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Pierce on the Palm
Pierce on the Palm
Pierce on the Palm
Ebook86 pages1 hour

Pierce on the Palm

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Purity born from evil creates all power. The devil found his Antichrist and wants to use his power to take all life. But little Dominic just wants everything to be still. After escaping his first fate, he finds a small cabin in the woods to hide from the world and the devil who will never stop picking at him.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateApr 29, 2019
Pierce on the Palm

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    Pierce on the Palm - Malachi Isaac

    Copyright © 2019 by Malachi Isaac.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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    Rev. date: 04/27/2019










    All he can see, and think is black, and dead air is the only thing that can be heard. After a moment of silence, a voice can be heard.

    Devil- What are you thinking?

    He still can’t see anything.

    Dominic- Nothing.

    Everything is black.

    Devil- That’s what you want the world to be, isn’t it? Absolutely nothing.

    Silence for a moment, Dominic thinks about it.

    Dominic- You’re something else, aren’t you?

    Devil- No, I’ve been waiting for a more appropriate time to introduce myself.

    Dominic- What do you want?

    Devil- I want you, I want you to be who you were meant to be. Would you believe me if I said I’m here for you?

    His eyes come back to him and he can see again, all he sees are his hands, covered in blood. He’s holding them still looking at them, bloody wounds in the middle of his palms.

    Devil- I know you’ve been forced into the ground for the longest time, I know you want it all to end. So, let me guide you, and I can show you how to end it all on your own.

    Little Dominic Benzi, staring at his wounded hands and remembering what he did.

    Dominic thinks about what the voice said for a moment.

    Dominic- You’re just another voice in my head, I want nothing to do with you.

    Silence for a moment.

    Devil- No, I know what you want, because I am you, and you are me. And we will take everything. I will make the world feel your loss, your isolation, in all its glory. You won’t have to become someone else, you’re perfect.

    Dominic moves his head up a little and looks at the ground.

    Devil- What are you thinking?

    Dominic takes a moment to answer.

    Dominic- There is nothing for me, nothing at all.

    Silence for a moment.

    Devil- And its ours for the taking, so let’s burn it all.

    Dominic thinks about it for a moment, he then looks up, as if someone is paying attention.


    The woods are beautiful today, it is bright outside and everything seems to be perfect. The trees stand proud, the leaves changing their colors to take their fall, and the animals take their place in the world.

    Little Dominic can be seen now, crouched down by the river, looking at the water. He has a concentrated look on his face, thinking deeply about something.

    After a moment, he moves his left arm over and looks at a scar, in the shape of an inverted cross with black veins connecting to the wound on his palm. He looks at it for a moment, then puts the hand in the water. After a moment, a dead fish pops up from the water and into his hand, followed by more dead fish floating around in the water.

    He looks at the scene and takes his hand back. He looks at the river for a moment, after a moment a deer can be seen on the other side of the river. Dominic looks at it, the deer notices him and they look at each other. Then the deer bends and drinks from the river, Dominic watches with a curious look on his face.

    After a moment, the deer lifts its head from the water and stumbles back. It tries to walk away, but after a few steps it collapses and falls to the ground, then rolls into the water.

    Dominic looks at the scene for a moment, then gets up and walks away.

    He walks to a log cabin with heavy woods surrounding it. Dominic walks to his new home with his head low and hands in his pockets.

    He enters the cabin through the front door, he unlocks it, enters, then locks it from behind. He goes over to the kitchen and sets the keys on the bench. He covers his face with both hands and leans his head back with a deep breath. He is very distraught and upset. He stands there in that position for a moment, then with a moan he sets his hands down and looks forward.

    Silence for a moment.

    Devil- What are you thinking?

    Dominic takes a moment to answer.

    Dominic- I hate you.

    Silence for a moment.

    Devil- Do you wish for the thought that someone loved you back?

    Dominic- Don’t act like you do.

    Silence for a moment.

    Devil- I want you, because I know what you can do. You don’t need saving, when you can save yourself. You don’t need acceptance, when you become everything. I put my faith in you.

    Dominic thinks about that for a moment. He then looks down at the ground again.

    Dominic- I really don’t care. I want you gone.

    Silence for a moment.

    Devil- You will soon see things my way, put faith in that.

    Dominic looks up.

    Dominic- There is no such thing.

    He then moves forward.

    He enters his bedroom and he sits on the bed, cross legged. He picks up a knife and starts to scratch at the scar on his left hand. He thinks about nothing as he scratches, and soon everything does dark again.

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