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Theory of Change: Between Leadership and Modern Education
Theory of Change: Between Leadership and Modern Education
Theory of Change: Between Leadership and Modern Education
Ebook126 pages1 hour

Theory of Change: Between Leadership and Modern Education

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This will help you connect the dots to many self-development matters like law of attraction,emotional intelligence, financial education. This book will also help you change by mastering two skills: leadership and learning how to learn.
This is a powerful mixture of the most proven methodologies and experiences written in the recent decades towards success and prosperity as nationwide or corporate and individual level. It will definitely help you uncover some of the most repeated questions about economy and social equality. This book is a financial and business book portrayed in a very simple language that will help you set the basics to start an amazing business journey and life transformation with many tips and niches designed to fit all readers.
Release dateApr 27, 2019
Theory of Change: Between Leadership and Modern Education

Adnan Al Jahdhami

ADNAN AL JAHDHAMI was in oil and gas field for almost 10 years and started business while on the and founded many business ,lately developed a powerful travel app .he have been coaching and teaching a unique perspective between leadership in general and modern education especially in public schools as a powerful equation for the revolution of change and how to reduce the dependency of government involvement and increase the collaboration of people and change their mindset towards education ,business and designing their future through proven steps..

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    Theory of Change - Adnan Al Jahdhami

    Copyright © 2019 by Adnan Al Jahdhami.

    ISBN:            Hardcover                  978-1-5437-5072-0

                          Softcover                    978-1-5437-5071-3

                          eBook                         978-1-5437-5073-7

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    Concept Of Change

    80/20 Rule

    Five-Second Rule

    Question Everything

    Build Your Confidence

    Connecting The Dots

    Emotional Intelligence

    Utopian Village

    Financial Education


    Modern Education

    Good To Great

    The Big Jump

    School System

    Steps To Success

    About The Author


    There are many things in this world that we cannot choose—for example, the country you’re born in, the elected president, your parents, or even your boss in your organisation. On the other hand, we can choose to become what we want to be. Basically, your destiny is in your hands. Becoming what you want is always a choice, so the idea is that in order to change, we have to change and create the change. We don’t wait for it to happen. Because we are mere human beings, we might choose to change but actually might not do it. The thing is that if you believe in a great cause or purpose to do something about a situation that you see is wrong—whether it’s about education, the environment, society, or anything that is wrong in your perspective—something has to be done about it. So do you choose to wait for your government, society, or anyone with good intentions to take the initiative? Or do you want that thing to change in your lifetime? So for me, it’s common sense that we make the change. We have to come together and solve our society’s issues that appear to us in our daily lives because we might not have the right president, government, or system to do that. This might be because of economical factors, ignorance, greed, or something we don’t know about. So let us take charge of our lives and create a system where the majority of us contribute in some form to our country, our society, or even our family.

    Many books and trainers will tell you that to be positive and happy, you have to try to change yourself, but they never tell you how. So I will explain to you in steps some of my strategies on how to stay focused and gain fulfilment in everything we do as well as how to change and develop a mindset that will help you achieve your dreams and a certain level of prosperity, at the same time creating an impact we wish to see in our society. All these can be done through two things: leadership and modern education.

    Let me guide you through different ways of understanding this subject and clarify for you the power of these two elements to bring about real success and happiness not only in your personal life but also in the nation’s state. These two elements coupled with tested and proven tactics and strategies have created a sort of revolution in Asian countries like Japan and Singapore as well as Scandinavian countries like Norway and Sweden.


    80/20 RULE

    As I’ve said before, I will take you through a step-by-step process, which I can say is the next breakthrough strategy. It is simple and clear. I have used it personally, and it has changed my life since then. It has shifted my focus and built my confidence to pursue my dream, and ultimately, I found my purpose in life, which is to create a world where majority of the people are involved in a great cause that steers clear from manipulation and distraction and focuses only on what matters in our lives and create a real impact through the theory of change.

    Through my interaction with people, I learned that the hardest thing to change is the mindset of people to do something new and unfamiliar compared with what they have been programmed to do. I use the word programme due to the fact that people have become like robots who are programmed to do repetitive actions, which we call routine. Through my research of freedom, I came across this rule simply saying that 80 per cent of one’s success is 20 per cent of one’s mindset. Let’s look at an example of someone losing weight or at least planning to. Do you notice that if it’s not something you are already doing, it’s very hard for you to do sports or continue going to the gym? This is due to one very important main factor: our brain is designed to keep us comfortable because it wants to protect us. To achieve anything in life, you have to go outside your comfort zone, which is very hard if you don’t train your brain to have that mindset.

    I remember when I decided to lose weight. The very few times I went to the gym, I started very motivated; but after just two weeks, I lost interest. Then after a few months, I decided to go back and stay in that mindset. Two things helped me stay highly motivated: (1) watching and listening to audiovisual materials to stay in a high-performance mood and (2) reading a lot, where I learned a few secrets about controlling my diet. For example, it takes fifteen minutes for the brain to know that you are full. That’s why we tend to eat so much. Another secret is controlling your food consumption by minimising your sugar intake as sugar is one of the main things that is stored as fat in your body.

    Knowledge is power; and in order to change and develop, we have to read every day, which is something that many don’t do. That’s why they are still where they are. Here’s another secret about reading: you have to do focused reading, where you read something that will give you value or develop a new skill or polish another skill—in other words, read material that’s rich in content, like nonfiction books and business books.



    This concept was developed by Mel Robbins but was previously discussed in another way—that is, if you want to do anything new, your brain will give you a five-second window, which might be shorter or longer for you, depending on how fast you can translate your thoughts into action before your brain kicks into full gear and goes back to autopilot, which makes complete sense. Remember the many times that you had to wake up early but had to hit the snooze button a few times before you got up even though you knew that you would be late for an important meeting or had some urgent work to take care of? But you were too lazy to get out of bed. So you had that self-talk again, which happens whenever you try to start going to the gym, reading, or probably anything that you really want to do but find hard to do. You start talking with yourself, and you feel like there are many voices in your head. Sometimes it doesn’t feel right. Should I do it? No, I should not. This goes for everything, almost like riding a roller coaster—starting a business, learning something new, and the list goes on.

    There are too many things we have to make a decision on that you know deep inside will change your life, and it’s necessary that you do it to stay healthy or earn more money. But again, you are confused whether you should do it or not because it feels overwhelming. Also, the fear factor to take the jump or any kind of risk is always there. We are always afraid of rejection. What if someone makes fun of me? We are so worried about others’ opinion, and we seek approval from our peers, which we don’t need at all.

    So in order to overcome all these distractions, fears, and negativity, just do it before your brain realises that you are doing something uncomfortable or outside the box. Leave no excuse for it. For example, you want to start going to the gym. So you make all the preparations. You buy new sporting equipment and keep it in the office, the car, or the house so that you can use it anytime you feel you want to exercise. Just translate your thoughts into something to trick your brain to do that for at least one month. This may help you

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