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[Re]Birth: Self-Transformation over Tea and Tarot
[Re]Birth: Self-Transformation over Tea and Tarot
[Re]Birth: Self-Transformation over Tea and Tarot
Ebook109 pages1 hour

[Re]Birth: Self-Transformation over Tea and Tarot

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In [Re]Birth: Self-Transformation over Tea and Tarot, Mary-Claire Hanlon (PhD) gives her readers a personal insight into life and love, romance and heartache, aspiration and achievement. Never before has there been a more beautiful book that provides a gentle way to heal and a powerful inspiration to change the world. Don’t just read this book. Use the tools, have fun with it, and give it to those you love. You will return repeatedly to both this book and the wonderful creations it inspires you to produce.
Release dateMay 7, 2019
[Re]Birth: Self-Transformation over Tea and Tarot

Mary-Claire Hanlon

Internationally-published personal development author, Dr Mary-Claire Hanlon runs The Centre of Serendipity in Australia, facilitating individual and team change for emerging leaders. An engaging adult educator and speaker, awarded for international and national presentations on her mental health research, Mary-Claire uses psychological techniques to creatively produce transformation. Participants feel empowered and love the unexpected things about her books, workshops and seminars. As at the start of 2020, Mary-Claire has written two self-help books. Her first book, [RE]BIRTH, is about self-realisation. Her second book, Study Skills for Success, is designed to help learners to learn better! Readers love her gentleness and depth, and her easy writing style.

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    [Re]Birth - Mary-Claire Hanlon

    Copyright © 2019 Mary-Claire Hanlon.

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    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1776-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-5043-1775-7 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 05/06/2019





    Part 1   The Major Arcana

    Chapter 1   I recognise my Self

    In the beginning was the fool.

    When the fool awoke, he found himself before a very great man.

    And then he saw a woman. She was beautiful and dark.

    He felt full: full of something about to happen, though he didn’t know what.

    The lovely voluptuous woman had met her match in this great man.

    The bark seemed to transform into a wizened old man in a cloak, with a long beard and a staff.

    Chapter 2   I recognise You

    His heart swelled with passion.

    He brought everything he had.

    Ultimately, the lion and the unicorn beat the fool. He was spent. He gave up.

    The fool started to change his mind about being with his Lover.

    He studied the cycles of life; and grew in wisdom.

    Patience without Prejudice

    Justice decided to get another perspective.

    Chapter 3   A new perspective

    Suddenly, he saw that the seeds he planted had sprouted and grown.

    He dreamed of a woman making the impossible with the improbable.

    It seemed he was rooted to the spot; shackled as it were, to the sight of her.

    Chapter 4   Shock

    Suddenly the world shook.

    The night was dark, until Venus and Jupiter appeared in the sky.

    The Lover had to go on, without knowing where she was, who she was, or what to do next.

    So, what was hidden, was revealed.

    A prophet changes the world.

    Part 2   The Minor Arcana

    Chapter 5   Kings and Queens

    Chapter 6   The little children of the Minor Arcana

    Show me the baby!!

    Terrible Twos (not really, not terrible at all)

    Three is a crowd

    Awesome Foursome versus the Gang of Four

    Flying Fives

    Sweet, Serene Sixes!

    Sticky Sevens

    Mates with Eights

    Nearly There, Nines

    Tens are too much of a good thing!

    Chapter 7   The teenagers of the Minor Arcana

    Prince and Princess / Page and Knight

    Part 3   Bringing it all together

    Transform your relationships

    Transform your learning and teaching

    Transform your work and vocation

    Transform your community

    Transform the world!

    About the Author


    To my parents, who showed me a good way to live, and gave me the means to achieve it.


    I would like to thank the many people who have helped me along the way – those who listened without prejudice or judgement, who led me toward my various destinies, who waited patiently for me to arrive at my many destinations along the way .. I am thankful for the selfless few who took the time to read this manuscript, listen to me read it aloud, and who discussed the concepts with me, so I could tell if it made sense (especially to someone unfamiliar with the tarot).

    Those angels know who they are, and they have their place in Heaven.

    This has been an adventure into self-discovery, and a joyful uncovering of what has been hidden or even repressed. I am a human, not without fault, but also a shining example of what is possible with love and support.


    With gratitude, Mary-Claire.


    Firstly, I want you to get comfortable! Grab a cuppa (as we say in Australia), put your feet up, and relax. This is going to be fun! Your new book (this one) is divided into parts and can be read in different stages. Each stage can be read at any time, but you might prefer to start at the beginning and just go with the flow to the end of the book, and then enjoy the random-opening-read once you understand how it works. Although, having said that, you might also find that in opening this book at a random place, you will find the answer you seek right now. Follow your heart.

    As you read, you might like to doodle the pictures that you imagine. You might like to draw what you imagine into a separate book (like an unlined journal) or on cards, or you might even enjoy painting it! As you read, draw about the vision that you have. For example, if you read about a person with a little dog as a companion, draw this as you imagine it. Colour your picture and embellish as you see fit. The more intricate that you make your picture, the more articulate – that is, the more you add, the more your Inner Self will speak to you, and you will learn about your Self. You could even go on to embroider your images or craft something out of timber, clay or other materials so that the more you use your hands, the more you connect your imagination to your reality.

    This book, your book, uses tarot as a tool for reflection, meditation, and self-transformation (not divination). Don’t be put off by my reference to the tarot – I won’t be using it to read your fortune, I’ll be using it purely as a tool for

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