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Tales of the Peacemaker: The Ancient Stories: Aniya Ancient
Tales of the Peacemaker: The Ancient Stories: Aniya Ancient
Tales of the Peacemaker: The Ancient Stories: Aniya Ancient
Ebook269 pages4 hours

Tales of the Peacemaker: The Ancient Stories: Aniya Ancient

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These are a 21 interactive subset of the Tales of the Peacemaker series. As on might expect they all whitness some events. Only the events important to them do they record in their stories. If you read all 21 stories you will see parts that you have read in others but also there are some different things woven into the stories. They tell it as it occurred to them.

Anyia Ancient is the keeper of their history.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateJul 23, 2019
Tales of the Peacemaker: The Ancient Stories: Aniya Ancient

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    Tales of the Peacemaker - Ashley Hall

    Copyright © 2019 by Ashley Hall.

    ISBN:                Softcover                        978-1-7960-1853-0

                             eBook                             978-1-7960-1852-3

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 07/22/2019





    ■   Gaining magic

    ■   The council

    ■   Planning on leaving my home

    ■   Meeting Angela the Atom

    ■   The Star’s queen

    ■   Queen Moonbeam

    ■   King Sunbeam

    ■   Freeing the slaves

    ■   Meeting my king

    ■   More of the empire

    ■   Returning a former slave to her home

    ■   Removing a trident from power

    ■   Lola is introduced to her love

    ■   Meeting Jacob

    ■   Meeting Cella and the Fire Sphinx

    ■   Seeing my family again

    ■   Meeting Jessi

    ■   The Emperor’s ship

    ■   The story stones

    ■   Lost at sea

    ■   Learning the mistake

    ■   Mist’s uniqueness

    ■   Jacob the first becomes Tyso

    ■   The first king under the Emperor

    ■   First immortal children

    ■   The Ancients of the Empire

    ■   More kings

    ■   Twin stars are back

    ■   Empire ranked Sam

    ■   Our family and friends return

    ■   Empire Sam becomes Center Sam

    ■   Meeting other centers

    ■   Our Emperor’s last name

    ■   Meeting the Queen

    ■   The children of the great king-Sire No Time

    Gaining magic

    My name is Aniya. I am a female with very short dark hair. I keep it that way so it does not get in my way. I am average height, have dark skin from spending a bit of time in the sun light, and green eyes. I live forever now but was born a mortal. I have magic now and was born a nonmagic. This is my story.

    Long ago, I lived with my nonmagic mortal family, my Papa, Ma, and a brother. We went camping a lot. My parents enjoyed camping and I got use to it. I personally enjoy history and could have easily spent the time in a museum. I compensated by bringing history books with me when we did go camping.

    One day, we were out camping and my brother, as usual, teases me about my love of the past. This time he went to far. He said Why do you care about history? It is dead.

    I got angry and yelled at him, History is not dead. It is happening!

    After being so angry, I ran off to calm down. I was seven and got lost. I wondered for days. I got very tired, hungry and thirsty. I came across a spring or a well, I am not entirely sure to this day. On the rocks that outlined the border is drawn or formed, again I don’t know which, and never have, are different symbols. I wondered what they meant. Then I saw one that looked as a scroll and that reminded me of history. I sat down and touched that stone taking a drink of the water.

    I felt strange. I sat back and looked around. All the other stones appeared the same as before. The one I touched no longer had the symbol on it. Where did it go? I did not know. I walked back to my family who was greatly worried.

    My brother, Luke said, Sorry for upsetting you Aniya. I just do not understand what you find so interesting about the past.

    I replied, I know. Sorry I yelled.

    Ma said, Where did you get the necklace?

    I said, Necklace?

    Then I touched it and felt the symbol I had touched in that place, the one that had disappeared from the rock. I smiled saying, I found it. You know I enjoy things that remind me of history.

    Papa asked, Don’t you think someone lost it and would want it back?

    I replied, No… I am sure it does not belong to anyone.

    They accepted it. Then we packed and hurried home as Papa was late for work. We got home the next day. Papa went right to his job to explain. He got home very late, but was up early for work the next day, again getting home late. The following day I was out walking. Luke was with me -perhaps so I did not get lost again. I asked to go to the museum.

    Luke said, Sure sis. Your getting lost was good for me. We got a few more days away from this noise, so I owe you.

    I knew he was teasing me but I said, Was that not the point? Museum is far less noisy also.

    Luke became completely serous, and entirely displeased said, You did that on purpose. Pa could have lost his job.

    I said, No, I generally got lost. I was teasing you also.

    He grunted.We reached the museum and went inside. A group of the officials were there and a scholar, one I knew studied written languages for years to learn what is recorded from the past. They were looking at something new. I instantly wondered what and walked over. I had meant them all before and they all knew me well. I tended to be in their way.

    When I greeted them pleasant, they said, See you are around again. More questions?

    I looked at the plaque they were standing around and paled. I said, Put it back. Where ever it came from put it back! It must go back.

    Luke asked, Why?

    I replied, It says ‘In this place many lives were lost, cause uncertain. We had this stone made as a warning and placed it here. It is our hope that it will remain in this place so many lives can be saved.’ It needs to go back.

    Scholar said, I just spent the last two days trying to figure it out and just did an hour ago, so how did you know?

    I said, I read it. I just read it. I don’t understand how I knew what it says but I do. It has to go back.

    The museum owner said, It will. It leaves in the morning with the translation attached, so it will stay in that place for many more years. We got other things in that he just figured out. Not been on display before. Want to try telling us what you think they say?

    I replied, I would. I do not guarantee how correct I would be.

    They said, Proverbially not very.

    I was shown the other objects anyways. No translations were posted with them. I went from one to another translating them all accurately as if I have seen it happen and knew what was written. They got more amazed as each one went by. Hours passed by, then we heard my parents call out, Hi, anyone here?

    We stopped and walked to the front. The museum owner said, Your daughter is very talented. She learns languages fast. We have spent the past three hours listening to her translate many pieces we just got in a few days ago that not many have even seen. She translated them all accurately. Did not realize she was so learned.

    I said, There is more. Can I attempt to read the last few?

    So we all went to the back again and I read off three with no errors and no problems. The last one I looked at I was confused. I said, Difficult language.

    A few minutes passed by then I said, Not all here. It tells a story but this is only a part of it, some of the sentences are incomplete, and the words are faded in some places so I can’t tell the story. The words I do see are ‘ankonlette - a bracelet’ ‘sparrow -a spear’ ‘and enno- an empire’ without the rest it does not make much sense.

    The scholar said, Yes. Those were the exact three words I was able to translate and their correct meanings also. I do not know the rest as it is faded badly. The one area we treated faded even more when it was suppose to clear it up.

    I smiled and said, In very small print near the top it is written ‘This is a strange story, but only those who just know the words will learn the story. I have made sure of it.’ It is signed ‘No Time.’ That makes me afraid to stand here. On the other corner is a symbol and below it there is written ‘Symbol of the empire, my symbol. The parts are those who can know the story when gathered as a whole.’ It is also signed but the name is faded out.

    The museum owner felt the corner he stood closest to and said, There is writing here.

    A couple of seconds later, he drew back and rubbed his hand. I realized it was numb, and not apt to ease up any time soon. Not that way anyhow. He had touched the signature.

    I said, Not good to touch the name of the ruler of the empire. Numbness spreads. Quit rubbing your arm, only make it worse.

    What I didn’t say aloud was, "No Time please understand no harm or disrespect was meant."

    As soon as I touched the stone a small compartment on the side of it opened. I took out the container that was there and set it on a table near by. I took the paper that was wrapped around it off the bottle and read it silently. It said, ‘Medicine, removes numbness. One that touched the ruler’s name or title must declare that one of the people is a friend for it to work. The people have the symbols that make up the ruler’s symbol. Drawn on the front of the stone this was encased in.

    I blinked and asked, Sir thinks of me as a friend?

    The museum owner said, What does it matter?

    I shrugged and said, I just wish to know. Do you consider me a friend?

    He replied, Sure. I let you back here lass. So I assume you might call yourself a friend.

    I shook my head and said, Would you call me a friend?

    He grunted, Suppose so.

    Ma asked, Why does it matter Aniya?

    I just asked, Would I be a friend?

    The museum owner replied, Sure, friend.

    I then uncapped the bottle and said, Medicine removes numbness. Drink it all.

    Everyone said, It reeks bad.

    I said, Numbness is spreading, yes?

    He grabs the bottle with some difficultly and drinks it. Minutes pass by and he looks pale. Papa asked him, Sir, are you ok?

    Seconds passed by in tense silence, and then the museum owner said, What was that stuff? It was plain awful.

    I said, Medicine. I don’t know anything else about it. The note just said it was medicine to remove the numbness, and also said you had to call me a friend for it to work. I do not know why but I did not question it either. I figured these that made it knew better then I did what it required to work, what it was for and how much was needed. So I thought it was best just to do as it said to.

    The council

    He asked everyone to leave and we all did. My parents, brother and I went home. Weeks later, I heard of new displays. I wanted to see them. I went to the museum but this time I was not allowed in. I realized that the owner had to tell them not to allow me into the museum, he is the only one who could have gotten them to stop me. I went to the library instead. I walked through the library, wondering who I could get to go to the museum and tell me what is on display. I know it can’t be any that he has seen me friendly with, as he might have told the security detail not to allow them in either.

    I wanted seven perspectives. I was not sure why seven but that is what I wanted. I went over to a girl of six. She was trying hard to write a book report but was having a hard time with the book, it has many phrases she was not use to. I said, I would translate all these phrases to terms you are use to if you would do me a favor.

    She asked, What favor?

    I replied, The museum has some new pieces on display but I am not allowed in at this time, an accident recently. I just want to know what is on display there.

    She replied, That sounds much more fun then trying to write a book report on things I don’t understand. So ok. I am named Terry.

    I replied, My name is Aniya.

    Then I picked up the book and her paper then started writing the terms over in modern language at her level of understanding. I knew her level of understanding as the few she had translated already. She left and I am done a few minutes after that. So I wondered around the library again.

    Minutes later, I found twins reading a health book together and talking out the things written. The boy said, I disagree. I think it means that all things are useful.

    The girl replied, Perhaps but what use could one find from some things? Such as poisonous plants, bugs and snakes.

    I said, Wise ones. I think all things could be useful and have their purpose. Snakes are useful to keep rodents and bugs down. Bugs in tunneling in the ground provide airways and water paths to all sorts of plants. Poisonous plants I think just developed the toxicity to keep from being picked so often, they tend to be among the most beautiful plants.

    The girl said, Perhaps so. I am Asby, and he is my twin Art.

    I replied, Aniya.

    Then I asked if they would check out the museum for me. They agreed and headed off. After that I found the other four I wanted opinions of. They were sitting in a group, just the four of them, two females, two males. They were trying to translate a hard text even for most college students. I know I have seen and heard others complain much about that book assignment. I looked forward to it.

    They, though much older then me, I knew would listen to me.

    I walked over to them and just to get their attention said, Oh fun. I enjoy that book.

    It works as no one would claim that before.

    One said, What do you think it says?

    Then turns the book towards me. I have never read the book before and never heard it spoken but I read it easily. I started talking pointing out the words as I did. When I was done, they cross referenced it with their class notes and are stunned that I managed to do so.

    I then asked, Would the wise ones do me a favor and see what is in the museum? The owner and I had a misunderstanding.

    They agreed to do so. The youngest of the four of them asked, Why did you call us wise ones?

    I replied Because I find you so.

    That one says, I find you to be wise also.

    I smiled and said, Now I have right to be called an Ancient! It means wise one.

    They laughed and walked off. I sat down and waited. A half hour later, the seven of them walked back together.

    I smiled and said, Well Ancients what is in the museum?

    They all started talking. They used terms from the books they had been reading. From what they said, I gathered the stone I had said had to be sent back and the one that has the symbol on it are not among the displays. I was not surprised by either, after all the owner said he was having the one sent back and I knew him to be truthful. The other I figured he would take no risks with the safety of the people that visit the museum.

    The librarian walked over to us and said, You have all gotten quite loud. Others are trying to read and learn.

    I said, Miss is right we are to loud. We are sorry. It won’t happen again.

    Terry said in the difficult language, Yes Queen.

    The rest nodded. So I became the queen of the Ancients. We all quiet down.

    There were seven there and it is what I wanted but the twins concern me. I needed a warrior and a healer not two healers so there was one more and one of these healers would not marry but get a high honor instead. I tell the seven of them I will be back in an hour and left the library.

    I just walked through the town. Near the outskirts I saw a boy a year older then I was. He was reading a book, but had a weapon by him. Seeing that I went over and said softly, Sir should not be reading should he? Is suppose to be training to be a guard for the king?

    He replied, Not your concern, but yes. I enjoy learning also. The training is intense.

    I said, Do you learn to protect the royal family because you have to or do you want to?

    He said, I want to. I asked to become an elite but I was not expecting so much so fast.

    I said, Wise one would you protect me if I ever had need?

    He replied, Sure.

    I asked, Even against the royal family?

    He said, How would that be wise? What have you done or plan to do that the royal family would take offense to you?

    I replied, Done nothing. Do not intend to do anything, yet it might happen. Protecting the queen of the wise ones would make you wise.

    He smiled and said, Then miss queen you will have your protection. Leave now. The captain of the guard should be by soon and I need to be training.

    I asked, Name?

    He replied, Anthony.

    I said, I am Aniya.

    Then I walked away wondering if Anthony was mocking me in his agreement to protect me or was he accepting it, I was not sure. I went back to the library and tell the seven that the next time my family went camping I would not be returning at least for a while. I asked them to find some they think are wise. They agreed to do so then said they will miss me. I went home.

    Planning on leaving my home

    Ma asked, So what is new at the museum?

    I replied, Most of the objects that were in the back room, except the one that made the owner numb. At least I was told so.

    Pa asked, If you did not go there then where did you spend the day?

    I replied, The library. Made some new friends.

    Ma said, That is nice. You need friends.

    Luke said, Library. Bet they are as strange as she is.

    Refusing to argue anymore or provoke him, with no desire to tease him I said, Thank you.

    He said, If I did not think you were joking that would make you crazy.

    I said, Take it what ever way you want.

    Then I went outside waiting for the king’s evening rounds. I just stood there. Minutes later, my family joined me.

    Luke said, No fun Aniya. I enjoyed our banter. What is wrong?

    I said, With me? Nothing. I feel fine.

    Then I took off running. Something was wrong. I had heard the youngest of the four group of my council say The queen here, why does she look so ill?

    I reached her minutes later, and knew that something was very off. I ran over to the queen and hugged her. I didn’t feel good on doing so. I then called out where only the Ancients understood, Healers need to make the anti toxin medicine. Made from the toxic plants. They know how. They need the plants brought to them. We Ancients are not harmed from these plants. Hurry, she will die if she does not get the medicine.

    Two took off to gather the plants. Anthony walked over to stand in the elite group and said, Sire, please forgive me but your wife was poisoned badly. The young miss told us to get the items needed to help her. The two that left are going to bring them. The twins will mix them to be good. Then your wife should take the medicine.

    The king said, The doctors say there is no help for her. So what makes you think you know better then those who have been in the profession for years?

    Then the two were back but kept the king from seeing what they hand to the twins. The twins kept it hidden also and mixed it up fast. Then Asby brought two glasses forward and said One for each.

    I said Good.

    Then I took the glasses and handed one to the queen. I said, Queen it is good medicine. Gets rid of toxins. Will feel really bad for a few minutes. Then will be fine. To prove it to you I am willing to take it first.

    I moved away from her then drank the one glass down. Seconds after finishing it I dropped ill. I threw up. Two minutes later, I stood and said, "See

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