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End of Mood Disorders: New Age Healing for Depression, Anxiety & Anger
End of Mood Disorders: New Age Healing for Depression, Anxiety & Anger
End of Mood Disorders: New Age Healing for Depression, Anxiety & Anger
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End of Mood Disorders: New Age Healing for Depression, Anxiety & Anger

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End of Mood Disorders approaches depression and other mood disorders as energy problems and deficiencies, as well as spiritual disorders. As a result, this book recommends energy-related and spiritual techniques to help cure depression and other mood disorders. This book focuses on our ability to harness healing energy to correct the havoc caused by negative energy and energy drainage in our daily lives. It recommends ways to control the ego and minimize conflict in our daily lives in order to reach and maintain a happy and serene state of consciousness and peace of mind. - It recommends ways to fortify our energy systems to combat the adverse affects of negative energy and energy drainage caused by the slings and arrows of life.. These techniques are designed to fortify our auras, chakras, and energy channels, we learn to drive out and repel negative energy, prevent our further attraction of negative energy and draw in positve, healing energy All this helps cure depression and other mood disorders. These techniques involve meditation, Reiki , methods to attract and absorb positive, healing energy, using positive thinking, prayer, love, kindness, love of self and others, positive thinking and action and chakra balancing and aura protection to heal depression and other mood disorders These techniques also bolster our ability to consciously refrain from generating negative energy and also end obsessive thinking, mental spinning and ruminations that bombard us with negative enrgy and drain us of vital life force energy. This book also focuses on the relationship between brain chemistry and energy and how brain chemistry can be changed for the better with positive thinking and positive energy. This book approaches depression and other mood disorders as spiritual deficiencies. Therefore, it advocates spiritual healing to address spiritual deficiencies. Spiritual healing includes meditation, prayer, kindness and living within ordinary moral and ethical commandments of organized religion. This book provides techniques to consciously identify negative thinking, obsessions, ruminations and mental spinning, and then consciously snap the mind back to be in the moment and on task and in positive territory. This book employs meditation techniques to enable a person to integrate more fully with his or her higher self and inner child, to reach and maintain a state of balance, love, happiness and serenity. It also provides techniques to stop impulsive and negative reaction to stressors that create negative energy and deplete vital, life force energy. This ensures that our emotions, thoughts and actions will minimize our production of harmful negative energy. In the end depression and other mood disorders result from (i) the accumulation of negative energy in our auras, charkas and energy system that manifests itself as shadows and blockages in our energy system and (ii) the depletion of our vital life force energy. Negative energy that is stored in our energy systems makes it impossible for us to draw and use positive, healing energy to cure depression and other mood disorders. It is also our bombardment by, and reaction to, negative energy and stressors and our attachment to negative memories, thoughts, emotions and people that cause the depletion of our vital life force energy. The techniques in this book teach us to sever unwanted attachments to painful emotions, thoughts and memories and negative people to bolster our energy systems. The techniques in this book teach us to end the mental spinning and obsessive thought patterns and ruminations that drain us of vital life force energy and bombard us with negative energy. The techniques in this book teach us how to cleanse and fortify our energy systems so they will be able to easily draw, process and distribute positive, healing energy. The techniques in this book teach us how to repel negative energy and prevent energy drainage caused by negative, toxic people and unconscious and inten
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 29, 2008
End of Mood Disorders: New Age Healing for Depression, Anxiety & Anger

Michael E. Goldberg

Michael E. Goldberg is a successful business and securities lawyer with over twenty-five years of Wall Street experience as a Director and Senior Vice President at prominent Wall Street investment banks. He has worked with Spiritualist in developing meditation techniques for this book and has studied with and interviewed Reiki, Buddhist, Christian, Jewish, and Wiccan teachers in preparing END OF MOOD DISORDEERS. Michael turned to spiritual healing to help friends, family and himself when conventional methods were not enough.

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    End of Mood Disorders - Michael E. Goldberg

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    Preface and Acknowledgments


    Chapter IUnderstanding, Awareness, and Awakening: The Generation, Transmission, and Absorption of Negative and Positive Energy

    Chapter IIThe Soul, Mind, and Body Connection and the Role of Reiki, Acupuncture and Other Types of Energy Healing, Diet, Nutrition, Exercise, Stretching and Natural Supplements

    Chapter IIIDaily Mediation and Visualizations

    Chapter IVLove, Love, Love

    Chapter VLove of Self: Building Self-Confidence and Self-Esteem

    Chapter VIDaily Silent Devotional Prayer and Gratitude: Develop a Personal Relationship with the Creator

    Chapter VIIPositive Thinking

    Chapter VIIITouch Therapy: Hugging, Touching and Cuddling

    Chapter IXEnding the Grip of Addiction and Trauma




    We are energy. We are surrounded by positive and negative energy. Negative energy can make us ill. Positive energy can heal us. The key to good mental and physical health is a clean, intact and vibrant energy body through which life force energy flows freely through us without negative energy blockages or attachments. The physical also holds the key to reversing mood disorders. Conventional treatment will not reverse mood disorders without holistic techniques that heal our energy and physical bodies. The body and brain can only be healed with holistic techniques – i.e., mind, body and spirit (energy). Holistic techniques can be integrated with conventional medicine. This book teaches about the holistic techniques for mood disorders.

    Preface and


    I want to thank my wife and children for their support and love during my years of learning, research and writing about holistic health.

    About the Author:

    Michael E. Goldberg is a holistic health coach, certified hypnotist and Reiki Master/Teacher. He has worked with many suffering from mood disorders and other diseases and has taught meditation and prevention and wellness. Michael is the author of other books and articles on holistic health. These include the Ultimate Prevention and Wellness Program available for free at, The Road to Happiness at and The Road to Healing, Good Health and Wellness at, Kindle and along with articles on holistic health at under his name, Michael E. Goldberg. Michael can be reached at


    This book provides holistic techniques to reverse depression, anxiety, anger and other mood disorders (including post-traumatic stress disorder, otherwise known as ptsd). Depression, anxiety, anger and other mood disorders afflict Americans in record numbers. Conventional medicine does not cure these disorders. Conventional medicine, including pharmaceutical drugs, treat the symptoms of depression, anxiety, anger and other mood disorders. But, it does not get to the root cause of these disorders- and then eradicate these root causes. Conventional medicine enables people to live with these disorders and to manage them. Only holistic techniques can reverse them.

    Holistic techniques for depression, anxiety, anger and other mood disorders include energy body healing through Reiki, acupunture and other energy healing techniques, hypnosis, heart centered meditation and prayer, visualizations, natural supplements, a high vibration, high nutrient diet, nutrition and regular exercise, stretching and yoga.

    Holistic techniques can be integrated with conventional treatment such as psycho-therapy and pharmaceutical drugs. However, conventional treatment alone does not work to reverse mood disorders because it does not get to the root causes of mood disorders and then eliminate them. It should be noted that some psychologists and psycho therapists have recently been using cognitive behavior therapy to their treatment of patients. Cognitive behavior therapy incudes meditation, mindfulness and positive thinking techniques that are like those discussed in this book These techniques are holistic in nature and a welcome addition to conventional treatment of depression anxiety, anger and other mood disorders. They will help a lot.

    Another reason that conventional treatment does not often reverse mood disorders is because it does not acknowledge or address the energy body in connection with the cause and treatment of mood disorders. It does not acknowledge or address the connection between the energy body and the brain and physical body. It does not acknowledge or address the role of the energy body and positive and negative energy in connection with the onset and reversing of mood disorders.

    In contrast, holistic techniques work on both the energy body and physical body to reverse mood disorders.

    This book goes into more detail about the energy body and positive and negative energy in later chapters. The energy body is an integral part of Asian medicine, especially Ayurveda medicine from India and Traditional Chinese medicine from China. The energy body includes the soul/higher self, aura, chakras and meridians.

    The energy body is described in more detail below.

    Conventional medicine recognizes the role of brain chemistry and brain wave activity in connection with mood disorders, but does not recognize the role of the energy body and positive and negative energy with respect to brain chemistry and brain wave activity. Furthermore, conventional medicine does not address (i) the role of negative energy in the origin of mood disorders and (ii) the use of positive, healing energy in the treatment of mood disorders.

    This book focuses on the role of positive, healing energy to reverse mood disorders. Healing energy is high vibration positive energy. It is life force energy also referred to as chi energy in China, Prana energy in India and Ki energy in Japan. These Asian countries all have different methods to bring positive, life force energy into the body for healing. In India, these methods include Prana healing, in China, these methods include Chi Gong and in Japan, these methods include Reiki.

    Of these three methods, Reiki has taken off in the US and the West. So, I focus on Reiki. Prana healing and Chi Gong are like Reiki and are also quite effective.

    Holistic techniques involve the use of positive, healing energy (life force energy, chi energy) to reverse depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. Holistic techniques cleanse and heal the energy body, enabling the energy body to maximize our generation and absorption of positive, healing energy.

    Holistic techniques get to the root causes of depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. These root causes include (1) our generation and absorption of negative energy, (2) our inability to generate and absorb positive energy, (3) a damaged energy body that results from stress, negativity and trauma and (4) negative energy blockages and attachments that block the free flow of life force energy (chi energy) throughout our bodies and brains through our circulatory systems. These root causes leave us exhausted, depressed and anxious, and unable to absorb and process healing energy. They bring us negative, running, obsessive and ruminating thoughts, negative emotions, depression and anxiety.

    Energy body problems drain our vital, life force energy, darken our auras and block our charkas, leading to depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. So, we use positive, healing, life force energy to combat the damage done to us by negative energy. The techniques in this book will rid absorbed negative energy (which is agitated and low vibration energy) by healing the energy body and raising its vibrations with positive, life force energy (which is calming and high vibration energy). This will then enable you to (1) automatically draw into your body and brain free flowing positive, healing energy, (2) repel and release destructive negative energy, and (3) generate positive, healing energy as opposed to negative energy.

    Trapped negative energy and emotions along with negative energy blockages and attachments cause disease. To reverse disease, you need to release trapped negative energy and emotions and remove negative energy blockages and attachments. In this way, you will help positive life force energy to flow freely through the body.

    Negative energy is generated internally and externally by (1) stress and traumas; (2) our reaction to stress factors and traumas; (3) negative emotions, thoughts, speech and of self and others; (4) negative thought patterns including ruminations and obsessions and ongoing and running negative thoughts that evoke ongoing negative emotions (such as fear, worry, anger, resentment, guilt and shame); and (5) attachments to painful memories and negative people, environments and situations book also provides techniques to achieve peace of mind, inner peace, balance, high vibrations and happiness. You will learn to keep your mind fully focused on the details of each moment and on task. You will learn how to cut negative energy attachments, dissolve negative energy blockages and release absorbed negative energy (and related trapped negative emotions). You will also learn how to move from a negative mind–set to a positive one so you can generate more healing, positive energy.

    There is a strong relationship between the energy that is in us and our thoughts and emotions- i.e., negative energy triggers negative thoughts and emotions and positive energy generates positive thoughts and feelings of love and happiness.

    Negative mind-sets are caused by negative energy attachments, negative energy blockages and the absorption of negative energy into the energy body. Negative energy is low vibration and agitated energy that triggers depression, anxiety, anger and other mood disorders through negative energy blockages and attachments and absorbed negative energy.

    Negative energy attachments, blockages and absorbed negative energy cause damage to our energy bodies. They cause negative changes to our brain chemistry and brain waves. They cause ongoing, running and/or ruminating negative thoughts. This causes us to generate more and more negative energy that is absorbed into our energy bodies and leads to depression, anxiety and other mood disorders.

    The techniques in this book will enable you to quickly recognize when you are in negative thought patterns and have a negative mind-set, a negative inner voice and a negative emotional state-and then quickly shift back to being fully focused in the moment and on task, and to positive thinking, happiness, inner peace and peace of mind.

    You will learn how to detach negative energy cords, remove negative energy blockages and release absorbed negative energy. This book will teach you how to fill yourself with positive energy and stop the mind from ruminating, obsessing, worrying, complaining and spinning.

    You will learn how to let go of and release trapped negative emotions such as anger, fear, worry, hatred, bitterness, sadness, guilt, shame, resentment and regrets and it also teaches how to end the grip of painful memories. These memories and emotions are held inside us as trapped negative energy that must be released for healing.

    To reverse our mood disorders, we must first undergo energy body cleansing and healing. This is done through heart-centered meditation and prayer and with Reiki and other types of energy healing. Energy body cleansing and healing also includes chi gong, acupuncture, yoga, acupressure, tai chi and massage.

    This book teaches mindfulness and how to (i) snap our minds out of the past or the future and stay fully focused on the details encountered in each moment and on task, (ii) focus on our blessings and what is positive in our lives and not on our losses, lack, injuries and pain, (iii) cultivate the feeling of love within ourselves and (iv) re-energize ourselves with positive, healing energy.

    Through mindfulness, this book teaches how to rely on the senses for focused observation.

    When in the grip of depression, anxiety and other mood disorders, it is difficult to feel happy or think positively. The mind is often caught in continuous negative, spinning aobsessive thoughts and ruminations. The energy body is blocked by, and filled with, negative energy that leads to negative thoughts and emotions. This leads to negative speech and behavior and negative actions and reactions (that causes us to be filled with negative energy). All this negative energy that is absorbed by us leads to depression, anxiety and other mood disorders.

    In 2007, I went to China on business. While there, I learned about new concepts such as chi and crystal healing and meditation. I observed the inner peace, peace of mind, balance and happiness of the Buddhist monks. I began to understand the power of positive energy with respect to inner peace, peace of mind, balance and happiness.

    I began to understand how positive energy helped prevent and reverse mental and physical illness. Yet, I was skeptical at first about the ability to heal oneself with positive energy. One night in the United States, I was at a dinner party. I sat next to a psychologist who lamented that he had lost many depressed patients to spiritual healers, and these spiritual healers had cured his patients for little or no money.

    I talked to New Age Spiritualists, Buddhists, Wiccan, Psychics and Gnostic Christians. I read new age books. They had one thing in common—an understanding of energy and how it works and how it impacts health. I concluded that depression, anxiety and other mood disorders are caused by dark, dense negative energy that gets into us and blocks the free flow of life force energy (i.e., positive energy) through us.

    Furthermore, I began to understand how energy blockages and attachments and trapped negative energy and emotions lead to depression, anxiety and other mood disorders. They block the free flow of life force energy though us and lowering our vibrations. I began to understand how absorbed negative energy depletes our vital, life force energy, and leaves us exhausted and open to more negative energy. It became clear to me that trapped negative energy and emotions along with energy blockages and attachments have a negative impact on our brain chemistry and brain waves and lead to depression, anxiety and other mood disorders.

    I further concluded that negative energy problems could only be successfully addressed with positive energy solutions.

    Traumas and stress factors damage our energy bodies and open us up to the absorption of negative energy, trapped negative energy and emotions and negative energy blockages. We live in a world where people experience traumas, both childhood and adulthood traumas. We live in a world filled with stress. Many of us are subject to brutal schedules at home and at work. encounter difficult people. We often work and live in stressful environments and encounter people who stress us out. people were abused as children (emotionally, physically and even sexually) when they were most vulnerable to the impact of negative energy. It is difficult for people to let go of the anger, fear and pain that result from child abuse. It takes a lot of energy for a victim of child abuse to repress childhood memories and contain the resulting anger, fear, anxiety, shame and guilt. Child abuse fills the victim with negative energy, emotions and memories that dominate their thoughts and emotions throughout life. They become attached to the negative energy of painful memories, emotions, people and thoughts.

    There is more on trauma and how to treat it in Chapter IX of this book.

    As mentioned above, trauma damages our energy bodies and then opens our energy bodies to the absorption of negative energy. This absorbed negative energy (especially dark, dense negative energy) becomes trapped in us and leads to mood disorders. It makes it difficult for us to draw-in, absorb, process and distribute positive, healing energy to combat depression, anxiety and other mood disorders.

    In addition to trauma, we encounter stress factors in life. Our reflexive, impulsive reaction to stress factors (and ongoing negative thoughts related to trauma and stress factors) cause us to generate and absorb more negative energy that becomes trapped in us. We can become bitter, depressed and exhausted, and project the negativity we feel. When we project negativity, we repel others and draw-in more negative energy

    Trauma and stress factors often compel negative thought patterns. Negative thought patterns include negative running thoughts, a negative inner voice and negative self-talk. This ges more negative energy that we absorb.

    Also, when ego dominates self, negativity ensues. Ego dominates self when our self-oriented desires give way to our need to love and be loved. The ego works with the intellect- i.e., with our beliefs and thoughts. The soul (also known as the higher self) is pure, holy and Divine and is connected to us through the energy body.

    The soul is all about love. The soul only wants to give love unconditionally. Unconditional love is how positive, healing, life force energy feels in the heart and the body. The soul or higher self is connected to us in the physical dimension and suspended in the Divine dimension at the same time. The soul or higher self is our individual life force energy tank that provides

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