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Trauma, Tears & Triumph
Trauma, Tears & Triumph
Trauma, Tears & Triumph
Ebook357 pages2 hours

Trauma, Tears & Triumph

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About this ebook

You pull me in. I resist.
I run away but want to crumble.
Your eyes: only one glance, one look, hits me like a tidal wave.
I can’t breathe. I’m plunging. Rescue me before I drown.
I hide but wish to be found only by you ...

Salty understands first-hand the devastating effects of trauma as well as the importance of showing ourselves compassion during these moments rather than placing unreasonable expectations on ourselves to “get over it” after a certain time period.

In a poetic story of love, loss, and lessons learned, Salty shares writings that lead others on a journey through the depths of the heart as she bravely confronted the emotions associated with unrequited love, self-doubt, and heartache, ultimately learning how to lift herself up and face the future with a new perspective. In poems and prose that speak to the universal human experience, Salty helps us all map a course through one of our most relatable struggles in life.

Trauma, Tears & Triumph shares poems and prose that lyrically chronicle a young woman’s powerful journey to and from the self as she struggled with and eventually healed from heartache and loss.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 1, 2019
Trauma, Tears & Triumph


Salty is a student pursuing an education in the field of mental health and sexual education. She is passionate about using her experiences to set an example for others on how to love and respect themselves. Salty is a mental health advocate and sexual assault activist who volunteers for domestic violence shelters in her community. She currently lives in Sayville, New York.

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    Trauma, Tears & Triumph - Salty

    Copyright © 2019 Salty.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2892-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2891-0 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2893-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019905922

    Balboa Press rev. date:  05/30/2019



    Part 1 Trauma: The Love

    Poison As Medicine

    Cognitive Dissonance

    Smoke in the Fog

    The Start of it All

    Walking On Water

    Freight Train

    O’Connor Hall

    How I Truly Feel

    January 28, 2016

    Waiting Room

    Stuck in Bed

    Daring Greatly

    East Meadow


    February 4, 2016

    Before the Call

    Wrapped Around Your Finger

    You Took My Brain

    Give It Up

    Sun and Rain

    Treading Water

    February 29, 2016

    Walking for Miles

    Destination: Nowhere

    Lonely Nights

    Panic Attacks in the Detergent Aisle

    Will Mom Find This?

    Just Another Tuesday

    Alive but Not Living

    Communications Class

    Slicing Off My Limbs


    What It Feels Like to Be Assassinated

    Mad Scientist

    Flashbacks at Target

    Death Wish

    Will You Miss Me When I’m Gone?

    Cycle of Violence: Stage 2

    Lies I Tell Myself

    Lies You Tell Me


    The First Time

    If Only I’d Known, I’d Make All the Same Mistakes

    Without You



    Can of Worms

    Dysfunction Is My Middle Name

    Dark Night of the Soul

    Stages of Grief

    If I Had a Dollar (for Every Time I Regressed)


    Inevitable Disaster

    Late Nights

    Part 2 Tears: The Loss





    Dead to Me



    Split Mind



    You (Don’t) Complete Me

    Blessing and a Curse

    Spectacular Mess

    I Hate Myself for Loving You

    Half Empty

    Parasitic Relationships

    Suck My Cockiness

    Honor the Fallen

    Three Months

    Eleven Months, Twelve Days

    You Promised

    Head Under Water

    What Doesn’t Kill You Gets You Medicated

    Therapy Sessions


    Crying in the Shower


    Unanswered Questions

    The Lost Years

    Dying to Survive

    He’s Not You

    She’s Not Me

    Intermittent Reinforcement

    Tidal Waves


    He Touched Me

    Love Addict

    Third-Degree Burns

    Tap Out

    Happy Hour

    The Look



    DSM-V: 300.29

    Sticks and Stones May Break My Bones, but Your Words Broke My Heart

    The Woman in the Mirror

    Basking In My Loneliness

    You Love My Unlovability

    Emotional Whiplash

    If You Love Someone, Set Them Free

    Abandoned Car in the Parking Lot

    Let It Burn

    Magic Tricks


    Five Stages of Grief—Bargaining

    Part 3 Triumph: The Lesson

    Unconditional Love

    True Love Never Dies

    When a Narcissist Meets an Empath

    Remission to Recurrence

    Time Doesn’t Heal All Wounds

    One Day My Nonvolatile Price Will Come

    Treat People the Way You’d Like to Be Treated

    I Love You (to Death)

    With or Without Me

    Weapons of Mass Destruction

    Getting Away with Murder

    Grin and Bear It

    The Honeymoon Period

    Now All You Are Is a Legend

    Trauma Bonding

    A Tale of Two Friends

    On Top of Me

    Do It for Me


    It Was the Best of Times, It Was the Worst of Times

    Happily Never After

    You’re So Vain

    Read Between the Lines

    Silver Lining

    Cutting Cords

    A Word on Self-Worth

    No Mercy

    Dr. Jekyll / Mr. Hyde



    Complicated Grief



    Dead of Winter

    Diamond in the Rough


    Adam and Eve

    Rock Bottom

    Complex PTSD

    Pile of Ashes

    Save Me (from Myself)


    Nice to Meet You

    The Sky’s the Limit



    Up in Flames

    The Sacred Ache

    Sleep Paralysis

    Unanswered Prayers

    Esophageal Varices

    Sheer Serendipity

    Stars in My Eyes


    Free Falling

    One and Only




    The Sun Will Rise


    Black Widow


    Shell Shock


    I Said No

    A Poem I Wish I Didn’t Have to Write


    Unfinished Business

    The Sweetest Nectar

    The Rebirth

    Radioactive Contamination


    Clouded Judgment

    The Power of Love

    A. D.


    When I Find You

    Hedonistic Pretense


    Victim to Victorious



    Fire and Ice

    La Belle Indifference

    To the Boys I’ve Loved

    A Letter to the Next Guy I Fall For

    My Pain Is Not in Vain

    The Coldest Summer

    Burning Bridges

    Anima, Animus


    Redeeming Grace

    A. S.


    Glass Coffin


    Romeo and Juliet Remix

    Miles Away

    J. S.

    A Good Man

    T. D.

    Love in Color

    Heartbreak Is a Girl’s Best Friend

    One-Night Stand

    Cheek to Cheek


    I Still Believe in Love


    For all who are hurting, hoping, and healing

    Dedicated to to my father. I hope I make you proud. I love and miss you always.


    I have been thinking of a perfect way to start this for quite some time. Ultimately, I figured there is no perfect way and the best way to begin is just to write. So, here we are. It’s funny because I wrote my afterword months ago, whereas this preface is the final piece I am writing. The journey from when I started writing/editing this work to when I finished it has been a long one. I didn’t realize how much time, energy, and hard work goes into writing a book. You see, the first entry started out as an excerpt from a journal entry written in my three-hour class. I had no intentions of creating a book until one day my counselor suggested I compile my poems into one.

    This was very sloppy and like any other piece of art. It began as an idea. I was typing away in the library for hours a week because I felt desperately alone and like I had nobody to talk to. Those who were kind enough to listen either didn’t understand or didn’t seem to care.

    Trauma, Tears, and Triumph is a story of love, loss, and lessons. I broke it up into three sections for the reader. Trauma: The Love is the start of it all. It is made up of work from the time when I was in an abusive relationship. Tears: The Loss includes poems written during the breakup period. Triumph: The Lesson details the time period from after leaving my partner to most recently.

    This story isn’t for everyone, and it’s not the easiest read. I suggest practicing self-care before, during, and after as it may be triggering. This is not a perfect book with a perfect story and perfect ending. Nevertheless, the ending is a happy one because I decided to keep living. What I want people to know is that although the triumph period was my better year, it was not an easy, straight path. Recovery is a journey and an ongoing process. We need to allow ourselves room to mess up and make mistakes. It’s not like once we reach a certain destination, we have it all figured out. It took me almost losing my life, going back to my abuser, and having to fight the urge to return for me to learn my lesson. And I’m still a work in progress. There are days I feel incredibly strong, and there are others I feel just as weak as before.

    I think society has this expectation that after making some poor choices, we either succeed or fail. That’s not exactly how life works. We are not all good or all bad. There will be days that are better or worse than others. It’s up to us to notice when we are operating from a place of fear and old wounds.

    I know firsthand the devastating effects trauma can have on a person. I am still in the process of healing, and that’s okay. We must show ourselves compassion instead of placing unreasonable expectations on ourselves to be over it after a certain time period.

    Rereading through my old journals was a tedious, painful process. There were points when I was ready to throw in the towel. It’s not worth it, I thought to myself, to relive these traumatic events. What I’ve come to realize is that I had to go through these horrible experiences to have my voice heard. I have a message I want to share with the world, an important story that needs to be spread. If I can help one person feel less alone, then all of the suffering would have been worth it.

    At the end of the day, one of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that we are our own worst enemies. Others may scar us, but it’s often our own resentment, guilt, and shame that keeps hurting us, not others. It is okay to forgive yourself now. It is okay to let it go. Take my hand; we will do it together.

    Trigger warning: this book contains material related to sexual assault, eating disorders, self-harm, suicide, and abuse.

    Part I

    Trauma: The Love

    Poison As Medicine

    Told myself I’d never go back, but here I am again.

    Knew from the start I would relapse. Still, I put up a facade to pretend

    When we are together, my lungs get constricted. I try to forgo but am already addicted.

    Because you are like heroin; I just cannot quit. Always on my mind; let me get a hit.

    All it took was one time; a single ounce and I was hooked.

    I’ve never been so high. You’re the best kind.

    Now I’m dreading the plummet.

    Don’t let me collapse. Hurry me to rehab.

    Feeling so sick without my hit.

    Because you are like heroin I don’t want to quit.

    Plagued by temptation, itching to submit,

    Striving to act placid around everyone else, yet going insane when by myself.

    Detox me, stop me, or the end will be tragic. You are my favorite, most debilitating habit.

    Preoccupied, obsessed, I have become dependent. Before it kicks in, it’d be best to just end it.

    Get you out of my system. Let me be free. How can I remain nostalgic while you are so deadly?

    I’ll use you, abuse you. I don’t want to feel—but it’s all in my mind, and I wish it were real.

    Because you are my heroin, I’m unable to quit. I am so consumed by you that it is impractical for me to resist.

    Proceed with caution if you’re going to start. The side effects are dangerous. They go straight to your heart.

    Cognitive Dissonance

    You pull me in. I resist.

    I run away but want to crumble.

    Your eyes: only one glance, one look, hits me like a tidal wave.

    I can’t breathe. I’m plunging. Rescue me before I drown.

    I hide but wish to be found only by you. What do you do?

    Do you notice? You don’t even try. My mind shrieks no while my head’s in the sky.

    Besides, it’s too late. You are my quicksand. What gives you this right?

    I wish it weren’t so. Before we met, I was content alone,

    Artificially safe. But you are a hazard.

    I find myself smiling more than I should. Why does everything bad have to pay off so good?

    I tiptoe on glass, trying not to bleed. You should come with a warning; still I’d follow your lead.

    This high I am on, I could feel it forever. Yet you are a hurricane; I cannot predict the weather.

    Your omnipresence, so bright that I cannot see. When you’re accustomed to hail, sun’s a foreign scene.

    Caught in a double bind, perishing in fire. How can one trust when they, too, are a liar?

    I’ll send you all the wrong ways so our nights never end.

    You can’t provide a taste of heaven then not give it again.

    Because hours pass like minutes whenever I’m with you,

    While days impersonate eternity when you’re not in my view.

    Please, I am a wreck. This cycle doesn’t stop.

    I’ll be damned to add you to the list of crooks to be forgotten.

    My face says that I don’t care, yet my soul cannot be restrained.

    Not sure what you’d call it, love, lust, or insanity.

    So I will just weep until I get an answer

    And, in the meantime, convince myself it really doesn’t matter.

    Smoke in the Fog

    I am an open wound, bound to burst soon.

    Trust me, you can’t believe me. He’s all I see before I drift to sleep.

    A smoke in the fog, a haze, he makes it clear. His skin on mine. Watch as I disappear.

    Take me away to a foreign place. I wear a mask but still fall from grace.

    On a sinking ship, don’t panic, I’m drowning.

    He’ll revive me from my ashes. My death wish he’s doubting.

    Yet this discomfort—I’m frozen, too scared that if I surrender, he will not be there.

    I want to honor his heart like he has impacted my soul.

    Spare me the drudgery. Can he fill this hole?

    I could look at him forever, not uttering a single thing.

    He need not speak a word to compel my heart to sing.

    ‘Cause when daybreak rolls around and I am all alone,

    I sketch the proof on my skin, abducted at a crossroad.

    Evidence on my arms. It is a privilege that my heart aches for you. I feel vulnerable and raw.

    Who knew reconciling with love would be this cruel?

    The Start of it All

    I’ve been thinking of you constantly. Not just today, but every day since the day I met you. From the moment I laid eyes on you I feel like I’ve been on this Ferris wheel of emotions. It freaks me out because when I’m with you, it’s like I’m on top of the world—invigorated, free, full of life. But moments like now, it seems that I’ve been stuck on the ground forever. I think I’m in love. Or falling in love. I’ve been trying to figure this out. Am I am, in fact, in love or just lusting after you? I’ve never felt like this before. My passionate new feelings cloud my judgment. These are emotions I’ve

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