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Book of God Holy Bible the Living Testament: Volumes 1 & 2
Book of God Holy Bible the Living Testament: Volumes 1 & 2
Book of God Holy Bible the Living Testament: Volumes 1 & 2
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Book of God Holy Bible the Living Testament: Volumes 1 & 2

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The Book of God is an addition to the Holy Bible from God, Jehovah with excerpts from Jesus Christ and Jehovah's Holy Family in Heaven.
Release dateSep 23, 2019
Book of God Holy Bible the Living Testament: Volumes 1 & 2

Prophet Gerald John Jennings II

Gerald John Jennings II is God's Blessed Son and Prophet Gerald writes word of God Jehovah from the Mouth of God!

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    Book of God Holy Bible the Living Testament - Prophet Gerald John Jennings II

    © 2019 Prophet Gerald John Jennings II. All rights reserved.

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    ISBN: 978-1-7283-2813-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-2814-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019914561

    Published by AuthorHouse 10/09/2019


    The Book of God is between God and his people.!

    It is not to be read by those who don’t believe in God.!

    Your time on this earth was a gift from God, spend some with him!

    Every word written in red ink: Gerald John Jennings II wrote as God spoke those words to him.

    You believe it or you don’t.

    Gerald John Jennings II is God’s Son and he will never lead you astray from God.!

    Gerald John Jennings II and his family will always be a part of God’s Holy family.

    With all my love and confidence, every one of his children will be blessed by me.

    The world will know the Book of God is God’s word spoken to God’s son Gerald John Jennings II

    God won’t support anyone that stands against his family!

    Gerald John Jennings II is the son of God, God’s savior and the Prophet of God’s Holy family.

    Jesus is also my son but, he is in Heaven with me and my Holy family Amen.!


    Picture of God

    God Almighty The Ruler of Heaven will Reign Forever .!


    I am Gerald John Jennings II or #2


    I was Blessed by God to be his 2nd son and only Prophet on earth in 2013


    Covenant of Gerald John Jennings II

    God blessed the seed of Gerald John Jennings II and God will never be able to forgive anyone who puts a price on any of God’s blessings!

    God’s Holy Covenant!

    Between God’s Blessed Son : Gerald John Jennings II (Jerry 2)

    and God Jehovah who Blessed his soul to be God’s 2nd son on earth Amen.

    Why Jerry wants to go to Heaven: Heaven is where my soul belongs when I leave this earth. Heaven is where God and my entire family will be when we leave this earth. Heaven is where we will all be reunited and together again with God and the future generations of our families. Heaven is where God my Heavenly father will welcome me into his home in Heaven and show me all of heavens beauty. Heaven is where I will wait for my family when I leave this earth and hope to welcome all of my friends when they come to join me by God’s side.

    Why Jerry wants to be with God:

    I never want to be without him! God being in my life is the most beautiful thing that has ever happened to me and I would never be happy without him as a member of my family and being my 2nd father in Heaven so that I can always stand by his side!

    What Jerry wants in Heaven:

    I want in Heaven what I have here: family, love, friendship, peace in my heart and happiness. I would love to see everything God has created and learn from him everything that I can. Experience and share everything we can together in Heaven as a family.

    What Jerry wants from God:

    I want to live on earth for as long as possible so that I can enjoy every last second of my precious life. Even though I already know some of the amazing beauty of life in Heaven I want to hold on to this life for as long as I can and share it with God and all of my family while I’m here. Hoping to help the world, my friends and all of God’s people as his Son and Prophet. And hopefully one day have a family here that can carry on my blessings to this world! I wan’t to see my son enjoy the blessings of being God’s Blessed son and Prophet too!

    How long Jerry wants to wait for their family to be with them in Heaven:

    Until my heart is satisfied!

    What Jerry Is unproud of:

    I am unproud of the mistakes I’ve made and people I’ve hurt in my life and of living without God in my past!

    What Jerry wants the world to know about:

    I want the world to know how lucky they are to have God here with them in their lives. God didn’t appear to me personally and permanently until I was 35 years old. So I had to live with uncertainty and not sure whether God would have a Heaven for a person like me. If you are reading this and have seen God then you are already blessed with that. The beauty of God, Heaven & Eternal life!! Please do what you can to help me keep God above all of us. Reigning down with his justice and love Amen !!

    What Jerry wants to be forgiven for:

    I want to be forgiven for everyone I’m guilty of hurting in my life whether I am aware of it or not. For every sin that I’ve committed and for every wrong that I have done !!

    Jerry Jennings will never give up his soul for any reason. God has granted Jerry his soul to keep for himself forever Amen!

    If God gave every person their soul that way Heaven would never be the same! God will reassure the world that Gerald John Jennings II speaks with and for the only God you will ever have Amen .!

    God’s Holy Covenant!

    Between Mary Anne McGuire Jennings the mother of the Son of God Gerald John Jennings II who lost her when he was 15 years old and who is writing this for her soul while she is beside God in Heaven and God Amen!

    Why Mary Anne wants to go to Heaven:

    I’m already in Heaven, but I wait for all my family and friends to be with me here in heaven. I’ve been waiting for them all since I left my life on earth. I’m with them every chance I have but, if they don’t see me I’m sorry about it. I love them all so don’t believe I’m gone. I’m right there with you!

    Why Mary Anne wants to be with God:

    Because I love God. Because he is part of my family and I would never be without God. I would never be happy without him by our side in Heaven.

    What Mary Anne wants in Heaven:

    You don’t have time to see everything on earth when you are alive. Maybe God will let me see it up there and show all of my favorite stuff to those I love. And to see all of my family again, that way I can feel like I’m home again. I want to see the baby. Without the baby I don’t know if this will ever happen again. The baby is the most beautiful thing I have to look forward to up in Heaven! And then I want my whole family back together without any negative feelings over anything. If the baby doesn’t happen then I won’t be able to live with him on earth, so I’m sorry I won’t be there to help you if God’s line dies with my son!

    What Mary Anne wants from God:

    Whatever God blesses me with, that’s what I want from God. I’m thankful for who my son is and what I have already with God’s blessings. I’m thankful for all of God’s blessings. I want to ask God to please help me and Jerry 2 bring my daughter and her whole family up to Heaven to be with me so I can be happy!

    How long Mary Anne wants to wait for their family to be with them up in Heaven:

    If I wait for them I would wait forever if that’s how long it takes.

    What Mary Anne is unproud of:

    I’m unproud of letting myself eat too much unhealthy food and not going to the doctor and keeping myself in good shape for my family! I’m not proud of dying so soon. I wish I could have been there longer for my family.

    What Mary Anne wants the world to know:

    I love my family and I want the world to listen to what God says through my son Gerald Jennings II because that is the word of God and God is who we owe everything to. Put my son in your heart and God will raise you up to Heaven.

    What Mary Anne wants to be forgiven for:

    I want to be forgiven for everything I’ve done in my life that was wrong in the eyes of God. Thank you God I Love you! Amen!

    The Covenant between you and God !

    I want everyone who wants to go to Heaven and be with God to write their own covenant from the bottom of their own heart.

    If my paper is with you then I want you to fill it out from the bottom of your heart. Let God know what is inside your heart. If you do not fill out the paper and the page was right in front of you then God will not let you into Heaven.

    God bless all of his people and I want you to know that God loves you if you love God! Amen!

    I want something from everyone who reads this book. I want you to fill out this covenant in your name from the bottom of your heart Amen!

    God’s Holy Covenant

    Between God & one of God’s people:

    ____________________________Your Name

    Why ____________ Your Name Wants to go to


    Why ___________________Your Name Wants

    to be with

    God: _________________________

    What ___________________Your Name Wants


    Heaven: _______________________

    What ___________________Your Name Wants


    God: __________________________

    How long _______________Your Name Wants

    to wait for their family to be with them in

    Heaven: ________________________

    What ______________________Your Name Is


    of: ____________________________

    What _______________________ Your Name

    Wants the world to

    know: _________________________

    Something from the bottom of their heart, If they want to be forgiven then

    What __________________ Your Name Wants

    to be forgiven

    for: ___________________________


    Signature of God’s person !

    The beauty of being with God if you love God!

    Something about the beauty of God and all of Heaven. I’ll never be able to put it all in this Book of God!

    If you want to know what the most beautiful thing about God and Heaven is it’s that I’ll never leave you if you don’t want me to leave you!

    The ones that love God the most will always be with God no matter what happens. God wont ever walk away from anyone that loves him. If you want to be a part of God’s life in Heaven then God welcomes you but, you have to love God and all of his family.

    The way we live in Heaven is in perfect harmony. People never want to fight with each other or argue in Heaven. We never walk away from a problem. If there is one it is solved immediately.

    That way if it doesn’t have to be a problem it will never be one.

    One more thing about Heaven is that people will never be bullied or disrespected by another one of God’s people. If you want to be happy in Heaven we will do whatever we can to make you feel happy. The people of Heaven have built their world around love and harmony.

    That’s what we have to offer you. The world will never be the way all of Heaven is but, we will never give up hope that the people will never give up God!

    It will never be the same without God’s help keeping the wicked from hurting God’s people. Without saving them from themselves God will never be able to keep the wicked from hurting all of God’s ever-loving people on earth.

    God does not want anyone to write of his Holy family that are in Jerry’s pictures without God’s permission!

    Messages from God’s favorite people and family in Heaven!

    Marianna: Live with God inside of all of your hearts. Put my favorite son inside all of your hearts if you want to be with me up in Heaven.

    Some people will never be with God my son up in Heaven. They will never know the beauty of God’s love up in Heaven. They will never be with Jerry’s family and they will never know the pure beauty of Heaven. They will never be with me however my heart will always be with those that love my family. There is never going to be a way for me to be with all of you however I will try to make time for your soul in Heaven. That’s how I feel.

    I will never leave the family of God. If Gerald Jennings is God’s son then he is my family too. God blessed his soul so he will be a part of God’s family. If he ever leaves my family I will never forgive Gerald Jennings if that’s what he does.

    God loves him so much that he will never leave him so I will never live without him in my heart. Don’t ever think of this life as the end of your existence. You can live as long as you want to live if you are one of God’s people. You belong with God if you love Jerry Jennings and the life God has given you.

    I want the world to put God before everything in their life that destroys their character and pushes them away from God and his family. If you love our family then don’t ever find a reason to keep us out of your heart. God loves his people. Sons and daughters of God will always be the family of God.

    I wish for you all to spend some time with Jerry Jennings. If he is there with you then he is the son and voice of our family. God bless your souls if you spend your time with our family and keep us in your life all of the time.

    Spend some time with your sons and daughters. They are the future of this world and we will never leave you if your hearts are with our family.

    God loves you all and so does Jerry Jennings and Marianna the mother of God!

    The blood of God is in Jerry’s veins, God’s soul is in his body but, my mom is in his heart.!

    The people will know his soul is his soul but, it is mixed with mine to make him my son and family.

    He will be with all of my family in Heaven. My mother will be with me waiting for you with most of her family. You can see her when you come up to Heaven

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