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Divine Love: Awakening Unity Consciousness
Divine Love: Awakening Unity Consciousness
Divine Love: Awakening Unity Consciousness
Ebook84 pages1 hour

Divine Love: Awakening Unity Consciousness

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We are essentially searching for the answers as to how to live a life enriched with personal joy, deeper connection, and a truly fulfilling existence. Shivana Pateras explores how we can live up to our potential in this book. Along the way, she explores why we are here, our collective purpose, and the evolution of consciousness. The key to ending suffering throughout the world. Join the author as she shares a new way for viewing ourselves and our place in the world so we can live lives filled with presence, meaning, and unity consciousness.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateApr 27, 2019
Divine Love: Awakening Unity Consciousness

Shivana Pateras C.N.H.P.

Shivana Pateras, C.N.H.P. is a registered practitioner and teacher in the field of holistic and integrative wellness and personal transformation. Visit her at

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    Divine Love - Shivana Pateras C.N.H.P.

    Copyright © 2019 Shivana Pateras, C.N.H.P.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2575-9 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019905039

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/26/2019

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    This book is dedicated, with gratitude, to Dr. Wayne Dyer, whose spiritual teachings have inspired its creation.

    You are divine … Step into the love.

    Dr. Wayne Dyer



    1     Soul’s Manifest


    2     Beyond Beliefs and Becoming


    3     The Seven Principles of Consciousness

    4     Fearless

    5     Power

    6     Peace

    7     Love

    8     Creativity

    9     Wisdom

    10   Grace

    11   Awakening Unity Consciousness A Meditation and Prayer

    PART I

    Our Essence


    Soul’s Manifest

    In the beginning, there was neither existence nor nonexistence.

    All this world was un-manifest energy …

    The One breathed, without breath, by Its own power

    Nothing else was there …

    Hymn of Creation, Rig Veda

    Who am I?

    What do I want?

    What is my purpose?

    Why am I here?

    How can I live up to my best potential?

    How do I find meaning in my life?

    At one point or another, we have all pondered or asked these questions. Maybe they were triggered by a personal trauma or painful event that trickled to the surface from a moment’s flash of stillness. The question, Who am I? oftentimes leaves us with a deeper sense of mysterious wonder. The purpose of this book is to serve as a tool for awakening to the truth of what you already know in your soul but have forgotten.

    You see, within our very cellular codes lies dormant the living wisdom of the universe and of the ages - ancient yet ever anew. Locked in the unknowingness of our divine truth, shrouded by the ego’s veil, we journey, lifetime after lifetime, with the hope of discovering the precious key of consciousness that can unlock the subtle treasures of our divine light, forever imbued with eternal wisdom and knowingness.

    Accessible to each one of us at this very moment is our deepest self, our true nature within and beyond form, our being, eternal and ever present. Enlightenment, often described as sacred bliss or transcendent union, arises from stillness. Stillness is the presence before the divine thought of I Am. Stillness is.

    Enlightenment is when a wave realizes it’s the ocean.

    —Thich Nhat Hanh

    It is an innate and natural state of connectedness or oneness with our own being. It is not meant to be understood and grasped through analytical observation but an experiential sense, an inner knowingness that flows through stillness and by being ever present in the now.

    The experience of our beingness brings with it our own uniqueness, our very presence, and the realization of the essence of I Am. I Am is creation in constant motion. It is the one infinite consciousness. Summoned by many names, it has been known to ancient mystics, prophets, and seers as the eternal beloved, the divine matrix, the great void, the Tao, the impersonal self, our invisible higher and highest self, the name of God, and the Akashic field. This is the unlimited cosmic field of potentiality at the heart of reality and universal intelligence from which arises the infinite consciousness of God and spirit. It is a sea of subtle creative energies from which all things arise: the building blocks of atomic structure, galaxies, living beings, consciousness, and super-consciousness itself.

    I Am

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