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The Little Book of a Jesus Marriage: The Freshest Bread and Finest Wine for All Believers in Marriage
The Little Book of a Jesus Marriage: The Freshest Bread and Finest Wine for All Believers in Marriage
The Little Book of a Jesus Marriage: The Freshest Bread and Finest Wine for All Believers in Marriage
Ebook104 pages1 hour

The Little Book of a Jesus Marriage: The Freshest Bread and Finest Wine for All Believers in Marriage

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God created the beautiful union of marriage since creation. Marriage has such a profound, deeper meaning than what is being witnessed today. Just before Jesus went to the cross, he made a covenant of marriage and it’s meaning for his bride. This book is full of insight of how Jesus’s covenant directly relates to everyone’s marriage, so enjoy the freshest bread and finest wine of the new marriage. His new covenant promise to the church falls into place when we see it from a marriage perspective. As we wait for the groom’s return, we can have joy in knowing he is making room for us with our Heavenly Father. His new covenant promises and assures us of that. Your own marriage can be blessed if you follow his lead in his Word. It will help guide you through your marriage and family rearing.

Everything has its sort and order and is happening before our eyes.

Be watchful and ready and awake. Fill your lamps with oil for he is coming without warning—the most anxious anticipation for those in love and abiding.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateJun 19, 2019
The Little Book of a Jesus Marriage: The Freshest Bread and Finest Wine for All Believers in Marriage

Steve H. Mano

Steve Mano has been married for over 30 years to the same wife and has spent several years being a disciple in the Faith of Jesus Christ. He has also spent several years teaching discipleship and Men’s Ministry in his local fellowship. He has been active in mentoring young adults in the sports ministry as a volunteer in local outreach. He has also served as counsel and elder for his current fellowship. He has grown up in a mainline church – United Community Church Ministries and has served with the Four Square Church Ministries. He also spends time studying reformation doctrines along with Systematic Theology. He attributes his constant sharpening at small group fellowship in which elders, leaders and men meet to test today’s doctrines with the goal to fellowship and share the word of God.

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    The Little Book of a Jesus Marriage - Steve H. Mano

    Copyright © 2019 Steve H. Mano.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6391-1 (sc)

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    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019907146

    WestBow Press rev. date: 06/18/2019




    1 What is the Meaning of My Marriage?

    2 We Have A Wedding To Go To…

    3 Jesus Chooses His Bride

    4 The Expensive Wedding – The Price of the Dowry

    5 The Marriage Covenant

    6 Let’s Raise a Cup

    7 The Promise of An Eternal Union – The Betrothal

    8 Don’t Weep, But Rejoice, I’ll Be Back

    9 Bridal Cleansing – Being Presented Clean

    10 The Ceremony To Witness

    11 Bridal Chamber

    12 Time to Break Bread, the Wedding Feast

    13 At Home - We Need a Coaching Staff

    14 What Does Gravity and Diatoms Have To Do With Marriage?

    15 Spotless and Blameless - Back to the Garden

    16 Hey Brother What’s That Limp?

    17 It’s Cold and Broken – What Now?

    18 Remain and Abide In Me




    About The Author


    "The Little book of the Jesus Marriage," "that’s the title of this book and it is a small simple easy to read book that hopefully will spiritually fortify your faith. I share this so that it may provide a few wisdoms for you to endear, and to bless your current marriage. I’ve been married for over 30 years and my marriage is far from perfect. I believe every marriage is willed with difficult challenges and tests, but attest to the glory of the One whom perfected marriage.

    Several years ago, my fellow brethren and I were having struggles and challenges with our marriages. We would meet three times a week to do our bible studies and readings. It was refreshing to meet to ask the Holy Spirit to lead us in revelation about our Savior Jesus Christ, but somehow we would always circle back to the topic of marriage. I was finding out that more and more believers had the same struggles with their marriages and we were not immune to the challenges of marriage. But as we kept at it, God started to reveal what marriage was really about. This book is the culmination of some of these revelations, studies, discussions, and testing. My motivation to writing this book was to offer some glimpses to believers who may be going through the same challenges. This book is not a deep theological or doctrinal study, nor a marriage counseling guide, nor a comparative between believers in faith versus non-believers. Also this book does not go into detail the topic of divorce

    Please partake in the Fresh Bread and the Finest Wine that Jesus has left us with. I pray that my preparation has allowed this menu to please Him and meets His standards of quality. Fresh bread to be served every day, give us this day our daily bread, to learn His ways and who He is and to nourish our soul. To drink of the New Wine the finest Covenant, for it was given out of love.

    Like our faith we must persevere through our marriages to give Jesus the crown of His glory He deserves. Everyone who gets married or is going to get married pretty much knows how to get through the wedding or go through the process of getting married. However, many will fail to know the reason why we get married in the first place. It is not just a process we go through for the courts to make it legal. It is much deeper than that. Let’s break bread and pray and take a short journey into a union of eternal proportions.

    Introduction - Going Through the Wedding Motions

    If you’re married you know that a wedding is the most significant event in your life. If you are not married or going to be married, or divorced and going to be remarried in the future, it will be a life changing event no matter what.

    You plan and pick a date for the wedding ceremony, you select who will preside and witness that beautiful day you and your spouse have chosen. You sweat over the details like; who will cater the food, where the honeymoon will be, what kind of wedding ring and wedding band you select, who will order the bridal gowns and outfits, who is going to be the flower girl and sending out invitations, on and on.

    Today in western marriage there seems to be a trivial attitude about the institution of marriage. We worry about the wedding ceremony more than the actual covenant of marriage to each other. Many young couples getting married today never have been given the wisdom of marriage. I myself never really seen marriage in a biblical view. In this book we will see and learn; what does Jesus have to do with marriage?

    Did Jesus show us anything about marriage when he came God incarnate the first time? Is there a triune meaning in the union of man and wife? What did the Holy Spirit teach us about marriage relationship and our abiding in Christ? What does the wine miracle at the wedding in Cana have to do with the Church? What is the process of reconciliation in our relationship with our spouse? Hang in there to the end with me and we’ll see all of this and more.


    What is the Meaning of My Marriage?

    Since the beginning of time God created marriage. In Genesis God created man male and female. Adam and Eve were the first two persons God created. From Adam, God took a rib and created Eve from one body, in essence God created two separate beings each made in a most beautiful way.

    From the beginning God knew Adam would need a partner. A partner to share life with, to walk this earth together, and to bring forth his will. Scripture illustrates this, It is not good for the man to be alone. I will make a helper who is like him. Genesis 2:18

    One of the last words Jesus said before he went to the Cross was; I must go now if I do not go the helper will not come. From the beginning in

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