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Unlocking Patterns in Scripture from Ancient History to Armageddon
Unlocking Patterns in Scripture from Ancient History to Armageddon
Unlocking Patterns in Scripture from Ancient History to Armageddon
Ebook160 pages1 hour

Unlocking Patterns in Scripture from Ancient History to Armageddon

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From the very first words in our Bible, God has given us the history of creation, the history of the nations, and the glorious history of how he redeemed mankind. The Bible is God’s manual to us on how to live and how to become a child of God. In all of his Word, God has given us patterns to show us how the past can reveal the future. In the first two chapters, in the book of Genesis, God gives us a pattern in the seven days of creation of six thousand years of human history and a pattern of the one-thousand-year millennium Kingdom of Jesus Christ. In this book, I want to show the pattern of Armageddon in the story of Gideon and the rise of the spirit of Baal in a major way!

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 24, 2019
Unlocking Patterns in Scripture from Ancient History to Armageddon

Michael Smith Jr.

Michael Smith is a long time writer and first time author. He believes and knows the Word of God is absolute truth and the only Way to salvation and life everlasting with God is through Jesus Christ. He prays the journey this book takes you on strengthens your faith in God`s Word and ignites a burning desire for the truth.

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    Unlocking Patterns in Scripture from Ancient History to Armageddon - Michael Smith Jr.

    Copyright © 2019 Michael Smith Jr.

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    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6648-6 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6649-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019908147

    WestBow Press rev. date: 6/24/2019


    I.     Preface

    My Theology

    Statement of Faith

    II.     Introduction

    God, the Same Yesterday, Today, and Tomorrow

    III.     A Seven Year Time Frame

    Why Seven Years?

    The Coming Seven Years

    Satan’s Seat and Power

    The Great Tribulation

    Satan’s Hatred

    Satan’s Hatred

    How did Jesus Defeat Satan?

    The Lineage of Messiah

    IV.     Children/Kings of the East

    Kings of the East

    Gog and Magog

    V.     Conditions in Israel before the Battle

    The Samson Option

    VI.     A Prophet/Witness Sent

    Israel’s Proclamation to Joshua

    The Two Witnesses

    Opinions on the Two Witnesses: Elijah and Moses

    Other Opinions: Elijah and Enoch

    Jewish and Gentile Church

    VII.     False gods

    Satan, the Great Counterfeiter

    Examples of Satan’s Counterfeit Ways and Religion

    More Examples of Counterfeit Practices

    Old Testament Names for God Almighty

    Baal Counterfeit Names

    VIII.     The Spirit of Baal Today in Islam

    Similarities of Islam and Baal Worship

    The Call of Gideon/ The Call of His Church

    The Call of Gideon

    A Prophetic Pattern

    IX.     The Feasts of the LORD

    My Rapture Theology

    Barley/Flax Harvest

    The Flax Harvest

    The Wheat Harvest

    Characteristics of Wheat

    Wheat and Tares (Matthew 13:24-30)

    The Grape and Fall Harvests

    Similarities of the Exodus and the Great Tribulation

    Locusts: Revelation 9:3-5

    The Winepress of God’s Wrath

    The Rapture and the Winepress: The Two Harvests

    Gideon Questions God and Questioning God Today

    X.     Gideon Asks for a Sign from God

    XI.     Gideon’s Call to Remove False Gods and Removing False Gods in End-times

    Gideon Removes False Worship and Idols

    False Worship in the End-times

    The Third Temple and Peace

    Who are the Real Jews and Christians?

    False Worship and Idols Today





    XII.     Idol Worship

    XIII.     The Gathering

    The Call of the Savior

    Pattern of a Jewish Wedding and the Marriage of the Lamb

    The Marriage of the Lamb

    Promises of the Groom

    Rights of the Bride

    The Veil

    XIV.     Defeat of the Enemy

    XV.     Conclusion

    I dedicate this work to my beloved friend, Pastor

    Jerry Patrick.


    I want to take this opportunity to thank some amazing men and women of God, these who have inspired, supported, and guided me in my walk with God. I have to start with my grandparents, Amos and Ada Lee Smith, who lived their lives in submission and dedication to the Lord. I am grateful for my parents who always taught me and showed me God’s love in our lives.

    I give thanks and honor to my beloved pastors and teachers, Pastor Arnold Smith, Pastor Jerry Conley, Pastor Terry Caldwell, and Pastor Steven Addison. Also, a thank you to my Bible study brothers and sisters, Pastor Brent Smith, Brother Mark Kickbush, Brother Tim Rhodes, Sister Chrissy Wright, and Brother Michael Neighbors. These great mean and women of God helped me more than words could ever express.

    Thank you, and God bless you!


    The journey of this book began well over two years ago and could easily have been finished sooner, but while studying and putting this together, I came across areas of research that I felt needed dug into more deeply. Certain subjects of study needed to be expanded upon to give more clarity, and I also sought to shed popular opinions and teachings in search for pure truth. Sure, I could have gone with popular teachings and finished much sooner, but how would that bless God or man? My goal was not to just write a book, but to search and study the Bible for the infallible truth in God’s Holy Word. This work has blessed me more than I deserve or expected.

    In this book, there are parts that are my interpretation of scripture, and my theological view on subjects will be present through this entire book. I will do my best to point out when it is my opinion or view on say a prophetic layer, type or shadow. My view may be different from yours. In no way do I want to come across as arrogant, prideful, or dogmatic. God’s Word is above all and is absolute truth. My goal is to build your faith in God’s Word as this study has strengthened mine. God loves us all, He wants all of mankind saved, and for us to be in His loving presence for eternity.

    John 3:16

    For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

    John 3:17

    For God sent not his son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through Him might be saved.

    My Theology

    In my study of eschatology, I have had my theology turned upside-down on several occasions. Some examples of these include pre- or post- tribulation rapture, European or Islamic antichrist, and the identity of Gog and Magog to name a few. I have had to stop and take another look at each. Sometimes we are so close to a prophecy being fulfilled, that we can only see a partial view of it, and not the whole picture God has given us in His perfect Word. It is always easier to look back and see the past revealed in fulfilled scripture than to look forward and fully grasp a prophetic event to come.

    So the bottom line for me was to slow down and dig deeper into God’s Word. I also did more study of Jewish and Islamic history, Jewish commentaries, and study of the Feasts of the Lord. Going deeper in the study was a joy for myself and helped me to stay away from preconceived ideas.

    I have completed this study with all respect, love, and reverence for God’s Holy Word. The Bible is the living Word of the one, true living God. Isaiah 40:8 tells us God’s Word will stand forever. All praise, glory and honor to our Lord God and Savior, Jesus Christ.

    The grass withereth, the flower fadeth; but the Word of our God shall stand forever.

    Isaiah 40:8

    Statement of Faith

    "And I will give you pastors according to mine heart, which shall feed you with knowledge and understanding." Jeremiah 3:15 (Italics added for emphasis)

    There are so many popular cookie-cutter statements of faith in a variety of places today. Churches, pastors, individuals, faith-based groups, and sub-groups of each denomination abound. You may easily choose the one that pleases you best, but are we called to be cafeteria Christians, just picking what we like out of the Word of God to edify ourselves? Or are we asked to read and apply all parts of the Bible to our lives, even the parts that are hard to swallow?

    We are naturally designed to hunger for a deeply personal relationship, one that is fulfilling, rewarding, and creates a sense of wholeness and peace. Yet it is much more difficult to admit personal fault, acknowledge difficult truths, and come to a humble place of repentance with the attitude of a servant’s heart. The world would have you think that you may pick and choose amongst the parts of the Bible, the surplus of religious and pseudo-religious statements of belief, and the churches to find one that caters to your wishes. That you may also just as easily discard those beliefs if ever it does not suit you. It is such a great temptation, but Jeremiah 3:15 says that God will give you pastors according to mine heart. Though you and I may not be pastors of churches, it is our responsibility to feed our bodies, minds, and souls. What do you choose to feed your body with? What about your heart and soul? Here, scriptures give a very specific required ingredient for those we would pick to shepherd our own hearts. Of all the pastors, authors, mentors, and voices to listen to and follow, we should only choose those, "according to mine heart." There are many voices that sound very similar to God’s chosen shepherds. In fact, many do adopt much of scripture’s

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