon’s victory are easy to trace: he had a promise to believe, an altar to build, a vessel to break, a lamp to burn, and a trumpet to blow. And God gave the victory! None of these things were that incredibly difficult. But Gideon did them in obedience and God blessed him. There are so many simple things you can do that God will bless: pray, read the Bible, attend church, and share your faith.

    C. A small number with God can do much. Though He is not opposed to having many on His side, God loves to work through the few. You may be among the few in your company or on your ball team that has come out of the winepress to face the challenges of the open plains with the enemy nearby. Gideon and his small band of 300 men turned the tide. For the first time in 7 years, Israel had homes, and crops, and horses, and camels that were not destroyed or taken by the enemy.

    D. One can grow from doubt to great faith. Gideon did it.

    E. Leaders should be courageous and examples for others to follow. Notice how so many rallied behind someone who was so courageous. Many people won’t get involved unless someone more courageous proves the way.

    Are you hiding down in a winepress threshing wheat and afraid to go public with your faith in God – afraid to do the task that God wants you to do? Gideon was bitter, disappointed, timid, and afraid. Like Gideon, we can all give great reasons to be bitter, and push away from God. I’m challenging you today to make a decision. You can’t win any battles down in the winepress! You’ve got to come out into the open and take your stand. People need someone to rally behind as God’s will is pursued. God is calling you a mighty man of valour stop hiding be courageous enough God want to move you from Zero to Hero. Judges 6:1-15, 7:1-25. NIV

    Isaiah 6:1-8 NIV

    In the year that King Uzziah I saw the Lord …

    What are your weaknesses?

    What sins are you hiding and holding onto this morning?

    What aspects of you would you be terrified for others to know about?

    What aspects of you do you even try to hide from yourself or God, even?

    Isaiah came face to face with His sin in the presence of God, and he confessed his sin.

    Then one of [those] winged creatures flew to [him], holding a glowing coal that he had taken from the altar [of the Temple].

    He touched Isaiah’s mouth with the coal, from the place of sacrifice and atonement …

    … metaphorically, this means he touched the broken, lost, and sinful places of Isaiah’s soul …

    … and then he said to Isaiah: "See, this has touched your lips.

    Your guilt has departed, and your sin is removed."

    And this is what the blood of Christ, the sacrifice of Jesus does for us when we come face to face with the Holy God—confessing our sins.

    The blood of Christ washes our sins away, our guilt departs.

    And we are made whole because of it!!!

    Because of how much God loves us.

    Because of what Jesus has done to prove that love, and to save us from ourselves, sin, death and hell.

    The Bible in Luke 15:21-27 NIV tells us that, While he was still a long way off, his father saw him and was filled with compassion for him; he ran to his son, threw his arms around him and kissed him. The son said to him, ’Father I have sinned against heaven and against you. I am no longer worthy to be called your son.’ But the father said to his servants, ’Quick! Bring the best robe and put it on him. Put a ring on his finger and sandals on his feet. Bring the fattened calf and kill it. Let’s have a feast and celebrate. For this son of mine was dead and is alive again; he was lost and now is found.’ So they began to celebrate.

    This parable illustrates God’s willingness to forgive us and grant us salvation, even though we don’t deserve it. If you have not experienced salvation, God stands ready to give it to you. Like the prodigal son, you must come to your senses and have a fundamental attitude shift. Ask God to forgive you of your sins, believe that Jesus is the Son of God who died on the cross and was raised on the third day, and give him first place in your heart and life. This is the beginning of salvation.

    Lessons from the four lepers

    I. First, they were leprous.

    II Kings 7:3, NIV

    And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate … (II Kings 7:3). NIV

    Leprosy is a picture of man’s totally depraved condition, ruined by sin.

    II. Second, they were dying.

    Look at what they said to each other in verse four,

    If we say, we will enter into the city, then the famine is in the city, and we shall die there: and if we sit still here, we die also … (II Kings 7:4). NIV

    These men were dying of starvation. You, too, are dying. You have the sentence of death in your body right now. The Bible says, Death passed upon all men (Romans 5:12) NIV. The Bible says, It is appointed unto men once to die (Hebrews 9:27). NIV

    III. Third, they were outsiders.

    Look at verse three.

    And there were four leprous men at the entering in of the gate … (II Kings 7:3) NIV.

    Aren’t we as lost, at the entering in of the gate, as these lepers were?

    IV. Fourth, they used reason.

    And so I say to some of us who have been going to church for a long time, Why sit here until you die? You may sit here until you commit the unpardonable sin, and are given up by God forever, dead in sin. Or you may sit here until you die physically, in an unconverted state.

    Why sit we here until we die? (II Kings 7:3) NIV

    V. Fifth, they rose up and got what they needed.

    When you rise up and come to Christ - you, too, will get what you need! God will give you the exceeding riches of his grace. You will be loaded down with the riches both of the wisdom and knowledge of God. You will be saved!

    It is time to take action you may be the one people are waiting to bring good tiding news.

    Isaac pitches his tent in the valley of Gerar (to dispute, combat, and pilgrimage) and finds that he needs a source of water. Isaac remembers that during Abraham’s day there were some wells that had provided his needs and decides to dig again those wells. Isaac found that the wells that had provided water for his Father still provided for him. As Christians, there are some things that God used in the generations before us and it’s high time we dig afresh some of these wells and allow God to provide ‘a well of springing water’.

    • Later on when Isaac came back to take possession of his property by re-digging the wells, he was denied access so he retreated but would inherit it in God’s timing.

    What wells will we encounter in our journey to be fruitful?

    1. Well of STRIFE + CONTENTION— Esek (vs. 19-20) NIV – Hebrew: Argument

    • Contentions rise over the re-digging of wells

    • Prosperity also brings contention and strife

    • Well of living waters is for LIFE not strife and death

    2. Well of ACCUSATION + HATRED— Sitnah (vs. 21) NIV – Hebrew: to oppose the world cannot comprehend and endure your blessedness. The world will hate you because of Christ in you.

    3. Well of ENLARGEMENT + FRUITFULNESS— Rehoboth (v. 22) NIV – Hebrew: to make room.

    • Distancing from contention.

    • God desires to enlarge our fruitfulness. He will make room and establish it.

    • Because of Isaac’s Persistence God Made Room for Them to Be Fruitful

    • we may be delaying this process by our own actions.

    • Time for us to be still and know that He is God.

    • We are recognized to be Christians by our fruitfulness.

    • Don’t be discouraged by the things going on in your life, but depend on God for all things to be established.

    Now Peter and John we’re going up into the temple at the hour of prayer And a certain man that was lame from from his mother’s womb was carried, whom they laid daily at the door of the temple which is called beautiful, Seeing Peter and John asked to receive an alms

    Now he expected to receive something from them (Acts 3:1-26) not a cure for his lameness, which he thought was beyond a cure of any kind, but some money, for an alms, because it was the usual custom for all who entered the temple to carry money with them to give to the treasury, or to the poor, or to both. It was on this ground that the friends of the lame man laid him daily at the gate of the temple, since this was the most likely place to receive alms.

    The lame man was correct in expecting to receive something from them, but he received much more than the monetary donation he would have been satisfied with! Many of us haven’t even come to the place where we really expect something from God. The cripple man certainly has faith, plain and simple faith, even if the man was expecting the wrong thing. It is always better to expect the right things from God. We are so often ready to settle for much less than God wants to give us, and our low expectations often rob us.

    We must come to God both by studying His word and speaking to Him in prayer; our hearts should be full of love for Him, and our expectations of receiving something from Him raised. I will direct my prayer unto thee, and will look up at where my help comes from. Be always expectant.

    2Tim 16-18 NIV at my first answer no man stood with me, but all men forsook me: I pray God that it may not be laid to their charge.

    17 Notwithstanding the Lord stood with me, and strengthened me; that by me the preaching might be fully known, and that all the Gentiles might hear: and I was delivered out of the mouth of the lion.

    18 And the Lord shall deliver me from every evil work, and will preserve me unto his heavenly kingdom: to whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen.


    Literally, as he was being prosecuted for whatever crimes they had penned against him, no one stood for him. He didn’t have a defence attorney. As Paul was being prosecuted, he found himself alone and without anyone speaking a word on his behalf. He sounds terribly lonely. However, in lieu of the fact that Paul was lonely, even as we find ourselves lonely


    Bitterness isn’t in the kingdom of God, forgiveness is. There is no room for bitterness in the kingdom of God. Bitterness cannot dwell in our hearts when Christ has encouraged to have forgiving mentalities


    Paul was all by himself, and felt alone, but he was comforted by the fact that he knew God was with him, and even strengthened him to continue on even when he didn’t want to.

    Regardless of where everyone else was at or what they were doing, Paul had the Lord with him.


    Even in Paul’s weakest moment, he was still following God’s calling upon his life, and preaching to the Gentiles.

    You see, it’s in our weakest moments that He is stronger. As the Scriptures say, for when I am weak, He is strong. Therefore there is no boasting or bragging on self, but rather Christ is glorified. God gave Paul strength not just to stand and continue on, but strength to fulfil the calling on his life.


    God was not only with Paul, but He was watching out for Him. God does that in our life as well. When we come to the exits of life, if we pass the wrong exit, God is there, gently telling us you need to turn around, you’re heading the wrong way. If we pass that exit He’s faithful to turn us around, or get us to reroute and find another way to the destination. The Lord truly is with us, and is watching us, as He was with Paul.


    A true test of a person’s character is how their praise life is affected in times of hardships. It is very convenient and even easy to praise the Lord when things are going good. It is an altogether different thing to praise the Lord when we are in pain and the trials of this life.

    Paul was lonely, but he praised the Lord. Not just in the good times, but in the bad times as well. As Paul was on trial for his life, about to be executed for the faith, he continued to praise the Lord.

    Just as we feel lonely in this life, and may experience trials and tribulations due to failing relationship, finances, bad marriage, loss of a loved one, etc., we can be comforted in knowing that God will see us through these times.

    Acts 12:11 NIV

    11 Then Peter came to himself and said, Now I know without a doubt that the Lord has sent his angel and rescued me from Herod’s clutches and from everything the Jewish people were hoping would happen.

    1. Rescue Means To Be Delivered. Peter was completely delivered of his situation & the danger involved in it. Deliverance means to be set free from. This means whatever’s holding you down or in bondage can’t do it anymore. If you’ve been set free, then you are free indeed! To be delivered means you don’t have to deal with the bondage of that issue anymore!

    2. Rescue Means To Be Loosed From … - In the text, Peter was loosed from his chains and his shackles, in a way that could only be done by God. When God rescues you, he loses you from whatever chains are binding you, he not only frees you, but he loses you completely! Peter didn’t take any part of his shackles or chains with him, he left them behind! When God loves you, you need to leave the baggage behind! Don’t carry it with you!!

    3. Rescue Means To Escape From Harm Or Danger … Peter escaped from prison, and the reason why he escaped was because there was no other way out! When God rescues you, it’s an escape because there’s no way out! Sometimes God will put you in situations like that, just so that he & he alone can recue you, and so that you know that it was nobody but the Lord that rescued you!

    2 Samuel 21:10 NIV And Rizpah the daughter of Aiah took sackcloth, and spread it for her upon the rock, from the beginning of harvest until water dropped upon them out of heaven, and suffered neither the birds of the air to rest on them by day, nor the beasts of the field by night.

    There are some lessons to be drawn out of this terrible story that prove to us that even in the most difficult of situations, if a mother will stand her ground, God has something in store for her.

    Her Status in Life Did Not Preserve Her from Trouble

    - One of the things about Rizpah that has to be understood is that her status in life did not preserve her from trouble.

    Rizpah was one of King Saul’s concubines

    • She had been one of Saul’s favourites.

    • She had the looks that had caught the king.

    • She had enjoyed the fortunes the palace had brought.

    • She had pride in knowing that her sons were princes.

    -But life can turn on a dime and suddenly, all of the blessing, the looks, the attention, and the love can disappear. Then a mother can find herself fighting on a ledge all alone with very little resources around her.

    - The only inspiration that she may find sometimes is that deep down inside she knows that she is doing what is right. Just because she was attached to royalty did not make her free of trouble.

    • Rizpah has to leave her small home of peace and quiet and be thrust into a boiling wilderness of survival.

    - All mothers have probably felt like that some time or another in their efforts of trying to raise their children.

    - You do need to know that it is in these kinds of places and conditions that God will show up.

    The Courage of a Woman Who Is In Dire Straits

    - But if her status in life did not preserve her … we can see a courage of a woman who is in dire straits.

    - God has so arranged it in His grace that when a mother is challenged especially when it comes to her children, there is a courage that is other-worldly.

    • Deborah was like that when she puts terror into the heart of Sisera and his army.

    • Abigail was like that when she threw herself between a raiding party of infuriated men and her fool of a husband’s vineyards.

    • Rizpah stands her ground and fights with the elements.

    - But this kind of courage is not merely limited to the Bible but the hall of history is filled with great women who had the right kind of courage at just the right time.

    The Strength of a Mother’s Love

    - So if Rizpah’s status in life could not preserve her from trouble and she leaned on courage when she was in dire straits … there is one last matter that buoyed her to the top of the storm … the strength of a mother’s love.

    - We can never underestimate the power of a mother’s love. I doubt that there would be very many men who would have had the courage and the endurance to do what Rizpah did. She did it because there was something far greater motivating her than what met the eye.


    - In the end, David found out about Rizpah’s devotion and gave the men a proper burial. All of this took place because a mother stood her ground. Because she stood her ground, her wilderness became a throne of honour for her.

    - It honours a host of things that every mother needs in our generation:

    • Tenacity

    • Courage

    • Strength

    • Determination

    • Commitment

    • Sacrifice

    When they had crossed the Jordan River, Elijah invited Elisha, Ask me what you want me to do for you before I’m taken away from you. So Elisha asked, Please, may there be a double portion of your spirit upon me!

    That’s a hard thing to ask for, Elijah answered, but if you see me while I’m being taken from you, it will happen for you. But if you don’t see me, it won’t happen."2Kings:2:9 NIV

    - 10the idea here is that this blessing can be his, but Elisha must remain faithful unto the end! It would have been far easier for Elisha to have stayed in one of the town they passed through, but had he dropped out along the way, he would never have received the blessing he desired and desperately needed!

    (Note: If there was ever a day when we needed people with a heart like Elisha’s, it is the day in which we live! When will we learn that we will never be able to do what the Lord has saved us and called us to do without His power? For far too long, the church has tried to operate in the machinery of human wisdom and power. As a result, we have lost the power of God that made us remarkable.

    Mark 2:1-12 NIV and again he entered into Capernaum after some days; and it was noised that he was in the house. And straightway many were gathered together, insomuch that there was no room to receive them, no, not so much as about the door:

    And he preached the word unto them. And they come unto him, bringing one sick of the palsy, which was borne of four. And when they could not come nigh unto him for the press, they uncovered the roof where he was: and when they had broken it up, they let down the bed wherein the sick of the palsy lay. When Jesus saw their faith, he said unto the sick of the palsy, Son, thy sins be forgiven thee. But there were certain of the scribes sitting there, and reasoning in their hearts, why doth this man thus speak blasphemies? Who can forgive sins but God only?

    So, why don’t people come to Christ?

    I. Not Everyone Has Friends That Will Help

    A. There was the helpless man.

    1. He couldn’t do anything to help himself.

    2. He couldn’t get to Jesus on his own.

    3. He needed somebody to help him to get to the only One that could help him, Jesus.

    B. There were those who were willing to help.

    1. These men had great concern for their friend. The concern that they had was seen In their action. They didn’t just talk about it. They did something about it.

    Do we have concern for the lost? Do we care about those who are dying without a personal relationship with Jesus, on their way to hell?

    2. They had cooperation. They worked together to get the job done. It took four people to bring that man to Christ,

    Each one had to carry a corner of that bed. They decided what each one needed to do. The work of bringing others to Christ, requires cooperation.

    3. The third thing we see is commitment.

    These four men didn’t quit when they got to the house. They did not see the crowd and decide to give up. They didn’t leave the man outside and tell him that was the best they could do. They were committed to bringing him to Jesus that was his only hope!

    Are we committed to doing whatever it takes to bring others to Christ? Their eternity depends upon our commitment!

    4. The fourth thing they had was confidence.

    These men knew that Jesus could heal their friend. They knew that Jesus had the answer to their friend’s problem. That it was Jesus and Jesus alone who could help them.

    They had they had faith in Him!

    v5, When Jesus saw their faith …

    What happens when Jesus sees our faith?

    C. There were those who were hindering.

    There was the crowd in the house. There was the crowd around the door. This was a selfish crowd; they heard the Word, but were unconcerned that others needed to hear.

    II. Sometimes People Are So Concerned About Getting Help with Their Problems, That They Don’t Get Help for Others

    Jesus addressed this man’s real problem.

    Sometimes we pray for Jesus to heal this or heal that, when in reality there is a deeper problem. Jesus first dealt with this man’s Sin problem. After forgiving his sin, and saving his soul, then Jesus addressed the man’s health problems. One was connected with the other.

    5. Where is our focus?

    • As we look at the world in which we live,

    It’s easy to only be concerned with symptoms and not address root causes?

    • Yes, there are many problems; illiteracy, poverty, violence, and crime, but those are All symptoms of a deeper problem.

    • Our world needs Jesus.

    1Sam22:1-2 NIV David departed from there and escaped to the cave of Adullam. And when his brothers and all his father’s house heard it, they went down there to him. 2 And everyone who was in distress, and everyone who was in debt, and everyone who was bitter in soul,[a] gathered to him. And he became commander over them. And there were with him about four hundred men.

    The cave of Adullam is in The Valley of Elah where he had his greatest victory a place where he killed Goliath and cut off his head. What do you do when God take you back to the place where you celebrated your greatest breakthrough as a defeated and disappointed soldier.

    David entered his cave a broken and defeated man. He emerged as the captain of an army of might men. He went in running from a crazy king. He came out reaching out to take the crown. The cave refined David’s life and helped to prepare him for the tasks that lay ahead. He grew in that cave because he submitted to the cave.

    What about you? Are your cave experiences blessings to your

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