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The Babel of Lies
The Babel of Lies
The Babel of Lies
Ebook218 pages4 hours

The Babel of Lies

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Every believer in Messiah Jesus Christ, indeed all his followers deserve to walk in the fullness of His truth. My primary purpose of writing this book ‘Babel of Lies” was to awaken every Christian who reads this book to the truth of his calling.
This book will not only journey with you to unveil the influence the lies in the church but also guide the reader with divine wisdom on discerning and escaping these lies and also living above the dominion of Satan’s lies.
1. Jesus speaking to Pharisees, the religious leaders of his days, emphasized on the devils cunning ability to tell a lie so well because it stems from his inbuilt nature. We all need to ask ourselves, how many lies has the enemy deposited in our memory bank? Chances are these lies have become the new truth we believe in. Jesus speaking to the religious leaders said;
“You are of your father the devil and your will is to do your fathers desires. He was a murderer from the beginning and has nothing to do with the truth because there is no truth in him. When he lies, he talks from his own character, for he is a liar and father of lies. (John.8:44)
A lie is the expression of Satan’s nature. In the garden of Aden, he twisted the mind of Adam so so well that when he posed the question to Adam; did God say?? And followed it up with a bold lie, DIE? You shall not surely die! In other words, the all mighty is the one who is a liar and He is falsely threatening you with death
By the time the devil was done with Adam, reality and truth in Adams mind had taken a paradigm shift to fantasy and deception.
1 Every lie a person believes in is associated with a corresponding fear projected into the mindset.
2 The lies a person believes in makes the devil larger in their lives than he is.
3 Every lie we believe in give the devil a foothold in the lives of the people lied to.
4 Through deception, the lies one believes becomes their standard of what is true.
You will never know the truth until the truth becomes your life and your life becomes His. The truth requires absolute total surrender to the Son of the living Yahweh. It is an exchange of life in the most intimate way and also in a covenant setting. Jesus describes this intimacy in John.14:20 as “you in me and I in you as I am in my Father. In other words; you Jesus and our Father in heaven become “Eshad” or “one”. At that point you are the truth and the truth is you. THE BABEL OF LIES will take you step by step in unveiling the lies that have influenced the church history so that you can make a conscious choice of becoming the truth in Him who is the truth.
PublisherXlibris UK
Release dateAug 16, 2019
The Babel of Lies

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    The Babel of Lies - Engineer Stephen Kamau

    Copyright © 2019 by Engineer Stephen Kamau.

    ISBN:                    Softcover                        978-1-9845-9121-0

                                  eBook                              978-1-9845-9122-7

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    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Scripture quotations marked NIV are taken from the Holy Bible, New International Version®. NIV®. Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984 by International Bible Society. Used by permission of Zondervan. All rights reserved. [Biblica]

    Scripture quotations marked NKJV are taken from the New King James Version. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson, Inc. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

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    Rev. date: 08/07/2019






    Chapter 1. The Concept Of Lies

    The Concept Of Placebo And It’s Architure Of Babel

    Chapter 2. The Architects Of Lies

    The Architects Of Babel (Placebo Men)

    Chapter 3. The Architecture Of Lies

    The Architecture Of Lies

    Chapter 4. The Preaching Of Lies

    Deadly Lies That Influence The Church

    Chapter 5. The Priesthood Of Lies

    New Age Lies That Influence The World

    Chapter 6. The Discerner Of Lies

    Discerning And Interpreting Times And Seasons

    About The Author


    I dedicate this book to every intercessor that has spent many sleepless nights in the presence of God interceding for the Nations and the Church of Jesus Christ. May Our Father in heaven reward you with His presence as you labor in His vineyard!


    Lies are a weapon of Satan. Satan has no greater weapon in his arsenal than lies, and the use of lies to hold people in bondage. It is his fundamental nature, his established character just like you would expect a dog to bark, a bird to sing; Satan lies. In fact Jesus said when Satan is speaking a Lie he’s speaking his native language, that’s who and what he is, a liar and the kingdom of darkness is built by the foundation of lies.

    If lies are the weapon of Satan, then in any area one is walking in ignorance to the truth is an area where Satan will hold them in bondage. Yet one of the most lethal aspects of Satan’s lies is when one of his deadly lies is embraced as the truth. Over the years as a prophetic intercessor my heart has lingered with a question, Why is the Triumphant Church of Jesus Christ so powerless and devoid of victory?

    This question originated from my observation of the status of the current church; in as much as so many Church buildings are being built; so many pastors are being called; so many sermons are being preached; so many prayer movements are being birthed and yet people cannot seem to overcome sin and their problems keep increasing every single day, especially people who profess to be born again and followers of Jesus Christ. Then by God’s revelation through the Holy Spirit I got the answer in my spirit, the devil is not scared of this church as long as his lies have been inculcated in the church and now forms part of the truth in the church.

    You need to remember, he is the Lucifer who was able to persuade a third of the angels in heaven to follow him. He was able to corrupt their divine nature and convert them into devils through his lies. You see, the strategy of the enemy will never change. In the Garden of Eden, he used what was around man to destroy what was inside man. When the devil attacks your finances, it’s not because he needs your money. Lucifer doesn’t spend money in his kingdom of darkness.

    Lucifer also doesn’t attack your marriage because he wants to steal your spouse from you, neither does he attack you’re other belongings because he wants them for himself. You see, when the devil attacks any of these things, it’s because he has realized your heart is connected to them. If he can touch them, it gives him access to your heart and from that vantage position; he can use his most potent tool of lies to destroy you.

    The devil will always use what is around you to get what is in you.

    But Christians today have caught up with the rest of the world and are more mindful of what is around them, more than what is in them. They are more scared of losing money than losing their soul and that is why many are not living a victorious life. Instead of setting their heart on the sanctifying fiery fire of our Father, unto purity and righteousness, many would rather pray to set fire around their business, money, cars or future. Today a follower of Jesus Christ would enroll for a course in an institution that would take a couple of years with the hope of increasing their material possession and that same believer would pass their Bible each day without taking time to at least study the entire Bible from Genesis to Revelation even once. This makes me weep for the Church. If the devil is able to capture your heart by lies and cause a believer to live a life of material pursuit, then he has power over your physical materials.

    When a believer is not set a part by the Spirit of our Father, he or she will be influenced by the world, that is set to possess the minds of many through the media, vain knowledge and the entertainment industry like Social Media, TV, Internet, Movies etc. The following scripture gives us a clear warning of allowing issues of life to possess our heart, Proverbs 4:23 NIV says, Keep your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.

    A very dear brother wrote about guarding ones heart on his social media platform in this way: "Keeping something diligently is more like guarding it from any external influence but unfortunately, the Church today is seriously guarding physical materials and we have sold our soul through lies to the devil. That’s why we don’t care about living in sin and immorality but we are scared of not getting a marriage partner, or not making a lot of money. We scream fire fire, fire, while our heart is as cold as winter. We have neglected the messages that prepare people for the second coming of Jesus Christ and all we talk about is how to make money and be prosperous on earth. And the more the messages of Repentance, Holiness, Fear of God, Heaven and Hell are neglected, the more sin increases, and the more sin increases, the more the Churches fall before Satan.

    The fallen Church will only be mindful of building an extravagant building with broken souls living in it. This is the reason why there are Christian’s speaking in tongues in the Church today and yet addicted to all kinds of secret sins, and yet they will tell you We are living under grace as if grace is a license to sin. Yet many have believed in this deception that there is the Father who is always angry at sin, and there is Jesus, His Son who after Calvary now smiles at sin and says, As long as you have your church’s membership record intact, and have a fat wallet to keep your pastor always smiling, you have a few bible verses you can memorize, a nice voice to sing about me and a deep voice to preach me, you can do anything you want and live anyhow… The Church is in serious trouble and it’s a pity seeing the Church of Jesus Christ walking in deception. Friends without repentance and restoration led by the Holy Spirit, there will be no revival in the fallen church. The church will be left with noise making and charismatic drama."


    My full Name is Stephen Kamau but my known ministry name is SK. I was given this name by the youth of ALL Saints Cathedral when I taught them in the Prayer School and also in the healing and deliverance ministry with Reverend Tom Otieno who was our overseer then. So during one of my interactions with them, they enquired whether I was a reverend or Pastor. But before I could answer, one of the class participants concluded that I am SK and I felt that it was a sufficient identity for me; as it made them feel closer to their bible teacher. Ever since that day, wherever I am ministering in the country or out of the country, in the U.S. or in other African countries and in every ministry I have served in Kenya, everyone calls me SK.

    The cry of my Heart is who will teach the 21st Century follower of Jesus Christ the Truth? Who will teach this generation the fundamental elements of Calvary, the unique revelation of the power of the empty tomb and the power of the empty cross and what the power of Resurrection can do to their daily lives? And the amazing riches of Christ’s power to bring the Church to her spiritual blessings stored for them before their creator laid the foundations of the earth. Will you heed the call and Preach to the Church? That all the believers are seeking for is tied to this very unique divine power of Jesus Christ.

    WHO? will reveal to this generation the depth of the Names of GOD and His Son Jesus and teach them that the salvation and redemption they are seeking for is tied directly to intimately knowing these Names. Who will teach them that knowing Jesus at this depth leads to supernatural transformation into His image? The deeper you dig, the more the transformation. As the enemy watches those who go deep, he keeps far from them for he knows his power over the human race is based on deception and ignorance which is not in those who know their savior and the power of His Name. Will you heed and teach and remind the Church that at the mention of His Name, every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords (Elohim of all self exalted LORDS), whether they are in hell, earth and the heavens.

    WHO? will teach this generation that Jesus Christ - Emmanuel (The mighty one with us) on the cross, (the symbol of His death); suffered the most painful event of his day as He was abandoned by His heavenly Father because of our sins. The sheer spiritual weight of these sins he bore brought darkness, an earthquake, and humiliating mockery from the High priests and elders, a darkened sun from the sixth hour to the ninth hour and a torn veil in the temple. At the break of the tenth hour He passed through the gates of darkness and disarmed sin and death their authority, gaining victory over them that grants us an enriched life here and now and also everlasting life when he will come for His bride. A victory that gives life to the works of our hands, the increase of our material blessings on this life here and now and the increase of our spiritual blessings that the flesh cannot fathom became a reality. And all that we yearn for in this life and thereafter is available if we learn to pass through the same gate as we die and resurrect with Him in baptism of the water and baptism of the Spirit.

    WHO? will preach to them that the evil gatekeepers of the 10th hour were rendered powerless and the keys of hell and death were taken away. Jesus arrested all the gatekeepers of death to our spirits, souls and bodies. Instead of death he spoke life to our beings as He commanded the spiritual gates to lift up and the ancient doors to fling open for the King of glory, the one mighty in battle to come in; as He proceeded from the gate of 10th hour through to the 11th hour of eternal rest and thereby giving the gift of hope for those who understand the power of Calvary.

    At the entry point of 11th hour, the church of Jesus Christ and the Nations will either enter in to the presence of Jesus on the right hand of GOD far above principalities and powers or fall to the lowest of the low to be held captive by the devil. Today the world is fed with lies and intrigues of deceptive mindsets. The evil one empowered by the lies people believe in, has a well-defined and constructed system of lies that has taken control of the world by lies. Satan’s dominion over men on earth is based on lies. We must never forget that the elect who the enemy could not deceive will be seated with the Messiah on the right hand of God far above principalities and powers and will judge the devils that have bedeviled their lives.

    As and when we fully understand the power of the empty tomb and the power of the empty cross, the mountains we fear will be leveled when the destiny of the saints will be realized. Faith that is not based on the cross and divine knowledge of the Name of God will remain a philosophy of thought and nothing more, as principles of God devoid of the power of the empty cross and the empty tomb will remain academic and abstract. Such truth cannot transform a hungry and thirsty soul, only the revelation of the finished work at the cross can transform our lives.

    WHO will preach the good news? The Church of Jesus Christ and every follower of Jesus Christ deserve to walk in the fullness of God’s truth. How do you realize this noble calling? I wrote this book, "Babel of Lies" for this sole reason, to awaken you to the reality of this calling in Christ Jesus. This book will not only journey with you to unveil the influence of Lies in the Church but will also guide and provide you with God-given wisdom on discerning and escaping this lies and living each day above the dominion of Satan’s lies.

    It is my hope and prayer that this book will help you discover the liberating power of the truth in God’s word and help you live a daily triumphant life in Jesus Christ.





    The Concept Of Placebo And It’s Architure Of Babel

    Placebo is a generic word that is used in the medical profession to describe the situation when a patient believes that the fake medication that is being administered to them by his/her doctor has healing effects; when it has none and has only been prescribed for psychological reasons.

    Growing up I heard of stories from my colleagues about their first hand interaction with the concept of placebo. This would occur when they had to take an ailing parent in their sixties or seventies to the hospital and their tendencies of medical attention would be that of receiving an injection. And they would insist for it until the doctor attending to them would give them a jab of water just to persuade them they had an injection and sure enough they would respond with affirmations that they were better. This is Placebo in action; which is a mental orientation that determines judgments and actions oblivious of the fact that they are a reaction that is generally psychological and opposed to the reality.

    The term placebo has also been used in philosophy. The term placebo philosophy and religion was first used by Professor Peter Raabe of

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