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Stupid Sapiens: Evolve or Become Extinct!
Stupid Sapiens: Evolve or Become Extinct!
Stupid Sapiens: Evolve or Become Extinct!
Ebook145 pages2 hours

Stupid Sapiens: Evolve or Become Extinct!

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God whispered into my ear, “Admittedly, I am a failed engineer for manufacturing such sapiens. Oh dear!”

Ordinary sapiens have a fixed mental matrix: he has his faith or convictions beyond which there are no other horizons.

The definition of insanity is “doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” This is what we are doing to our global climate and sustainability. We need an advanced mind beyond sapiens to save us from ourselves—a mind that has no masters, like God or holy cows.

In this context, we ask, “Who am I, the writer? Am I only sapiens?” I am definitely more than that. I have mentally mutated beyond sapiens into being an evolving future transcendent!

Achieving such an advanced mind is the kernel of this book.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJun 26, 2019
Stupid Sapiens: Evolve or Become Extinct!

Benjamin Katz

Born in Israel in 1945, Benjamin Katz fought in two wars and settled in Denmark in 1972. He studied psychology at the University of Copenhagen and has been practicing as a clinical psychologist since 1980, treating more than thirty thousand clients throughout the years. He is the author of twelve books. (See book list including this one. Most of them deal with the urgent need for us to evolve further in the future to survive and prevail.) Two aspects have attracted his attention in the last twenty years: the deteriorating mental and physical state of human beings adjusting to modern life or rejecting it, and the state of the planet that has gone from bad to worse. Once he figured out that the sharp decline of the mental and physical health of so many people is caused by our unhealthy lifestyle, lack of global sustainability, lack of foresight/oversight in global affairs leading to our deteriorating climate and living conditions, he found his mission: to define a new, evolved vision that aims to eliminate these factors. In this vision, he strongly rejects crucial aspects which constitute preconditions to our current well-being, such as modern lifestyle and its excesses, stressors, and crazy trafficking; the deterioration of global ecology due to consumerism, pollution and an unsustainable global economy; and demography and spirituality. Instead of this failed global conduct, he presents sustainable values, practices, global governance, and purposeful efforts to enable us to evolve beyond our mental limitations, shortcomings, and blind spots, which, if not altered, will become our doom.

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    Stupid Sapiens - Benjamin Katz

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    Rev. date: 06/26/2019






    Chapter 1 Basic Elements Of Human Nature

    Chapter 2 Our Self–Perceptions And Perceptions Of Our World

    Chapter 3 Sapiens’ Great Narratives As A Remote Control Of Their Collective Minds

    Chapter 4 Sapiens’ Invisible And Most Formidable Enemy: Infectious Global Stupidity

    Chapter 5 Is Our Modern Civilization Doomed To Die Out?

    Chapter 6 The Future Which We Can Create And Evolve Into

    Final Words

    Additional Last-Minute Thoughts


    Books In English Written By The Author

    Contributors To This Book

    "God whispered into my ear,

    ‘Admittedly, I am a failed engineer,

    manufacturing such sapiens, oh dear.’"

    "I feel sorry, pity, and disgust

    for my race, which cubes were cast.

    A race with potential stardust

    but now without a viable future,

    only clouding present and past.

    A race which its soul has gone rust,

    and unless it evolves, it won’t last."

    My God told me, Challenge me, defy me, and you will be blessed by evolving into a being much wiser and advanced than sapiens. If you won’t, you will decay and die out!

    Who am I then? Am I only sapiens? I am definitely more than that. I have mentally mutated beyond sapiens into being a future evolving transcendent!


    Who Is The Writer?


    First say to yourself what you would be; and then do what you have to do.


    My head is filled up with mental pollution. Religion feeds it with delusions; politics, with illusions; and modern life, with confusion

    Our core problem is not so much the political system or life view which we entertain, but the people who keep designing and practicing both with great sense of certainty and stupidity: Homo sapiens. We have to transform us before focusing on the constructs which we create.

    B. K.

    Out of every one hundred men, ten shouldn’t even be there, eighty are just targets, nine are the real fighters, and we are lucky to have them, for they make the battle. Ah, but the one, one is a warrior, and he will bring the others back.


    Being such a warrior has been my motto since 1999, where I started fighting on two fronts. The first front was to warn people that a global climate change and a growing unsustainable world were inevitable due to sapiens’ global stupidity. (The European summer of 2018 confirmed my point. The temperature was 1.8 degree Celsius above average, and it was the hottest summer ever recorded.) The second front had been on the critical need for upgrading as many sapiens as possible, starting already this century by genetic editing or engineering technologies in order to transform us into much wiser beings than we are today. Our global shortsightedness and self-destructiveness is bringing us to the verge of extinction.

    So as a self-declared warrior, I have decided to pursue the following epithets:

    1. Those who pave a new way may be followed by the others one day.

    2. A man obsessed by humility talked to a Sufi saga:

    Is there anything worse than lack of humility? he asked.

    Yes, drawing attention to lack of humility in others is worse.

    And what is better than modesty? he asked.

    Asserting yourself when self-assertion is necessary, the saga replied.

    And when is it necessary?

    It is when jealous people want you to be humble so that they can silence you!

    The history of humankind can partly be understood as the history of our blindness regarding our mental limitations! The three fundamental truths that we face—and often deny—in order to survive or prevail on a long-term basis are as follows:

    1. Everything is temporary, including Homo sapiens, our achievements, and our constructs.

    2. We are—generally speaking—unwise regarding our conduct of the planet’s sustainable state. We act, in fact, as its vermin, not as its guardians.

    3. Only by transcending ourselves and our mental limitations will we pass on our valuable and noble essence to our future, upgraded progeny.

    Sabotaging this transformation will imply our species’ decay and oblivion. Realizing these truths, what did I do? I followed Rumi’s words: Start a huge, foolish project, like Noah … It makes absolutely no difference what people think of you. And that was exactly what I did—I built up a new Noah’s ark for a new, emerging civilization.

    Those who are acquainted with the Jewish festival of Passover (Pesach) recall that the story of the Jewish Exodus from Egyptian slavery into freedom is the central issue. The Jewish tribes were set free by God through the mediation of his messenger Moses.

    For forty years, Moses led them through Sinai in order to set them free from their mental enslavement and to prepare them for the Promised Land. This journey took long time because God wanted a new generation of free Jews to enter the Promised Land and for those who were born into slavery to perish on the way.

    In this exodus, human greed manifested itself—at least twice. The first instance was when Moses tried to persuade the Israelites to leave Egypt. They refused, arguing that though they work hard and their lives are miserable, they had food to sustain them in their captivity. And the second one was in Sinai, when they formed and adored the golden calf.

    This myth is commonly viewed as reflecting two opposite human states: slavery and freedom. But in fact, it reflects three interchanging and circular human states:

    1. The state of slavery

    2. The state of realizing freedom by undertaking a journey, i.e. challenging life’s premises toward evolving into the promised land

    3. The state of after freedom—when people settle down, free from external subjection, yet lose their focus, purpose, and zeal—which they once had while journeying toward their promised land. Their greed takes over, and they start hoarding material things: power, sex, status, pleasures, and sensations. This state manifests itself in a society that lacks uplifting visions and goals, direction and zeal, thus transforming people into new slaves of their lust and greed. This is the state of humanity now!

    Only by breaking away from the mental chains of sapiens can we break this repetitive, self-destructive trap.

    To Whom Do I Write?

    I write to people with an IQ over 120—those with flexible minds, who can detach themselves from ideologies and religions, who can think and operate contextually, and who possess oversight and far-sight.

    When I decided to write both I, the Reluctant Creator and a manifest about a new global paradigm, I knew for sure that I would have to move far beyond the customary thinking of Homo sapiens. I would have to mutate mentally or cognitively in order to accomplish this daunting task. So I mutated! What does it literally mean? It meant that I started to view Homo sapiens as one species—in a successive chain—of torchbearers of advanced intelligent life’s further evolvement. It meant that I realized that like any other species, Homo sapiens have a limited role, and they are not at all the crown of creation. It meant that I saw my own species as a crude prototype of a Creator and as a temporary bearer of this torch—lacking refinement, far-sight, wisdom and on top of them self-destructive as to endanger the prospects of intelligent life evolvement.

    All these thoughts did not change my attitude toward personal and social relations, and I am still attached to the people whom I love, like, and appreciate. But they did change my tolerance and view of all the verbiage, which our politicians, institutions, commentators, showmen, and journalists ceaselessly produce. It changed my tolerance toward the mass media, which has lost the sense of what is essential and what is trivial and have dumbed down people with lots of trivialities, banalities, and pettiness—rendering them complacent and passive. Hens walk chopping constantly at whatever may be audible for them. Most people nowadays do the same with trivial, banal, or fleeting news.

    We are all slaves—in varying degrees—to conventions and traditions, the forced or seductive norms by the powers that be. Independent thought is necessary to exact change, and it occasionally occurs for the benefit of the imposed—but more often quieted by the system. I would not be quieted. I would undermine the walls of our stupefying conventional systems to make it possible to build up something much more enduring and resilient.

    It was said that since the Jewish Temple was destroyed, the power of prediction or prophesizing had been given to the fools, which means that only fools will try to predict the future, not wise men. But can it be the opposite that the fools neither predict the future nor form it in a life-affirming manner because they are trapped by their existing mental frame of reference? The wiser ones are intimidated by the majority consensus and are afraid of predicting the future and suggesting corrective measures. Therefore, we lack visionaries in our time! I predict that sapiens will disappear either through evolution or self-destruction. I predict that a human world without global sustainability will be doomed to collapse and disintegrate.

    Furthermore, I maintain that only the capacity to predict the future can save us from self-destruction.

    How can our progeny form a sustainable and evolving life in the future? The following metaphor may serve to illustrate it:

    Imagine a person who is walking upward on a long, thin steel cable stretched out between two high spots, where the end station is much higher. There isn’t any security net underneath the cable, and if he stumbles and

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