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Small Fingernails: Even Less Love
Small Fingernails: Even Less Love
Small Fingernails: Even Less Love
Ebook117 pages1 hour

Small Fingernails: Even Less Love

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About this ebook

Sometimes, love finds us; other times, love is a trauma that hurls itself into the very fabric of our lives. My experiences at New England University explain how traumatic events and life’s unfortunate turns can become amplified and overshadow our understanding of how love and friendship should contribute to our lives.

The sages say love can blind us; however, sometimes, that love transforms our lives into radically altered states--states in which we must learn how to cope for the relationship to survive and thrive. These altered states are often difficult to manage without help from friends and family. If left to our own devices, without these critical supports, the very creative energy that once nurtured our passion has the potential to destroy the very foundation of our love and caring that was once manifest.

Small Fingernails chronicles my life as a student at college in Freedomtown and in love. It evaluates the impact of toxic relationships on our well-being and our capacity to pursue friendship. Through transgressions, fear, loss, grief, and misfortune, even my profound love could endure. Ultimately, my ethics and belief in what is right collapsed on its head.

Love needs to be free and rid of all elements that can destroy its beauty. This book signals the need to reevaluate our closest and most personal spaces, friends, and family members. The complications that interfere with our pursuit of happiness will one day be more easily overcome by people who follow their hearts and seek only the best for those they care about the most.
Release dateMay 31, 2019
Small Fingernails: Even Less Love

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    Book preview

    Small Fingernails - J. Peters


    "N OW YOU’LL NEVER WEAR IT again!," I screamed as I threw her leaf-shaped necklace down a sewer drain in the middle of the night. Staring Dorothea directly in the eye, I watched her tear up, and then cry, uncontrollably. It was a bold move on my part, but not yet checkmate, in what was a series of miscalculated gambles in the game of unrequited love I had been playing with her for years now.

    The night was pitch black. Even the moon wasn’t visible through the thick clouds above. Just one street light was flickering, and you could hear music playing in the adjacent building through the open window a few inches away. My heart was racing, and I had never been more upset in my

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