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Bloody Bloom
Bloody Bloom
Bloody Bloom
Ebook112 pages1 hour

Bloody Bloom

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About this ebook

Jessie is a rebellious stoner girl at her school, yet having had troubles making solid friends from a young age, she turned to technology. With a boom in media communication and anonymous websites, Jessie found a way to meet people without having to form any sort of relationships. One call, however, sends her life into turmoil as suddenly she has way too many relations to keep track of and way too many psychopaths on her tail.

The ending of this book leads into the Get Out of My Mind series. To understand the entire plot, read that series next.
Release dateMay 24, 2019
Bloody Bloom

Jonna Wahl

I have been writing stories since I was six years old while also struggling to contain the growing number of personalities within my mind. Since a young age, I've had Disassociative Identity Disorder, which has caused many difficulties in my life but has also helped me to achieve my full potential.

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    Book preview

    Bloody Bloom - Jonna Wahl

    Chapter I


    My nails clicked on the keyboard, the screen in front of me glowing in the dark room. I chewed on my plump bottom lip in liberosis as I chatted away with a stranger online. I knew it wasn’t smart to chat with strangers but, hell, you only live once, right?

    Jessie: I can’t tell you where I live, silly.

    ?????: Why? Who cares? It’s an anonymous website, just because I know your state doesn’t mean I know where you live.

    Jessie: Still, haven’t you ever heard of not talking to strangers?

    ?????: You’re already talking to a stranger…

    Forward much? I thought to myself as I typed a response.

    Jessie: You sound like you’re trying to get my location.

    It’s highly unlikely that this kid could do anything. He’s probably just a creepy teen.

    ?????: What if we FaceTime? Can’t I at least see your face?

    I rolled my eyes as he FaceTimed me and my fingers shakily hesitated for a while before pushing the green button to the right. A boy around my age appeared before me with a mask of white Asiatic lilies, white carnations, white roses and white button spray chrysanthemums splattered with what I was sure was dark, crimson paint. His strange appearance caused a snorted chuckle from me.

    So you can see my face but I can’t see yours? That’s no fair, I flirted, twirling a lock of my wavy brunette hair in between my fingers.


    He remained silent but from the edges of the mask I could see his cheeks pinch upward into a smile.

    What, are you mute? I chuckled, shivering with the creeping ominous feeling that his spooky mask brought on.

    He nodded slowly, his blue eyes glittering.

    Is this your kink? ’Cause I’m not really… you know, that kind of person.

    Still, he contained his silent streak and finally, I just hung up with a feeling of adronitis.

    That was extremely bizarre, I blinked in confusion.

    My screen lit up once more as he called me again, Maybe he took off the mask…

    The screen revealed a picture that made me want to vomit.

    This is sick… I whispered underneath my breath as a picture of a bloodied corpse appeared on the screen, "I don’t care what kind of prank this is, this is sick."


    The walls and floor of the room were coated in blood, the body was unrecognizable after being chopped up and strewn across the crimson splattered floor like a madman’s abstract masterpiece. The tops of the limbs revealed bones that looked as if the skin and muscle had been filleted off of the corpse. The bones stuck out from the cold, dead limbs, bleached white to contrast the red and the head, -which was facing the screen and the closest, most clear image- was morbidly realistic; a short-haired, blonde crop of hair framed her pale, caved in cheeks; Her decapitated neck still oozed red but her frigid stare and gaping mouth held the terror of her final moments. The man chuckled a deep booming laugh that grew like a bloody bloom and once more, I hung up.

    Damn these online trolls, it’s not even close to Halloween. It’s fucking April!

    With a huff of disappointment and a slight hint of trepidation, I went to bed.


    The next morning, I awoke to the sound of my alarm and yet another normal day began. Brush teeth, brush hair, pick an outfit, jewelry, makeup, etc. I grabbed my drawstring bag for school and went to the kitchen next for a quick breakfast snack.

    Cereal will do, I think with a sigh.

    Lazily, I slouched in a kitchen chair and munched aimlessly at bland cornflakes. My mom ambled in and rubbed at her eyes, donning sweatpants and a loose t-shirt.

    Ready to go? She mumbled sleepily.

    I nodded improvidently, pushing the rest of the soggy cereal into the trash and following my mother out to the car, tiresomely dragging my feet. Every morning since I turned 16, my mom would drive me to school before leaving to work as a school bus driver. She comes home during the day while I’m in school and works late as a waitress at the local Bistro. She drove me to the school and I entered the brightly lit building begrudgingly, sticking my round, mirrored sunglasses onto my face to mask my judging, brown eyes from the bumbling idiots of the halls. Teachers waved their vacant hellos, students nodded and threw peace signs as the day dragged on eternally. With my shy yet, so very loud hippy status at the school, it didn’t bother me much to slap up fellow stoners and druggies walking down the halls. The stoner communities in high schools are always tight, we all know each other and we’ve all smoked with each other. As the final bell finally sounded, I was so quick to begin packing my things that absentmindedly, I bumped my phone off of my desk. Alas, upon reaching down to pick it up, my eyes met with the dazzling blue gaze and dirty-blonde, tousled hair of none other than: Charlie Collins. My cliche teenage romance that every girl secretly craves deep down. He seemed to be prominent on my mind all the time, haunting my dreams since before I met him. He resolved my monachopsis with a warm vibe that I craved to be near.

    You dropped this, He smiled that charming smile, handing it to me.


    My skin brushed up against his soft hand, sending lightning throughout my body and a strong feeling of rubatosis.

    I stammered, Um, thanks, Charlie.

    He looked taken back, You know my name?

    Well, yeah, I chuckled, brushing a stray hair from my eyes, We’re in the same geometry class, silly.

    His azure eyes twinkled and that damned smile drew at my heartstrings.

    Well, uh, see you tomorrow, Jessie, he smirked, that twinkle still ever present in those beautiful eyes.

    Yeah… See ya, my voice was quiet as he exited the room and for a moment, I just kind of sat and took a breather.

    Charlie’s such a cutie, I thought, rushing out of the school to walk home, the quiet kids are always so mysterious. I feel like there’s something he’s hiding and I need to know what it is. Charlie recently appeared in my neighborhood. He’d gone to school with me years prior in elementary school, but in my Junior year, we had just started talking.

    The sun beamed smiling sunshine onto the top of my backwards cap and bounced off of my mirrored, blue teashades as I began the long, two mile trek home through our small town. I took the back way through the woods, as always, to listen to the chirping birds and gaze up at the luscious canopy of my family’s 20 acre property. As usual, my house was completely vacant. With my eldest sister away at college and my other sister in Arizona with her new boyfriend, the

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