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The Visionary America: The Beginning
The Visionary America: The Beginning
The Visionary America: The Beginning
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The Visionary America: The Beginning

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Release dateAug 13, 2019
The Visionary America: The Beginning

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    Book preview

    The Visionary America - Gene Gaapf

    Chapter One

    I felt a sudden rush of whirling air as a floating lifting sensation took hold of me. The darkness is slowly turning to a soft brilliance and, feeling the motion abating, the brightness has merged into a soft brilliant white! In the distance, there stands a large golden gate enhanced with an array of gems. Standing as a centenn-ial and, draped in a pure white vestment, was an auto-phaneous figure. Suddenly, as if started awake, the realization of where I was reputed within me! With a slight motion (barely noticeable), the figure motioned towards the gate.

    As the gate began to open, a brilliant shimmering light unfolded from behind the gate. There, before me, emerged a resplendent vestibule. With a resounding voice, the figure spoke to me.

    Please, proceed to the end of the vestibule. They are waiting for you.

    Feeling myself floating, the steps I took within the vestibule with resounding thuds – culminating into an explosion within my mind. Each step enticed a droplet of sweat forming a furrow down my forehead. It sounded as a dripping faucet in the night! Each step reverberated through the emptiness.

    Then, my thoughts came to life- is this part of the firmament? Will I receive a filial reward? Or, have I utterly failed in disgrace? In the beginning, I knew that sin had filtered in- not a total depravity, it was a wandering away from the rectitude of Christ. A falling away – many regrets from deeds done- a ruse that embellished my soul like a haze. I can see the times of blessings- all that is my stewardship is overwhelming! And, how it was lost through my senseless backsliding, then it was taken away! Slowly at first then, snapped suddenly away!

    A long valley (toric in structure) tapered to become a dark pit-. There, at the far end, a pinhole of light ap-peared always glittering, always shinning, always beaconing me. Empyrean light appeared, slowly seeping into my soul to enamor all of me! Unexpectedly, from people that inject me with direction and a footpath, I know that what may lie ahead or what is to be done, but this path I willingly tread!

    Each day, this path increases in volume- plenary, it pervades my entire essence! Yet, for a season, God left me within my tribulation (perhaps as a paradigm) to grow- constantly changing for a reformation and a bolstering to find those certain connections. Along the way, each precipice was transversed and, always preceded by a foreboding, endless peak to be climbed. At times, my heart and soul seemed to be consumed and it seemed that I could not continue on! There, as it was crumbling down, there the laser would solidify, weld, and remold the walls together- someone would appear, or some event would occur when most needed. As the connection would strengthen and draw nearer, in the distance, was a special value- an action- an event that would glorify and adulate God!

    Suddenly, cognizant of this compunction, I finally attained my cusp! As an esurient animal, I began to become calumny, concupiscence and, canard. Being cataleptic, a soft carillon could be heard as I neared the end of the vestibule. Before me lay a peristyle, debouch-ing into a grandiose chamber. In the center stood a dais upon which a cherub was embodied in a white vestment and having a cincture edged with brilliant gems. Reciting a panegyric in a resounding, booming voice was the Archangel, Michael. Exultingly, he ended in a benison and behest of God.

    In unison, the host said, AMEN!

    Prayer remains with me- not knowing for sure if what I pray is correct and proper or even acceptable to God. Here is found an assurgent sense of inner wealth. Knowledge that, with each reading of the Bible, comes a special passage that unfolds before me, as I am shown the meaning thereof- 1Peter 3: 14-15.

    "But and if we suffer for righteousness sake happy are ye. And, be not afraid of their terror, neither be troubled.

    But, sanctify the Lord God in your hearts. And be ready always to give answer to every man that asketh you a reason of hope that is in you with meekness and fear.

    Awareness enthralled me- kneeling, thanking and, praising Jesus for his love and sacrifice- I felt a new birth of love and clarity of spirit and soul from within- I now found myself within a majestic chamber, amid this luster and splendor I kneel in reverence and submission finding myself as a minute particle within a greater cell.

    From within the brilliant-white, in a soft but5 resounding voice, God spoke.

    Arise my son, Fear not! For, this is not your judgment; we have brought you here for a special pur-pose. One that should augment the harvest before the rapture.

    Wondering why it was I that was chosen, in a small respective tone, I asked.

    My Lord, are there no0t greater men or women that have been chosen who can do a better job than I?

    From within came the soft voice.

    I am the alpha and omega, the beginning the end, the first and the last!

    And, I knew!

    As I knelt within the temple, I noticed that all was filled with the smoke from the glory of the Lord and His power. The purity and the whiteness, thereof, over-powered me, consuming my soul with the totality of God’s Love. Though I could not see through the smoke, the presence of God and Jesus dominated the whole of the temple. Round and about the throne were four and twenty clothed in white raiment and crowns of gold. In the forefront, to the left of the throne, was the Archangel, Michael. When he spoke, though his tone was soft, his voice thundered throughout the temple.

    Amen. Blessings, glory, and wisdom, and thanks-giving, and honor, and power, and might be unto our Father God, forever and ever! Amen!

    Then, from within the smoke and brightness, came God’s voice.

    Perhaps there are others, but this is your predest-ination and is why your tribulation has been what it was. For this particular use, you are to reap a special harvest!

    And, from within God’s glory, came an angel his raiment was a vestige of pure white and above his head was a rainbow grown. Then, softly, he spoke.

    "Come, see the vision; you have been tried by a tremendous heat lasting a long season; understanding not how or why, you have heard special messages by selected teachers having a deep and lasting effect.

    Yes, your tribulation still persisted. Deep within, you have felt a burning desire, a feeling without a name. This has been your special gift, a talent formu-lating, curing, and empowering your soul. Now, your season has come!

    As the smoke parted, I saw America from birth to the present and the relation thereof. And, again, he spoke.

    "Behold the apocalypse to come if America continues down its current path! Erebus shall extirpate her unless the corrupt and wicked government abrogates and repents and unless the people and leaders confess to the Lord!

    Remember Sodom and Gomorrah? See thou the ending of Ubar? But, first, she shall suffer a bedevilment beyond anything known! As the Founders defined and inspired America, so must it return unto the Lord, or these presages shall be—forever!

    Oh! The terrible scenes that unfolded before me! Bedevilment, pernicious events so vile. So atrocious, and not to be spoken of! Total devastation— a land so beautiful is now so arid with dunes so high, so rough that you can not transverse them! All I saw sent waves pulsating through my body!

    The bedevilment spoken of was a nation’s torment for the pernicious events. From within his glory, God spoke.

    Describe only the accruement of the desolation and the reasons why. Tell not how my hand levels its judgment!

    Again, the angel gestured towards the parting mist.

    Behold what happens to America if she continues down this path!

    Suddenly, the days of Noah and Lot appeared before me— sights of soothsayers, moral depravity, and sexual perversion (men lying with men as women), licentious-ness, murders and, all sorts of idolatry. Then, perhaps as an awakening, all of this was interfaced with America today that melted into the heat of the Lord’s judgment! It will be extremely difficult to persuade and show Amer-ica that what I’ve seen will happen if we do not repent and return to the Lord!

    During all of this, I became sickened and appalled at what I was shown (a government out of control- pres-idents thinking that they are above the law and the Constitution, and moral decadence becoming the norm in government then, they give themselves a wage that puts the citizens into a deep poverty)!

    These days, all types of crime are rampant in America with the worst of all is our children perpetra-ting grotesque crimes- heinous rapes, murders, attacks of all natures, and the saddest of this is the attack on their parents and siblings! Looking down through history, we must see what happened to other nations that had our symptoms- rampant homosexual behavior, widespread perversity, and turning from the adoration of the Lord to idolatry! Listen to what Jesus said in Mark 13:12.

    Now, the brother shall betray the brother unto death, the father the son, the children shall rise up against their parents and shall cause them to be put to death.

    Though Jesus was speaking of the end times America now stands as the leader in youth violence. Look around peoples of America! Look at how close we are becoming an abomination to desolation and how we have cast ourselves to the brink of abolishment! Oh, foolish and lascivious people! See what will become our fate lest we return unto the Lord! Then, the Lord God spoke from behind his glory.

    "My son, go now and tell the people of your nation what you have seen! Fear not that some will not believe. Soon your season will mature! The enemy will seem to be overpowering but, you will overcome him.

    Hear what I say from within! Listen not to those out-side of you for, you shall overcome them!

    Chapter Two

    Now, I am awakening and can see and feel what has been revealed unto me. Rising to my feet, I feel a new empowering within. Then, suddenly, an angel is stand-ing before me!

    Fear not to bring this message to your nation! You must go to these people that have been appointed to aid you. There must be more than words to this-the evilness of disbelief requires a map to emphasize it! Therefor, go to these people that they may stand with you.

    I packed to begin my journey and task. Arriving in Los Angels, I went to Jean and Peter Courtier’s head-quarters. Finding them in their office I began to reveal the message to them. Leaving nothing omitted I leaned back in the chair as I finished. Then, Peter spoke.

    I can feel the presence of the Holy Spirit in what you are telling us. How may we assist you in this?

    "I wish to make a map of this—a film. It will require a lot of planning and dedication both by the director and the actors. I must go to North Carolina to speak with Paul Tomnison. Together, we can make this come to fruition in a short space of time. I will phone you from there.

    Remember, the end times are drawing neigh and, if we as a nation do not return to God, we will be in a terrible fate as the other nations! Thank you and, God bless you in this endeavor.

    The flight to North Carolina was uneventful and, with each passing day, my soul and spirit were strengthening. Upon arrival there the FBI swooped me up telling me to be silent. They just said that the pertinent people would explain it to me (now I understand what was told to me). I soon found myself in D.C. In front of the White House. Inside the Oval Office the President addressed me.

    Is it your purpose to ruin this nation?

    Smiling, I spoke softly.

    Beware! God has given me this message not to ruin but, rather, to save this nation. If this nation will not return unto the Lord, it will fall as other nations before it! Therefore, persecute me not! Listen carefully to what will be told to you and, if you fail to listen, you will see the judgment of the Lord!

    Slowly, his features turned grim.

    What should I do now?

    Standing to my feet, I answered.

    Let me return to North Carolina now.

    Once again I land in North Carolina and, there to meet me is Paul Tomnison. With great concern distorting his face, he asked.

    What happened?!

    After expounding the events I began to explain the monumental task that lay in front of us. Raising his right eyebrow, he looked puzzled.

    What is next now?

    Let me say that each step we take is given at the direction of the Holy Spirit by an angel. Yet, there will be a lot of battles before we complete our mission. Be-cause of the urgency and dire necessity of our message, our time is short to do so. Therefore we must, with due care, facilitate and perfect the vision’s map. So, let us go to your offices and contact Peter Courtier. Between all of us we will meld this vision.

    After days of conferral and ideas we finally agreed on a format— a documentary using a special orator and, Peter addressed us all.

    Ladies and gentlemen, God has gathered us together through his emissary to perform this great task. I believe that the final moments of the film should be so graphic—so dramatic—so overpowering that it leaps out to bowl you over!

    Peter smiled as looked at the other twelve at the table.

    Yes, Paul added, "it must completely rivet the people to their seats! The empowerment of this must be reality; a person-Christian or not- must feel the dire urgency to repent!

    I strolled over to the bay window and, closing my eyes, the final moments of the film

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