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Mom's Journey
Mom's Journey
Mom's Journey
Ebook113 pages1 hour

Mom's Journey

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About this ebook

I wrote this book in memory of my mom, who had Alzheimer's for over ten years. For the last six years, mom struggled with trying to hide it, believing she was going crazy and became paranoid with everyone.
I dedicate this book to my Pa who took care of Mom all those years by himself. For the last couple of years, his life was on hold, totally dedicating every moment to her. His words to me were "For better or worse to death do us part." He kept his vows to mom to the end. Pa, I'm very proud of you and love you.
Release dateAug 15, 2019
Mom's Journey

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    Mom's Journey - Margie Norum





    Copyright © 2019 Margie Norum.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2415-1 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-4897-2416-8 (e)

    LifeRich Publishing rev. date: 08/14/2019


    The Beginning

    May 2012

    August 2012

    A Journey to Remember with Mom

    Tuesday, September 11

    Wednesday, September 12

    Thursday, September 13

    Friday, September 14

    Saturday, September 15

    Thursday, September 20

    Monday, September 24

    Thursday, September 27

    Friday, September 28

    Saturday, September 29

    Sunday, September 30

    Monday, October 1

    Tuesday, October 2

    Wednesday, October 3

    Thursday, October 4

    Friday, October 5

    Saturday, October 6

    Sunday, October 7

    Monday, October 8

    Tuesday, October 9

    Wednesday, October 10

    Thursday, October 11

    Friday, October 12

    Saturday, October 13

    Sunday, October 14

    Monday, October 15

    Tuesday, October 16

    Wednesday, October 17

    Thursday, October 18

    Friday, October 19

    Saturday, October 20

    Sunday, October 21

    Monday, October 22

    Tuesday, October 23

    Wednesday, October 24

    Thursday, October 25

    Friday, October 26

    Saturday, October 27


    The Beginning

    May 2012

    I WENT TO Wisconsin for Mother’s Day, I knew this would be her last one. When I was up there in May, Mom asked Pa as they were walking to their bedroom, Who is that Lady?. Pa told her that’s our oldest daughter, Margie from Texas. Then Mom asked how is she our daughter and Pa said she’s been our daughter for 61 years. Mom just couldn’t figure it out. I cried softly, so they wouldn’t hear me. I’m now a nice lady to my own mother.

    She was so confused and didn’t trust many people, not even Pa at times.

    I went and had lunch with my brother, David. Then, I was to meet Pa and Mom at Pa’s dentist to sit with Mom. We could see from a distance, their white van and Mom was getting out with her dog (Tootsie). We hurriedly got to her and said I’ll take the dog for a walk. Mom talked to David and was telling him that her husband went in that place (dentist) and all the women are whores! David said That’s the dentist and Mom said That’s what they say! When David left, I got the dog and Mom back in the van. She told me that the place that Pa is in is nothing but a bunch of whores; she said I know what they do. I tried telling her, no Mom that’s Pa’s dentist and he was getting his tooth fixed. I tried changing the subject but she’d go back to the same thing. Finally, Pa came out and Mom right away jumped on him and said Did you have fun with all those whores? Pa said Mom I was getting my tooth fixed and he showed her. She just said Uh Huh sure. It was a quiet ride for about fifteen minutes and then Mom just started humming – which she did a lot. We got back home, things were back to normal, well as normal as it can be with your loved one struggling with Alzheimer’s.

    Her dog would always be on her lap and no one would get close to her, or they would take a chance of being bit! Tootsie guarded Mom and knew she had it made. Mom would feed her by hand and would wash her up after she pottied outside.

    Mom wore P.J.’s that were so old and thin you could almost see thru them. I bought her new PJ’s last Christmas and a Snuggie blanket but she didn’t recognize them and said they weren’t hers. She never wore them and the blanket she used for Tootsie.

    Mom would call all the time; Pa would tell her that Margie is working. I told Pa that she can call anytime. If I am busy, I’ll call back as soon as I can. He said okay.

    That was my trip in May. When it was time for me to go, I told mom, I’ll be back soon. It was so hard leaving Pa. He needed help! I got back to Texas and told my husband I wanted to go back in a couple of months. He said we’ll try but I can’t promise you anything. But down deep I knew I was going to make another trip, somehow. Later on that year I decided I needed to go back… I could tell Mom was really getting worse. She’d call me on the phone, wanting someone to come spend the night with her. I could hear Pa in the background say I’m here and I’m going to be with you tonight and tomorrow. Mom would say How long before you get here and I’d say In a couple of months but Mom didn’t know months or time any more.


    August 2012

    I TOLD PA that he needs help. I looked up an adult day care, where Mom could go. I called and checked into it and then asked my sister-in law (Linda), if she would mind taking Mom there. It’s on Thursdays from 9:00 AM until 1:00 PM. She said she would do it. Then I talked to my sister Bonnie and she said that she’d help pay for it. Bonnie called our brothers and sisters to help pay for the day care. Two of our brothers chipped in; I started a checking account to pay Linda and the Adult Day Care. Linda took Mom a couple of times and I’d call to see how it went. Linda would say they read the newspaper to the clients for an hour and then they do a little exercise. They would eat and then watch TV. Mom didn’t care about TV anymore so, she’d get up and start walking around. Linda started washing the dishes and Mom would dry them. After the third time, I called the lady who ran that day care (Diana) and asked how Mom was doing? Then, I asked if my Mom was more advanced than the other clients and she kind of stuttered around my question, I asked her again. She said, yes, if Linda didn’t stay with her then she wouldn’t be able to go there. I said that would be the last

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