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A Man’s Acceptance into the Breast Cancer Sisterhood
A Man’s Acceptance into the Breast Cancer Sisterhood
A Man’s Acceptance into the Breast Cancer Sisterhood
Ebook108 pages50 minutes

A Man’s Acceptance into the Breast Cancer Sisterhood

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About this ebook

This is the story about how being uninformed of the facts and how having received a male breast cancer diagnosis at the age of sixty-one totally changed my life. This book explains how I was able to survive this diagnosis and became a motivated and dedicated male breast cancer advocate after the original shock wore off with time and with the support of my medical team, my daughters, and my many friends. It details my journey and the knowledge that I have gained during my fourteen-year journey as a male breast cancer survivor. My hope is that the information contained herein will benefit men diagnosed with breast cancer and their loved ones and help make their journey and destiny as successful and as smooth as possible.
Release dateJun 21, 2019
A Man’s Acceptance into the Breast Cancer Sisterhood

Herbert P. Wagner

My name is Herb Wagner and at the age of 75, I am a 14-year breast cancer survivor. I am also the founder and CEO of “A Man's Pink”, the first survivor supported male breast cancer advocacy organization in Canada and the United States. Our mission is to provide education and support to other male breast cancer patients, survivors and their loved ones. Our mission is also to increase awareness, thereby helping both to increase the survival rates and to improve the journey for men diagnosed with this disease. Our goal is to establish an “International Day for Male Breast Cancer Awareness". The myths and stigma associated with male breast cancer have improved only marginally in the last 15 years. Today, many men diagnosed with breast cancer are still very much concerned that they are abnormal, have done something wrong and that they will die from what they believe, as I did, to be a woman's only disease. More often than not, male breast cancer patients are treated with female breast cancer protocols in female environments; this may be difficult for a male breast cancer patient’s well being. By writing this book I hope to help bring male breast cancer awareness into the 21st century, improve the journey and the survival rates for men diagnosed with this disease, extricate male breast cancer from the depths of the sea of pink, and eliminate any inequality experienced by men diagnosed with breast cancer.

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    A Man’s Acceptance into the Breast Cancer Sisterhood - Herbert P. Wagner

    2019 Herbert P. Wagner. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system,

    or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse 06/19/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1564-5 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-1565-2 (e)

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    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.



    About the Author


    Take Home Message



    The Beginning – My Story


    Employment History

    Medical History


    Male Breast Cancer Information



    My Breast Cancer


    On the Lighter Side -1

    My Surgical Treatment

    My Oncology Treatment

    Expanded Oncology Treatments

    On the Lighter Side -2

    Questions and Fears


    My Most Important Mistake

    Efforts to Increase MBC Awareness

    Breast Cancer Dragon Boat Paddling

    On the Lighter Side -3

    Body Painting to Increase Awareness



    Website Development

    Male Breast Cancer Awareness Week

    Initial Resolutions

    MBC Poem and Songs

    That’s Why We’ve Added the Blue

    Changing Strategies

    On the Lighter Side -4

    Progression Since 2005

    Lack of Support

    Australia Leads the Way

    Expanding MBC Information

    Aromatase Inhibitors in Men and Women

    A Survivor’s Perspective

    What My Journey Taught Me

    Looking Back

    My purposes for writing this book include:


    Breast cancer changed my life in 1999

    MBC Information Summary



    About the Author


    My name is Herb Wagner and at the age of 75, I am a 14-year breast cancer survivor. I am also the founder and CEO of A Man’s Pink, the first survivor supported male breast cancer advocacy organization in Canada and the United States. Our mission is to provide education and support to other male breast cancer patients, survivors, caregivers and their loved ones. Our mission is also to increase awareness, thereby helping both to increase the survival rates and to improve the journey for men diagnosed with this disease. Our goal is to establish an International Day for Male Breast Cancer Awareness.

    The myths and stigma associated with male breast cancer have improved only marginally in the last 15 years. Today, many men diagnosed with breast cancer are still very much concerned that they are abnormal, have done something wrong and that they will die from what they believe, as I did, to be a woman’s only disease. More often than not, male breast cancer patients are treated with female breast cancer protocols in female environments; this may be difficult for a male breast cancer patient’s well being.

    By writing this book I hope to help bring male breast cancer awareness into the 21st century, improve the journey and the survival rates for men diagnosed with this disease, extricate male breast cancer from the depths of the sea of pink, and eliminate any inequality experienced by men diagnosed with breast cancer.


    We all realize that cancer is a horrific disease that does not discriminate. It has devastating effects on all members of society and can dramatically affect one physically, financially, emotionally as well as spiritually.

    Although some of the scientific breast cancer information presented may be difficult to comprehend, I have strived to put that information and my personal experiences in lay terms in order to provide information that can be understood by everyone.

    Breast cancer does not discriminate by gender. Globally, approximately 1% of all breast cancer is diagnosed in men.

    My fourteen years as a male breast cancer survivor has taught me that dealing with cancer has both very traumatic side effects as well as empowering benefits. Although you may be taken to death’s door, you may also learn the many positives of taking control of your cancer. Taking control empowers you to overcome fear, relearn who you are, to live each day to the fullest and to take ownership of

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