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An Aligned Assignment
An Aligned Assignment
An Aligned Assignment
Ebook59 pages51 minutes

An Aligned Assignment

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Whether you want to call it a purpose or an assignment, there is a great work entrusted to your life. You have been commissioned to do something extraordinary in the Earth. In this book Dr. Spencer will give you practical tools that will help you learn how to complete your assignment, with the least amount of stress, worry or fear? His real life examples will serve as a guide to help you know when you are in the correct position, with the correct connections to complete your current assignment. Readers will gain knowledge that can be used in both in their marketplace career as well as their ministry or passion.
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateOct 8, 2019
An Aligned Assignment

Dr. Alandrus P. Spencer

Dr. Alandrus Pearson Spencer was born in Chicago, Illinois and raised in Blytheville, Arkansas. He served in the United States Navy and has two children and three grandchildren. In 2005, Alandrus met and married his wife Veronica. Alandrus received his associate degree in Biblical Studies, Bachelors in Biblical Studies and a Masters in Biblical Studies and Counseling from Beacon University. He later earned a M.Div. and Doctor of Ministry from Apex School of Theology. In 2006, he launched Touching Lives Ministry, Inc. in Blytheville, Arkansas, which boasts several major community outreach programs. In 2017, Dr. Spencer penned the first book of the Encouraging Moment series entitled Live Life By An Encouraging Moment. Which was featured at the 2018 and 2019 NAACP authors Pavilion and earned him the 2018 T.A.P award for Author of the Year. He is also the author of Encouraging Moment: The Turbulence Was Necessary an 80 day devotional and the children’s book Everyone is Unique: Stop The Bullying. Dr. Spencer is the Co-founder of the Motivated Authors Spotlight Showcase, an organization that provides a platform for authors of all genres to gain exposure for their literary work. In his spare time Dr. Spencer enjoying reading and writing books, spending time with his family, traveling and faith and leadership conferences.

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    An Aligned Assignment - Dr. Alandrus P. Spencer

    Copyright © 2019 by Dr. Alandrus P Spencer.

    Library of Congress Control Number:        2019915944

    ISBN:                Hardcover             978-1-7960-5047-9

                               Softcover               978-1-7960-5048-6

                               eBook                    978-1-7960-5049-3

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    Rev. date: 10/08/2019






    Chapter 1: What Is Alignment?

    Chapter 2: Alignment for the Assignment

    Chapter 3: Aligned Connections

    Chapter 4: Aligned for Victory

    Chapter 5: Achieving Alignment


    First, I would like to dedicate this

    book to my beautiful and patient wife, Veronica Davis-Spencer. Thank you for allowing me the time to dedicate myself to writing this book. Second, I would like to dedicate this book to my late mother, Lowrene Spencer. Thank you for teaching and encouraging me to always do what is in my heart.


    All of us at some point have been given a task or an assignment—whether it was at school, at work, or in ministry. We have each been called upon to complete a particular task or responsibility. For most of us, carrying out our assignment required creating a plan.

    In this book, An Aligned Assignment, Dr. Spencer will discuss the importance of knowing and following your God-given plan and how that plan can be successful in both the ministry and the marketplace. How do you do that? You start by aligning your assignment with like-minded, productive people who you can come into covenant agreement with for the purpose of your assignment. These are people who have similar attitudes, beliefs, and work ethics. Not all these relationships will be permanent, but they don’t have to be! They simply need to be in alignment for the current assignment! Never mistake a temporary alignment for permanent associate! Some people will only be perfect for your current assignment, and that’s OK!

    Knowing when you are aligned for an assignment can be a difficult thing. However, Dr. Spencer will share with you a variety of examples based on his life experiences, both personal and professional. He hopes to help you discover what barriers stand in the way of you completing your aligned assignment.

    Have you become stagnant in your professional life? Do you feel that your work tasks and goals have become mundane? Does your work no longer excite you? Has your work in the ministry become more of a chore or an obligation than an honor and a privilege? Are you experiencing symptoms of burnout? If you answered yes to any of these questions, it could be that you have somehow gotten out of alignment with your assignment.

    Prepare to learn practical strategies that can be used in both the marketplace and the ministry. These tools are designed to help you reach your fullest potential and to enjoy the journey as you complete the task that has been assigned to your life. Just because it’s an assignment does not mean it has to be arduous. Alignment will often take the pain and drudgery out of an assignment!


    What Is Alignment?

    Alignment has many definitions; however, for the purpose of this book, I want to focus on just two of them. The first of them being a state of agreement or cooperation among persons, groups, nations, etc., with a common cause or viewpoint.¹ This definition

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