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The Heart of a Champion: Walking the Talk
The Heart of a Champion: Walking the Talk
The Heart of a Champion: Walking the Talk
Ebook381 pages6 hours

The Heart of a Champion: Walking the Talk

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Wow, my second book, and my first book is now in bookstores. This book ‘The Heart Of A Champion’ will start off with the most talked about men and women of the bible, who were all champions in their own right. Most of whom had sorted, less than perfect lives, some started out righteous then backslid, some started out as murderers, thieves, drunks, prostitutes, gamblers, then through God’s grace and forgiveness became some of the most righteous and well known followers of God and Jesus Christ. I will use these people of the bible first, depicting their lives, from good to bad, or bad to good, and how it now affects us in our present day lives. For the people of the bible could be considered our mentors from the past who through their own lives back then mold us to how we should be in our present day.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 7, 2019
The Heart of a Champion: Walking the Talk

Gregg Leard

By no means am I a Bible Scholar, I have no Seminary school background, I am not a world renown Televangelist. I am a High School graduate, no college degree. But a mere human who went through the good, the bad’s and the true uglies, someone who knew God all of his life, but truly never lived for Him, until I grew up at the ripe old age of 59. I have a degree in living, a living of goodness, a living of hardship, a living of almost losing everything that I had worked so hard for, through blood, sweat and tears. I have a degree in Hard Knocks Training, and that’s good enough for God. Because of that degree, God allows me to teach Discipleship training at a Recovery Center, Co-Teach men’s Bible Studies at my church, to be an Associate Pastor with a dear friend of mine who saw what God saw in me, to help his church grow, locally and benefit countries across the globe. God totally restored my life, because He saw that small tiny mustard seed of faith still left in my heart, to be able to go forth and make a difference in His and for His Glorious Kingdom. So God has given me all the life knowledge from both sides of the track to be worthy enough to write this second book.

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    The Heart of a Champion - Gregg Leard

    Copyright © 2019 Gregg Leard.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7055-1 (sc)

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7054-4 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019910870

    WestBow Press rev. date: 07/31/2019




    The Rise and Fall of God’s Called The Beginning Adam and Eve

    Abel and Cain







    Living By Faith


    King Saul


    If You Can Only Imagine




    Living By The Power Of Prayer


    John The Baptist


    Entering Into Your Canaan Land



    It Takes A Man To Admit He Is Wrong


    Judas Iscariot


    Living With Temptations And Trials

    Walking In Health

    John The Apostle



    Are You Ready?




    Living The Christ Like Life

    One Last Thought

    My Hope And Prayer For You

    About The Author



    Wow, my second book, and my first book is now in bookstores. This book, The Heart of a Champion, will start off with the most talked about men and women of the bible, who were all Champions in their own right. Most of whom had sorted, less than perfect lives, some started out righteous then backslid, some started out as murderers, thieves, drunks, prostitutes, gamblers, then through God’s grace and forgiveness became some of the most righteous and well-known followers of God and Jesus Christ. I will use these people of the bible first, depicting their lives, from good to bad, or bad to good, and how it now affects us in our present day lives. For the people of the bible could be considered our mentors from the past who through their own lives back then mold us to how we should be in our present day. Look at it this way, there are some characters in the Bible who were always sinners, bad, ruthless people, also those who were living that way but chose to live the righteous ways of God their Father. And since God gave us the gift of our own free will, He sits back and lets us decide our own fate, waiting in the wings in case we decide to make the foolish decision of Evil over Truth. My prayer is for at least one person who reads this book, to conclude that Jesus is the only way, to truth, happiness and all the blessings that His Father is waiting to bestow all the blessings of our hearts. By no means am I a Bible Scholar, I have no Seminary school background, I am not a world renown Televangelist. I am a High School graduate, no college degree. But a mere human who went through the good, the bad and the true uglies, someone who knew God, all of his life, but truly never lived for Him, until I grew up at the ripe old age of 59. I have a degree in living, a living of goodness, a living of hardship, a living of almost losing everything that I had worked so hard for, through blood, sweat and tears. I have a degree in Hard Knocks Training, and that’s good enough for God. Because of that degree, God allows me to teach Discipleship training at a Recovery Center, Co-Teach men’s Bible Studies at my church, to be an Associate Pastor with a dear friend of mine who saw what God saw in me, to help his church grow, locally and benefit countries across the globe. God totally restored my life, because He saw that small tiny mustard seed of faith still left in my heart, to be able to go forth and make a difference in His and for His Glorious Kingdom. So, God has given me all the life knowledge from both sides of the track to be worthy enough to write this second book. Keep in mind and this is very important, I have done the best I could in paraphrasing, putting scriptures into my own words throughout this book. Why do I say this, because even though scripture was written by God for one purpose and one purpose only, and that is to know how to truly live the Christian way of life? So, when one reads scripture it may take on a different meaning for them, depending on what they are going through at the time in their life. So, when I paraphrase, I am interpreting the meaning at the time of what the scripture means to me at the time that I am writing it. I hope this may clarify some for you as you get to certain scriptures in this book and you may say, well that is interesting that Gregg interprets this scripture this way or that way. Just remember, scripture may have different meanings for different people, depending on their circumstances and needs at that time. One other suggestion is to have your Bible or Bible App handy as you read for your further reading pleasure, for you never know how different the meaning of scripture will be different for then it is for me.


    Enjoy the book and stay blessed in your walk with God!


    First and foremost, I would like to give all my love, admiration, and all the Glory to my Lord and Savior, for without Him in my life none of this would be possible. With His gift of the Holy Spirit who gave me most of the insight in and for this book. I pretty much handled the typing and the spell check. My dear and wonderful family, Debbie my lovely wife who has inspired me to get this second book completed so she could take early retirement, just kidding honey, that’s up to God not me. My wonderful and beautiful daughter Karianne who is now married and will soon bless us with our first Grandchild. And last but not least Cody her wonderful Husband who has been a blessing and an inspiration especially to me. I put them all through some very tough times four years ago because of my own addictions, BUT they stood beside me through the thick and thin of my Rehabilitation process that God put me into. They certainly had a choice to make, whether to believe that I could get through it with and through God’s Grace and Restoration process or they could have kicked me to the curb, of which it came close to happening. But they stood by me with of course God’s help through all of this, and never gave up on the possibility that God could and would mold a new person out of the old self that I once was. To the three of you I am totally indebted. I love you all. Oh, yea and our dog Banks who was traumatized by my stupidity back then as well, I also love and thank him also. Also, to all of my extended family at work and through mine and my wife’s bloodline, who encouraged me to write this next book. Certainly, a lot of them were inspired by my rags to riches success, because and through God’s Grace. To that I love you all as well. Oh Lord I almost forgot, to the wonderful people at Zondervan\Westbow Press, I am personally indebted to them for taking this chance on me and forming my roughness into a book far above my expectations and dreams. I thank God for all of you as well.

    Now on with the book.

    The Rise and Fall of God’s Called The Beginning Adam and Eve

    I bet you know just by the title of this chapter how I am going to start this. Yep you’re right. In the beginning God made man. Yes, that’s right. And his name was Adam.

    And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul. Genesis 2:7

    Then guess what, Adam was lonely. Whether he knew it or not, God knew it. Or maybe God was getting tired of seeing Adam walking around, wondering what to do. So, God gave Adam some really good herbs to knock him out and then took out one of his ribs to make a new mate for him. God created someone to relate to, to talk with, and to help do all the work that God would be asking of them.

    And the Lord God caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and he took one of his ribs and closed up the flesh instead thereof; and the rib, which the Lord God had taken from man, made he a woman, and brought her unto the man. Genesis 2:21- 22

    If only Adam knew what God was getting him into. Run Adam Run! It was a perfect world with a perfect mate, until a fallen angel named Lucifer stepped in. You could say that if we were to take one of the first great beings who took a gigantic fall in God’s eyes that would be Lucifer. Lucifer had been one of God’s great heavenly, angelic beings right alongside Gabriel, until Lucifer stepped on God’s toes because of the free will that God gifted him with.

    Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire. Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity as found in thee. By the multitude of thy merchandise they have filled the midst of thee with violence, and thou hast sinned: therefore, I will cast thee as profane out of the mountain of God: and I will destroy thee, O covering Cherub, from the midst of the stones of fire. Ezekiel 28:14- 16

    I guess you could say that even before the creation of humankind, Lucifer had already given humans a bad rap. No wonder it was so easy to deceive Adam and Eve. Sorry getting ahead of myself. So, my belief is that Lucifer was the first spiritual being to be a stunning angelic male and then fall like dead-weight from heaven smelly and distasteful. I really do not know where that statement came from but oh well. Let’s go on.

    Champion number 1 to fall to the ends of the earth brought along hosts of other fallen spirits, a spirit for every infirmity from the heaven-lies never to return to God’s glory. But boy were they doing everything in their power to now take over one of God’s great creations: Earth. Now entered Adam and Eve as stated above. Once Eve was made from the rib of Adam, they became the sole owners of their new world. They had everything at their feet, including plants and trees to eat from and run through and animals, including mammals to eat and to marvel at when not hungry. No pollution, no disease, no sin, no evil of any sorts yet!

    But guess who along with his legion was lurking around. Some snake now known as Satan and his cronies. Well now we know Adam and Eve were up and around, romping through their new-found home, from a Father who was just as excited as they were to witness such a creation. Adam was even granted permission to name all the plants and creatures that God his Father had given them.

    And out of the ground the Lord God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof. And Adam gave names to all cattle, and to the fowl of the air, and to every beast of the field; Genesis 2:19- 20

    Man was life great for the first two human beings living on God’s plush, green playground. They were having the time of their lives. Then all of a sudden, they got really hungry. They worked up such an appetite, and there was so much to choose from.

    What sounds good honey? Adam asked.

    I don’t know. What sounds good to you? It all looks so delicious. Eve replied. Well, Eve, let’s just look around and see what feels right to eat." Adam said. See? God had already spoken to Adam and Eve regarding which trees to eat from and which to not eat from, but still it was a tough decision. And to make that decision even harder was the fallen angel now slithering around as a snake. Yep Satan.

    In Genesis 3:1- 3 you will start to see how cunning Lucifer was. He was the subtlest of any beast on earth. And now you can see how cunning he was toward Eve. I can believe that Lucifer thought that Eve would be the easier of the two to convince. So, on Lucifer went to weave the web around Eve away from God’s first law for them: do not eat of the tree of good and evil.

    It sounds like God gave them very clear instructions. It sounds like, through Eve’s mouth, they got this easily. They could know from God’s instructions what was right and what was wrong.

    Ya think?

    Well, as we all know, Satan had other persuasive plans. The con artist wasn’t going to let God pull one over on him at least not this time. Further on in Genesis 3, starting with verse 4, it is almost like Lucifer put a spell on Eve, convincing her that she would not die and her would become opened to all that was around her. And if that was not enough, he was trying to convince her that she would have the powers of God in knowing the difference between good and evil. Well, do you think it worked?

    You know something? Satan was correct. If in fact they did eat from the tree of good and evil, God would assuredly know that they would know right from wrong, and be those little gods who thought, that they knew everything, with pride as big as Manhattan. Why would they need God now that they were now convinced that they were all the god that they needed? Adam and Eve had this. No problems, right? We are all grown up. Maybe we should just move out on our own since the cost of living these days is pretty cheap. And guess what? Eve saw and made the decision for the both of them, as we see in Genesis 3:6. Lucifer opened her eyes by persuading her that the tree was good for food and delightful to the eyes, and that by eating she would gain wisdom. So, she took the plunge.

    Eve was persuaded by Lucifer to eat of the tree of good and evil, and like a good husband, Adam followed the steps of his wife. But once they partook their eyes opened and they realized their nakedness, so they made coverings for themselves from a fig tree nearby. Does anyone remember the quote ’If it seems too good to be true, then it probably is’? Come on, Eve. What were you thinking? And to get your husband involved in the end of heaven on earth? Ya’ll had it made. Not a worry in the world. Your Heavenly Father gave you everything. And because of your stinking thinking and your desire to have what you shouldn’t have, succumbing to Satan’s evil, you inherited a life of sin and embarrassment because of your nakedness. I wonder what God had to say about your deceitfulness as if He didn’t know already what you were going to do, for He truly knows the desires of your heart.

    And Jehovah God called unto the man, and said unto him, where art thou? And he said, I heard thy voice in the garden, and I was afraid, because I was naked; and I hid myself. And he said, Who told thee that thou wast naked? Hast thou eaten of the tree, whereof I commanded thee that thou shouldest not eat? And the man said, The woman whom thou gavest to be with me, she gave me of the tree, and I did eat. And Jehovah God said unto the woman, What is this thou hast done? And the woman said, The serpent beguiled me, and I did eat. Genesis 3:9-13

    Has anyone else noticed that the first couple of this world not only sinned and made life a living nightmare for all of us, but also invented the first blame game? It wasn’t my fault, God. It was her. And God, You were the one who made her, so there. Adam said!

    No, God, Eve said, it wasn’t my fault. Satan made me do it.

    Boy, I tell you what. If God had been the first Catholic nun, they would have gotten the what-for’s of their lives. But no, God is a gracious and loving God regardless of how foolish Adam and Eve were. But He wasn’t so gracious with Satan or with Adam and Eve, who got quite the lashing. Not only Adam and Eve but now God was ready to deal with Lucifer for the last time as we will see.

    And Jehovah God said unto the serpent, because thou hast done this, cursed art thou above all cattle, and above every beast of the field; upon thy belly shalt thou go, and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: and I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed: he shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel. Genesis 3:14-15

    Reading further on through verse 17 you will see God dealing with Adam and Eve, telling them when Eve conceives, she will be in so much labor pain when bearing children. And instead of having a fifty-fifty relationship, Adam will now be the master of the household. Now dealing with Adam, God cursed the ground and said to Adam that what he wants to eat he will now have to work hard for what he desires. He must till, plant then reap the harvest, for now nothing will come easy to the both of them, since they ate from the tree of good and evil. That’s a great message for us, for if we want the Blessings of God, then we must do everything in His Honor. Alright, before we leave the lives of Adam and Eve behind, let’s really think about what we were to have. And because of the sins of Adam and Eve, look at where we are now. If I am studying this scripture correctly, it is saying that we could have had a life of plenty, never to be hungry, never having to work for our needs. No sickness, no pain since there were no sins to be made. A long life, and if there would have been death, it would not have been because of disease, drug overdoses, mental illness. The way I read it; I feel it would have been a life everlasting on earth. For there would have not been a reason to die. But, thanks to our original Grandpa and Grandma, who were swayed by Satan, and could not keep their hands off what they couldn’t and shouldn’t have had, for they were warned. I don’t have to finish this segment telling you what we inherited, for I am sure you already know. So, Adam and Eve, the beginning of it all. For they started off sinless, to be great in God’s eyes, but fell to Satan all to easily, and started the chain reaction of Sin. From here on, it is up to each one of us as individual’s, with a free will, whether or not we will live for Satan or God. It’s our choice! God will never force our hand, but He will wait as long as He needs to. He may send others into our lives, to sway us over to His Grace, to preach to us, to try and set us straight as much as we need, but one thing is for certain He will love us no matter what we ultimately decide.

    Abel and Cain

    In the next chapters of this book, we will look at the most famous names of the Bible, some of which had an impeccable life in God’s eyes. Then some who rose to greatness and were able to maintain their righteousness to God, and finally those who started off as righteous followers only to succumb to sin. We are going to take a look at each of these individuals in chronological order as best as I can. This will show us that there is still hope in this harsh, cruel world to make it as one of God’s chosen. For as you will see, in both the old and new testament, some of the most devote followers of God, were once ruthless scoundrels, murderers and the such. So, take heart that God still goes for the underdogs of our day, to bring them up from the pits of this cruel world to be His great Evangelists, Pastors, Ministers, Missionaries, and the true foot soldiers. Those, who without reservation, donate their time to feeding the hungry, walking the streets of our own nation, to bring the gospel and the good news to the homeless. We as Christians have a part in this, whether you think you are worthy or not. For you, most certainly, are in His eyes. So on with the Men and the Women of the Bible: We have already covered in the first chapter Adam and Eve and what a colorful chapter it was. So, it is only fitting to start off with two of their offspring’s.

    Abel and Cain;

    Abel and Cain

    I know most of you say, it should be Cain and Abel according to the Bible. Yes, Cain was born first, but Abel was the first person to die in human history. And to me, Abel was the righteous one, so he in my book which this is, deserves first booking.

    And Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived, and bare Cain, and said, I have gotten a man from the Lord. And she again bare his brother Abel. And Abel was a keeper of sheep, but Cain was a tiller of the ground. And in process of time it came to pass, that Cain brought of the fruit of the ground an offering unto the Lord. And Abel, he also brought of the firstlings of his flock and of the fat thereof. And the Lord had respect unto Abel and to his offering: Genesis 4:1- 4

    What happened here? Why did God accept Abel’s offering and not Cain’s offering? Here, I truly believe, that God saw right through them both, especially Cain. For God saw the true desires of both of their hearts. Regardless of what they spoke, God saw that in Abel’s heart was trueness, respect, adoration to Him. On the other hand, He saw what really was in Cain’s heart, deceit and lawlessness. God truly knows the desires of our hearts. So, don’t ever think that you can truly keep any secrets from God, He knows all, but will never tell all. God will never sell us out because of our sins. He will always work with us, to get us to repent and become that New Person in Christ, lovingly without ever forcing us. God may at times, nudge us some, when we just do not get it when it comes to living the scriptures, that we say we read, but refuse to live by them. Read, breath and live by scriptures. Then, and only then will He bless you as He did with Abel’s righteousness.

    You know the one fascinating thing to me is, since these are one of the first brothers born in biblical history, with virtually no family history of any kind of evil, how they can be born with attitudes and lifestyles so far apart. I never thought about it this way before, until taking on this book. The history of God’s chosen, and not so chosen. God had His plan right from the get-go He already knew who would prosper, who would fall, who needed to fall, to realize what faith really means. In this next verse, you will definitely see that God might have been giving Cain one more chance, reminding him of the consequences of Good vs. Evil. You will begin to see in Genesis 4:7and 8 the first murder created of man to man. And if that weren’t bad enough, brother against brother. In verse 7, God is starting to deal with Cain by rejecting his offerings because of his evil ways. Now Cain has further opened up his sinful eyes and mind and sees now that Abel is a threat to him. In verse 8 we now see Cain’s plan to murder his brother in cold blood. The very first murder orchestrated by Satan through another human being.

    From then on, as we know, Cain was cursed from the earth. The earth shall never in his lifetime yield anything to Cain, no matter how hard he tries. Here is another first in my eyes as well, whenever things go truly bad for us, we at times will say God why me, how can you let bad things happen to such godly people. How come my neighbor next door, who is a non-believer of your word, have so many nice things, and my hardships are many, have you ever had that conversation with God yourself? I wonder, if that response was phrased by Adam and Eve after the death of their son. Maybe, maybe not! I see the story of Cain and Abel, as a reminder, that regardless of how close we get to God, bad things can happen to good godly people. We have to just remember to fight the good fight of spiritual warfare through Prayer and fasting. And continue to live the Christ like life, as a true Champion for God’s cause. And I may repeat this over and over again throughout this book, that you should always, always praise God for what you do have, even when you never get what you have praying for. And always, always praise God and thank Him for what you have been blessed with. for it is truly God that made your blessings happen, and not from or by your own pride. So now on with our next biblical guest, a great man in God’s eyes, even though at first this next man didn’t think so.


    Now, onto a great man, for his steadfast righteousness was given the honor of saving the world. Noah was the tenth of the pre-flood Patriarchs. His father was Lamech, mother is unknown to us. And the most astounding fact here is, when he was five-hundred years old he had three sons, Shem, Ham and Japheth. Pretty energetic man if you ask me. I hope that is me when I get to that age, well not quite five-hundred years, but at least eighty-five years of age. I am digging as much as I am able to see if there was a chink in Noah’s spiritual armor, not coming up with anything. I know this is not necessarily scripture, but after rereading Genesis chapters 6 through 10, Noah being in fact human, I can’t help but feel that at times he must have questioned God’s intentions of wanting to totally wipe out the earth. For how did Noah truly know that he and his family would actually survive? The only answer that could be, is of Noah having pure, unadulterated, squeaky-clean faith. Noah never having a reason to question God, and Noah being a mere human being. WOW, what a man’s man. You know, try and think about how difficult that building this Ark that God wanted Noah to build must have been. The frustration, the physical beatings that had to be upon him, building such a huge undertaking. As well as the ridicule he must have taken from the unbelievers of his time.

    But No’-ah found grace in the eyes of the Lord. These are the generations of No’-ah: No’-ah was a just man and perfect in his generations, and No’-ah walked with God. Genesis 6:8-9

    These scripture’s, coming just after God telling Noah that He was going to obliterate everything in sight. Everything including, I believe, everything that Noah even worked so hard for, all to just start creation all over again. The people of Noah’s time certainly were a sinful bunch for this to happen. And what is even more amazing, is Noah’s steadfast faithfulness to God, even among all the sinfulness that must have surrounded Noah.

    And God saw that the wickedness of man was great in the earth, and that every imagination of the thoughts of his heart was only evil continually. Genesis 6:5

    My hats off to Noah! Well since I will never find any fault with Noah at least in scripture, let’s see what else makes him have a Heart of a Champion. Regardless of all of the strife and chaos surrounding Noah, he always knew how to find comfort and rest.

    And he called his name No’-ah, saying, This same shall comfort us concerning our work and toil of our hands, because of the ground which the Lord hath cursed. Genesis 5:29

    People, already knowing that the ground was cursed, knew that Noah had this all under control, ye of little faith. Noah was also one of the greatest preachers of his day, for he consistently was the preacher of righteousness. Trying to save as many souls as was possible, against God’s impending wrath. Of which was all in vain, way too late for a fallen world.

    Then as we see in 2Peter 2:5, God’s word shows the righteousness of Noah, and the reason why God was to spare him while taking out the rest of the wicked world, the ungodly. If there were ever a man so motivated by faith and Godly fear, there is the biblical proof. Then further in Hebrews 11:7, shows that Noah was so righteous, that he moved with fear. While painstakingly building an ark, so to save his own family, then becoming sole heir of the righteousness by faith.

    I do believe without a shadow of a doubt Noah is one of the most valuable assets to God. When God was ready to destroy His own magnificent masterpiece, the human race, He had one true servant left on this earth. And because of that loyalty that Noah exuded flawlessly, God gave the human race just one more chance. Thank you, father Noah. Now it seems to me, that Noah handles his life pretty well, especially with his close walk with God, never swaying away from Him. But I wonder, if Noah’s life, relationship, Faith and walk with God ever wavered with him.

    And God said unto Noah, the end of all flesh is come before me; for the earth is filled with violence through them; and, behold, I will destroy them with the earth. Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch. And this is the fashion which thou shalt make it of: the length of the ark shall be three hundred cubits, the breadth of it fifty cubits, and the height of it thirty cubits. A window shalt thou make to the ark, and in a cubit shalt thou finish it above; and the door of the ark shalt thou set in the side thereof; with lower, second, and third stories shalt thou make it. Genesis 6:13- 16

    First of all, we need to know the size of the Ark in our modern-day measurements, to get a true feel on the huge encounter Noah was going to undertake. A cubit is a measurement used in ancient days, which was approximately the length from the tip of the middle finger, to the elbow bottom, which

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