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The Dreaming Gates
The Dreaming Gates
The Dreaming Gates
Ebook117 pages36 minutes

The Dreaming Gates

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If you read this then you would obviously want to know about mental illness or are maybe curious about schizophrenia in some form. This compilation of diverse introspections is a manifestation of the schizophrenic mind in words of somewhat poetic form. Words we use every day, mindlessly repeating sounds and communicating, sending messages in the language we understand. These words in this book are dedicated to those who dare to want to know about this illness and have it communicated to them. Because we don’t speak to each other day to day in poetic forms, we often have to stop, and reside with it for an enlightening experience to come about.

Perhaps the reader will find one of those doorways into another world in which a sufferer exists alone and invisible. It’s when you dare to stop and allow your being to be enveloped by these words and references that you drift through “The Dreaming Gates” to your own visceral response. This response is what gives these words adequately reasonable meaning in today’s world.
PublisherXlibris AU
Release dateOct 14, 2019
The Dreaming Gates

David Tenney-Maxwell

David Tenney-Maxwell had a deep burning passion inside when he left his home. In his mid-teens he traveled abroad alone and in search for the missing pieces of his troubled mind. After this at age 17, the onset of mental illness and schizophrenia changed his life and perspectives forever. After many excruciating moments of darkness a pinprick of light manifested itself. It was his faith and a new found ability to express his journey and experiences through his writing. Armed with nothing more than a high school certificate and an intense desire to fight on, he gathered the courage to share his intensely honest poetry and a deeply personal learning curve through life.

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    The Dreaming Gates - David Tenney-Maxwell




    David Tenney-Maxwell

    Copyright © 2019 by David Tenney-Maxwell.

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to any actual persons, living or dead, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 10/07/2019








    Inside My Head

    Cognito Ergo Sum

    Taking a Step into a moment of Self-Harm…

    A Fleeting Wish…

    But for What

    Who Am I

    Who Am I

    The Breakdown of Being

    Mind, Body, Heart & Soul

    My Life

    Twenty-One Yards

    Aura Swing


    Passing the Hole

    In Denial

    Our Soul

    Identity Confusion

    In The Womb of A Whale

    The Fish Bowl

    The Cell

    Locked Up

    Loneliness of the asylum


    Pandora’s Blue Box


    The Observers

    Clouded Hope



    The Death Chapter

    Treading Water

    Bitterness & Hell

    Urban Haiku

    Dangers of Loving Blue


    Joys Of Death?

    Death Scene


    …Fastened In Infinity…

    Rocks in the Head

    Sliced Succession

    Yes Today

    Shadows and Silhouettes

    Past Abuse

    The Lion

    Sitting In The Wind And Ashes

    Wishful Prayer

    For Poetries Sake

    Mr Lazy Death

    Paranoia & Fear

    When I See The Police

    Tears From The Heart

    Climate Change

    The Meteorological Mind


    Fear and Trembling




    The Book


    Angels and Me


    No Mistake

    Crumbling Empire


    One of my greatest wishes would be we treat everyone consistently with kindness, compassion and fairness not because they are nice but because you are you.

    We know that the most beautiful people we have ever known, the greatest people we have ever known, all of them have known defeat, known suffering, known loss, and have made their way out of the depths. And have become the persons they are today. They have an appreciation, a sensitivity and an understanding that fills them with compassion gentleness and a deep loving care and concern. They have our respect whether it is subconscious or otherwise.

    These great, beautiful people do not just happen, they had their beginnings early on and just like we are now, they made a choice to join the struggle in caring for others in a compassionate way.

    I said to a major benefactor of this book before I committed to creating it, "I know you don’t read books, but if I shared the chaotic journaling of my past horror of a year… would you bother reading

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