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Faith That Works
Faith That Works
Faith That Works
Ebook75 pages1 hour

Faith That Works

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About this ebook

Do you talk to God as you would another person, and listen for an answer as if listening to a friend? Faith That Works is a book of encouragement and exhalation for believers, revealing that God is an active and alive Father that wants to be involved in every aspect of your life. He has divine blessing for you and is trustworthy because He is real. Through the words of her own testimony, author Brenda Oglesby draws back the curtain of her life to destroy the yoke of unbelief, doubt, and confusion, while showing the correct way, through God’s Word, to have Faith That Works.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 26, 2019
Faith That Works

Brenda Oglesby

Brenda Oglesby confessed Christ at an early age and grew up in a Christian home. After many years of attending church with her family, God placed it on her heart to attend a full gospel, non-denominational church where she was introduced to the full gospel taught by a pastor that believed in operating in all the Gifts of the Spirit. It was during that time, that she received the call from God to teach his word, and she received revelation that God bestowed her, the gift of intercession. Today, she operates in the gift of prophecy, teaches God’s word and intercedes for many. Mrs. Oglesby has been married to her husband over thirty-seven years and have a son, Robert Oglesby 3rd. She holds a Bachelor Degree in Chemistry, Master’s Degree in Human Services and Consumer Science and has taken ministry classes at Oral Roberts University. She resides in Taylor Lake Village, Texas with her husband. Other books by author: Healing Is For You, Walking In Your Blessing, Songs of Praise to God, and Adversity Comes & Adversity Goes. Email: Website: Twitter: BO_Ministries Visit me on Facebook:

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    Faith That Works - Brenda Oglesby

    Copyright © 2019 Brenda Oglesby.

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    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6675-2 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-6674-5 (e)

    WestBow Press rev. date: 08/26/2019


    1. How to Receive What God Has for You

    2. How to Hear and be Led by the Holy Spirit

    3. Love is for Everyone

    4. What Will it Cost You?

    5. No Prayer Partners

    6. No More Prayer Partners, Part 2

    7. Fight for Your Life

    8. Never Give Up

    9. The Potter and the Clay (It’s only a Test)

    10. I Know the Whole Secret

    11. Wanna-Be Rich (Then be Led by the Holy Spirit)

    12. It’s Not a Promise, It’s a Prophecy

    13. Your Promise

    How to Get Your Faith to Work for You

    Personal Invitation



    Father, I dedicate this book to you. You spoke to me and gave me the words to write this book. I thank you for that. I am your vessel—use me and mold me the way you want to. I love and adore you, Father, and I can’t wait to see you. Father, you also gave me Big Robert for a reason. He is an understanding and kind man. I cleave to God’s strength and God’s power within him. Robert, you are smart, handsome and the love of my life. I bless God for giving me and my son a great gift.


    I would like to give a special thanks to my son, Robert Oglesby 3rd, for being such a wonderful son. I love you with all of my heart. Your life experiences that God has placed you in to help you become the man He wants you to become, has contributed greatly to this book. May God’s love reign supreme in your life forever.

    God, my Heavenly Father, thank you for choosing me to write this book. You spoke through me and gave me the wisdom to write this book.


    As I was riding in the car to Austin, Texas, the Holy Spirit started to speak to me. He said, The book you are writing is for my people. I am speaking to you from my heart. I want my people to have a deeper relationship with me, like you have. I want them to consider me their friend and guide. I want them to walk and speak to me daily. I need you to write this book so that they can know how to walk with me, and what to expect when they do. Your book is only the beginning, so I want you to add recommended reading to your book. Here is a list of books I want my people to read also. This will give them a thorough understanding of what I expect from them. Your book is the guide to direct them to abundant victories living in me. The recommended reading is the backbone of your book to give the people the strength, love, and courage to go forward. The recommended reading will answer any other questions that might come up as they read your book. As they read and mediate on the words, I will speak life into their hearts. They will hear from the Holy Spirit, and He will guide them into all truths. So read these books and be blessed.

    Dr. Creflo A. Dollar Jr.…. Lord, Teach Me How to Love/ You must Learn how to Love God’s Way.

    Pastor Walter Hallam… From This Day On/ Go Forward and Never Quit

    Benny Hinn…Good Morning Holy Spirit/ With a Relationship with the Holy Spirit you can use Him as your Personal Guide

    Bishop T.D. Jakes… Overcoming the Enemy/ Fight with Holiness

    Bishop N. Duncan-Williams…Praying through the Promises of God/ Pray your way Through

    Chapter 1

    How to Receive What God Has for You

    When people saw our house, they asked, How did you do it? How did you become rich? What they were really asking was, What was your investment? We need someone to help or counsel us. We would look at each other and wonder, what are they talking about? We did not do anything other than what God says to do if you want to be successful. Robert and I still give glory to God. God told Joshua, Study this Book of Law continuously. Meditate on it day and night so you may be sure to obey all that is written in it. Only then will you succeed (Joshua 1:8, NLT). As you read and meditate on the word, you not only learn the Fruit of the Spirit, but you also produce the fruit. Then the Father has the right to bless you, because the Father is faithful to His word and he cannot lie. Balaam was prophesying when he said,

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