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Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose
Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose
Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose
Ebook194 pages3 hours

Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose

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About this ebook

Bliss Keys—its name inspired by Joseph Campbell’s invitation to “follow your bliss”—is for you if you are tired of feeling stuck, frustrated, or powerless in any area of your life. It’s for you because you’re ready for a change. Lovingly gentle, yet firm, grounded and multidimensional, this workbook teaches you hands-on methods for harnessing the creative energy in your emotions, remembering what you are here for—your soul’s purpose—and accessing your unconscious mind to effectively program yourself for success. Bliss Keys, its companion coaching memoir Breaking Out Gently, and the online coaching hub ( will empower you to find your individual freedom and welcome bliss into your life.
PublisherBalboa Press
Release dateJul 9, 2019
Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose

Francisca B. Michel

Francisca B. Michel is an Australian-German life coach, spiritual health coach, and accredited Practitioner of The Journey—a method which helps you access and resolve the emotional root cause of an issue. Since 2006 Francisca has guided hundreds of people in resolving their life issues at their core. Combining emotional healing, laser coaching and mind-over-matter teaching, Francisca developed the Bliss Keys Coaching Program, and online coaching hub at She specializes in supporting people who want to connect with their authentic selves, find their way back to their life purpose, and contribute to life from a more fulfilled place. The mother of two daughters, Francisca resides in Topanga, California.

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    Bliss Keys - Francisca B. Michel


    "Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose is powerful, practical and guides you on your path to purposeful self-actualization and deliberate co-creation. Readers new to the Law of Attraction will find it easy to understand the concept and those experienced in the principle will find new inspiration and encouragement to use it towards creating their dream."

    —Mary Morrissey, Speaker, Best-Selling Author, Empowerment Specialist

    "Francisca has compiled and integrated many self-help approaches and methods into a coherent program for people who want to address their life issues in a personalized way. Wandering through the self-help shelves in a library or bookstore with little insight or direction can feel overwhelming. Francisca’s books provide clear descriptions of ways we limit ourselves and outline step-by-step how we can take an active role co-creating a more fulfilling life. Her memoir Breaking Out Gently, is inspiring. Her guidebook Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose, and coaching hub are flexible and adaptable so people can tailor the work to their own specific needs. I highly recommend this program for your personal journey of self-understanding and growth."

    —Mary Jo Wevers, Ph.D., Spiritual Health Coach, Karmic Astrologer

    "Francisca B. Michel’s guidebook—Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose—is a must read for anyone interested in finally transforming old and stuck emotional patterns. Francisca is leading the reader masterfully and gently through the Bliss Keys Process—combining emotional healing, laser coaching, and mind-over-matter teaching—which will ultimately guide you to find your higher purpose and well-being. Be ready to be amazed as you experience true physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual break-throughs."

    —Simon A. Luthi, VP Global Product Management AMEX, Energy Medicine Practitioner

    "This program is the fast-track to finding your path and your purpose in life. It was one of the very best investments of my life. It lead me to where I am, which is the best place I have ever been in my life. I could have given up all the schooling I ever had, all of the academic work I ever did for this work. This was far more vital to my happiness and my path than any of that ever was."

    —Cinnamon Nuhfer, MLHR, Intuitive Healer

    Over my nearly thirty years as a practicing family medicine physician, I have encountered just a few very rare individuals, professional colleagues whom I consider to be true healers. Francisca B. Michel is one of them. She is exceptionally well-trained, skilled, experienced, gentle, empathetic and patient (but persistent) in guiding us from fear to freedom, from self-reproach to self-love, from darkness into light. I speak not only from my professional perspective but as an immensely grateful client, for whom Francisca provided exactly the kind of ruthless compassion that can make miracles happen. This guide book presents her methods in an approachable, usable and undeniably effective step-by-step program that leads the reader ever closer to and able to hear more clearly the quiet inner voice of one’s highest self; beyond ego, beyond circumstances, beyond doubt or preconceived limitations. If you are seeking a path to greater happiness and contentment, and true healing of past or current wounds, Francisca will lovingly lead you there.

    —David B. Baron, M.D., FAAFP,

    Family Medicine, Founder/Owner Primary Caring of Malibu Medical Group, Inc.


    A Practical Guide to Unlocking Your Purpose



    Copyright © 2019 Francisca B. Michel.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or reproduced by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, taping or by any information storage retrieval system without the written permission of the author except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.

    This book is a work of non-fiction. Unless otherwise noted, the author and the publisher make no explicit guarantees as to the accuracy of the information contained in this book and in some cases, names of people and places have been altered to protect their privacy.

    Balboa Press

    A Division of Hay House

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    Bloomington, IN 47403

    1 (877) 407-4847

    Because of the dynamic nature of the Internet, any web addresses or links contained in this book may have changed since publication and may no longer be valid. The views expressed in this work are solely those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the publisher, and the publisher hereby disclaims any responsibility for them.

    The author of this book does not dispense medical advice or prescribe the use of any technique as a form of treatment for physical, emotional, or medical problems without the advice of a physician, either directly or indirectly. The intent of the author is only to offer information of a general nature to help you in your quest for emotional and spiritual well-being. In the event you use any of the information in this book for yourself, which is your constitutional right, the author and the publisher assume no responsibility for your actions.

    Author Photo by André Schnyder and

    Cover Photo by Linus Nylund from unsplash

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1620-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9822-1621-4 (e)

    Balboa Press rev. date: 07/09/2019



    Crisis As Opportunity

    Module 0   Optional Preparation

    Chaos Into Clarity


    Module 1   Agreement

    1. Practice the Bliss Keys Exercises

    2. Be Present to Joy

    3. Go Cold Turkey On The Fixing Addiction

    4. Be A Vessel For Change

    5. Have One Corner Of Your Mind Open To The Possibility

    6. Commit

    Integrated Online Coaching Program

    Module 2   Define Your Heart’s Desire

    What Is Your Dream? (Your dream in this context means Preferred Reality)

    Distinct Tangible Goal or Feeling State?

    Generic Dream Vs. Heart’s Desire

    Core Values

    Core Values Exercise

    Assess Your Dream

    Module 3   Identify Your Own Truth and Who You Really Are

    Your Identity

    Self-Image: You Can Not Outperform Your Self-Concept


    Your Higher Self

    The Divine

    The Real You

    Module 4   Frame Your Outcome

    Begin With The End In Mind

    High-Quality Questions

    Deliberate Manifestation Is Simple But Not Easy

    Module 5   Focus Your Manifesting Mojo or ‘Art Of Allowing’ Skill

    Create a Gap

    Your Perception Changes How It Makes You Feel

    Emotions Transform Mind Into Matter

    Pass Through Your Own Suffering

    Emotional Release Exercise


    Module 6   Envision Your Success

    Visualize Your Highest Self—Your True You

    Endeavor To Live The Life You Are Imagining

    Vision Statement

    Module 7   Clear Your Slate

    Identify Your Blocks

    Real You Vs. Conditioned You

    Fear Elicitation: Worst Case Scenario—Best Case Scenario

    Your Unconscious Mind Is Running Your Show


    Changing Negative Beliefs

    Belief Change Exercise

    Psychological Projection And Blame Shifting

    The Ego Mask

    Un-hook Yourself From Triggers

    The Power of Being Neutral

    Neutrality Exercise

    Mind Joggers

    Hakalau-ing Through The Terror Barrier


    Module 8   Establish Your True You Feeling State

    The Pain Of Opening Your Heart

    Commit To Capturing The Energy Of Your Dream


    Trust Instead Of Manipulation

    Healing Your Relationship To Money—The Blood Of The Planet

    Empty Your Cup

    Denouncing The Victim

    Pass Through Your Own Suffering

    Let It Be Physical

    Get Good With Change

    Module 9   Nurture Your Dream

    Stay Tuned To Your Heartfelt Desire

    Setting Boundaries —Saying No To Emotional Vampires

    Boundary Exercise

    Nurturing Means Staying Close To

    Be Impeccable With Your Word

    Partners In Believing


    Module 10   Create the Life that Matches Your True Self

    Cyclic Energy

    Emotion Of Desire


    Paving The Way With Your Thoughts

    Deliberate Co-Creation


    Module 11   Expand Your Reach

    Tell Your Story 

    Live Your Purpose


    I wish to thank my daughters, Sarah and Abra, and my ex-husband, Sion, for their unconditional love, patience and support throughout the process of writing this guidebook and its companion coaching memoir. I am deeply grateful to my clients for their courage in doing the inner work, their thirst for living their purpose, and for allowing me to be their guide. Special thanks to Shai Magdish for his coaching and cutting edge teaching. I am grateful to Jaclyn Gelb for her Feminine Energy Circle and for providing the space for healing the feminine wound. Thanks to Matthew Stainner for marketing-directed guidance and for telling me to write this book the moment I completed my memoir. I am grateful to Christian André Schnyder and Jane Moro for helping create the logo. I wish to thank my teachers at The Journey™, Brandon Bays, Kevin Billett and Skip Lackey, as well Mary Morrissey from LifeSoulutions. I am deeply grateful to my father for everything he taught me about psychology and group analysis. Special thanks to Mary Jo Wevers for facilitating many of my processes over the years, and for editing the manuscript. Additionally, to Paige Parsons-Roache for proofreading the book.

    For my clients and members of the Bliss Keys Coaching Program.


    Bliss Keys: A Practical Guide To Unlocking your Purpose is for you if you are tired of feeling stuck, frustrated, or powerless in any area of your life. It’s for you if a higher, wiser, more peaceful part of you is urging you to go to the next level, make your dream a reality, and live up to your potential. It’s for you if a sense of urgency is here, and you’re ready to do whatever it takes—including going within.

    Going within in coaching/healing lingo means breathing deeply, becoming still enough to identify how you are feeling, and welcoming that feeling—not to dwell on it but to burn through it—thus clearing your inner slate. Going within includes self-inquiry, being quiet enough to hear your thoughts, and keen enough to listen to the messages that pulsate up like bubbles of awareness from the deep pond of self-reflection. It means getting to know yourself.

    Know Thyself, a motto inscribed on the frontispiece of the Temple of Delphi, imperative in form, indicates that you must look at yourself. This maxim was later expounded upon by the philosopher Socrates who taught that the unexamined life is not worth living. There is another reason to examine yourself— unless you know yourself, you can not create deliberate change in your life. The famous quote by 13th-century Persian poet and scholar Rumi, Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise, so I am changing myself, speaks to this axiom. From a metaphysical, as well as a mind-body-healing perspective, we know this to be true. Alternative medicine advocate Deepak Chopra, said to discover the cure for cancer one would have to look within. Whether you are seeking to cure an illnesses or you are keen on healing your relationships, or improve your financial wellbeing, whether you want to feel more alive, want to save the planet, or wish to bring your dream into reality, you will first need to look inside yourself and learn how to make changes there.

    As you get to know your self, you will find that the Self has two parts: the lower self and the higher self. The lower self is the self that is run by the ego, which can be needy, insecure, and manipulative. The self that is run by fear, needs to defend itself and doesn’t trust that it is connected to something larger than itself. Your higher self is the self that is one with All That Is, and knows its own connectedness with Divinity. Its guidance is calm and collected, never frantic, but wise—that’s how you can tell them apart.

    The Bliss Keys Program outlined in this book will help you consciously evolve your lower self and resolve unhealthy ego traits—the masks and patterns that limit you. As you practice the exercises in this guidebook and walk the path of sincere self-inquiry you will strengthen your connection to your higher self who will guide you in making wiser choices in life.

    Crisis As Opportunity

    The inner work in this guide has the potential to transform any crisis or challenge into an opportunity to make your life better than it was before. If your relationship with someone else or with yourself is not working, rather than getting mad, or shutting down, why not open yourself up to finding out why? Rather than blaming yourself or someone else, how about looking at how you are making your life what it is, and investing your energy into changing it—from within? This mindset doesn’t leave much room for blaming anymore, but what it gives you in return is real empowerment. The paradox is that when you take responsibility for your life—for your emotions, your physical wellbeing, the quality of your relationships, your finances, in short,

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