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The Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna
The Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna
The Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna
Ebook70 pages1 hour

The Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna

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About this ebook

This is a book describing a year in my life seen through Rut Roh’s eyes. He came to be at my first hospital stay three years ago and he describes much of what life was like.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 21, 2019
The Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna

Kellie Jacobus

Kellie is a retired teacher and Rut Roh is her pup.

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    The Adventures of Rut Roh and Breonna - Kellie Jacobus


    Rut Roh Gets His Name

    C rouching low over the bright orange jellybean, the stuffed brown and white pup growled happily and tossed the jellybean in the air with his nose. His stubby little black tail wagged madly as he sprang up and chased after the jellybean. His tongue lolled, and he grinned a silly puppy grin. Suddenly his four furry little legs seemed to splay in different directions. He found himself landing with a soft thump against Kate the shop keeper’s arm. Her dark eyes twinkled as she scratched him behind the ear. The pup got to his feet and licked her wrist in both an apology for running into her and for the ear scratch. Kate laughed.

    You were playing so hard, she teased him, and the pup yipped in agreement. He looked around for his jellybean. It was his current favorite toy. He saw it on the edge of the counter and danced his way over to it. As he reached it, he was distracted by a man and two women who entered the store.

    Immediately the pup’s attention was drawn to the woman in the wheelchair. She wore a pair of denim blue overalls with a bright sunflower sewn on each knee. On her head was a straw hat with three more sunflowers. That wasn’t what captured the pup’s attention. Instead he loved her smile which seemed to glow. She had spotted the pup and her smile grew even more beautiful.

    The pup yipped softly as Kate picked him up and placed him in the lady’s shaking hands. He loved how soft those hands felt. When he sniffed those fingers, he fell immediately in love.

    We were looking for a birthday gift for our daughter Breonna, the man explained softly. I think we found it.

    The pup looked up at the man’s face as he went on to introduce his family.

    This is my wife Judi; my daughter Samantha and my name is Jack.

    The pup felt his spine gently caressed as Judi ran her finger over it. Her blue eyes seemed to light up as she bobbed her head at her husband. Judi cuddled the pup closer.

    Breonna will love him, Samantha said and the pup turned his button brown eyes to look at her. He liked what he saw, and he wagged his stubby little tail.

    Just a few minutes later the little stuffed brown and white pup was glancing curiously around him. Judi carried him in her lap and the pup could see everything. Kate had kissed him on his nose and told him she loved him. She also reminded him to behave himself. The pup had licked her fingers and he was now on a new adventure. He loved looking at all the people. They reminded him of the many folks who had visited the shop. He wasn’t too sure he liked the smell. It smelled of bleach and medicine. He took a deep breath and relaxed. He liked how Judi smelled of spicy cinnamon.

    They rounded a corner and the pup’s attention was drawn to a figure seated somewhat forlornly on the bed. He studied her as only a puppy could and within seconds his stubby little tail wagged. He liked those pretty gray eyes and the slightly lopsided smile. He also liked the slight smell of sweat.

    Happy birthday, Breonna! We love you! Jack and Samantha called out and Judi carefully held out the pup. Breonna took the pup and held him tight but just for a moment. She seemed to understand instinctively that he wanted to explore. The pup licked her fingers and curled up beside her instead. He was going to like it here.

    What’s his name? Breonna asked. The pup didn’t have a collar and he didn’t have a name.

    We’ll let you name him, little sister, said Samantha.

    Throughout the day and into the evening, Breonna played with the pup and he loved it. One of his favorite new games was called tunnels. He would burrow under the stiff blue hospital blanket and play hide and seek with Breonna. When she found him, he would nip at her fingers and burrow under the covers again. Breonna didn’t seem to tire of playing with the pup.

    After dinner and the nurses had come to check Breonna’s blood sugar and other vital statistics, Breonna tucked the pup against her right side and fell asleep. The pup fell asleep listening to the bustle of activity. During the long night hours, the nurses routinely checked Breonna’s blood pressure and noted it was rather low.

    Early the next morning Wendie the morning nurse found Breonna and the pup curled up in a tight little ball at the foot of the bed. She laughed and said Breonna was her sea turtle. She checked Breonna’s blood pressure and blood sugar and then helped her get ready for the day. Just as she was placing the deodorant back in the bucket breakfast arrived.

    Breonna shared her breakfast with the pup. He wagged his stubby little tail over a bite of grits and a nibble of turkey sausage. He took a sip of coffee and growled. Breonna laughed and offered him a taste of cranberry juice.

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