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Glowater is a very intriguing and suspenseful read. The main character, with the help of his new friend, uses time travel in searching for a cure for his terminal disease.
Release dateJun 17, 2019

Donald C. Pitts Th.M B.Ed

During the 60s and 70s I was in a variety of bands, ranging from blues to country to rock & roll. Those were some very wild and rough times for me, but God saw me through all of that for a time such as this. The rest of the story: In 1986 I was working for a major retail chain in Fayetteville, Ga., just south of Atlanta, as Assistant Manager. On a certain day in January of that year, I decided to take a quick break and watch TV with some of my workers, mostly ladies. My section of the store included House wares and Health & Beauty Aids. Some of the ladies enjoyed my watching Days of Our Lives with them. On the way to the break room I grabbed a candy bar to snack on while enjoying the Soap Opera with the ladies. In a few minutes, (the best way I can describe it) my world literally turned upside down. I began vomiting violently and could not walk nor stand. My hearing began to fluctuate. I did not know what was going on with me. However, I thought at the time I was having the worse case of food poisoning since the dawn of creation. Someone had to drive me home and for the rest of that day and most of the night I was violently ill and could barely hear. I was able to call the store the next evening to get someone to pull the candy bars off the shelf, thinking they were tainted. What was really going on in my body was definitely not food poisoning, but it would be ten years before I would find out. What happened to me during those two days would lay low and not happen again until 1996. In 1995, after getting saved “again for the first time”, I immediately took an interest in Spiritual Warfare. I had also given up the colleges and night clubs and was part of my church’s Praise Team, along with my two brothers. We were born with the gift of music and wanted to give it back to God. My two brothers are still on the Praise Team; however, I had to step down about five years ago. More on that later. Anyway, I wanted to write a book centered on Spiritual Warfare, but I wanted my book to be more of a novel and not another “how to” book. They’re plenty of those already on the shelves. I began praying about it and as I thought I was hearing from God, I would take notes. In late 1995 I had a composition book full of notes, so I began writing my first novel, The Lamb and the Dragon. Early in 1996, while returning home from taking some young boys to Fun World in Albany, Ga. , I had another very severe attack of vertigo and vomiting. My friend had to drive the rest of the way home while trying to comfort the fellows with us and tell them it was okay. He took me home and for the rest of the day I was sick beyond description. My episode was worse than the one I had ten years earlier. At this point, the vertigo and hearing fluctuation episodes were more severe and intense, and were happening every day. I literally could not function. After seeing six doctors, by mid 1996 I was diagnosed with Meniere’s Disease, which affects hearing and balance. Every day for many years all I could was lay in the bathroom floor until it was over, then go to bed and sleep it off, only to have it happen again the next day. To add to my frustration, I could no longer write, so right after beginning my book, I had to stop. By 2008 I became unhirable and by 2009, I filed for early social security. In 2010 I had major surgery inside my left ear and had to resign from the Praise Team. As you might know, bad hearing is lethal in the music business. In 2011, on recommendation from my doctors, I filed for Disability; so far I have been turned down. Our government is quick to take and slow to give back. In 2013 I was well enough to finish writing my novel. Eighteen years from start to finish! It was published in January of 2014, and has been very successful so far. The sequel, Pam Smith and the Phantom Church, was published in 2017. After a lot of praying, I have to remember the bottom line: God knows and I don’t know. However, through using the Three Ps: Prayer, Pursuit, Perseverance, I am still writing. There is no cure for my disorder, but there are things I can do to help with the symptoms: surgery, shots in the ear, being hooked up to a machine three times a day, and medication. I’ve done them all! I take it a day at the time and I’m thankful for what the Lord gives me. I have a Bachelor’s Degree in Education, a Master’s in Theology, and a couple other degrees. I am an ordained Minister in two churches. My wife, Christal, and I, are members of Friendship Alliance Church here in Moultrie. We have two “children” at home: a black Tabby cat named Trouble and a yellow cat named Taz. My third novel was published and released about a year ago and Thanks and God Bless, Donny

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    Glowater - Donald C. Pitts Th.M B.Ed

    Copyright © 2019 Donald C. Pitts - Th.M, B.Ed.

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    THE HOLY BIBLE, NEW INTERNATIONAL VERSION®, NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission. All rights reserved worldwide.

    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2261-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2260-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2259-1 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019942746

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 5/13/2019

    NOTE: The information concerning Passion Week, along with other scripture, were taken from the New International Version Study Bible, 10th Anniversary Edition, 1995, by the Zondervan Corporation, and from

    Information on Rose Hill Cemetery, the Hunley, Akhenaten, Dybbuk, and the 1860’s, was taken from Wikipedia Internet Encyclopedia.

    Information on Orion’s Belt courtesy of the History Channel.


    A huge Thank You to my good friend and confidant, Doctor Mike Freeman. This book stems from a dream or maybe a vision, even, that Mike had some time ago after the death of his step-son, James Hoby Belflower. Without Mike’s ability to put his dreams and visions into words, this novel would not have been possible.—DP.


    This book is dedicated to all my friends and family members. You guys and gals have been a huge source of love and encouragement, and I appreciate it more than you will ever know. I am also dedicating this book to my wife, Christal, who has stuck by me through the good, the bad and the ugly. You are as constant as the Northern Star. Much love.

    Donald C. Pitts

    I would like to dedicate my contribution to this novel to both my mother, Mildred Hynote, and to my stepson, James H. Hoby Belflower. I am at peace knowing that my mother and Hoby are now being held in the loving arms of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    Dr. Michael W. Freeman





    Part 1   Little History

    Chapter 1   It’s Always Give and Take

    Chapter 2   The Cylinder

    Chapter 3   Learning To Fly

    Chapter 4   When Time Stands Still

    Chapter 5   Beyond The Milky Way

    Chapter 6   Visit To a Cemetery

    Part 2   Big History

    Chapter 7   Discovering A Cure

    Chapter 8   A Mingling of the Minds

    Chapter 9   Mushrooms, Metal and Gunpowder

    Chapter 10   Akupitiyo

    Chapter 11   The Anunnaki

    Chapter 12   Passion Week

    i   Note To Reader

    ii   Elliot’s Manuscript, Partial

    iii   Fred vs. Job

    iv   Epilogue


    You might say Donny Pitts and I met by accident; we don’t feel that way at all. We believe it was divine intervention. We met at a small-town event on a cool spring day. Donny was selling his first book, The Lamb and the Dragon. I was there hoping to sell a few hand-made crafts. I was in the process of writing my first book and I was considering very seriously about getting it published. I meandered over to Donny’s booth, and we began talking. A great friendship was started right then and there. The conversation that day, and the many that have followed, have been snapshots of God’s handiwork in our lives. Donny’s genuine spirit and creativity were evident from the onset.

    Donny is a passionate writer of Christian fiction. He gives an interesting Sci-Fi feel to his stories of spiritual warfare and the complications of life in general. He is a follower of Christ who lets his writing reflect his beliefs. Being a part of the Deep South, and growing up in the Bible belt, Donny’s faith runs deep. He has experienced grace, miracles, and the love of Christ, and longs to share the wonders of God with as many as will listen. Sometimes that means telling stories that reflect certain truths. Other times that encompasses sharing his talents and gifts to reach those who may not otherwise be reached. Donny does both, and does them magnificently.

    In his novel, Glowater, Donny tells the story of an ex-cop, Fred Glowater. Fred is on a mission and is racing against time, but not exactly as you and I do. His race is a little more complex. There is an opportunity that has all but fallen into Fred’s hands, but he doesn’t quite know what to do with it. His race is personal and the outcome is literally life or death.

    Glowater is an edge-of-your-seat tale that describes in full color one man’s desperate attempt to make a difference, not only for himself, but for all of humanity. The characters are likable and believable, and the fight is one that, sadly, resonates with us all. Donny brings his characters to life and his story unravels with twists and turns that will keep you turning the pages. His writing dares you to think outside the box, beyond what you may be used to.

    Laura Sweat, Author

    An Awakening


    Fred Glowater, retired cop, now working as a school crossing guard, has lost it all. The only people he has ever loved were taken away far too soon. He is very much alone, but through the years he has accepted that fact; has embraced it; has embodied it.

    With nothing else to lose, Fred sets out on a quest for answers: What’s the meaning of life? What does death mean? Why am I here? What purpose do I serve? What lies on the other side of life? What can I change to make this a better world?

    Little does Fred realize that in the not-too-distant future, he will find answers to all his questions. Some things he will be able to change; some things he will not be able to change; some things, as he will come to understand clearly, are better off left alone.


    1951 B.C.

    The war for galactic domination has been fiercely waged for over 3,500 years.

    January 9, 1951 A.D. Sixty-five years ago.

    The galactic battle above the heavenlies is all but over. One last clan of galactic warriors was hoping to reign and rule over the planets, but, as in all wars, no one wins. The lone space craft, constructed from a solid sheet of a silver-blue metal unknown to earth, was damaged, but still maintaining control.

    The ship was triangular in shape, with several white lights on top and a circle of red lights underneath surrounding a large white light in the center. An oval green light shone at each corner. On one side of the space craft was a huge symbol of the All-seeing Eye inside a pyramid, very similar to the image on the back of a U.S. dollar bill.

    The lone passenger is a six-foot-tall, brownish-green being. He has a short tail that barely touches the ground, and had an elongated skull. On each side of his head sits two pairs of huge round eyes; no eye lashes nor eye brows. His nose is more of a pig-like snout, and his teeth are long and protruding, and razor-sharp. His hands are webbed claws, and his long feet resemble that of a T-Rex. His physical features would make it next to impossible to manipulate a pedal-operated space craft. However, his ship is equipped with mind-activated controls.

    Just as the lone alien thinks he might survive the battle, he collides with a severely damaged enemy space craft. The collision causes a ripple effect in the atmosphere as invisible circular waves of energy spread out in all directions for miles. One craft disintegrates on impact, and the triangular-shaped ship begins swirling out of control at it heads toward the earth’s atmosphere at 4,000 MPH. The space ship resembles a small comet at it hurls toward the Gulf of Mexico. As it explodes upon contact with the gulf waters off Panama city Beach, Florida, it shatters into a million shiny fragments. One tiny object weighing less than two ounces, however, survives the violent collision and begins slowly see-sawing its way to the bottom of the ocean. The object’s light weight makes it easy for the ever-present currents and surges at eighty feet deep to toss the object around as it makes it way toward the sandbars and shallows.





    F red Glowater was born in Dahlonega, Georgia, an only child, to Robert and Barbara Glowater in June 1944. When Fred was six years old, he attended Long Branch Elementary School on Highway 52 East where his mother was an English teacher. Robert was Chief of Police in Dahlonega and retired from the police force after more than thirty years of service.

    There were only about 5,000 kind folks in Dahlonega and Robert liked it that way. The fewer the people, the less trouble; that was Robert’s motto. Dahlonega was the site of the first major U.S. gold rush and is known as The Heart of Wine Country. It’s a nice town to be from, to grow up in and to retire in. That was Robert and Barbara’s notion anyway. Barbara always thought that the neighbors on North Hall Road were the best ever.

    Fred graduated from Lumpkin County High School in 1962 and moved to Athens, Georgia, where he attended the University of Georgia on a football scholarship. Fred’s parents worked hard to give him the best they could and seeing him off to college was the last best thing they did for their son.

    While playing football for UGA, Fred Glowater met three people who would become part of his life, even if only for a short time: Head Football Coach, James Bubba Smith, Tony McFarlane (who would later be quarterback for the UGA Bulldogs) and cheerleader, Ruth-Ann Turner.

    On October 3, 1964, during the Georgia-Florida game at Jacksonville, running back, Fred Glowater received what looks like a severe neck injury and was rushed off the field and taken to University Medical Center. The game ended in a tie at 7-7. Fred’s football career was over. After recovering from his injuries, he turned to law enforcement and graduated with a degree in Criminal Justice in early 1967, staying back a year due to his injuries.

    In late 1966, a few months before graduation, Fred and Ruth-Ann got married, and it was a very joyous occasion. They honeymooned in Panama City Beach, Florida and later talked about moving there someday. Someday would come sooner than they expected! Ruth-Ann obtained a job at Clarke County City Hall and Fred was deputized as Clarke County Deputy Sheriff. All was well!

    In August of 1967, Fred and Ruth-Ann had a son. He was their only child and their world, their reason for existence. They named him Bo, a very fitting name, indeed. Bo’s parents had plans for him. They planned to see to it that Bo has the best of everything just like Fred’s parents did for him. He will play football, hopefully for the University of Georgia, and be good enough to play in the NFL someday. He will do what I could not do, thought Fred.


    Friday, October 27, 1967 came around with pretty much no excitement other than the excitement of Fred and Ruth-Ann’s son, Bo, being two months old. At 10:00 AM the phone rang.


    Fred Glowater?"

    "Yes it is, and you are James Smith. I recognize your voice.

    How are you and the family?

    We are just fine, thanks.

    I have two extra tickets to the Georgia-South Carolina game tomorrow in Columbia. I hope you and Ruth-Ann can join us.

    Yes, sir, we will definitely be there. Thanks.

    Great! See you then, Fred. Give my love to Ruth-Ann.

    Yes, sir, I will. Fred was ecstatic!

    The drive to Columbia was treacherous. Traffic was very heavy and slow-moving. Fred was driving with caution and trying not to get distracted by all the traffic noise, which was mainly hundreds of carloads of youngsters yelling out their car windows at the top of their lungs, flags flapping in the wind. Ruth-Ann was thinking about her son back in Athens with the baby-sitter. This was the first time she went somewhere without him; this would also be her last time.

    Fred would never forget that game on Saturday, October 28, 1967. That game would haunt him until his death. The game was like any other game between two rivals with lots of screaming, lots of yelling, and lots of beer-drinking. The game was a thriller! The quarterback for the Gamecocks was Heisman Trophy winner, Benton Vale, and riding shotgun for the Georgia Bulldogs was junior John Roland. At the end of the half it was South Carolina 10 and Georgia 3. The week before, Georgia lost to Miami in a squeaker: Miami 7, Georgia 6. The Bulldogs were seeking revenge. With 1:07 left in the third quarter, South Carolina tied the game at 10-10. With three minutes left in the Game, the score was 20-10, Georgia leading. The final score was Georgia 27, South Carolina 10.

    Fred talked about the game non-stop.

    Honey, I can drive if you want to tell me all about the game … again.

    I can drive and talk, Ruth-Ann, mumbled Fred.

    "Okay, I’m just saying … BAM!

    Fred’s car was hit as a drunken Gamecock fan rams the car, causing it to roll several times. The car made a sudden stop as it finally comes to rest. Ruth-Ann was silent, eyes open, not breathing. Her head rammed the inside roof of the car, turning her neck at an odd angle, killing her instantly. The South Carolina frat-boy in the other vehicle is screaming in pain. Fred is virtually unhurt. Someone must have called for an ambulance; Fred heard the distant sirens. He looked at his wife and began to sob bitterly. His beautiful wife, silent and lifeless. Fred’s pain was more than he can bear. He pushed the door open and stumbled toward the other car.

    The frat-boy was begging for help. Fred touched the side of his Smith & Wesson 9mm handgun. Two patrol cars and an ambulance are on the scene too quickly for Fred to do what he had intended. Fred noticed that one ambulance driver had piercing black eyes. He sneered at Fred!

    You’re mine, frat-boy, Fred whispered. The young man looked up at Fred and then passed out.

    Fred visited his wife’s grave every day while still thinking of how he would do the frat-boy in. The young Gamecock fan killed the only woman Fred had ever loved, and Fred would not quit until he made sure the young man paid his dues. He had a friend at the Clarke County Sheriff’s Office who over-saw the evidence room.

    I’ll set him up and make it look like he’s a drug addict, Fred said to himself.

    Or, I could just find out where he lives and kill him, or maybe his parents, or maybe his girlfriend, Fred murmured. Fred kept quiet in those days, but his mind was plenty busy.


    The young college boy, aka frat-boy, managed to avoid vehicular manslaughter charges in Ruth-Ann’s death due to his father’s influence, which amounted nothing short of a bribe via big contribution to the local DA’s re-election fund. Frat-boy gets a DUI, a reckless driving charge, and a five-year probation sentence. He is ordered, also, to seek alcohol rehabilitation and loses his driver’s license for one year. However, none of these changes his current lifestyle. He smirks at the judge and says, Thanks!

    A few days later, while still in school, Ruth-Ann’s killer is partying and in a drunken stupor at the local bar. He gets around by having someone drive for him. No problem! This continues to be his way of life. After one year, he gets his driver’s license back, and one Friday afternoon he is driving back home from meeting with his probation officer. On this one occasion, he is not drinking. On the other side of town, a red neck concrete truck driver, who has his own alcohol problem, just finished his last job for the week and is in a hurry to get back to the office, grab his paycheck, and then make a bee-line to the liquor store. He is traveling 60 MPH in a 35 MPH zone, and didn’t notice that the traffic light had gone red on him. He blasts through the intersection and T-bones frat-boy’s GTO convertible, which now looks like it had been in direct contact with a hellfire missile hurled from a military drone. The young boy’s life ends when his head meets the concrete truck’s massive grille head-on. Later when Fred got the news, he called the boy’s father.

    Now you will know the pain I have to endure every day of my life, Fred told the man.

    Justice! Fred screamed over the receiver.


    Fred’s dad, Robert, decides to drive to Athens to stay with Fred and Bo for awhile. He needs a vacation; a long vacation. Barbara recently died from cancer and now Robert is all alone; a pain he cannot endure. He needs to be with his only family now and he desperately hopes Fred will not mind the company.

    On Thanksgiving Day Fred, Bo and Robert celebrate the holiday as best they can. It’s been a year now since the accident and Bo is now thirteen months old. The only sounds at the dinner table

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