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The Way It Is: the Beginning or the End
The Way It Is: the Beginning or the End
The Way It Is: the Beginning or the End
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The Way It Is: the Beginning or the End

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In this book, you would think you have the ultimate complementation of Donald Goines, Zane, and the mild Terry McMillian. The book is about a family struggling to balance street life, love, and secrets that will eventually surface. The main thing is that when the truth is revealed, does it instantly destroy the family or will they slowly fall apart? The story begins with two brothers who are very close to each other. They are like twins but are also different in their own manner as well. The streets are steadily calling out to them, but so are their women. The women that they connect with slowly change some of their negative views on life to a more balanced and positive way. However, is it going to be too late for them? Will the women instead become more in tuned with the world of crime and violence than become someone who brings about change? Is it the beginning or the end of what they know life to be?
Release dateJul 9, 2019
The Way It Is: the Beginning or the End

Christina L. Hart

As a Georgia bond native, she lived in urban kind of rural area and study law as a paralegal onto being an attorney. She have a deep passion for gangster movie from the old classics like Superfly, Shaft, Godfather, Scarface and this list can go on for miles. She also have a love for reading books of all kinds but her favorite ones are books written by Sister Soulja, Donald Goines, Terry McMillian, Monica Jackson but it doesn't stop there. Her love for her family and friends time is important to her so she reflects a lot of that in her writing. She also know to always keep God first who she knows that is where her help comes from; which is also reflected some in her writing especially her poetry. She have several poems that have been published in the U.S. Congress Library of Poetry which she received several awards for them. She hope that her readers enjoy reading her action, love and adventures in her books as much as she love writing them.

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    The Way It Is - Christina L. Hart




    O n a Fall breezy morning at the four-bedroom house of The Harriston, Crystal Harriston was woken up by her brother, Rodney Harriston knocking on her bedroom door. He said Wake up, Crystal. I need to use your cordless phone. As he walked his milk chocolate brown skin complexion slender frame with slight muscular arms and legs stretching to 6’5 tall with chestnut brown eye and a smile with straight perfectly white teeth. She said You know where the phone is so get it. He grabbed the cordless phone off her charger. He was wearing a white A t-shirt with black and grey pj bottoms. She knew he was coming to get her cordless phone because his cordless phone was dead from talking to his newfound girlfriend, Robin Garrison all night. Crystal said To herself that Robin wasn’t really his type because she was dark skin and very skinny. She was kind of nerdy looking and plain. Rodney said, Thank you. He was gone as fast as he came into her room. She looked at her clock and seen it was time for her to get up anyway. She stretched her shapely body out of bed. She wasn’t skinny but she had a pretty good shape if she say so herself. She was milk chocolate brown skin like her brother and she was stood at the height of 5’7. She didn’t get the pretty shade eyes but she had long eyelashes and almond shape eyes. She got on up and went to her closet. She started looking for something to wear to school. She found a Coogi blue-black denim set to wear. She went to her dresser and got out the matching shirt. While she was in her dresser, her cell phone started ringing. She was like dang, she said to herself. It was her best friend, Kisha Gilbert calling her to tell her, that she was on the way and to be ready when she got there. Crystal was more Rodney type to her if she would say so because Kisha was light skinned well shaped and she stood at 5’5. She was crazy about Crystal’s brother ever since they were little and they first met in kindergarten. She sat on side of the bed and got her cell phone off the charger on her nightstand. She answered her cell phone. Kisha said Girl, get up. Are you ready for school? Crystal said Getting ready right now. Are you on your way? Kisha said Yeah, I am leaving the house now. Crystal said Let me go run and get in the shower. Rodney will let you in when you get here if I am still getting dress. Kisha said Okay. They hung up the phones and Crystal continues to get ready for school. By the time she was getting dress, she heard the doorbell. It was Kisha. She heard Kisha’s voice and knew Kisha was on her way up the stairs. Kisha was flirting with Rodney as usual. Crystal didn’t understand what Kisha saw in her brother that turned her on so. She finished getting dress and was sitting on the bed putting on her Nikes. Crystal said Kish, why don’t you leave Rodney alone. You have been messing with him for years. Kisha said I am going to continue to mess with him until he let me have what I want. Crystal just shook her head like whatever. Crystal got back up and got her backpack, purse, and cell phone. She grabbed her keys to the house. Rodney said, Are you going to need the car? Crystal said No. Kisha said No. I am driving us to school. Rodney said Good. Kisha said When are you going to give up. Crystal said I don’t think he is. They left out the house and got in Kisha’s brother’s old car that he let Kisha use which was a 2013 silver Lexus 300ES. Kisha said April was telling me last night that her cousin, Monique is having a party that she wants us to come tomorrow in North Geoglia somewhere. Crystal said That sounds good to me. I am off work tomorrow. Kisha said Good. I thought we were going to have to come up with a good lie to tell your manager on why you was not going to make it to work. Crystal started laughing and said, For real, a good lie. Kisha said This is your first Friday in a while for being off from work. Crystal said I know. Kisha pulled in the school parking lot. They got out the car after Kisha found a parking space. Just as they got inside of the school the bell went off. Kisha was a little faster so she had got in the school before Howard Thurmond started with her. He always asking her where Crystal is. Crystal wasn’t so lucky. Crystal got cut off before she could get to her locker. She didn’t have time for this aggravation from Howard this morning. She usually already has her books and supplies for the first two classes, but she was running late the day before. She was going to make her and Kisha late for work. Kisha might would have left, thinking she got a ride from someone else. Howard said Good morning sexy. Crystal kept walking and said good morning, but I don’t have time to entertain you right now Howard. Howard said Why won’t you go out with me? Crystal said You are cool and all, but you aren’t my type. Howard said What is your type? Crystal said I must get back to you with that answer, but you aren’t it. They rushed to their first class with their books in their backpack. Kisha said See you after school. Crystal said Okay. They knew they wouldn’t see much of each other because their classes were on different hallways and different directions until after school. If they saw each other in the hallway, they spoke to each other and that was about all they could do. Just as she was getting to her homeroom, Bruce Stevenson started with her. She couldn’t believe how the day started off. She was getting ill by him now. He was talking about something but everything that was coming out of his mouth sound like Charlie Brown talk. She got to her homeroom and told Bruce bye because she had to get in her room. She went and sat by her friend, Jamie. Jamie said Good morning girl. You look like you are having a rough day. Crystal said I am. I ran into Howard and then Bruce. I didn’t have time to get to my locker yesterday after school, so I had to go there first thing this morning. Jamie said Dang, I know what you went through with Howard and then you had to deal with Bruce too. The only one you have to run into is Kirk. Crystal said Tell me about it. Jamie said You ought to get you a boyfriend, so they would leave you alone. You like Ralph Codwell. Crystal said I do but he isn’t looking for me. Jamie said He might if you let him know you are interested. Crystal said I am not approaching him. Jamie said I will see what I can do about that. Crystal said Leave that alone. I am good. Are you going to the party tomorrow? Jamie said I might. I have to see what me and Eric is getting into. Crystal said Okay. Just don’t be getting pregnant on me. I am not ready to be a godmother yet. Jamie said You! I am not trying to be a mother yet. Eric don’t have no money like that. We can’t afford any kids now. We are just planning to move in our own place after graduation; which we have another year. We are just having fun getting to know each other. Crystal said Alright. Whatever happens, I have your back. Then the bell rung. Crystal said Well, I better get to this first class. I will see you in my second period class. Jamie said Okay. Everyone in the classroom got up and headed out the room. Crystal walked to her next class not really playing attention to where she was going and ran right into Ralph. She thinks before she said anything because he might have his mean twin, Raphael. Crystal said I am so sorry. Ralph said That’s okay. Ralph gave her a big smile. He went on his way to his class and she did the same. Crystal said to herself thank you for being Ralph and not Raphael. She went onto her first period class. The rest of her day went kind of smooth until after her last class. She came out of her sixth period class and ran right into Bruce. He was enjoying that and started with his little wantabe macking line on her. She was like okay whatever. She got her eye contact on Ralph as he walked by. She was trying to let him know she needed rescue, but he kept right on going. She got to her locker and Howard was standing at her locker waiting on her. Howard said Bruce, what are you doing talking to my woman. Bruce said She must not be yours exclusively because she has been walking with me and talking for a while. Crystal opened her locker while they argue about who was going to talk to her and take her out this weekend. Crystal was getting her stuff for the next day out of her locker and putting it in her backpack. Kisha came down the hall and grabbed Crystal while she was closing her locker. Kisha said Let’s go. She was so happy that Kisha came when she did. They got to Kisha’s car and got in.

    School was finally over, and they were in Kisha’s car on their way to the mall where they worked. Crystal said I am surprise you have to work today. Kisha said That’s because Greg isn’t at work. You know when he is there I don’t have to show for work but get paid like I been at work. Gloria is there all week. Crystal said I will be down there on my break to chill with you. Kisha said Cool. At least it is just for five hours. Crystal said I know. Today was a busy day for me. Kisha said I know what you mean. I was all over the school and I am tired. Crystal said we are still going to the party tomorrow, right? Kisha said Yes. They got to the mall and Kisha found a parking space and off they went in their directions to work. Time had seemed to go slow but they were back at the car before they knew it to go home. Kisha took Crystal home and Crystal climb out the car when Kisha got to her door. Crystal said See you tomorrow. Kisha said Okay. You know I will call first. Crystal said Please do. I need a wakeup call. Today was definitely a long and tiring day. Kisha said Make sure you tell my man I will see him tomorrow morning. Crystal said Yeah, okay and laughed a little. I’ll tell him. With that Crystal was in the house and Kisha was gone.



    T he following morning, Crystal woke up on her own to found out it was another Fall, windy but warm day. The sunshine was shining through the crack in her curtain beaming on her face, like it was giving her a sun kiss. She knew it wouldn’t be long before Kisha would be calling her and Rodney knocking on her door interrupting her peace and quiet. She continues to lay in bed for a while longer. Then Rodney knocked on her door. She sat up on the side of her bed putting on her house shoes. Crystal said Yeah. Rodney said Let me get the phone. Crystal said Open the door. Rodney opened the door and got the cordless phone off the charger in her room. He said Do you have something to do today? She said Nothing but go to school. Rodney said Yeah, right. Today is senior skip day at most of the schools. I know you and your girls are juniors but ya’ll will be at somebody’s party. Crystal said Not today. We are going to school and tomorrow we are going to a party. Rodney said Yeah, okay. We will see. You know I still have ears in the street on what is going on with you. Crystal said Okay, let me makes some calls and I will let you know if I need the car today or not. Rodney said I was hoping you were going to say that. Rodney said Let me know so I will know if I can go chill at my girl’s house today. Crystal said You and Robin are getting close, huh? Rodney said Yeah, but I am trying to get closer. Crystal smiled and said no, draws yet. Rodney said I can say the same for you, too. You don’t know who the next candidate is in your dating campaign. I know that nigga Greg Bradshaw at that job and Howard at that school isn’t getting it. Crystal said No one is but you know that is the truth about Greg and Howard. They aren’t even my type, so they won’t even get to smell the panties. You will be the second to know it went down. Rodney said Who will be the first? Crystal said Me. Rodney started laughing and said you are crazy. Rodney walked out her room and closed the door behind him. Crystal called Kisha because she usually would have called her already. Kisha answered the phone all sleepy. Crystal said what is on the agenda for today? Are we going to school? Kisha said No, girl. I told you about the party. Crystal said You said Saturday. Kisha said I meant today. Crystal said Okay and shaking her head no. Kisha said I do have wheels, so I can take us where we are going. Crystal said When you get up, come over here. Kisha said I was going to do that. I will call back when I am on my way. Are you just getting up? Crystal said Yeah, and Rodney just left out my room. Kisha said Getting the house phone I see. Crystal said Yeah. That is what he did. I will let him know he can use the car. Kisha said Yeah. He can use the car with his fine ass. Crystal said I don’t know what you see so fine about my brother. Kisha said You aren’t supposed to see, but just know he has it going on. Crystal said Anyway, if I am still getting dress when you get here. Rodney will let you in. So, let me go on that note. Kisha said Okay. I’ll be there soon. Crystal said What do you have in mind of wearing? Kisha said This denim skirt set with my crisscross back shirt that is red. Crystal said That sounds cute. So, I guess I will wear some black denim Capri with my light blue Baby Phat shirt that has the drape neckline and the shirred-up sides. Kisha said That will be cute too. Crystal said Let me go so I can get dress. Crystal went to Rodney’s room door and knocked. Rodney said Yeah. She opened the door and sat the car keys on the dresser by the door. Crystal said Would you let Kisha in when she gets here? He said Yeah. She said Thank you. She closed the door and went back to her room. She lay back across her bed and went to daydreaming. She daydreams about her and her boyfriend would wake up in each other arms. They would give each other a good morning kiss and some mornings she would even give him some. She got a little hot when the phone started ringing. She knew it wasn’t a boyfriend telling her he was on the way to see her because she haven’t had a boyfriend in almost a year. She answers her cell phone. It was Kisha. Kisha said I am on my way. Crystal said Okay. You know Rodney will let you in. I must have gone back to sleep but I am up now. Kisha said Okay, that’s cool with me. Crystal said I bet it is. They hung up the phone. Crystal went to bathroom and started her shower. She was coming out of the bathroom when she heard the doorbell ringing. She hurried to her room and closed the door behind her. She heard Rodney go answered the door. She got dress in her clothes and put on her favorite perfume. She put her hair in a high ponytail and put on some lip gloss on her lips. She gave herself a once over and was pleased with her look so far. She put on her all black Nikes and black Nikes socks. She picks up her black Gucci hobo style purse that already had everything she need in it. She picks up her cell phone off her bed and put it in the purse. She walked out her room with her house keys in her hand. She went down the stairs to see what Kisha was into. Kisha had Rodney hemmed at the front door with the door still open. Crystal said What’s up? Kisha said Trying to get your brother to come on in. He says that I am too young, and he is too old. Crystal said Let’s go. Rodney said At least ya are riding big. Kisha said You know you can ride anytime you want. You know I always ride big. Rodney said I am good. Crystal said Let’s get going, as she walk between them and out the front door lightly pulling Kisha with her. Kisha licked her lips and waved bye to Rodney. Rodney said Have fun, as he closed and locked the front door. He thinks to himself, that girl is going to make him bend her over because she is fine and testing me will get her what she is asking for. Kisha said Your brother is so fine. I will be your sister-in-law soon enough. She unlocked the door to her brother’s Lexus 300ES. Crystal said This is a very nice car. Kisha said Allison said, April is meeting us uptown Buckhead at this party that some boy April’s cousin, Monique is kicking it with. Crystal said When we get there; we aren’t going to get kicked out, are we? Kisha said No, we aren’t. Crystal said Well, let’s go. Kisha said We should meet us some nice guys there. Crystal said I hope so. I am getting tired of being alone. Kisha said You aren’t alone you have Greg. Kisha started laughing and Crystal not far behind her. Kisha said Yeah, I hope we meet some nice guys. Kisha drove around the corner to the house they were heading to and it was cars everywhere already. Kisha said This party is going to be lit. Crystal said Yeah, it is time to turn up. Kisha said Hell, yeah. Remember we came together and we leave together. Crystal said Or we have really got us a big fish. Kisha said That is right. Crystal smiled and shook her head. Kisha was finally able to find her a parking place that wouldn’t really have her blocked in.

    They got out the car and headed into the house. As soon as they got in the house, Monique and Allison was right at the front door. They all said hi and hugged. Before they could get in the door, some of their friends came in the house. It was Jamie, Bianca, April and Brenna. Crystal said I might shouldn’t have drunk that water early this morning but now I have to go to the bathroom. Does anyone know where it is? Monique said Go upstairs and it is the second door on the right. Crystal said I will be right back. Crystal broke from her friends and headed to the bathroom. She went up the stairs and got to the bathroom and the door flew open. A guy that was light skin complexion with a short taper fade haircut, stood 6’2, well fit like a quarterback shape, hazel eyes, slightly bow-legged, kind of full lips but not big, dimples and just fine as hell; came out the bathroom and ran right into her. She was like dang what the hell. He said I am sorry. I didn’t know anyone was going to be here. She said That is obvious. Can I get in the bathroom or are you guarding it? He said No, and chuckled. He moved out the way. Crystal went in the bathroom and did her thing. She said to herself; he sure was fine. I wondered if he has a girlfriend. I am sure he does because he is too fine to not have one but if he doesn’t then she would definitely have to change that. She opened the door and seen him standing there like he was waiting on her. She said Do you have to go to the bathroom again? He started laughing and said I was waiting on you. I wanted to apologize for about to knock you over. She said That is okay. He said I was taken by your beauty. She said what and started smiling. He said I wanted to see if you have a boyfriend. She said what? He said Is that all you are going to say? She said No, I just finding this hard to believe. He said What? She said You telling me that I am pretty, and did I have a boyfriend. He said Why do you say that? She said Someone who look like you should have a girl or girls at least two of them clinging to you. He said I have many women who would like to be where you are right now? She said What are you saying? He said I want you for me. She said You don’t even know me. He said I am trying to get to know you, but you are like no. She said I am like yes. He said well, let’s start at the beginning. She said Okay. He said My name is Dontrell Hamilton; but everyone I am close to call me Donnie. She said My name is Crystal Harrison. He said Do you have any siblings? She said Yeah, I have a brother name Rodney. And how about you? He said I have two brothers and a sister. I am the youngest. She said So am I, as she smiled. How old are you? He said I am 17 and you. She said I am 16. My birthday November 07, that makes me a Scorpio. If you are in the zodiac sign and astronomy. He said Well, not really but my birthday is March 5; so that makes me a Pisces. She said So, what school do you go to? He said Northside High School. This year is my last year because I am a senior. What school will I have to visit to see you? She smiled and said Southwest High School. I am in my junior year; so I have another year. He said Is this really consider to be a senior skip day for you? She said No, but that doesn’t mean I can’t party like I am one. Plus, if I went to school today I wouldn’t have met you. I don’t do this often but it wasn’t nothing going on at the school today, so I would have left early anyway to go to work. He smiled and chuckled. He said Well, I am glad you didn’t go to school today or work. They sat down on the top of the stair next to each other. She said How is the party going so far for you? He said Well, so far so good. How is the party going for you? She said I don’t really know because me and my girls just got here. We really haven’t started to see what’s going on yet. He said What I really want to know is? Where is this man of yours at? I need to see my competition. She said I don’t have a boyfriend. Just have several guys who want me to go out with them. He said Not that I am trying to give you away, but I understand where they are coming from. What is wrong with them? She said I just don’t like them like that. He said How are you liking me? I hope I am not part of that list. Am I your type? She said So far, so good because I am liking what I hear and see. He said That is good to hear. She said What is your type? He said I am definitely liking what I am looking at now, so I guess you are. You never did answer me. She said I am sorry; what was the question. He said Will you be my lady? She said Yes, let’s see how this goes. He said That is what I am saying. Give me a chance and let me show you what I can do to keep a smile on your face. She said Do you want me to be honest with you? He said Go ahead, always. She said I don’t think I am in your league. He said Why do you say that? She said Because you are too fine, and I will be forever trying to keep other females from taking you from me. He said They can’t take someone who isn’t ready to go. I am not easily swayed away from someone who I like or am with. She said I just feel like I am not on the same level with you. Just look at you and look at me. I mean really. 8 said I wish you could see what I see. You are fine. Any man would love to have you on his side. That is why I am trying to get you on my side. I want you. Just as long as you want me. She said I want you. He said Good, we got that out the way. She started smiling. He said See that is what I love to see on you; your smile. Then a couple tried getting up the stairs. He said Let’s go find us a better place to chill at. She said Okay. I can show you off to my friends because they are waiting on me. I think they are still waiting on me. He said If not we will find them. He led her down the stairs. He said Do you see your friends? She looked around the room and seen Kisha and her friends pretty much where she left them. She said There they are; as she guide him over to them. As soon as Kisha seen Crystal coming towards her, she said Damn, fine men like that are at the bathroom. I am standing around in the wrong place if that is true. They all laughed. Crystal said That is where I found Dontrell Hamilton. Donnie, this is my best friend Kisha and my other friends Monique, Rachael, April and Jamie. Dontrell said Nice to meet ya’ll. Kisha said I am trying to see if I get the 411 on your available kinfolks that looks like you. Dontrell said I can see what I can do. I have several cousins that I could hook you up with. Kisha said I will hold you to that. Rachel said Don’t forget me too. I will take a friend that is half as nice looking as you are. Dontrell smiled and said Well, we will see ya’ll later. Kisha whisper to Crystal that you have hit the jackpot. Crystal smiled and followed Dontrell as he led her through the house introducing her to several of his friends. As they were getting ready to head outside, a girl walked up to Dontrell and said baby, where you been all day. I have been looking for you. Dontrell said Tamika, you know we don’t get down like that. He pulled Crystal in front of him and in between her. He said Meet my lady, Crystal. So, don’t disrespect her again. Tamika said I want to know how she is your lady and I am your girl. He said Girl, I have told you. You and I will never be, so get over it. You definitely don’t have a chance now. Just look at my girl and look at you. You don’t compare to her. She run rings around you without even trying. She makes Craig Mack look better than you. Dontrell led Crystal on outside by the pool. They left Tamika standing there looking shock. Dontrell said Do you want to chill out here? Crystal said That is good with me. She sat down a lounge chair and she slid all the way to back of the chair. Dontrell sat at the foot of the lounge chair. He said Do you want anything? She said Can I have some water? He said I will be back. I have to go in the house and get you a bottle of water. She said Do you want me to go with you? He said Naw, I got this. I will be back. Just enjoy the scenery. Don’t run off and leave me. She said It is nice out here. He said Yeah. She said I will be right here, unless it start raining and I don’t see a cloud in the sky now. So, I will be here. He smiled and got up. Before he went in the house; he spoke to Richie and Brandon, who were his brothers from another mother. He knew the bar only had alcoholic drinks, so he had to get the bottle water out the refrigerator in the house.

    While Dontrell was doing that, Crystal had closed her eyes and allowing the sunshine to beam on her face. She wished she would had worn a sundress instead of some capris. Then someone started rubbing on her right leg. She opened her eyes and saw it wasn’t Dontrell. Her reflex caused her to slap the guy across his face. She jumped up because she didn’t know what he was going to do next. She said I don’t know you, so you don’t put your hand on me. Brandon and Richie was watching her, so when they seen her slap the guy. They got close just in case he tried to hit her back. He said Bitch, you must don’t know who I am. She said Nigga, I don’t care who you are because no nigga put his hands on me; unless I want him to. You, I don’t want your griming hands on me. The guy said, I get whoever I go after, so you will be one of my hoes swinging on my nut sacks. He walked up to her and Brandon walked up to them. Brandon said Man, is there a problem. Richie had made it there right after he said that. The guy said Naw, I am just not going to be disrespected by no bitch. Richie said Watch your mouth. By then Dontrell had come back and looked at the guy. Dontrell did some kind of hand sign. Dontrell said It looks to be a problem here. The guy said Naw, man. Is this you? Dontrell said This is my lady but why are you in her face, is what I am trying to understand. The guy looked at Crystal and said, sweetheart I am sorry for disrespecting you. Crystal just looked at Dontrell like I am leaving. Dontrell understood what she wasn’t saying and what she was saying. Dontrell said I know who you are, and I will deal with you later. The guy started looking frighten and said my fault. I saw a beautiful girl outside by herself and I wanted to try her. I got beside myself. Crystal said You don’t put your hands on me and then buck. Brandon got in front of Dontrell and said he isn’t worth it. Plus, we got it. You and your lady go somewhere else and have a good time together. Dontrell went over to Crystal and said let’s go back in the house. He looked at the guy and gave him a look like if my woman wasn’t here I would have been dealing with you, myself now. The guy knew Dontrell’s eye communication and was very sorry. Dontrell led Crystal in the house. They sat in the den where a movie was playing on a 72 plasma television screen mounted on the wall. They sat on the sofa by themselves. Crystal said I want you to calm down. Dontrell said I just don’t like to be disrespected. Especially my lady is not to be disrespected in any way. That nigga put his hands on you. She watched him turning redder and redder. A couple was sitting on the loveseat nearby and they got up because of how red he was getting. Crystal knew nothing else to do but to kiss him, so she did. He started kissing her back with more passion. He pulled her into his lap. She ran her finger down the middle of his back really soft. It would either turn him on or tickle him. He stops kissing her and started laughing but it also gave him a quick hard on. He said Baby thank you, but you are going to have to stop and get up. She said I like you much better when you are laughing and happy. He said I like you more and more. She smiled and said me too. He kissed her lightly again and let her up. He said I am a true believer of love at first sight. She said I am really feeling you too. I want to spend as much time with you as I can. He said Me too. I hate I have to go to work tomorrow. He said Where do you work at? She said At an urban clothing store called, Lite Fashion in the mall. He said I never seen you in there before. She said I just started back about a week ago. He said I spend mad money in there. She said Oh, yeah. He said Yeah. Now I know you are going to be there. I will be there even more now. She said Is that a promise? He said Yes, it is. She started smiling and he started smiling too. He said I am really glad I have met you today. She said Me too. About the kiss. He said No, let it be what it was. I know you aren’t fast and run around kissing everyone. She said That is right. He said I gave you the name lady because that is how I think of you. You haven’t showed me any different. She said Oh, okay. He said Now can we relax. Can I watch this movie with my lady? She smiled and said Yes. Just don’t leave me anymore for nothing. He smiled and said not even to the bathroom". They laughed for a minute as they got comfortable on the sofa.

    Hours had gone by as the watched television and drifted off to sleep. They were woken up by Kisha shaking Crystal up out of her sleep. Crystal said Hey, girl. Kisha said I am getting ready to leave. Crystal said Okay. Crystal started getting up. Dontrell kind of pulled her back down in her position that she was in. He mumbled do you have to leave now? I am not ready for you to leave yet. She said We have a rule; if we came together, we leave together. He said Can ya’ll make an exception this time? I will take you home. If you really must leave with Kisha call me when you get home. Crystal looked at Donnie and said are you leaving now? He said No, this is my boy’s house. Crystal looked at Kisha and said Kish, can we make that exception this time. Kisha said Sure, if you aren’t ready to go. Just call me when you get home. I will wait up to hear back from you. Crystal said Okay. We will talk then. Kisha said Donnie, you better be careful with my sister. Dontrell said Okay, I will. Kisha said I will be holding you to that. Don’t you forget to give me the hook up on one of your kins what looks like you. Dontrell said I got you on all that. Kisha waved and walked off. Crystal said Donnie. Dontrell said What’s up? Crystal said We better get up before we go back to sleep. Dontrell said That wouldn’t be too bad. Crystal said Naw, but it is getting late and I don’t want anyone to worry about me. Dontrell said I understand. Well, let’s get up and I will tell my boys bye. Dontrell said You were really going to leave me here. Crystal said No way. Especially with that Tamika chick running around putting claims on you. They both started laughing. Dontrell said Let me get you home. She said Okay. So, they got up and started for outside to tell everyone they knew out there their byes and some of the guys did some kind of special hand sign thing. Then they went back in the house and tell all of their people in the house their byes the same for some the guys in there as well. They finally got outside and was now walking to his car. He said I knew I would get blocked in because so many people were going to come out to this party; so, that is why I parked this far away. Crystal said That is cool. They came up on a really nice silver fully loaded Mercedes CLS63 S Coupe. He pressed the unlock button on his key pod. She saw the lights flash. She said This is your car? He said Yes. She said This is nice. I like it. He said I try but this isn’t my only car. She said Oh, okay. He came around to her side of the car and opened the door. She got in and he closed the door after he seen she was sitting comfortably in the car. He came back around the car and got in. She said What do you do for a living? I underestimated you because I thought you just go to school or is this car yours. Me and my brother have to share a little Honda and it is old to boot. He said I go to school and work for my father. He has a distribution company that is in several regions of the United States, Virgin Island, and a medium size island of the coastline of Cayman Islands and Caribbean. Yes, this is my car. She said Okay. Do you like it? He said It is okay. He plans on handing over part of his distribution company for this region over to me. So, I would be the regional CEO. She said Okay. He said "With that being said I have money with

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