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The Righteous and Disciplined Life: A Systematic Approach to Jesus and Building a New Life in Christ
The Righteous and Disciplined Life: A Systematic Approach to Jesus and Building a New Life in Christ
The Righteous and Disciplined Life: A Systematic Approach to Jesus and Building a New Life in Christ
Ebook275 pages5 hours

The Righteous and Disciplined Life: A Systematic Approach to Jesus and Building a New Life in Christ

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About this ebook

We all have a past and coming to Jesus and being born again doesn’t mean you don’t have baggage to deal with. This book deals with a systematic approach to letting go of the past and moving forward toward the prize of the high calling of God in Jesus. It also goes on to show you what transpires in the new birth, what must be done in order for you to grow effectually in Christ and build a prosperous life while living in love, peace and joy of the Holy Ghost. It also outlines three things the church must be willing to do in order to enjoy the manifestations of God through the gifts of the Holy Spirit.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateAug 29, 2019
The Righteous and Disciplined Life: A Systematic Approach to Jesus and Building a New Life in Christ

George Luis Medina

Infilled with the Holy Spirit inside a prison cell while locked up 23/7, George had a visual and strong experience with God. Since then he has studied the Word both inside and outside of prison. Through waiting on the Lord and prayerfully seeking God’s will for his life, George was sent to be an evangelist and signs and wonders followed in his young ministry in prison. God has mandated some things he wants the church to correct which George reveals in this book. Currently George and his lovely wife, Xochitl are taking classes for their Pastoral at their home church, the Lighthouse Church of All Nations in Alsip, Illinois.

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    The Righteous and Disciplined Life - George Luis Medina


    Clean Slates and Dirty Feet


    I f you are not a believer of the gospel of jesus christ you are going to read things you won’t fully understand or quickly accept. However, since you have the book in your hand, read it through, finish it, and then make a decision. The Word of God reveals that faith comes by hearing the Word of God. The knowledge of God gives light, it brings comprehension and thus freedom from lies. However, unlike mans’ knowledge God’s knowledge has the ability to open your spiritual eye, it being embedded with his Spirit and this is where faith springs from, the heart, the inner man. Revealed herein is the message about the knowledge of God, the state of humanity, the state of the Earth, the enemy of humanity, the visible and the invisible. This book reveals the two ways of life, the way of salvation through Jesus and the way of damnation in this world system, both are sure. It is about two lives now present in this world, the temporal one we are born into which is corrupt in nature and the eternal one which is offered to us in the Son of humanity, Jesus, the Christ of God. It is a book about two worlds, the natural one we are born into and the spiritual one that parallels it. It is a book about two spirits, the Spirit of Truth which God sent down from heaven and which he bestows on them that obey him to repentance and the spirit of error which is the god of this world and entered the world through deception. It is a book about two resurrections because in the end all shall be raised from the dead, those that believed and repented to the resurrection of eternal life and those who did not believe and lived unrepentant lives to the resurrection of damnation. It is a book about the wisdom of God and the wisdom of this world and humanity’s conscious effort to live their lives without regard for the end, death and the afterlife.

    All of us start out in this world with clean slates and dirty feet. The innocence of not knowing good or bad we are born with gives us a clean slate as we start the walk of life, but we start out with dirty feet, born with a corrupt body and mind because of sin that is in the world, in us. We are born in sin and will die in our sins unless we take care of that problem. What is sin you might ask? It is disobedience to the holy and spiritual character of our Creator in whose image and likeness we were created. Sin entered the world through the deception of the spirit of error and that deception caused humanity’s spiritual death and that spiritual death brought a curse upon both humanity and creation. Sin is a cancer to society that takes on many forms in a person’s life. Subtle, it lures people into a self-reliant godless society but in the end when all is said and done it brings eternal separation from humanity’s Creator if it is not dealt with in this life. The Word of God says the sting of Death is sin. (1 Cor. 16:56). This is the state of humanity, dead in trespasses and sins, the true living dead. Since we are spiritually dead people, we pro-create our children in like manner. No one has to teach a child to be disobedient or selfish it’s in our nature, our sin nature! Born in sin and living lives led without the knowledge and guidance of your Creator. Yet there is hope for all of humanity through the knowledge of God. You have a responsibility to yourself, your family, your relatives whatever the case may be to find out how to beat the sting of death in this journey through the life you have been born into. We all want what’s best for ourselves and our family so we can live comfortably in peace but when it comes to finding out what’s best for ourselves and our families for the end of life we shy away, we put it off, we repress the thoughts when they come and the most we do is get life insurance in order to cover funeral costs and hopefully have some left over for those we leave behind. Friend, death we all can agree on is certain for all the living. It’s what happens when we die that most part ways. Now according to the Bible, we all must die once but after this the Judgment of humanity. (Heb. 9:27). So right away we see that the bible reveals life does not end in death. You do want what’s best for yourself and your family, right? Then be a woman or man and look into the matter! As Christians we proclaim salvation through Jesus Christ, salvation from damnation, eternal punishment, the corruption in this world, your own corrupt desires of your body and mind. If you approach the matter with an open mind God can reach you and manifest himself to you who come to believe. The world and everything in it are under a coming judgment and you do not want to partake with them of the wrath of God coming on the children of disobedience, the children of the first Adam.

    God made a way not only to escape the coming judgment but bring you back into a relationship with him lost in the beginning. To all those who continually say if God is so powerful why does he not do away with all the evil? Your prayer will be answered in due time. I just want to say those that usually say that are the unbelieving and scornful and selfish, basically they would be done away with if God answered that prayer in question. Listen, we all heed warnings during our lifetimes about impending dooms. These warnings are given to us not to scare us but for us to take steps to safeguard our well-being. Even though we preach the wrath of God coming on the disobedient and unrepentant, God made provision for you through his Son, Jesus whom he sent to save them that believe. This is the gospel of God, that he so loved the world (you) that he gave his only begotten Son that whosoever (that’s you) believes in him should not perish but receive eternal life. Because God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world (you) but that the world (you) through him might be saved. (John 3:16, 17). The condemnation has been here since the fall of humanity through disobedience so God sent his Son not to condemn the world but to save it from that condemnation and God’s wrath to come on an unrepentant world.

    You need the basics of the created world we live in. For your sake and your family’s sake and your friends’ sake. Knowledge is powerful and the power of God’s knowledge is above all humanity’s wisdom. Once you see the reasons why humanity is in the state it is you can then see clearly that you need to get out of this present evil world and find a way to walk in it without being a part of it. God your Creator provides this power and knowledge. You don’t have to be ignorant about spiritual things and it is foolish to be so. The world we live in is corrupt, both naturally and spiritually. It is evil and wicked when compared to the nature of God, holy, clean, pure, loving, peaceful, quiet, and true. You need to accept the fact that there are two worlds, the natural world and the spiritual world. And there are two spirits, the Spirit of Truth and the spirit of error. If you don’t or won’t accept that you can’t believe in God, because God is a Spirit. (John 4:24). Even though I have touched on the subject let me give you some of humanity’s background. For now, give me the benefit of the doubt and put away all your reasonings as to who wrote the Bible and why. For now, simply give the benefit of the doubt that the Bible was written by men led by the Spirit of God. Hear me out, all the knowledge you possess and have accepted as truth was written by some man or woman, correct? Then why would it be impossible for man whom we say was created by God to write about the knowledge of God through the leading of his Holy Spirit? God does speak you know? Yes, God created language also.


    Setting the Standards


    Isaiah 42:5:

    Thus saith God the LORD, he that created the heavens, and stretched them out; he that spread forth the earth, and that which cometh out of it; he that giveth breath unto the people upon it, and spirit to them that walk therein…

    W e see from the holy scripture that the god of the bible proclaims himself Creator and gives us the ability to live in it. Hence, according to him we are dependent on him, not mother nature, for what grows out of it as well as our very breath. Let’s begin by setting the standards, there are three generations of humanity and a fourth to come. The first is humanity’s generation, humanity’s formation, the second is the degeneration of humanity, humanity’s devolution, and the third is the regeneration of humanity, humanity’s new birth, the fourth to come is the resurrected generation, humanity’s glorification. I won’t go into great detail about the generations of humanity that is for another book. I’m just summarizing them in order to outline humanity’s creation, fall, redemption and hope of glorification. There is nothing mystical about that as you shall see. We, the people of this earth, are one race, the human race, different in looks and language and culture but one in nature. The Bible shows us God made all nations to dwell upon the face of the earth out of one blood. (Acts 17:26) One life, because the life of all flesh is in the blood. (Lev.17:14) All of us were made of one life and that life is in our blood. That makes all one but as everything else sin has corrupted how we see humanity and relate to one another. We are all spirit beings that possess a soul and live in earthly bodies. (1Thess. 5:23). The human race was generated from the dust of the Earth. (Gen 2:7). Spirit beings placed into earthly containers. Spirit beings possessing a soul and living in earthly bodies. Not only are we one race but we all have the same life cycle, we all are born, we live and we die. The world tells us we are different races and compartmentalize us by color, culture, language and food. That does not make us different races it simply makes us unique beings in how we live, speak, and what we have to offer to the rest of the world. Don’t we already partake of each other’s culture through the cultural events happening year-round in our cities and towns? We celebrate Cinco de Mayo even though we might be German. We go to all these cultural festivals in order to partake with them of what they have to offer. So, in reality we are not too far away from relating to one another as God would have us live with one another. Color, language, culture and food does not a race make. It is simply a nationality and has its unique culture it offers the rest of the world. The wisdom of the world divides us into colors, white, brown, black, yellow, red and that is what causes division and prejudice among us. The wisdom of the world tells us we are races and says we are the Anglo race or the Hispanic race or the African-American race and so forth. God made nations to dwell on all the face of the earth but he sees persons not races. He sees you as an individual and our mindset must change, our mind must be renewed not to see colors but people. Unkind folks are just mean regardless of color or nationality. God created persons and we should see them as such, the world created races falsely so-called. In an upcoming book about the history of humanity and God I dive deeper into the creation of humanity, it’s history and the world they created for themselves. When I say they I mean that I am no longer of the world. I am not better than those still in the world because I was as they are, in unbelief. Yet, I am not less than the new creation God made me to be through Jesus Christ. Jesus did not come to give peace on earth but to divide them which believe from those that do not. Whether, father or mother or daughter or son or mother in law or father in law. Whether two against three or three against two it wouldn’t matter it’s about those who believe and those who don’t. This is what this book is about, that you might believe and through the gospel save them which don’t. (Luke 12:51-53).

    So, then our first parents were stung by sin and died to God and became corrupt. The Spirit of God in them left and since then the knowledge of God in us became corrupt through the desires of the eyes and flesh and pride of life. The very points Satan used to tempt Eve in the beginning in the Garden of Eden. That’s when the second generation of man was manifested. We degenerated into a lower form in body through the sin of our first parents and lost our spirituality, the Spirit of God that was living in us having departed. This is humanity’s second and present condition and generation, degenerate people born dead to God and corrupt in nature, spirit, soul and body. The missing link in humanity is not found in fossils. The missing link is God’s Spirit in humanity. As God had made us into his image and likeness, we who have been given the ability to procreate do the same. Since our first parents sinned and degenerated into a lower life form, we can only procreate others in the image and likeness we now possess which is corrupt. Now when I say we degenerated into a lower life form it is evident that in the beginning as it has always been in God’s kingdom there is no waste of any kind. Our bodies would consume what we ate and there would be no waste. But we devolved into the present form we live in now. So much for evolution of humanity, God did not and does not create waste and man has not evolved but devolved. This is my view of the formation of humanity as I see it in the Bible and why we are in the present state we are. We are people who were initially generated from the dust of the ground and breathed upon by our Creator and infused with his Spirit of Life and became living souls. At this time humanity enjoyed fellowship with its Creator and all he had created was one, united in God’s love, peace and joy of life. The whole of creation was one in harmony, God’s life ran through the whole of creation. God, humanity, creation was one until sin entered this world and ruined everything. How can I emphasize enough that sin is you’re disconnect with your Creator? Like an electronic device that runs on electricity and batteries your electrical endless power source (the Spirit of life) has been disconnected (by sin) and you’re running on batteries (this temporal life) which eventually will run out (in death). Unless you find the solution to sin in you, you can never be free from your carnal mind and body, you can never be free from this world’s allurement and sadly die disconnected to God? God’s solution was to send his Son into the world to be your Savior and reconnect you to God through his life and the sacrificial work in his life, death, burial and resurrection and asencion. The solution to sin in the world and in you is Jesus, the Christ of God. It is He who brought reconciliation with God for humanity. Neither is there salvation in any other because there is none other name given among humanity by which we must be saved. (Acts 4:12).

    Now there are those that promote other concepts of humanity’s existence and have erred from the truth of creation and trust in themselves not regarding the evidence of creation and the Creator behind it, disregarding the existence of a Creator and serve the creation itself instead of the Creator. But guess what? They that teach such things are in the same dilemma as us. They as us have the same nature and life cycle. Without exception all of us who are born presently are born and live in this world and die in the end. There is no exception. So then if we all must meet the same fate, which is death, shouldn’t we as responsible and intelligent human beings look into death if not for ourselves then our children and spouses and parents? Do we love our loved ones enough to settle the question about death and the afterlife?

    Only recently have scientist begun to accept that consciousness exists after people are declared clinically dead instead of a mere on/off switch that flips at the end of life. Isn’t that what the Bible has told us since the beginning? That death is not the end for a person but a beginning in the afterlife. Scientist do what they do, try to explain the unknown and come up with a theory on a subject through known scientific means. I don’t know about you friend, but I want facts about my death, I don’t need a theory that might or might not pan out because when your dead you are dead! But guess what? The Bible, that contains the knowledge of God and his interaction with his crown of creation, you, gives you facts, not theories that you can rely on as you shall see. You believe or rely in man, then believe man who wrote the Bible, in it is opened up the mysteries of God as Creator and the history of humanity, the earth, the heavens and our future. It’s a marvelous, wonderful book written by men over the course of thousands of years and throughout it all a red thread of life that puts it all in conformity in the birth, life, death, burial, resurrection and ascension of one man, Jesus, the Christ of God, the Savior of the world. Tell me, who would you rather rely on, a scientist who holds a theory of what happens in death or a man of God who can show you death is not the end for you but a beginning in the spirit world? If you rely on the scientist when you die you are on your own. But if you rely on the Word of God you will know, in your heart, in the inner man, in your spirit that you will not only not die but just leave this corrupt body and know where you are going also, heaven, a place of rest and communion with your Creator. I remember after becoming God’s new creation I had a dream. I was within a chamber sitting on a bench waiting. What stood out about the dream is the state I was in. I can only explain it as in perfect peace and quietness. I sat but did not feel weight. My heart was in that perfect peace and the environment was what I call quietness, the absence of disruption of any kind. It was a glimpse into the state of heaven, peace, quietness, harmony. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. We have another group of men we must talk about. So, then the scientist gives you theories but the Word of God can give you facts that pan out in this life if you receive them.

    Next we have the spiritualist, or religious zealot. These folks believe in some form of spirit or spirits but can’t take you beyond the grave and those that do try can only give you an empty hope about the afterlife they proclaim as their truth. It is a blind and empty faith rooted and grounded in their corrupt minds, led by the spirit of error. They cannot tie the afterlife they offer beyond the grave to this life that now is, hence any hope they offer is empty, lifeless like the scientist their truth is a theory that cannot instill in you, in your heart, a surety of what lies beyond. They can surely make you believe in them, but that belief is in them not witnessed in your own heart. That’s why you find religions and cults and some closely resembling Christianity. You must be able to take what is offered to you as truth and that truth must be able to manifest itself in you apart from their testimony. That’s what sets Christianity apart. The testimony of a Christian and the message of the gospel will manifest itself in you apart from another’s testimony. These other folks want you to trust in another world you cannot see, or feel or know in this life. But the afterlife, the life beyond death that God offers through Jesus is one that regenerates the degenerate man. The way has been opened that you might be reconnected to God through Jesus Christ. So those that speak about the afterlife with false visions of a world they cannot see nor can you know cannot be trusted with your life, and surely not with the death of your loved ones. That would be fatal because once you die whatever lies beyond will happen regardless of what you accept as truth. However, the God and Creator I offer you, the one who says I am the Beginning and the End, the one who says I am God and beside me there is no other and which some of you have tasted of his goodness manifests himself to them that obey him to repentance. What I offer you is not a blind faith, but a cup of hope filled with the substance of faith, an evidentiary faith that can be measured, that you can taste, that you can feel, that you can see and understand in the new birth awaiting you and by the knowledge of God found in the Bible probably sitting somewhere in your home. How terrible indeed to have eternal life at your reach and not have it at all? You can have a taste of the heavenly world in this life, God ties what’s beyond and invisible to this life for you that your faith and hope might be in God. God’s manifestation to them that repent and turn to him for guidance is in the new creation through regeneration, man in God and God in man. You can become one with God and know it. So, I say to you why trust in them who cannot take you beyond the grave? Why trust in them which give you false visions of the other side but have no proof of it on this side? The bible says, each one of us must die but it also says after that is the Judgment. That’s the message God wants to get across to the world, we must die once because of sin in the world but we don’t have to be lost forever. After the work Jesus did for humanity in giving his life for you God commands all men everywhere to repent and put your trust in him, because he has appointed a day in which he will judge the world in righteousness by that man whom he ordained and he has given assurance unto all humanity in that having died for the sins of the world, God raised him from the dead. (Acts 17:30, 31). Wake up! If there is a judgment to come then there is an afterlife. Death and the afterlife, you must make a decision concerning them. If we all must come before the Judgment seat what will your defense be before a Holy God who predestinated your birth over all others in your father’s loins and knows your thoughts and intents? Because the Word of God is alive and powerful, embedded with his Spirit as your Words are with your breath. It is sharper than any two-edged sword piercing to the dividing apart of spirit and soul and bone and marrow and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of your heart? (Heb. 4:12). If you love yourself and your family accept the fact that humanity is appointed to die once because of sin but afterward the Judgment. I want to emphasize sin as much as I want to emphasize the cure for it. Sin is the direct and proximate cause of the state humanity and creation as it is in at this present time, humans walking after their fallen carnal nature and creating or destroying life around them as they seem fit. Now here is a very important concept and why being good isn’t enough to get into Heaven. Each one of us is born with this corrupt nature

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