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About this ebook

This book is about self-awareness, building self-confidence, valuing your own talents, and learning to stand up for yourself. You are unique. You are worth it. You need to recognize your talents and share them with the world. This world needs you. You can choose to be the creator of your future. Be responsible. Words have power; use them wisely!

Dreams come true. Dream big and work hard for your dreams!

Life is a gift. Make the most out of it!

Be yourself from the beginning until the end!
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 12, 2019

Nikolaya Krasteva

Nikolaya was born in Bulgaria, Eastern Europe. Her dream was to travel and explore life, through her own experience. And she fulfilled her dream. Now she is a life coach. She teaches people how to fulffil treir dreams, helps them accomplish their goals and guides them through rough times and difficulties. She likes to see people happy and successful.

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    Chérie - Nikolaya Krasteva

    Copyright © 2019 Nikolaya Krasteva.

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    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3099-9 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3098-2 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-3103-3 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019909321

    Balboa Press rev. date:  07/12/2019


    An Artist’s Response to Chérie


    Discover Your Talents, Hobbies, and Skills





    Establish Limits

    The Art of Self-Preservation

    Let’s Learn to Say No


    Words and Communication

    Miscellaneous Thoughts

    Knowing yourself is the beginning of all wisdom.


    An Artist’s Response to Chérie

    Imitating Mother Earth’s nature, the woman is a center and a wonder too. Pythia was a high priestess, one of the Fates, one of the Muses, and an inspirer in the bed, in the kitchen, on the stage, and behind the counter. The woman is a beginning and a future too. Through her, life is abundantly present in every minute. It is present in dream and pain, in madness and fear, in loss and gain. There is no heart that does not beat faster when Nefertiti, Cleopatra, Antigone, Sappho, and others are mentioned or imagined. Depending on her inner self, a woman can transform herself from a queen into a housemaid and vice versa. She has the privilege of giving and nurturing life. That is why she has been initiated into a far greater mystery than the male gender.

    Meeting today’s needs, Chérie has appeared as a confession and a guide to the woman’s role and place in the contemporary world. Fascinating, brimful of real situations and philosophical ideas, the book guides us on the road to ourselves, and hence to the art of living. In a significant part of the text, the gender washes away its boundaries and marks the important duty of each of us. Breaking the threads of fear—getting rid of fear—means carefully nourishing our gifts as the greatest expression of love for the Creator.

    Offering shelter and fulfillment, the woman is not only recognized in the visible world; her role is omnipresent, her place a necessary factor. Whether feeling delight or pain, both young and old utter Mom!

    When we turn our eyes to the window, in a moment our thoughts melt into the landscape we see beyond the glass. What we see is limitless, timeless, and spaceless; it is the majestic outer world. It was also born out of a womb. We have to learn how to enter it freely, to understand it, and to live it.

    People think that the work of our hands has limited influence. It spreads only to what we are touching. People think that only words can easily stir people into action. Think of armies on any continent. Words have magical power. In One Thousand and One Nights, sesame opens doors. Legends are based on true stories and do not lie.

    Chérie does not claim to be literature, yet it makes original and useful reading. From the first to the last page, it is about removing the thin skin of the fruit and reaching the bitter kernel, cracking the pit, or leaving it in the sun.

    I wish Aya love and obstacles as well as comfort, just like the garden gazing ball provides, and I wish the reader an inspiring journey to himself or herself in her company.

    For centuries on end, from the wind’s resting place through the gentle gender of mirrors, the woman has been watching and sowing future.

    Nikolay Marinov, Painter


    The precept, Know yourself, was not solely intended to obviate the pride of mankind; but likewise that we might understand our own worth.


    Hello, Chérie, how are you today? Tell me, which way you are headed. Why are you walking with your head down, my friend?

    And she says, Well, because who am I to hold my head up and walk confidently?

    My response applies to everyone who has similar feelings: "But why this lack of self-confidence, my dear? Why don’t you hold your head high? What do you mean by ‘who am I’? You are a creature of God with unique qualities. You were made to be what you must be. You are the only one. Think about it: no woman like you is to be found in this big world. There is no other person who has the same name, the same weaknesses and strengths, talents, desires and agonies. There is no one like you. God has created you as a unique being. Why shouldn’t you hold your head up proudly? What do you have to be? Who has told you that you have to be someone else? Who has said that you have to look like or be like anyone else? Raise your beautiful little head and recognize your worth. Only then will you be able to live your life to the fullest and to walk confidently through the crowd. Only then will you appreciate the unique human being you are. There is no copy of you. Your only duty is to love yourself the way you are and to live your life fully as a woman having all the right in the world to be happy.

    Let me tell you something—Don’t be afraid to be happy! Happiness must be your natural state; it is not a privilege. The question here is how to achieve happiness.

    Here is what we are going to do now. I am going to ask you questions, and you are going to answer them. Then, together, we are going to analyze your thoughts and, together again, we are going to bring to light the hidden treasure within you. Promise to be honest with me and, especially, with yourself.

    Write down on a sheet of paper what you think of yourself.

    I am asking you to make a written note of it so that you can see in black and white how you perceive yourself. It is one thing to say it to yourself and another to see it written down on paper. After you read this book, you will also be able to make the necessary changes in who you are, if such changes are required at all.

    What you write on paper will show you where you started, what efforts you have made, and what results you have achieved. It will make you take a closer look at yourself.

    Let us take a look at the reality we are living in. Here is an example: A man who was angry with me because I had not fulfilled his wish told me not long ago, Well, you consider yourself to be too important. I answered, Yes, of course, I am important. I am the most important person to myself. What makes you think you are more important?

    Shortly before that, another important male had asked me, So why do you think you are special? Lord have mercy! The same reply: Of course I am special. I am even more special than you think. You don’t expect to be more special than I am, do you?

    At a certain point I asked myself why only men would ask me such questions. What was their problem? Why did they not like the idea

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