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Physics 1: Physics That Calms the Soul for a Better Tomorrow
Physics 1: Physics That Calms the Soul for a Better Tomorrow
Physics 1: Physics That Calms the Soul for a Better Tomorrow
Ebook65 pages43 minutes

Physics 1: Physics That Calms the Soul for a Better Tomorrow

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This book contains physics and technology. It goes from theories of space that cannot be disproved and that make more sense day by day. It ranges from that to new words that had to be made to make physical sense of the world. It also ranges from simplifying theory names to shorter names to make physics easier when they become symbolized in the English language, to make physics and words a calculation and something that is provable and can be believed in. Prince John O’Donnell Jr. invented symbolizing English, and with his rights and funds from the book, he will fund monasteries to symbolize the words. And he will fund a children-and-adults game of cards from the words within and from the technology within that John O’Donnell Jr. created.

Enhance your mind with the words of a brilliant man who envisions the future in an easy and fun way to read. This book really calms people down by instilling confidence in O’Donnell’s leadership to lead us to new worlds. O’Donnell’s will also gives us fun by creating this card game from the words and theories in the book itself. Please enjoy.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJun 19, 2019
Physics 1: Physics That Calms the Soul for a Better Tomorrow

John O'Donnell Jr.

John O’Donnell Jr. grew up in La Jolla California. He bounces off the wall sometimes with energy and at other times he is very calm because he spent all his energy working out or working on Physics. He has been working on Physics since he was 16 and spent ages wondering about time travel and how to accomplish it and got to the source of the issues in this book, and addresses how time travel is just space travel using the right words we can do it right we just have to follow John O’Donnell Jr. as the leader of future space or as this book indicates future time travel. He wants to bring everyone into the magic of Physics, and is creating a card game from the words in the book here and technology be invented that are in this book. This is to get children interested in Physics and becoming great leaders.

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    Physics 1 - John O'Donnell Jr.

    Copyright © 2019 John O’Donnell Jr..

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2570-4 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-2571-1 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 04/23/2019



    Physics 1


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    Physics 1

    Covers theories; o’donnells’ cash ideas in astronomy & ideas etc.

    • Coding English By Monk for Physics

    I need to code the English language in symbols by monks, so this book, and other O’Donnell endeavours end up funding this act first with several monasteries across the world to send to San Diego to codex. This idea is based off econometrics and might include some and might include several languages to comprise all the words needed to get to safety with ships. Ships like the Vortex Ship, Portal Layer,


    1. Molecule Theory – This theory comprises the universe as a system in your imagination that is flung between other smaller systems in a greater system, we might call a universe once more. Using Human Duty, we can achieve the goal of colonizing this New Gaea.

    2. Human Duty Theory –

    a. We might be able to use growth to achieve the goal of colonizing giant stars in the systems above, below, or around us that are about us.

    b. Also we need to work on nature resistance in the following ways

    i. Work on smoking a cigarette a day (gleaned with the help of the military) in order to achieve carbon breathing and oxygen breathing and dual breathing. Believe that there are ways to eat stars biologically and subsist on nuclear energy at its purest forms and in rough space travel. Imagine that some people are psychic in the future and can move clouds and shape the galaxy with energy from thought and move planets.

    ii. Work on nature resistance by frost training yourself in cold environments until you need a t-shirt at freezing temperatures, or shirt off in freezing after working out.

    iii. Work on heat resistance by spending a summer or better two or best three in a hot, hot environment that is baking hot in the summer for 3 months inescapably, bring a friend please to survive better - bring a dog to fight off predators – remember water and gut instincts – don’t eat cactus. Detergent to clean your clothes.

    3. Guzman Theory - If gravity does not escape the black hole enigma, I theorize that space and time compacts around the focus point. According to Molecule theory the black hole is a disappearing neutron sucked into a ‘compound’ or is en route to processing of a new system or compound on a different plane

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