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We Sleep They Live
We Sleep They Live
We Sleep They Live
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We Sleep They Live

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Today, we are feeling the loss of our privacy like no other generation has. We are also being led down a path that fuels the evil intents of those who collect our secrets. Rather than being warmed by the suggested security blanket, most of us have felt a little uncovered at times.
Our lives are often shamefully exposed by people with self-serving epic desires to know everything about each of us. Those involved in this prying employ little known or hidden processes. These methods have been used against us by both criminals and the government. Unendingly, we are asked to conform to intrusive measures or laws that severely alter our lives.
Who is it that is restructuring our lives in all too often negative ways? While considering what has been happening here, an interesting comparison struck me. It came from an old movie called They Live. Others who have watched this movie likely had similar thoughts of comparing it to the reality we all face today. I have taken those lighthearted comparisons and have carried them further in this book. The effort here is to bring to light what most of us already know but do not want to take seriously.
We live in a world that really does have evil people lurking behind the scenes. They take advantage of us with impunity. Why? – Because very few people are looking deep enough to uncover the webs of deceit that exist. This book uses the backdrop of the movie to paint a real-world comparison of those treacheries that befall most of us. The schemes used by those behind-the-curtain villains to perpetuate their corruptions on the world are addressed herein. This book might seem like a work of fiction, but sorry to say, it’s a nonfiction title.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 7, 2019
We Sleep They Live

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    We Sleep They Live - David Michael Beechwood

    Copyright © 2019 David Michael Beechwood.

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    Scripture quotations taken from the King James Version of the Bible

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6188-7 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019906877

    WestBow Press rev. date: 6/6/2019



    Chapter 1     The Social System

    Chapter 2     The Political System

    Chapter 3     The Economic System

    Chapter 4     The Methods used to Control – Part 1

    Chapter 5     The Methods used to Control – Part 2

    Chapter 6     Signs of Their Plans

    Chapter 7     A Religious Analysis – Part 1

    Chapter 8     A Religious Analysis – Part 2

    Chapter 9     Solutions – Part 1

    Chapter 10   Solutions – Part 2

    Closing Thoughts



    Suppose we went to a football game for the first time. Instead of watching the game, what if we just watched a few very select people in the crowd and in the stands? We might then come away with a lopsided view of what we thought a sports fan was. The sometimes crazy antics of some fans, throwing beer, yelling obscenities, and disrespecting families; clouds the image, idea, and understanding of what a real fan of the sport is.

    Worse yet, there are other things, terrible things for that matter, which also have nothing to do with being a fan or even the game of football. These things mostly have to do with the extremist fans’ enthusiasms. Their actions here, by association, actually taint the sport. That is, when they do such things, as overturn cars, set fires, break windows, and sometimes even kill other people.

    Coincidentally the same tainting occurs for the concept of faith and the sometimes crazy antics of the religious extremists. This will be explored more in the upcoming chapters. Now, however, returning to our first-time viewers of football fans. Suppose as viewers we became a little skeptical of what we were actually witnessing. What really do those antics have to do with football?

    If we did this, then we might say that there has to be a more appropriate way to support a team. In doing this, our healthy skepticism could lead to a reward. We might find that a football game can be a joy if we focus in on the game rather than the extremist. Now for those extremists in sports or religion, is there any hope?

    The wild violence that occurs in the sports and religious sectors begs the following questions to be asked. Do evils like this exist in all the other areas of our life as well? What is the nature of this evil? Are there dark souls out there looking to advantage themselves at your expense? Do some people possess more evil than others?

    This book attempts to answer these questions in a semi-straightforward manner. I say semi because I have made an effort to tone down my criticism of some groups and individuals. However, some of my responses might still be perceived to contain a little bit of bite in them. This is done, not with the intent of hurting people, but in an attempt at tough love.

    My writing may not always be politically correct. It is, however, an effort to get people to come together. It is a search for more appropriate universal truths. Truths, such as these, should ultimately unite the human family.

    Most of the time being a skeptic isn’t fun, yet in these troubled times, it is often necessary. It can mean going against the grain of mainstream thinking to look for truth. This can be rough on anyone because some truths, when we find them, are not so pleasant.

    We are all inundated with news reports telling us about criminal acts within our systems. These would be in our departments of education, health, government, law enforcement, commerce, immigration and in many other human activities. The reports are so numerous that they have become commonplace daily events to us.

    Unfortunately, a significant portion of these criminal acts appears to be under-prosecuted. During many of those crimes, the criminals steal more money than they pay in fines. All too often criminals end up serving very light sentences in jail or get off completely.

    These things all occur in a world where we supposedly already have rules in place to protect us. If those rules really are there to protect us, why is it that those criminal acts happen so often? Are we really very safe? How safe did you feel during the financial meltdown of 2008?

    Given our nations long history, we certainly have had time to fix these things. So, why haven’t our rules prevented these under-prosecuted activities from happening in the first place? Could our laws have loopholes in them on purpose?

    Yes, we have rules in place, though it often seems like we do not. Why is there such a breakdown in our procedures, regulations, and laws? To answer this we need to put this idea in perspective, perhaps then we can gain some insight.

    Picture a world where there are no limits on behavior. Let’s say one of your neighbors decides he wants to raise killer bees in his backyard. Or consider the self-made chemical expert that wants to experiment with explosives or chemical materials in the apartment next to yours.

    If these things were to happen, I believe most of us would agree that a certain amount of control is necessary, and even welcomed in our lives. Of course, we already do have rules to protect us here. However, you might agree, based on all those above criminal reports that we should at least carry through on our already existing control measures. Civilization, after all, requires rules to survive and prosper.

    Religious faith has often been said to be a key reason for civilizations ability to progress. Our early immigrants’ strong religious roots were helpful in this process. Religion helped us to establish critical civil codes. Morals which led to, the standards, statues, and laws our forefathers set in motion back in 1776; and even earlier.

    A good part of these necessary moral codes grew out of Judean Christian beliefs. Those ideals spread into Europe centuries ago and then on into the New World.¹ Here in the United States long-established religious codes even helped to secure our freedoms.

    However, for a long time now I have witnessed our countries, standards, laws, and freedoms being increasingly manipulated. Those original ideas have been eroding for decades now. To make things worse religion, as a whole, has been complicit in these awful changes.²

    It often seems that many of our newer behaviors or lifestyles retain the Christian label, despite their departure from the original standards. This departure tarnishes the source ideas of what a Christian is supposed to be. Those slacked values come from mingling with the secular world’s continually changing moral codes.

    Over the last several decades we have witnessed many laws being changed to accommodate those changes in morality. Restrictions removed, protections taken away, and rules changed to make illegal actions legal. Those dwindling standards or values are behind a good number of those awful news reports. Remember those reports of criminal acts within education, healthcare, government, etcetera; that I mentioned above?

    Our rules and laws have been degraded by inside and outside forces well beyond a reasonable limit. If the pattern continues the challenges for future generations, who might try to stand for justice, may be insurmountable. Justice in an anything-goes world is only served by the meanest person left standing. We have been angling in that direction for a while now.

    Who is it that is restructuring our lives, seemingly with our consent? In trying to make sense of things, analogies sometimes come in handy. While considering what has been happening around us, an intriguing comparison struck me. It came in the form of an old movie called THEY LIVE.³ Perhaps others who have watched this movie have had similar thoughts to the ones I am about to present.

    In this movie, aliens, whom of course we could not see, had invaded the earth and were controlling things. They caused problems, at first, similar to the ones above, but ultimately much worse. Actually one could see the aliens if they had a pair of special glasses. I feel that, in a way, one has to wear these special glasses to make sense of what has been happening to us today. We need to look more deeply at what is going on to make sense of it.

    So with this in mind, I would like to give you this special set of glasses, figuratively, for you to view our surroundings. I will try, within the bindings of this book, to convince you that THEY, these evil ones, really do exist. They indeed are here walking among us.

    I will explain further, as to who THEY are, as we go along. The one condition I ask, is that you wear these special glasses; that is, keep an open mind. The main character in the movie They Live, had a heck of a time trying to convince his friend, to wear the special glasses. I hope you’re not that hard to convince.

    Unfortunately, it isn’t always easy to handle the truth. Yet, the alternative is to substitute our special glasses for a set of rose color glasses. This helps us to pretend everything is beautiful and no one is taking undue advantage of anyone. Then there are those who do not want to upset the cart, so they deny there is a problem.

    I believe that too many of us have done these things for far too long. While at times I am also tempted to give in, my concern over future consequences prevents me from doing so now. In fact, that concern prompted me to write this book. Without our placement of potential corrective measures, the aftermath for doing nothing will be nightmarish in nature. This book helps to uncover how that nightmare is being developed, so it is not a tale of merriment.

    Believe me, I wish I could have written a rose-colored story here. After all, that is what the majority of us want. However, I wouldn’t be of any help if I did that. Perhaps if we put on our hypothetical Special Glasses we can still give this story a happy ending. This is because with more eyes opened better decisions can be made.

    While it is not necessary for the reader of this book to have seen the movie THEY LIVE I would like to encourage you to do so, but be mindful as it does have some adult content. I understand that viewing the movie may not always be possible. So, a brief review of the stories basic premise might be in order here. This will help you to construct a framework of understanding for the gist of my analogy.

    In the movie, aliens from another planet are subtly taking over the earth. Further, they have been doing this right in front of everyone for a long time. Yet, few people are even aware of their interference. They can broadcast a signal, which controls how humans see them.

    The broadcast signal also includes subliminal messages. These messages aid the aliens in their control of our populations. Because of the broadcast signal, anyone looking at them would see them as if they were a regular human being. The broadcast also gives out hidden suggestions on how we should behave; that is a control measure of theirs.

    The aliens have allowed a small number of humans to work for them. This is because they needed help in controlling the bulk of our population. They managed to control just the right people. To get the right people they first had to infiltrate the primary sources of political power all over the world.

    They were able to subvert our social elite, using them to control the media and government leaders. Most of the elite lacked the moral courage to resist. These leaders, instead, opted for self-preservation of their money, power, and life. With the alien’s conquest of those few select people accomplished, they were then able to control the masses. Basically, our social elite sold out the rest of humankind.

    The story suggests that by controlling the elite they could control everything. The aliens were able to control the media, governmental leaders, law enforcement, military personnel and thereby most of us. Does any of this sound potentially possible, perhaps in a real-world application?

    Fortunately, there were also a few decent people who figured out that the aliens were here on earth. Some members of this group had invented special glasses, but only in a limited amount. These glasses allowed some humans to see the aliens for what they really were; and they were not pretty.

    These good citizens had also figured out that the alien beings were not working in humankind’s best interest. They, the aliens, were working for their own self-interest. The heroes of the story thus needed to find a way to disrupt the broadcast signal so that all of the people of earth could see these aliens without the need for the special glasses. The idea here was this; if everyone could know them for what they really were, then the people of earth would start to fight for their freedom.

    Of course, this is just a story, right? The likelihood of real alien beings, from outer space, taking over the world is of course remote. This story, however, is not the only story of strange creatures living amongst us. Several of those stories suggest that they actually existed here on earth long before us.

    Those supernatural stories often seem to be taking things too far, and this tends to encourage our disbelief in them. We are more comfortable taking the sanity path that is laid out for us, so we tend to ignore those stories. Just for fun though, let us explore the idea that the aliens here are of the more human, or earthly, nature. Then the They Live story has some value to us.

    The story’s basic idea can help us, by extrapolation, to make sense of certain events happening to us today. Is it possible that a group of well-organized elites could be using a similar script to reach similar ends? If so they most certainly would need our help. Perhaps we will not have to look too far to find them; our earthly aliens that is?

    A fellow worker of mine once told me something that gave me some cause for concern. One morning shortly after we arrived at work and were preparing for the day’s activities, he said to me. Can you imagine that there are people out there, who just like us, got up this morning to go to work? However, instead of going out to help people they set out to rob people.

    I had thought about this idea before, but somehow hearing someone else express this thought, made it feel more real to me. My concern grew, even more, when another frightening idea came upon me. This idea is as follows.

    If there are people who plan their days on doing harm to others on a small scale, what is the probability that there are those who plan their days around much more substantial forms of deceit? I am speaking of ways of deception, which involve hundreds, thousands, millions or even billions of people at a time. If you don’t believe evil plans of this scale could exist, I ask you to keep an open mind as you read on.

    I understand that our world is a very complicated place. So please allow me this disclaimer of sorts. I do not claim that all of the ideas presented here are complete and final. It must be noted that, as sovereign citizens, we should be well informed; but we are not. We do not always have all the facts surrounding events. That is, enough of the truths to make proper conclusions.

    Without knowing the full details of what has happened, it is hard to make proper decisions; when trying to come to solutions. Further, as humans, we understand there are variables, which are continually changing our problems, and thus, our answers to these problems. I, like you, am hampered by these things. While these things make it difficult to uncover the truths they don’t make it utterly impossible. We still can gain a good deal of insight through thoughtful examination of the information that we do have.

    If they really existed would it be possible for us to know it? Would they let us know their plans? Surprisingly the answer to both of these questions is YES.

    You see, those strange conspiracy stories are not as odd, as you might think. In fact, for the most part, many of us are working with and or for them. This arrangement provides some of us with inside knowledge.

    By employing our help, they put themselves at risk. Still, our earthly aliens need to operate right in front of us. This being the case, some of us have to know at least part of the plan. You see, insiders are where those conspiracy theories come from. These employees came across a piece of the puzzle and then blew the whistle.

    Those whistleblowers don’t generally have an easy time of it. Over the years their leaks have often been addressed by flat-out denials and then character assassinations. Many people are so demeaned by the press that they end up being scorned by the public.

    On occasion, lower level conspiracies stories are unequivocally found to be true. Generally, people involved in those stories, in minor roles, blame others for their shortcomings. They likely did not question, if what they were asked to do was indeed right. They assumed that their leaders had already done that. This is how people work for them without really knowing.

    Those that participated at a management level told themselves that they really were not the principal players in the crime. They were subordinates that wanted to keep their high paying jobs. Further, since they really did not understand the ultimate goals of the offense, they felt no guilt for their part in it.

    Some of you will not understand this, as you may not even be aware of any part of these deceitful undertakings. Hopefully, you will as you read on. You will find that these plans are worldwide and very involved. They link together in very subtle ways. Further, the details are not knowingly presented to lower level personnel.

    Many, perhaps most of us, are unwitting participants in the schemes and at that, only on a peripheral basis. We are so far removed that we would find it hard to put all the pieces together. Perhaps ninety percent or more of us fit in here; lacking the big picture.

    However, some people are actively involved and have massive schemes, either in progress or on the drawing boards. Those vast schemes will affect humankind negatively. These vile people are the ones I am calling they, or them. I will at times use quotation signs on some of the words which represent these people throughout this book. I hope this helps to make it more transparent, as to who I am speaking of.

    Of course, we are not privy to their entire plan. Yet these schemers cannot carry out any plans of action without first taking those actions. For example, if trade agreements, or pension plans, or immigration laws need to be changed, for their benefit, we see their lobbyist work to change them. One does not have to be a rocket scientist to understand this.

    The decades of declining ethics, or values that I spoke of earlier, have made their adverse actions easier to achieve. So their plans are all up in front of us to see, as the laws were changed to permit their actions. Generally, it is in the fine print, as to where the deceits lay hidden. If one could read legalese, you might eventually find their evil deeds. The problem is that our lawmakers haven’t really been able to read, let alone understand, all of the bills that come before them.

    For some time now we have been able to see not only the evidence but the results of many of their deceptive actions. A good number of them have been draining not only our individual wealth but our national wealth. When those legislative bills are submitted we think that they are clear-cut and in our best interest, but many times they are not. The small convoluted details, by design, confuse the issues in favor of guess who?

    Many of these plans often have alternative goals which are even less evident. They lay deeply hidden to be used further on in their game plan; perhaps well into the future. People just like me have reported on those alternative goals for a very long time.

    I personally first started to hear these so-called conspiracy stories of covert actions back in the 1970s. Most of these stories should be more accurately described as plans for fraud and corruption. Since then I have watched many parts of those stories mature into actual actions and scandals. Amazingly the general public, for the most part, has not been able to connect the dots; yet.

    Many other parts of their plans are well underway and are not being resisted; even to this day, by mainstream sources. In fact, the media often consoles us or steers us to other conclusions. One such finding is that those people talking about these conspiracy stories are crazy. Thus we shouldn’t pay attention to any of them.

    In other words, they suggest that we should not worry. Our government will take care of us, as they would never be part of anything wrong. Unfortunately for us, the government has not been doing their job. That is their job from the ordinary person’s perspective. However, those who create these awful plans, see the government as doing just fine.

    While we don’t have all the pieces to their ultimate plan we have seen a great deal of this plan already put in to play. That is, we’ve seen enough of the pieces so that we can draw some of them together to get a glimpse of what is in store for us. The following are some basic conclusions most of us can agree upon as a starting point for what we do know:

    1. We know that the number of people in control of the mainstream media has shrunk considerably over the last few decades.

    2. We recognize that some, if not most of our news, is filtered through people who know where their bread is buttered. That is to say, they realize that news, which may anger a sponsor or donor, would be better glossed over, minimized or even avoided completely.

    3. We know that our Government is set up on a system that allows campaign contributions.

    4. We know that these contributions, for a large part, get spent on the media. This is how they butter their bread and gain favor.

    5. We know that the typical citizen contributes very little money toward political candidates.

    6. We know that under the current system you get what you give. That is, those individuals who contribute substantial amounts of money will get favors.

    7. We know that the people who donate will help write the policies and those who do not give will end up paying the lion’s share of all sorts of taxes, fees, and fines.

    8. We know that scandals will appear now and again costing taxpayers trillions. (Savings and Loan, Corporate Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, 12 Billion Dollars of IRAQ Aid missing, 2.3 Trillion Dollars of military-industrial funds unaccounted for, the Wall Street bailout plan, and more to come.)

    9. We know that the campaign finance system is corrupt, for Senators and Congressmen have admitted it individually, but fail to do so collectively.

    10. We know that the cost of major political campaigns hampers the entry of ordinary citizens into the fray.

    11. We know that Democrats and Republicans control our current political system.

    12. We know that voting for Democrats and Republicans has not fixed the problems. Though at every election they promise to fix it; their measures always turn out to be impudent or diluted.

    13. We know they have not corrected the problems, because it is not in their best interest. They want money for their war chest, and their next job opportunity is often that of a lobbyist.

    14. We know that the current plan for globalization is flawed. One of its contributors has come forward to admit it.

    15. We know NAFTA did not truly benefit the majority of people, not only in this country but in Mexico and Canada as well. Most of the benefits go to wealthy investors. It’s not as rosy of a picture for the majority of citizens.⁹ As I write this, it remains to be seen if President Trump has changed this.

    16. We know that their version of the North American Union is their next step. They say we have no say in this.¹⁰ Fortunately, this step is temporarily on hold.

    17. We know that some religions have supported businesses beyond reason and to the detriment of the nation. In so doing they are effectively aiding in the declining moral changes now underway. This decay happens namely through the lowering of wages via support for illegal immigration. Also, they have encouraged the pillaging of social programs by businesses who hire illegal foreign nationals. Further, they have lowered our nation’s morals through their acceptance of those who openly break the laws.

    18. We know that we are the largest debtor nation in the history of the world.¹¹ That debt is over 22 trillion dollars and still climbing.

    19. We know some corporate leaders cannot be trusted, just how many, we are not sure. Some examples of criminal or poor behavior are; Enron, World Com, and AIG as well as those many excessive corporate CEO compensations. These things, of course, do not instill much trust.¹²

    I am sure you can think of a few more things that we know. However, for now, let’s just say these are enough to allow me the license to proceed with my analysis, despite the things we do not know. If a few of the points above don’t make sense to you now, I hope they will by the time you finish this book.

    Now regarding the possible solutions offered in this book. I hope they can contribute to actions already underway. I will be the first to tell you that many of these ideas are not entirely new. You likely just never heard about many of them before because they don’t get much press.

    Over the years the nature of evil has been confronted by numerous concerned citizens; worldwide. Many of those citizens have influenced me. I have assembled some of their ideas here in a fashion that makes sense to me. I have to be honest as seldom is there anything utterly original in most of our thoughts. I say this because most of the time we fail to acknowledge that our ideas build on previous information gathered by others.

    We are the culmination of those that have come before and to not give substantial credit to these sources is selfish and vain. Therefore, these ideas are offered in their honor, in the hope that they will benefit the highest number of us. Oddly enough when things help the masses they also end up benefiting, guess who, our friends we need the glasses to see. However, this is the way it should be, everyone benefits not just a few.

    Now the United States, despite all the past scandals, is still a great nation. It, like a large corporation, does not fade from sight overnight; we hope. The vast amounts of money and resources that have been stolen from the American Public are astounding. The damages being done to our nation, both past and present, have been a significant impairment to us. Especially considering what could have been done, had such travesties not occurred.

    Suppose we were to add up all of the lost money from the reported events of fraud in our country for the last one hundred and fifty years. What might we have had today? That is if we had that money to spend.

    Perhaps we could have used the money to extend our public education system to include college. We may have been able to provide a structural arrangement of hospitals to be used as the common property for the good of all. Possibly we would never have had an income tax because we didn’t a hundred and fifty years ago. It might have been likely that all of this and more were possible.

    Instead, these lost funds went to fatten the bank accounts of specific elite perpetrators. Yet not all of the elite are bad, so if my anger seems to come out, it is against those who have and still do continue to damage our nation and the world. They are the enemy of humankind.

    So, as you read through the following pages keep an open mind. Remember, I will, at times, use quotation marks to make sure you know who I am talking

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