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Dilemmas Facing the United States and Its People: Can We Maintain Our Superpower Status?
Dilemmas Facing the United States and Its People: Can We Maintain Our Superpower Status?
Dilemmas Facing the United States and Its People: Can We Maintain Our Superpower Status?
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Dilemmas Facing the United States and Its People: Can We Maintain Our Superpower Status?

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The United States and its people currently face numerous dilemmas and troubles, and many around the world believe it to be in decline. As its superpower status comes into question, it's important to take note of the problems plaguing the nation and of the similarities between its path and those of former empires.

In Dilemmas Facing the United States and Its People, author James A. Hudson considers the many factors contributing to the troubles facing the nation and its people and seeks to offer meaningful suggestions for solutions. From natural disasters and man-made calamities to political unrest and strife, the issues and conflicts of the United States require close and careful examination. Only with well-thought-out processes will the American people be able to unite rather than divide and educate the people instead of leaving many in darkness and ignorance. In search of a better future, we should help each person to rise instead of engaging in wanton greed and dishonesty.

This study explores the various problems faced by the United States, describing the causes, effects, and possible solutions that can help build a brighter future for the nation's people.

Release dateOct 15, 2019
Dilemmas Facing the United States and Its People: Can We Maintain Our Superpower Status?

James A. Hudson

James Augustus Hudson was born in Kingston, Jamaica. He came to the United State 1980 and became a naturalized American citizen 1990. His early childhood education was in Jamaica, Roxbury College in Massachusetts, and Cal State Fullerton in California. James is an electronics technician by profession. He is a gifted visionary who sees and understands things that many others cannot. His vision allows him to solve many problems and offer solutions to problems in the lives of people and things. This country, the United States, is in trouble. The dilemmas facing this nation and its people are many and varied. As a visionary, he knows it is his duty to bring what is happening to light and offer suggestions for a cure. James is the published author of four books: How to Have a Better Relationship with Your Mate/Spouse; Thou Shall Not Kill: What Providence Has in Store for Those Who Do; The Rising of Black America with the Assistance of White America; and A Message to Black America: Motivating Young Inner-City Black Men to Excellence.

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    Dilemmas Facing the United States and Its People - James A. Hudson

    Copyright © 2019 James A. Hudson.

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    ISBN: 978-1-4808-8339-0 (sc)

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    Archway Publishing rev. date: 11/06/2019


    There are so many people for me to recognized and honor for their outstanding abilities to move forward under all outfights of adversities and discouragements. Yet it may not be possible to do so. However, there are close relates,and not so close ones that I must recognize for their effort,even if some of them are not at the summit of their endeavors.

    And so, I take pleasure in reckoning and honoring the following: the Hudson family in Massachusetts, the Henry family in Dorcester, MA, Althea Hudson Porter and family in Brockton MA.

    Also, to my brothers and sisters here in the United States, Jamaica, Britain,and other Hudson family in some remote places I wish you all the best. May the Great geometrician of the universe (He who laid the foundation of the earth) guide and keep you all wherever in the world you may be.

    Last but not least, I say a special prayer for Ryunita Hudson Hart and her family. I wish you all nothing but the best. And may you prosper in all your undertaking.

    I hereby take pleasure in dedicating this book to all of you cited above. May it brings you inspiration,motivation,and fulfillment all the days of your lives.


    To the families, friends, and loved ones of those who perished in the destruction of the World Trade Center in New York City on September 11, 2001. I am sorry for your loss. This book is for you.

    To the first responders—firefighters, police officers, and medical personnel— I offer my deepest sympathies. Many of these brave men and women did their jobs that day and are still with us. Many are inflicted with chronic diseases and respiratory ailments as a result of exposure to toxic chemicals and polluted air. This book is an expression of gratitude, compassion, and love.

    That terrorist attack on the United States could have been avoided, but we learned valuable lessons from the attack. Similar attacks have been avoided in this country since then.

    There is no safe place on earth. Nobody knows what will befall them in terms of adversities or calamities. Many people leave their houses and end up in the wrong place: the hospital emergency room, or a prison. Unfortunately, many people never return home. The future is not ours to see, and we should be cautious every step of the way through this life.

    Here is a word of advice for the wise. I encourage my readers and everyone else to be prudent. Tomorrow is not promised to the people. Keep the insurance policies for yourself and your loved ones up to date. Before you leave the house, say a little prayer for your family and for yourself.

    God bless you,and God bless America.



    Chapter 1   The All-Seeing Eyes of the Universe

    Chapter 2   The Commandments Are Boundaries

    Chapter 3   The Dilemmas Facing This Nation

    Chapter 4   Countries Rise and Countries Fall

    Chapter 5   No Profit, No Gain: Exploring Distant Planets

    Chapter 6   The United States of America

    Chapter 7   Black American History in the United States

    Chapter 8   A Message to the Masses Who Are Lagging Behind

    Chapter 9   Messages from Divine Providence

    Poems for Inspiration



    Is it a fact that the United States is declining? Many believe that to be the case and will cite proof to substantiate this belief. Whether or not this is the case, one cannot explain the upheaval running rampant across the nation.

    It’s not surprising to those of us who are grounded in biblical history that nations rise and fall but the earth abides forever. The problems facing the nation and its people are many and varied. In this book, I will look at many factors that are contributing to these problems and offer appropriate solutions. Many people are gripped with fear and uncertainty in terms of the future, and rightfully so. The hearts of humans seem to be hard and are getting harder every day. There is no telling the evil things that people will inflict on their fellow humans as hearts grow harder, colder, and more bitter. Humans are constantly influencing by forces behind their control. Forces such as negative energies from distance planets,stare,etc. These are contributing factors in the equation in terms of the outrage of humans to other people and society. An uneducated mind is a terrible mind. As a result education in these thing is the key to prevent one from going off the rail.

    These sources can be placed in two main categories: good and negative. And so we must pay close attention to the influence external sources are having on our minds. The United States is supposed to be a nation that was founded and built on Christian principles. If this is the case, then what went wrong? Why is there so much upheaval within our society and with its people? Many are at their wit’s end, explaining the reasons behind these dynamics that are taking place across the nation.

    I am here to set the record straight and bring to the forefront the causes and effects behind the problems facing this nation and its people. One should understand the dynamics behind our nation’s dilemmas. And I will bring them to your attention in the chapters of the book.

    Are there solutions to the dilemmas facing the nation and its people? Yes, there are. Every problem has a solution. Nevertheless, there are problems that people will not be able to solve themselves. People will not be able to resolve issues brought about by providential decree. People should summon the help of an offended God to intervene and bring about a resolution to many of the problems facing the nation and its people. In any event, we will look at evil situations brought about by people and suggest the appropriate solutions.

    Now, whether the American people are willing to apply these solutions for the resolution of the nation’s dilemmas is another matter. There are problems that people will not be able to solve. It should be clear to everyone that people will not be able to remove misfortune brought about by Divine Providence. These misfortunes are providential curses that were placed on Cain and his generation for murdering his brother and ignoring divine commands.

    You must not bow down to them or worship them; for I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God, punishing children for the fathers’ sins, to the third and fourth generations of those who hate Me, but showing faithful love to a thousand generations of those who love me and keep My commandments. (Exodus 20:5)

    Unfortunately, these are some of the dynamics that are playing out before us. There are other breached that can be cited. And I will through the pages of the book. For those who aren’t grounded in scriptures, I will bring the story of Cain and Abel to your attention. Cain slaughtered his brother Abel out of jealousy and envy, and Cain was cursed by the Divine for the evil he had done. This curse is still in effect. This curse has affected the descendants of Cain throughout the ages. This curse is still affecting the descendants of Cain to this day. The slaying of men by their brothers has not stopped since Cain and Abel. Unfortunately, the slaying of people by other people has gained momentum throughout the ages.

    As mentioned, the curse of Cain is one factor behind the dilemmas facing the nation and its people. To break this curse, we must petition the power controlling the universe: God, Lord, or whatever name is appropriate in terms of your religious persuasion. That would be a step in the right direction. I am calling on people of all regions and faiths to petition a higher power to mercifully nullify the curse on the descendants of Cain.

    We will look at other factors relative to the misfortune brought about by disobeying the laws of the universe. It should be noted that stealing, killing, and other atrocities don’t go unnoticed by the higher powers. These things will became evident after a true understanding of my message to you.

    In terms of patriotism, the American people should understand that unity is strength. Where there is disunity, there will be weakness. The discord and lack of unity in this country are giving rise to all sorts of negative consequences. People’s inhumanity to other people is giving rise to the withdrawal of providential blessing on us. As a result, natural, and man-made disasters are taking a toll on our nation.

    In terms of atrocities brought about by people, there is no end in sight. The question of where and to whom Mr. Bad will bring his vengeance upon in the near future is uppermost in the hearts and minds of many Americans. Even children in primary schools are bringing vengeance on others. People are constantly being influencing by external sources over which they have little or no control. One source is benevolent, and the other originates from malevolent or evil sources.

    The benevolent source originates from the source of all good. This benevolent source doesn’t inspire people to violence or nefarious activities. You may refer to this source in whatever way is comfortable. In any event, the benevolent source is the source that people should cherish and seek to align themselves with. As a Christian nation, we should accept all things originating from the source of all good and reject all things that fall into the realm of the malevolent sphere.

    The dilemmas facing this nation and its people have far-reaching implications: internal strife, bickering, hatred, selfishness, and greed. These dynamics are undermining our success and ability to unite as Americans. These things will affect America abilities to produce and lead as a world superpower. If we are united, we will stand. If we are divided as a nation and as a people, we will fall. It appears as though the latter is taking a toll. If this nation happens to fall, it will be from within. The American people will have to take the blame. We must put aside our differences and unite. Unity is strength, and division is a sign of weakness. The world is watching us to see where we are going next as a nation. In the meantime, developing nations are waiting to dethrone the United States as a superpower.

    The malevolent forces that originated in the dark domain are getting the better of this nation and its people. Things that took place twenty, thirty, or even forty years ago are suddenly resurfacing, appearing out of the blue, and bringing down mighty and powerful men. Mighty men are being brought down by those who were once thought to be insignificant and less important in society.

    Wake up, my fellow Americans. Wake up and exercise the demons that originated in the realm of darkness. Let’s drive the nefarious forces from among us so that peace, happiness, and prosperity may dwell in our homes and follow us and our offspring throughout our lives. This nation is under attack from diverse sources. Sitting and doing nothing is the wrong approach. The poem below will help you understand those nefarious forces that our nation is up against and the solutions necessary:

    See the mighty host advancing,

    Satan leading on mighty men around us are falling courage almost gone.

    See the glorious banner waving hear the trumpet blow in our leader’s name we’ll triumph over every foe. This is a poem from one of my collections in a 4.5x4,23 pages novel that I brought with me from Jamaica. It is decades old yet relevant today as never before. I will get back to this in another chapter

    We can triumph over the forces of darkness that are plaguing this nation and its people. This nation was founded on Christian principles, and we are supposed to be Christian—or are we? I leave you to be the judge in this matter.

    Are the inhabitants of earth being affected by negative waves that originated in distant planets? This is entirely possible. We will look into these things and let you be the judge. In any event, the hearts of humans are turning against each other on a global scale—not only in this country.

    By looking at the dilemmas facing this nation and its people, we seek amicable resolutions for the cure. In terms of poverty, the United States is supposed to be the wealthiest nation on earth. Yet, there is poverty everywhere. Those at the lower end of the economic spectrum should be lifted up out of poverty. How should this nation go about lifting people out of poverty and hopelessness? There are many

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