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The Amazing Adventures of Scarlett: Scarlett the Hero of Henwood Grove
The Amazing Adventures of Scarlett: Scarlett the Hero of Henwood Grove
The Amazing Adventures of Scarlett: Scarlett the Hero of Henwood Grove
Ebook90 pages43 minutes

The Amazing Adventures of Scarlett: Scarlett the Hero of Henwood Grove

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Scarlett and her friends Herpshnovel Wergantsner, Honeyfelt Gobblespoon, Myrtalopine Fossilgainer, Pumpeed Rattlehouser, and Organtort Pompaloop are all about to save their village from the most evil and vial Gangletreens. Her parents are there with her as well. The Gangletreens have joined forces with the equally treacherous Wolfbriar; their sole purpose is to destroy the Worsop trees that create the rainbows. To defeat this evil foe, Scarlett will have to climb a magical tree that stands 1,500 feet tall called Gort. Scarlett will then have to remove the very top branch, fashion this branch into a magical sword, then defeat Volcarn, the leader of the Gangletreens.
PublisherXlibris NZ
Release dateJun 5, 2019
The Amazing Adventures of Scarlett: Scarlett the Hero of Henwood Grove

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    The Amazing Adventures of Scarlett - Poppa

    Copyright © 2019 by Poppa. 785235

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Rev. date: 06/05/2019




    Chapter 1 Scarlett Saves a Rainbow

    Chapter 2 Scarlett Helps the Rainbow Chickens

    Chapter 3 Scarlett Climbs the Mighty Gort

    Chapter 4 Scarlett Prepares to Save Henwood Grove

    Chapter 5 Scarlett Meets Shannon

    About the Author

    Chapter 1

    Scarlett Saves a Rainbow

    Scarlett’s eyes became heavy, and she could hardly keep them open. She promised herself at first light she would make it to the worsop trees to watch the creation of the rainbows. Scarlett wanted to see for herself the birth of the rainbows. Since she was a very little girl, she had been told it was one of the most beautiful sights ever to behold, and Scarlett was determined that, tomorrow morning, she would finally do it.

    In what seemed like seconds later, Scarlett opened her eyes slowly, rubbed them gently, yawned, and realized with a start that the sun was nearly above Henwood Mountain. From her window, she could see the orange glow radiating from the crest of the mountains, gradually sharing its light with the rest of the sky. She would have to hurry if she wanted to see the rainbows start their life journeys. Quickly, Scarlett got dressed and rushed outside into the yard. The fresh crisp air hit Scarlett’s cheeks and made her shiver. She quickly reached down and slipped on her favourite yellow gumboots. Her feet felt warm and snug. The orange light from the sun now filled half the sky, and Scarlett figured she had about a half hour to make it to the worsop trees.


    The worsop trees are very brightly coloured magical trees. Their branches layer on top of each other. Starting from the top, they are red—the brightest red you have ever seen. It is a red that has a deep, fiery glow. It sparkles more brightly and has a lustre more robust than the finest of rubies. The next layer of branches is orange—an orange so rich and full, it looks like you can dip your finger into it and taste it. Just like you do when your mum bakes a cake and lets you lick the bowl. Beneath the orange branches are yellow branches. This yellow is so intense, it looks like it could lend the sun some colour and still have enough yellow left to make you squint if you catch a glimpse of it. Under the yellow is a layer of dazzling green. It is the greenest of greens—a colour so strong, you could walk on it. Blue is the next layer. It is the colour of an ocean filled with the deepest blue sapphires. Next, there is a layer of indigo. Why this colour didn’t really stand out like the others, no one really knows. It is like it couldn’t make up its mind if it wanted to be red or blue. Most people feel sorry for indigo because it doesn’t really make a statement like the others. Finally, the bottom branches are violet. This colour is like the reddest rubies and the bluest sapphires mixed together. The colour is so vibrant and has

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