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Words of Encouragement: A Whispered Prayer for You
Words of Encouragement: A Whispered Prayer for You
Words of Encouragement: A Whispered Prayer for You
Ebook184 pages59 minutes

Words of Encouragement: A Whispered Prayer for You

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About this ebook

“Encouraging Words A Whispered Prayers For You” has changed lives. It’s stopped at least one person that I know of from committing suicide; others from acts of retaliation. Helped some through tough and dark times in life.

My prayer is that some of these Whispered Prayers will encourage you in your daily walk in life. As you read and dwell on the Words of Encouragement. Smile! Know that trouble doesn’t last always. Stay encouraged
Release dateOct 24, 2019
Words of Encouragement: A Whispered Prayer for You

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    Words of Encouragement - Edward Hill

    © 2019 Edward Hill. All rights reserved.

    No part of this book may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted by any means without the written permission of the author.

    Published by AuthorHouse  10/23/2019

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3173-7 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-7283-3172-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019916486

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    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned its God that allows you to have what you have. God lets us use what’s HIS! Be Thankful!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned if your life’s full of worry you stay in a hurry. Take time to Pray & Praise HIM for today!

    Praying for You.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for You. I’ve learned distractions cause us to lose focus. Stay focused on Christ Blessings will follow!

    Praying for You.

    Love you.

    God Love You More


    Whispered a prayer for You. I’ve learned you can’t beat God giving. But still try an emulate it! Watch Blessings Flow! Smile!

    Praying for You.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for You. I’ve learned when you’re perplexed. Praise makes a difference! Don’t Panic Praise God & Smile!

    Praying for You.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned you will have disappointments & fail. Keep dusting off & keep trying! Smile Bless You!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More


    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned in

    life in the midst of advice situations Praise God! God has ultimate control! Bless you!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned be careful who you confide in. Tell God about it! HE’LL dry your Tears calm your Fears!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned concentrate on emulating Christ & Blessings! Obstacles come & go. Stop Stressing!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More


    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned anyone can retaliate. But can you look passed faults see needs? Forgive? Try! Smile!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned Blessings doesn’t make you immune to sickness sadness slander! So buckle up & Smile!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned when tensions testing rise & temptations to. Praise God for Jesus! He’s Still there for you!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More


    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned Christ’s suffering on the Cross is what makes Good Friday Good! Bless!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned when going through don’t know what to do or how to! It’s just a test! Praise On Through!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you.

    Remember it’s not about candy clothes & cottontails.

    It’s about Christ’s Rising from the dead!

    Happy Resurrection Sunday!

    Be Blessed!


    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned trials & fears rise up? Not sure what to do? Focus on God for help He’ll take care of you!

    Praying for you.

    Love You

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned better to read instructions & get it right. Then stumble through with no clue! BIBLE!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned even in struggles keep your head up God is there & cares! Praying & Smile on!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More


    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned spend time counting your Blessings & less worrying! Triumph over you fears with Praise!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned if you’re in a storm of life don’t give up! Hold on till change comes! It’s gonna Pass!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned feel a litter down? Start Thanking & Praising God! You still here! Be Blessed! Smile!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More


    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned you’re responsible for how you treat others! Love should be unconditional! Jesus’ is! Smile!

    Praying for you.

    Love you.

    God Love You More

    Whispered a prayer for you. I’ve learned nothing going right, storm raging? Still

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