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Having a Successful Life Being Led by the Holy Spirit: What’s the Use of Having the Holy Ghost If You’Re Not Going to Obey Him
Having a Successful Life Being Led by the Holy Spirit: What’s the Use of Having the Holy Ghost If You’Re Not Going to Obey Him
Having a Successful Life Being Led by the Holy Spirit: What’s the Use of Having the Holy Ghost If You’Re Not Going to Obey Him
Ebook58 pages50 minutes

Having a Successful Life Being Led by the Holy Spirit: What’s the Use of Having the Holy Ghost If You’Re Not Going to Obey Him

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The contents of this book will teach people to live victoriously for God. It illustrates and teaches how the Holy Spirit (Holy Ghost) can use any willing vessel for God’s purpose. It will show you that serving God can turn your nothing into something if you give your life to him. God wants to lead us where he wants us to be and teach us discipline in the process.

If the Holy Ghost is leading you, he will always lead you into your next miracle. God raised someone that died in my presence after I laid hands on him. When the Holy Ghost reveals powerful things to you, always believe what he is saying. Stop saying something told me to do this and know it’s the Holy Ghost speaking to you.

It will change your life. Don’t be afraid. The Holy Ghost changed the dialect of Bishop Mitchell. God told him he was going to prove to the world that his anointing is upon him. You will read about this in the book. He still speaks with that dialect today. What’s the use of having the Holy Ghost if you’re not going to obey him?

The Holy Spirit lets you know how amazing God’s power can be in your life. Prayer is the key, and faith unlocks the door. So many doors were open in this book through prayer and obeying God. God will explain your past, teach you your present, and reveal to you your future through the Holy Ghost.

To pastors and leaders who read this book, it will strengthen your ministry, your faith, your church, and your life. If you let the Holy Ghost lead and guide you, you will be successful in God’s kingdom and your life.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateMay 16, 2019
Having a Successful Life Being Led by the Holy Spirit: What’s the Use of Having the Holy Ghost If You’Re Not Going to Obey Him

Bishop William A. Mitchell Jr.

As a man of God, the Lord has been good to Bishop William A. Mitchell, Jr. At the age of 16 he started preaching. He’s 53 years old now. He’s had a lot of blessed victories walking as a child of God. His own business for 17 years, retired at the age of 33. He traveled the world preaching the word of God in Africa, Europe and Canada. At the age of 32 he sought God for a powerful healing anointing. The Lord led him to do a 31 day shut-in in his study at home. Afterward he held a three week revival where the healing anointing began to manifest itself. Many were healed. The Lord instructed him again to do a 61-day shut in. He slept on the floor, ate in the church and bathed out of a bucket. As a result of his obedience the healing anointing increased. He refrained from eating in restaurants for 3 years and did not watch television for 10 years. At the age of 38 God blessed the ministry to build a million-dollar church and pay off the loan in 9 years and 3 days. During the construction of the sanctuary, the Lord told him to consecrate himself again. In 2003, he secluded himself in a 4 month shut-in that lasted 4 months, 123 days and 3 hours. He holds the highest honor in N.C. the Long Leaf Pine Award, pastored one church for 27 years, founded a worldwide international Conference, Marked For A Miracle, that’s been blessed for 20 years. Holds a Doctoral Degree in Biblical Studies, 2018 God called him to be a Bishop. He achieved all of this by listening to the Holy Spirit and doing what God wanted him to do for his kingdom.

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    Book preview

    Having a Successful Life Being Led by the Holy Spirit - Bishop William A. Mitchell Jr.

    Copyright © 2019 Bishop William A. Mitchell Jr.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    All Scripture quotations are taken from the King James Version

    WestBow Press

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-5668-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-5667-8 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 05/02/2019



    Chapter 1     Preparation

    Chapter 2     Walking In God’s Anointing

    Chapter 3     My Consecrations

    Chapter 4     God Changed My Dialect

    Chapter 5     God’s Powerful Healing Anointing

    Final Note to the Leaders


    dedicate this book to my darling wife Myrtle,

    my beloved parents,

    Pastor Hilda G. Mitchell,

    And Deacon William A. Mitchell Sr.

    and Bishop J. E. Reddick,

    of the

    United American Free Will Baptist Denomination, Incorporated


    T he Holy Spirit can be a very powerful tool in your life. High school is where I initially felt God dealing with me. At the age of 16, I was fascinated when I felt God leading me to preach his word. When I heard God’s voice within me, I felt he was saying, You have got to preach my word. At the age of 53, I still hear his voice with that same intensity. After the initial call, my desire was to learn his commandments through his word. I wanted to know when, where, and how to preach his word.

    As a Christian I have always tried to obey the Holy Spirit. Sometimes you miss what he is saying but don’t worry, just keep on listening. Try the Spirit and see if it is of God. Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God; because many false prophets are gone out into the world. (KJV 1 John 4:1) The Holy Spirit will always take you slow, but don’t grieve him. Often times you hear people say, Something told me to do this. Don’t you know who it is that you’re hearing within? As you mature in Christ you should be saying: the Holy Spirit is leading me to do this or that.

    The only way to know what God is leading you to do in the Spirit is to pray. Throughout my ministry I talk a lot about prayer. Prayer helps you to stay on track with the will of God. There are many false spirits in the world, and because of this, I’m afraid that the Church is missing a lot. At the same time some churches are hitting the mark. In the last days we will see The Power of God moving in a lot of ways, and simultaneously a move in the demonic realm will be taking place. What’s the use of having the Holy Ghost if you’re not going to obey him?

    I believe the more we pray, and stay in God’s word, we would know what he is saying to the church. This is what I’m trying to teach from writing this book: Having A Successful Life Being Led By The Holy Spirit. God has given us everything we need to conquer the enemy. This book will teach you a diversity of ways in which the Holy Spirit

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