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Saudi Adventure
Saudi Adventure
Saudi Adventure
Ebook144 pages1 hour

Saudi Adventure

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Saudi Adventure is a comedy story that takes place during the first Gulf War. It involves an army reserve unit that was activated and sent off to war. The two principal characters are Virginia and Adam, who happen to fall in love several months before the war starts. Then they are shipped off to war together. This will lead to quite a few comical situations while both are serving in a war zone together. Duty, love of country, and honor take on a new meaning when the 279th Light Maintenance Company takes to the battlefield.
Release dateJun 30, 2019
Saudi Adventure

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    Saudi Adventure - Samuel Bell

    © 2019 Samuel Bell. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  05/14/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-0817-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-0816-6 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019904561

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    Dedication To Virginia Torres

    The Reason

    The Beginning



    30Th November 1990


    December 7Th, 1990

    February 7Th, 1991

    December 21 1990

    22 Feb. 1991

    6 March 1991

    1 April 1991

    11 April 1991

    14 April 1991

    16 April 1991

    16 April 1991

    17 April 1991

    18 April 1991

    20 April 1991

    24 April 1991

    27 April 1991

    27 April 1991 (Afternoon)

    28 April 1991 12:05

    29 April 1991

    2 May 1991

    9 May 1991

    11 May 1991

    13 May 1991

    16 May 1991





    The true inspiration for this book. I can’t thank you enough for your patience, kind words and undying love. Sitting with you on those hot nights in the desert, at the back of your tent… as we put together note and ideas, that would become this book.

    You were the wind beneath my feet… Yes. We miss you very much.



    On August first 1990 the evil Saddam Hussein invaded Kuwait. This minor act of aggression, which some may have thought was of a small magnitude; really pissed off the world community in a way that Saddam could never have imagined.

    Please allow me to set the stage, and embellish if you will, on the situation that lead up to the events of August First, 1990.

    Our story begins some two years earlier, with Saddam lamenting over some outstanding gambling debts he had incurred while on holiday at Monaco, Morocco. You do know that hot cars and hot strippers cost large amounts of money. To say nothing of traveling first class all the time. Well it seems that Saddam was in hock to sum of 10 million dollars. Being a little short on cash he called up his close friend of the family the Sheik of Kuwait, and asked for a loan. The Sheik’s reply was, No Problem! When you are buddies like that, you do not have fill out a loan app or go through a credit check. Problem solved!

    This brings us July 31, 1990. Two years to the date of the loan, that was extended to Saddam by the Sheik. This loan was over do like a ripe tomato. I mean to tell you that no interest had been paid on said loan. Nor had there been any attempt to try and pay any.

    The Sheik being a man of high principles and high morals felt that the time had come for something to be done about this void on his Léger. Also he had a new wife who was requiring a new car, along with a new wardrobe to go with it. Like Saddam, he to like Hot Strippers and Hot Cars. But with one problem, the Sheik married the Hot Strippers. That will break any man.

    It seems the Sheik was trying to Saddam on the phone. You must remember this was before everybody and their grandmother had a cell phone. Also there was now caller ID either. The first number he tried was disconnected. The Sheik’s response was to utter the words: DEAD BEAT SON-A-BITCH!

    Calling information only helped to further infuriate him, when he would get messages like: I’M SORRY, BUT THIS NUMBER IS UN-PUBLISHED AT THE CUSTOMER’S REQUEST.

    The Sheik, not to be out done, dove into his bag of tricks to obtain Saddam’s home phone number. Once obtained, he quickly dialed the number. The Sheik allowed the phone to ring the proper number of times. In between the each ring his Highness pondered the words of a close aide. He had advised him to be as tactful as possible with Saddam. No curse words, and to be as respectful as possible. Do not demand anything from him, and above all Do Not give Saddam an ultimatum. Well while those words were ping ponging from one side his brain to the other, Saddam answered the phone:

    (The following is a telephone conversation that might have transpired the night before the invasion.)

    The Sheik was not in a very diplomatic mood at this point, after having had to go through several changes to get Saddam’s home number.

    If only the Sheik had realized what Saddam was saying. I do not think he would have been so agreeable.

    Saddam answered in a very soft voice, with just a hint of defiance. Along with that final transmission, the Sheik slammed the phone down. A look of pride and accomplishment rippled across his face. Strutting like a peacock, his Royal Highness began to revel in how he had called up Saddam Hussein and demanded his money, without biting his tongue.

    Now at the other end of this just completed phone conversation, things were not so cheery. Saddam was in deep thought……. Then in a twinkling of an eye, his response was like a man making a major decision.

    I MUST SETTLE MY DEBTS! AKBAR! Akbar was an aide to whom Saddam had lost quite a considerable amount of money to at the Camel races.

    YES MY GENERAL? WHAT MAY I DO FOR YOU? That was Akbar’s reply. He is a very good servant or I guess you could call him a good aide. But that was not enough to save him. Saddam being a person with just a few issues, one of them being his inability to deal with loss.

    AKBAR BRING ME MY AK-47 WITH THE BANANA CLIP. Akbar being a dutiful aide did as he was requested. Upon the fulfillment of his request Saddam took his AK-47 check to see if it was loaded, and it was, and then fired it at Akbar. Akbar was hit 5 times. After the second round, he did not know what hit him. He was dead.

    Saddam thought to himself: Ahhh, the melodious sounds of an AK-47 in the PM. There is nothing like it in the world. At that moment a big broad smile flashed across his face.


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