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How to Choose Your Perfect Career: “A Handbook for Making Sound Career Decisions”
How to Choose Your Perfect Career: “A Handbook for Making Sound Career Decisions”
How to Choose Your Perfect Career: “A Handbook for Making Sound Career Decisions”
Ebook92 pages1 hour

How to Choose Your Perfect Career: “A Handbook for Making Sound Career Decisions”

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PublisherXlibris US
Release dateMay 31, 2019
How to Choose Your Perfect Career: “A Handbook for Making Sound Career Decisions”

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    How to Choose Your Perfect Career - Robert Vollay

    Copyright © 2019 by Robert Vollay.

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    Rev. date: 04/12/2019







    Chapter 1 Career by Definition

    Chapter 2 The Source of Your Career Decision Matters

    Chapter 3 The Driving Force of Sound Career Decision

    Chapter 4 Your Career Mission Statement and You

    Chapter 5 How to Set a Career Goal

    Chapter 6 Obstacles along a Career Path

    Chapter 7 Staying Focused On Your Career Journey

    Chapter 8 Importance of Self-Motivation and Attitude

    Chapter 9 The Role of Resume and Interview Skills

    Chapter 10 When to Celebrate Your Career


    When it comes to career decisions, other people’s perception should not be your greatest motivation. Your career should be aligned with the type of environment your value system upholds. The art of career search or career decision is not an easy one. It requires a great deal of inward, realistic thoughts. Remember as a kid growing up, in your little mind, anything—everything—is possible. And so a lot of kids openly expressed that when they grow up, they would become medical doctors, classroom teachers, college professors, engineers, computer analysts, pilots, presidents of their countries, auto mechanics, astronauts, scientists, accountants, pastors, mountain climbers, generals in the army, police officers, professional hunters, or entrepreneurs—the list is endless. But where did we leave all those big dreams to become janitorial service personnel, gatekeepers, security guards, street-corner newspaper sellers, school-crossing guards, petite business men and women, taxi drivers, streets sweepers, and so on? What I’m trying to imply here is that, why didn’t we (as adults) follow through with our childhood speculated careers or dreams for the future when we became adults? Better still, where did we go wrong? Before I continue, let me be quick to establish that I am in no way dispersing the jobs that we ended up doing rather than following through with our dream careers from childhood.


    Those are also great and fine jobs when it comes to what will help to pay the rent, mortgage, children’s tuition, bills, and put food on the table. However, part of the underlining reasons for not sticking with those initial dreams or desires could be attributed to self-created or unforeseen circumstances that derailed our vision, thereby leaving us with making wrong decisions and choices that landed us to where we find ourselves today. For some people, it may have simply been due to lack of opportunities and family poverty. Hence, this is what makes this book indispensable to all those who missed out down the road.

    The book seeks to clarify that nothing is lost just yet; anyone at any point in time in their life can regain the energy to pursue their lifetime career, be it the one from childhood desire or that which the reality and experience in life, along the path of growing up has introduced you to. Several vital points are exposited in the book regarding how to land a rewarding career, career goals setting, tools and methodology necessary for acquiring a lifelong career, the key principles in achieving a career goal and how to manage the career upon achievement. In addition, a wide range of narratives is used to describe the process and create the proper road map specific to each reader’s career needs and career desires. Issues regarding differentiating among job, profession, occupation and career will be addressed. If you have never considered getting a career, you may have a change of mind after reading this book.


    More so, if you enjoy your current job, though it’s not a career yet, this career decision manual will show you how to convert your job to a career. In other words, I do not just emphasize the importance of getting a career, but I practically show you and demonstrate the road map that will lead you to pursuing your own career based on your skills, inner desire, interest and passion—what you enjoy doing the most! You are certainly on your way to determining your life career: doing what you love, what you enjoy doing, what you have great passion for, and moreover, getting paid for living your dreams!


    It is quite expedient to seek pieces of advice from experts in any given discipline or career field if one wishes to provide the best literature on any topic or subject matter that will change lives and give people a sense of purpose in their discipline of interest. Consequently, this piece of literary work comes to you directly from the ball of my pen with editorial inputs from a few of the trusted experts on the subject matter—career decision. This is my way of appreciating them for taking the time to edit, review, and critique my work, thus, making this career advisory manual a unique masterpiece for all readers and for those who are desirous of choosing and seeking after a sincere career change or to obtain a lifetime career.

    In particular, I would like to thank Dr. Angela Herman, DNP, RN

    chair, Health Sciences, College of Health Professions at Wilmington University, city of New Castle, in the State of Delaware for underpinning my efforts. She has indeed been an inspiration to me!

    Additionally, I wish to pay homage to the following fellow educators and distinguished individuals, whose belief in me has propelled and unconstrained the God-given vigor within me to do exploit, as evidenced by penning this first-of-its-kind masterpiece, a literature on steps for choosing the most suitable career by any individual:

    Ms. Karen Morrow, director of Academic Affairs – Allied Health, Harris School of Business

    Mr. Terry Givens, former senior manager, American Red Cross, Southeastern Pennsylvania Chapter

    Ms. Nona L. Nolan, interim academic dean, Bright-wood Career Institute, alias Virginia College.

    In the same set of spirit of acknowledgment, I dedicate this book to my children, and especially to my late mother, Ma - Wuludah S. Vollay, who left this world

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