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Living with My Decision’s
Living with My Decision’s
Living with My Decision’s
Ebook399 pages6 hours

Living with My Decision’s

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“I can’t fall in love, I can barely fall asleep!”

Your favorite characters from the East side of Atlanta are back with more drama, murder, drugs, secrets, and sex. Come take a ride with Charlie as her and the gang deals with grief, depression, deception, and maintaining their lifestyle. Will they survive the life they choose? Or will this life take them under. Who kidnapped Tiarah? What did Charlie see when she walked in Najee’s home? All your questions will finally be answered. Aye! It’s up!
Release dateMay 14, 2019
Living with My Decision’s

Juannikka Callaway

I am an entrepreneur, teacher and urban novelist. I love reading and writing has become my passion.

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    Living with My Decision’s - Juannikka Callaway

    © 2019 Juannikka Callaway. All rights reserved.

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    Published by AuthorHouse  05/09/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1147-0 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1146-3 (e)

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    Las Vegas

    The Set Up

    Nick And Marquita



    Pillow Talking



    Living With Your Decisions


    Back In The Days

    Welcoming Baby Jefe

    Life Goes On

    Hell, In Paradise





    Aint No Fun When The Rabbit Has The Gun







    Wedding Bliss

    Caught Up

    All Good Things Come To & End


    First and foremost, I want to thank God, I can’t believe I did it again. Writing urban novels have definitely become a passion. It’s so crazy to me because I never saw any of this lol. God gave me the strength and will power to keep going. I finally completed my second book and I must say its dope. I never knew how creative I was until yall boosted my ego.

    I want to thank everyone who’s supporting me on this journey of becoming a writer. I couldn’t have done this without yall, yall keep me going. When I first started this series, it was just for fun. Now I’m doing this to make away for my son, Lil Keegan everything I do is for you. When you grow older, I want you to be proud of me. I want you to be the kid that brags on your mother. I’m doing it all by myself and I pray to the Big God you appreciate it all. I got you for life and after kid.

    To all my people thanks for letting me use yall names once again and music. Be sure to check out Aston Marten Phi’s music and Money Marc’s. To my family thanks for believing in me and pushing me to go harder. The Girl Lil Nik from Bouldercrest did it again!! To everyone reading this I hope you guys enjoy, thanks once again for supporting the kid. ITS UP!!!!




    Najee!!! What the fuck happened? Najee looked at Charlie and began to cry she walked towards her Livingroom and sat on the sofa. Charlie followed behind her with Taylor asleep on her shoulder. She began to dial Tekey’s number with her free hand. I’m on the way home now shawty we aren’t home, yall need to come to Najee’s house now!!!! What you mean now? Why the fuck you got my baby out this time of night anyways? Tekey right now aint the time I’m about to send you my location get here now!!!! Charlie hung up and sent her location Najee what happened baby?" Najee wiped her tears and took Charlie back to four months ago.

    Four months ago, a month after Najee’s and Charlie’s argument about Tyrik being gay. Najee started to notice Tyrik’s feminine behavior she tried her best to shake it. Charlie’s comment replayed over and over in the back of Najee’s mind. Najee started to notice how Tyrik twisted when he walked or the way he positioned his hands whenever talking to her. The way he sucked his teeth when he was angry with her and the way he liked her to play in his ass while giving him head.

    Najee thought Tyrik was a sensitive man because he was raised by his mother and never knew his father. As Tyrik began to feel comfortable around Najee the more feminine, he became. It started when Najee caught Tyrik modeling in her Jimmy Choo pumps. Excuse me, what the hell you in here doing!! Tyrik jumped because the sound of Najee’s voice startled him. I thought you got off at five and weren’t going to be home until 6? I worked a half of day, but what the hell you doing in my expensive shoes? Tyrik added some base in his voice to justify his actions. I was trying to see how you walk in these ugly ass shoes."

    Najee rolled her eyes before responding don’t play in my expensive shit, don’t put your feet in my heels peridot. Tyrik rolled his eyes and took the shoes off I’m a grown ass man I aint playing dress up in your shit. Wait a minute, bitch you caught him prancing around in your heels? Charlie shut up and listen before Najee could finish Tekey was knocking on the door. Najee opened the door and led Tekey to the dining room. Come on now Najee Tekey said while running his hands down his face. Then yall dumb asses sitting over here with a fucking body.

    Tekey I didn’t know what to do or who to call so I called Charlie. Go take that shit off, put the clothes, shoes and the knife you stabbed this nigga with in a bag. Go to my house and take the best shower you ever took scrub everything Najee! Nails and all, ima handle this shit but yall leave now!!!! Tekey sent a text to Jr, Lil Jay and Scooda and told them it’s urgent meet him at Najee’s. Once the three enter the house they saw Najee and Charlie walking out the door. What’s wrong Chicken? Jr, Najee got herself in some shit go in there and see.

    Jr, Scooda and Li Jay walked in the house Scooda called out for Tekey. Bruh where you at? Come in the dining room once the three entered the dining room they couldn’t believe their eyes. Lil Jay busted out laughing Najee gut this nigga like a fish. His three friends began to laugh as well before shaken their heads at the mess. They put on the gloves and called the cleanup crew. When the cleanup crew arrived, they began to clean the house and bag the body. Tekey and the crew liked to watch to make sure everything was done perfect. They didn’t need any evidence leading back to them or their people. It was now two fifteen a.m. Charlie and Najee were walking in her house. I’m about to put my baby back to sleep, go take a shower. Najee walked into the guest bathroom and started a steaming hot shower. Najee stayed in the shower until the water turned cold, she was crying and scrubbing her body clean.

    Once Najee was done in the shower, she joined Charlie on the sofa finish the story hoe. Najee sat down and began to talk You a grown ass man but prancing around in my shit. Najee I’m not about to argue about the shit, damn I aint arguing either just keep your feet out of my shoes fruity fucker. Tyrik cut his eyes at Najee and if looks could kill she would have been dead on arrival. You didn’t get any red flags from that? Bitch you called him a fruity fucker I’m weak. Charlie was killing herself laughing, Najee chuckled then nudged her. Charlie please let me finish damn ok suh, my bad the shit was funny though. Two weeks passed since Tyrik was caught in Najee’s shoes. He invited Najee out for drinks with his homeboys and their lady friends. Their choice of restaurant was the Daiquiri Factory. Once they arrived at their destination Najee noticed the place was packed with sissy. Bae, they have great wings, we hang here all the time Najee looked at Tyrik and smiled. In her head, she was pissed, and Charlie’s comment began to replay once again. The waitress smiled at Tyrik and asked if he wanted his usual table bruh you really hang here all the time? I’m not understanding why Mostly to have a few drinks with my boys after work. What’s the problem?

    Najee looked at Tyrik as if he was crazy, she then held he hands up and moved her body side to side. Nigga this the problem Man come on with all that homophobic shit. Najee rolled her eyes and Tyrik led her to the table and pulled out a chair for her. Three of his friends walked in and Najee looked them up and down. Oh my god these niggas look so gay, how come these bitches don’t see it. Najee thought to herself Tyrik introduced her to his friends Thomas, Aiden and Peter Najee nodded and said nice to meet you. The whole night Najee got bad vibes from Tyrik’s friends, but she didn’t act on it. She walked to the restroom then asked a waitress who was walking out is it always crowded with gay men? Girl, yes this is faggot central Najee put her hand on her head then walked into one of the empty stalls. On the ride home Najee questioned Tyrik about his friends are your friend’s gay? Tyrik was taken back by Najee’s question he grasped for air then put his hand over his mouth.

    Really Najee, you think I hang with gay men because my friends are different then the ghetto shit you use too. Nigga my friends aren’t ghetto, but them niggas gay peridot. Why the fuck yall hang in there with a bunch of faggots huh? They have great food Najee and I’m not afraid of my sexuality. I don’t mind having around bisexual men they don’t make or break me. Najee reached over and smacked Tyrik in the back of the head. Why the fuck you do that? Lame ass nigga you gay, what real man hang around bisexual niggas a fucking gay one. Tyrik pulled the car over what the fuck is wrong with you girl, I love you aint shit gay about me. The food is good, and the environment is calm you should be glad I’m not around a bunch of bitches. Najee hauled off and hit Tyrik three more times by this time he has pulled over. You a fucking faggot, your gay prick I rather you hang around some hoes than faggots. Najee jumped out the car and started walking down the dark street.

    Bitch, how did you get home did he follow you. Girl the faggot got out and started walking behind me. I called Uber and left him looking stupid but anyways. He blew Najee’s phone up for two weeks and she didn’t answer, he started calling her job and all. He then started sending her flowers and chocolates to her job it’s like the nigga was obsessed with her. Two weeks after the incident Najee took Tyrik back and he was trying his best to prove to her he wasn’t gay. Najee didn’t have any hard evidence, so she stayed down with her man. The day of Tyrik’s murder Najee wanted to surprise him with a picnic lunch. Tasha did Najee’s hair and Fefe did her makeup early that morning. Najee was looking like a snack. She had her hair in a long ponytail that came down to the crack of her ass. Once she made it home, she put on her fitted Balmain jeans. That showed her nice shape, she also threw on a black blazer and those Jimmy Choo pumps Tyrik loved.

    Once Najee made it to Tyrik’s office the receptionist smiled at her and told her to head on back. Najee strutted through the office and once she made it to his office door it was shut. Najee heard moaning sounds and wasn’t sure if they were coming from Tyrik’s office or the office next to his. Najee put her ear to the door and listens carefully yes Tyrik go deeper baby, I love it when you punish this ass. Shh, man you gone get us caught take it like a G and hush I’m sorry daddy go harder please. I know damn well this nigga not fucking around on me. Instead of barging in the office Najee opened the unlocked door quietly. Her mouth hung open at the sight of Tyrik’s friend Aiden bent over Tyrik’s desk. Tyrik was going in and out his ass as if he was fucking her. Najee shut the door and walked at a steady pace to her car.

    What happened with the picnic Miss. Najee? Najee fixed her face and looked at the receptionist. He’s really busy we are going to reschedule. Once out of the building Najee began to throw up, she couldn’t believe her eyes. Before heading home, Najee stopped at the CVS mini clinic and got tested for HIV. Once she made it home, she thought of an elaborated plan to kill Tyrik for fucking over her. Najee sat on her sofa and cried while coming up with her master plan. Tyrik never called home to see why she left without speaking. That showed Najee that he didn’t have knowledge of her being at his job. Once Tyrik made it home Najee welcomed him in her sexy lingerie. Tyrik licked his lips and reached for her not now baby I cooked your favorite. My favorite thing to eat is you, but what did you cook? Go have a seat and see Najee led Tyrik to the dining room table and stood behind him are you going to eat? Not yet, I want to pamper my man, you work so hard to provide for us you’re so loyal.

    Najee said while massaging Tyrik’s shoulders where is all this coming from baby? I’m so thankful to be your girl, I love you Najee said in between planting kisses on Tyrik’s neck. As Najee massages Tyrik’s shoulders, he closed his eyes relaxing as she worked her hands. Najee reached down in her long black socks and pulled a box cutter out. You like fucking niggas huh Tyrik? Tyrik opened his eyes and before he could speak Najee slit his throat. Dick got your tongue huh? Tyrik reached for his neck and started gasping for air Najee stabbed him repeatedly. You are a fucking faggot; I better not have anything or ima kill you again. You dirty dick bastard how dare you? Hurry up and die gay ass bitch. I hope you riot in hell you gay pervert, you one nasty bitch, die!!!! Najee was so furious that she kept stabbing until she was out of breath." Najee was in a frenzy when she murdered Tyrik all she saw was red, but once she calmed down. She couldn’t believe what she had done she looked at the bloody mess and started to cry.

    That’s when you called me huh? Bitch, I didn’t know what to do, I know you run with the most dangerous crew SOOO I called. Najee chuckled at herself I knew you would know what to do and you would help. Girl you caught your first body ha-ha how does it feel? Bitch, this shit aint funny I can’t believe I been fucking a faggot. Damn suh, that shit is sad I would have killed that nigga too. You don’t play with people like that forreal it would have been different if it was a bitch. If Tekey cheats on you what you gone do? I don’t know Najee, if he cheated on me with a nigga, I would blow that bitch brains out. So, you understand I had to do it? Yeah, I do but I wish you would have called me before you did it. Why so you could talk me out of it? Of course, but if you insisted on killing the nigga, I would have had Tekey do it in a different way, not your house. Yeah you right I did trip out huh? Yeah you did, but Tekey got you we aint gone let nothing happen to you." As the morning went on Najee and Charlie stayed up talking about the past and the future. Tekey walked in the house at seven a.m. and laughed at Najee when he saw them on the sofa.

    What’s funny bruh? You man, why the hell you do that man like that? I caught that bitch fucking another nigga. Nooo!!!! That nigga wasn’t dipping in the ass? I swear, when he came home, I lost it damn suh. I handled that shit for you though your house spotless. Thanks, bruh I knew yall wouldn’t let me down. Before Tekey could respond Taylor was walking out of her room. Cheerios mommy come on girl, and we are going back to sleep Tekey laughed. You suh man, you know a nigga got you Najee smiled and Tekey walked in his bedroom, so he could shower and get some rest. Najee went in the guest room and tried to fall asleep, she couldn’t believe she caught her first body.




    Push Tiarah push!!!! Jr I can’t sir we have to do an emergency cesarean we need you to leave the room. I’m not leaving her, what the fuck is wrong? Sir, please let us do our job and wait in the lobby. The doctors put Jr out the room and a nurse walked him to the waiting area. Charlie noticed the look on Jr’s face Scrub, what’s wrong? They wouldn’t tell me anything, they put me out the room they are doing an emergency cesarean. What you mean they didn’t tell you anything, we need to know something. Charlie added with some base in her voice. The waiting room had a few people waiting on their family members to deliver. The maternity ward was a quite calm place but not for Jr and his family. Jr paced back and forth, and it took the doctors forty-five minutes to come get him. Yo Doctor Bailey what’s going on? When Jr reentered the room, he noticed Tiarah was crying he rushed to her side. What’s wrong baby? Tiarah couldn’t fix her mouth to say the words Jr looked at the doctor and nurse’s confused. The doctor read his face expression Mr. Jones have a seat nah man what’s up? I’m sorry to inform you but your baby girl didn’t make it. What you mean didn’t make it? What the fuck happened? She was strangled by her umbilical cord that’s why we did the emergency cesarean we tried to save her our apologies.

    Where is my son? He’s getting cleaned off and examined to make sure he wasn’t harmed during the deliver. This some bullshit!!! How the fuck yall let some shit like this happen huh? Yall didn’t see the shit on the ultrasound yall telling me my baby girl died before she had a chance to live? Tears started to fall from Calvin’s eyes Mr. Jones my team and I are very apologetic. We did all that we could. Please take a seat and cool down, we will bring baby A in shortly. Jr sat next to Tiarah and rubbed her hand how we fuck up T? Tiarah wiped her tears and looked at Calvin I don’t know but I want birth control. Jr laughed and kissed her hand damn baby, I’m sorry they were more apart of you then me. To give birth and the baby dies on you FUCK!!! Jr covered his face with his hands to hide the tears from Tiarah. Five minutes later his phone began to ring, Jr wiped his tears then reached in his Robin Jeans. What’s up Chicken? Nigga did you forget me and Tekey were out here waiting, I’m ready to see them. Jr sighed before responding to his sister what’s wrong Scrub? Jr couldn’t fix his mouth to tell his sister that his one and only biological daughter died. He didn’t say a word after sighing and Charlie knew something was terribly wrong.

    Jr, what is going on talk to me, it’s me Chicken we talk about everything. Jr’s voice started to crack she, she didn’t make it Chicken. What!!!! Who didn’t make it? Where is Tiarah and where is my niece? Tiarah good, but Kendal damn man my baby girl. What you mean Kendal? Jr what happened to my niece? She’s gone Chicken, she didn’t make it Oh my god!!! What baby? Charlie put her finger up telling Tekey to wait a minute where the hell is my nephew. Before Jr could respond the doctors were bringing him in the room. Damn, he looks just like me can we come back there damn I want to see him. Yeah, room 918 Jr hung up on his sister and reached for his son Jr sat on the bed next to Tiarah and he fell in love with her all over again. Jr kissed Tiarah and smiled at their beautiful creation Tiarah, look at Holmes this nigga my twin. Tiarah smiled I know man, and Kendal looks like Taylor swear? I promise aye Doc, can I see my daughter before you know. Charlie and Tekey came barging in the room hey nephew Charlie said while looking down at King what the fuck happened to my niece? Charlie gave the doctors a look that said explain this shit to me now!

    Calm down Chicken, she got strangled by her umbilical cord that’s why they did the emergency C-section. Charlie ran to her best friend’s side Oh my god T, I’m so sorry are you ok? Tiarah tried to hold back the tears but the sight of Charlie and Jr reminded her of her daughter. Tiarah looked at them both and started to cry Charlie, how can I look at you and Taylor? Kendal looked just like yall oh my god I carried her for eight months Charlie I fell in love with her. How could I let this happen my baby is dead why god, why!!!! T I’m so sorry I love you girl; god knows I do, and I will be by your side every step of the way. God doesn’t make any mistakes baby; it’s going to be ok Tiarah I promise. Charlie held her friend’s hand with her left hand and wiped her tears with her right. You have a personal angel now Tiarah, Kendal is going to guide you every step of the way. She lives through all of us now and we will never forget baby girl. Tiarah nodded her head yes then asked for her son um can I see King, I haven’t held him yet.

    Jr handed King to Tiarah and nodded towards the door Tekey knew that meant follow me. As the two left the hospital room Jr found one of the nurses and asked her to take them to Kendal. Bruh, I can’t look at a dead baby come on Tek, I need you dawg fuck! Tekey followed Jr and the nurse into a dimly lit room man why yall got the lights low. Nigga I know you aint scared? Nah Jr it’s the point the nurse led them in the room and pulled the covers back. Tekey looked at Kendal and tears fell from his eyes damn Jr, she’s just a fucking baby man. Can I hold her? The nurse nodded yes, and Jr picked Kendal up damn girl, you look just like me. Fuck that you look exactly like Tay, that’s crazy I’m sorry they couldn’t save you lil mama. The world would have been yours baby girl, daddy loves you and I’ll never forget you. Jr kissed his baby on the forehead, placed her back on the slab and walked out the room. Tekey looked at Kendal once more then shock his head. He then followed behind Jr you good lil bruh? Yeah, dawg shit fucked up though. Jr and Tekey went back to the room and they took turns holding King and telling him how spoiled he was going to be. Nephew, you the first hire to the family business you already a Don. No fuck he isn’t, Tekey my baby will not follow in yall footsteps. Tekey laughed shid Jefe gone have to be the hire then. Charlie looked at Tekey confused who the hell is Jefe? That’s our son Charlie started to laugh nigga you been watching too much Power.

    Najee has been at Charlie’s house since Tyrik’s death. Najee was sitting on the sofa with Taylor when Tekey and Charlie walked in the house daddy!!! Really, Tay you don’t see me all you see is him Charlie rolled her eyes hi mommy. Hi princess what have you and TT been doing all day? TT let me bake cookies and uncles gave me monies. Charlie put her hand on her head its uncle girl and money. Charlie she’s only one and she talks great for her age. Her ass can talk better if she applies herself. I don’t read all those books and work with her for my health. Najee began to laugh poor Tay, how are Tiarah and the kids? Charlie gave Najee a heartbroken look bae take Tay in there with you. Come on Tay, let’s go read some books no daddy, Proud Famee It’s Proud Family, but come on. Tekey picked up Taylor and carried her to his room where they watched the cartoon Proud Family. What’s wrong Charlie? Kendal died while Tiarah was giving birth, but King made it and he’s perfect. Are you serious? How are they holding up? They are strong, but they are still jacked up behind it my mom is down there with them now. Damn, we can’t win huh? Bitch tell me about it Tekey came walking from their room where is Tay?"

    She laid down and went straight to sleep so now we know she didn’t have a nap today. Najee started to laugh that girl is the energizer bunny I tried to put her to sleep and she hopped right back up. You gotta put on Proud Famee ha-ha but forreal. When she fights sleep like that you have to lay down with her until she knocks out. He doesn’t know Najee because he barley puts her to sleep Lil ugly ass. She will try you if you’re new babysitting her though suh a little slick. You have to be stern and tell her it’s time for a nap. Tekey looked at Charlie like she was crazy you want to be a strict parent so bad. Taylor runs all over Charlie ass so gone with that fake hard shit but lil suh I got a question for you. What’s up Tekey?’ Do you think you will kill again? I know I will if I have too why? Trying to see where ya head at, if you ready to be down that’s all. Tekey walked off and went back to his room this nigga trying to recruit you and shit. To sell drugs. Ha-ha Tekey know I aint a drug dealer, shid I aint a killer either but don’t push me. Charlie and Najee were killing themselves laughing. I don’t know what’s up with that nigga, he’s trying to recruit you and Scooda’s trying to get Robin out the game."

    I know she called me last night talking about he’s bugging that’s so funny because he called me talking about Robin’s bugging. Jr hasn’t left Tiarah’s side he stayed at the hospital until she was released. Before heading home, Jr stopped by Tiarah’s mom’s house to grab the girls. They pulled into the driveway and Jr helped Tiarah out the car he then grabbed King’s car seat and headed for the door. Tiarah’s mom opened the door and grabbed her daughter into a tight hug Tiarah was about to cry until she saw her daughters. Mommy, mommy where are our babies? Both girls said while running to greet their mom Tiarah walked into the Livingroom and sat on the sofa. With both Kylie and Katelyn sitting on both sides of her. It’s only one baby and daddy’s bringing him in the doctors got it wrong. Tiarah didn’t want to tell her four-year-old children that their sister died Jr came in with the car seat and the girls jumped with excitement. We have a baby brother grandma!!! I know Katelyn, I see him daddy let us see please!!!! The girls said while waiting with excitement Jr put the car seat down and took King out. Mommy, he looks like Taylor is he her brother too? Jr and Tiarah laughed at Kylie no baby, Taylor is King’s cousin. Oh, we have a brother, I love my brother. I’m glad you love your brother, now I want all three of you to listen and listen well. Yes mommy" the girls said while waiting on their mom to respond.

    Open your eyes King, I need to know your awake King opened his eyes then closed them back. Good listening skills Jr busted into laugher that man don’t understand you but go head and tell them. Listen the three of you are all yall have you hear me? Of course, yall have other family but I want yall to have an unbreakable bond. Never let anyone harm nor hurt the other always protect one another and always be there for your brother or sister. Yall must and better love one another unconditionally right or wrong you ride with your brother or sister. Never let anyone come in-between what yall have, the bond yall share shouldn’t and better not get broken. Do yall understand me? Yes mommy the twins said while hugging each other King made a yawing noise and Jr laughed. I guess he understands too damn right he knows mommy meant every word yall come here. The girls got up to hug their mom and she wrapped her arms around them as tight as she could. I love yall so much, yall mean the world to me and I promise to never let yall feel pain. We love you too mommy and daddy" Tiarah and Jr packed up the kids and headed home.

    Damn nigga, where the fuck you been? What’s up Scooda are you checking me or some. Scooda laughs at Nick comment nigga what’s up with you? You been acting like a real hoe lately. Nick sat on the old couch and flipped through the channels ignoring Scooda. Nigga sitting on my shit flipping through my channels and ignoring me. Bruh you got life fucked all the way up, you aint handling shit like you suppose to anyways. Nick hopped of the sofa and was all up in Scooda’s face bitch ass nigga fuck this sofa and fuck you. Scooda began to laugh pussy ass nigga, if you don’t sit the fuck down before I sit you down fucking faggot. Nick swung and caught Scooda with a right hook Scooda paused before hitting Nick back. Once the reality sunk in that Nick just sucker punched him Scooda was furious. Scooda went at Nick with a left but Nick ducked and caught Scooda with another right. Ant Man and DreCat heard the commotion and walked in the Livingroom to see what was going on. Yen shit without your big brothers huh Lil Scooda? Nick said while swinging at Scooda once more Scooda caught Nick with a two piece then put him in the chokehold. Nigga you aint shit but a lil bitch, go to sleep baby ass nigga. Scooda chocked Nick until he fell asleep and laid him on the floor. Ant put this bitch ass nigga in the bed and tuck his punk ass in Scooda said while walking out the door.

    Scooda called Tekey but he didn’t answer, he then called Jr, but he didn’t answer either. These hoe ass niggas don’t never answer the phone Scooda said out loud. He then called Lil Jay and he answered on the first ring what’s up lil bruh? Nigga you sound like you sleep but I just put Nick ass to sleep like no waken up? Nah but that nigga taken a nap, Holmes on some other shit and I’m not trusting the nigga I want him out the family. Shid have you talked to Tek? The nigga aint answer but I’m about to head to his house now bet, call me once you get there. Scooda hopped in his Range and headed for his brother’s house. On the short ride to Tekey’s home Scooda was listening to Gucci Mane add it up. Scooda called the gate who is it Scooda, open the gate Chicken Charlie pressed five then unlocked the front door for Scooda. Scooda reached in his pocket for the key then started to laugh damn ion live here no more. He knocked on the door three times it’s open! Scooda barged in the house and saw Robin, Charlie and Najee sitting on the sofa with Taylor playing on the floor.

    Why the fuck yall sitting in here with the door unlocked? Taylor heard Scooda’s voice and ran to him uncles, uncles I missed you. This girl won’t say uncle for anything in the world damn. Charlie hated the fact her daughter messed up certain words, but she was only fourteen months and she talked great for her age. Scooda picked up his niece and hugged her where is your daddy Tay? Him sleep uncles go wake him up princess. Scooda put Taylor down and followed her to her parent’s room. Aye nigga Tekey rolled over in the bed and wiped his eyes Taylor repeated after Scooda aye nigga. Tekey and Scooda both began to laugh man watch your mouth around her nigga, her mama gone flip out. How ima watch my mouth when you just said the shit? I put Nick to sleep though sleep like never waken up? Nah I made that nigga take a nap Tekey got out the bed and through on a shirt and some jogging pants. Tay go to your room for a second. Instead of going to her room Taylor ran to the Livingroom screaming aye nigga!!! Robin and Najee began to laugh, and Charlie cracked a smile,

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