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The Power of Joy: Restore Your Inner Strength and Achieve Full Happiness
The Power of Joy: Restore Your Inner Strength and Achieve Full Happiness
The Power of Joy: Restore Your Inner Strength and Achieve Full Happiness
Ebook152 pages2 hours

The Power of Joy: Restore Your Inner Strength and Achieve Full Happiness

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About this ebook

The Power of Joy is a positive spiritual reading that will assist you to achieve health, peace of mind, prosperity, success, and love. The book shares valuable tips for personal development. Its mission is to awaken a deep connection within your most powerful inner strength: Joy! The author studied, developed, and applied successfully five forces that can be reproduced in everybody’s daily life: mediation, movement, healthy eating, positive thinking, and mindful energizing.
Do you think it is possible to be healthy, wealthy, successful, happy, and loved all at the same time? Yes! The Power of Joy will bring you tools to create the life of your dreams. You deserve all the best, and most of all, you deserve to be fully happy.
• Comprehend the five practices of joy, meditation, movement, healthy eating, positive thinking, mindful energizing, and how to include them in your routine.
• Learn how to overcome doubt, fear, anger, and anxiety.
• Develop your inner power in order to become powerful and invincible.
• Make your life flow naturally to the path of happiness.
• Take a journey inside and find inner peace.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 25, 2019
The Power of Joy: Restore Your Inner Strength and Achieve Full Happiness

Bibba Pacheco

About Bibba Pacheco Best Seller Author, Yoga/Reiki Master, certified Health & Wellness Educator, Life/Spiritual Coach, and International DJ, Bibba Pacheco owns one of the most extraordinary careers that an artist can achieve. Her exceptional talent comes from a brilliant academic background: Bachelor of Social Communication/Publicity & Advertising and Associate Degree in Film/Cinematography/AIFL; with diplomas in Science of Psychology Coaching from Harvard University, Yoga Master at Chopra University/CA, Reiki Master by the Spiritual Intuitive Reiki Energy Healing/USA; Deeksha giver by O&O Academy/Oneness University/India, Classical/Piano Theory and Electronic Music Production -AIMEC/Brazil.

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    The Power of Joy - Bibba Pacheco

    Copyright © 2019 Bibba Pacheco.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1811-9 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1925-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019900041

    Balboa Press rev. date:   04/08/2019

    This book is dedicated to you, who took a big step towards complete happiness when you decided to read it. May you find in it a reason to feel cheerful, to feel balanced and even to come upon a life purpose. Self-knowledge sets us free. This is an invitation for you to learn how to love yourself, because love is the strongest force there is. It rules everything, believes in everything, hopes for everything, resists everything; love always wins. When you are the loving, powerful and cheerful version of yourself, you are bound with me and all people, and we become one. And, together, we are stronger.


    To my parents, my best friends, for the leadership, positivity and cheerful examples they set, which shaped not only my values, but also my personality. With them, I am still learning how to appreciate what should really be appreciated.

    To all people who connect with me in a positive way, supporting me and accepting me as I am. All this love is mutual and makes the world an even better place. Human beings who have noble values stimulate hope and validate humanity’s rise. My gratitude to all of you. You can count on my best intentions and my prayers, now and forever.

    To all people who crossed my path, with whom I learned, in times of turmoil, how to be stronger, establishing healthy boundaries. To the people who, during our smooth interaction, gave me the opportunity to be the best version of myself. You were true masters in my personal development journey. Some gave me tons of affection, but, fulfilling their parts, also taught me how to work on my detachment and made me understand that, even when there’s some distance between us, part of me stuck with you, and part of you will always be within me.

    To the editors, who bet on my potential. Writing this book was one of the most profound and fantastic experiences of my life and working on it was a challenging surprise. Nothing would have been done without your expertise.

    My faith, my respect and my love for humanity will be immortalized!




    Chapter 1     You are the creator of your own reality

    Chapter 2     You have the power of joy

    Chapter 3     You are what you eat

    Chapter 4     Move your body

    Chapter 5     Quiet your mind

    Chapter 6     Change your mindset

    Chapter 7     Energize yourself and develop personal power

    Chapter 8     Living is the art of creating joy

    Chapter 9     Every end is a new beginning


    How often do you ask yourself things like Who am I?, What do I want?, What is my life purpose?? These questions arise from the depth of the human being, inciting the person to look beyond the shallow level of existence and develop a more elevated divine potential. The spiritually unknown stimulates the human search for comprehending his/her dimension. We exist to learn and when we reach a high level of consciousness, we get in touch with a powerful version of ourselves, luring a life full of peace, love and joy.

    I’ve always been interested in all forms of art: dance, literature, photography, music, movies. Since I’m in touch with my intuition in a very natural way, I’ve always known what I wanted to become. When I was five years old, I had already performed at classical piano recitals and mastered music theory. I got a bachelor’s degree in Advertising and studied TV and Film Production in Grad School. I lived abroad to search for culture and knowledge. After that, I kept on venturing around the world as a music producer and DJ, always motivated by music, which is my reason to live. When I play, it’s like I’m bringing happiness to people’s lives, sharing joy through those melodies. Their elements and chords captivate the soul, uplifting it to a sublime emotional level. Music generates an endless movement of relaxation. A huge amount of positive vibration is shared between the DJ and the public. Thousands of smiles radiate joy, I can’t even describe the feeling of gratitude. Music is a bridge to eternity, it is the language of love. That is why I play what touches my heart.

    Since I was little, books have been my constant companions. Researching on any subject in the encyclopedias was my favorite hobby. Nourishing myself with information brought me satisfaction, confidence and happiness. I knew that the more knowledge I had, the more useful and independent I’d become. When I grew up, I realized that when you put knowledge into practice correctly, it becomes wisdom. A wise being is a free being! I read almost all personal development best-sellers of my generation. It was a way to connect deeply with myself. I soon noticed how much self-improvement books allow us to develop, urging the search for balance. The fascination for intellectual growth makes me try to comprehend the mysteries of the Universe and of the energy that rules us. I started looking outside, looking at the whole, and then I realized I was finally ready to go inward.

    While I was developing my sensibility, I took part in mind control and consciousness expansion courses, until I felt ready to go beyond. Then I went to Boston to take Psychology classes at Harvard University, and became a human development coach. At that time, after almost twenty years of yoga practice, I studied hard to get my yoga master and wellness and health educator´s certificate from the Chopra Center Faculty in California.

    When I was sixteen, I experienced my first yoga practice with a feeling of beyond-human wholeness. At that moment, I discovered one of the keys to longevity. Yoga is the shortest path to healing, and it will help with the development of those who are ready to use it consciously. Its true purpose is to create a deep connection, so that it can perform an inner transformation. It exercises discipline and determination, which are fundamental skills to keep yourself balanced for a lifetime. When the mind is agitated, intellect stops working and the body becomes helpless. Some people do not notice how uncontrolled emotions hinder the development of human beings capacity.

    Yoga has the magical ability of bringing serenity. There is so much anxiety, competition and fear in the world that some people are already aware of the importance of searching for balance, peace of mind and personal power. By practicing yoga, you open up, start to really get in touch with your feelings, and develop focus and concentration, which leads to a deep connection with your inner divinity and with God. Yoga makes us free. It is the science of the balance among the opposites, among the dualism that we experience on this planet. Practicing yoga is to rescue the simplicity of the human being, to go back to what one already is in his/her core. It helps us develop self-esteem and, after that, love for all people. This is how we become one.

    When I looked inside, I finally accepted the call to visit India for the first time. It was time to leave the known behind and open myself to more development, to widening my faith and my search for the truth. Maybe you, just like me, feel the need to go back home, to get together with yourself to live in a state of full bliss. For many years, I thought this trip was going to be a game changer in my brief existence. And it was.

    India is an exotic and mysterious country for the thousands of western travelers who wander its lands and learn its culture. With a mystic wisdom that has challenged thousands of years of existence, this place has developed arts and sciences that we’ve been striving to catch up with and, on rare occasions, overcome. It holds secrets that, according to tradition, will only be revealed in future centuries to the nations that prove themselves to be worthy of such award. In the middle of this unique experience, I was washed over with sounds, smells, images and feelings that seemed to have come from thousands of years ago. During this journey, I reflected upon the decision of looking for answers around the world and I realized that some people don’t give themselves permission to do good things for themselves. They strongly believe that they aren’t worthy. However, existence itself is already a divine gift.

    After I met the enlightened version of myself in India, I kept on with my pilgrimage. At the Grand Canyon, I discovered a geological history of billions of years pervading the most astonishing mountain range of the world; at the Egyptian pyramids, I beheld one of the most important archaeological sites of humanity; in Brazil, I was touched by the intact nature of the almost 300 falls of the Iguazu Falls, the highest flow rate of the planet; on Easter Island – the harshest place in the world –, I identified myself with the Rapa Nui culture and its magnificent Moai statues that weigh over 200 tons. I’ve reached a high level of perception, in which I became totally free from judgements and prejudice, I just can’t see differences. Despite so many different cultures, we are exactly the same. Only one people, only one race, only one heart, moved by acceptance, understanding, compassion, respect and love to all living beings, to nature, to ourselves and to the others. Love your neighbor as yourself.

    Even if my trips were taken alone, they are still part

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