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A Promise of Love by Christmas
A Promise of Love by Christmas
A Promise of Love by Christmas
Ebook208 pages3 hours

A Promise of Love by Christmas

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t’s been two years and memories of Garrett still haunt Danielle’s dreams. Why did he leave her? Why didn’t he at least confront her with whatever it was that she said or did to make him stop seeing her? There were too many unanswered questions and she couldn’t keep living like this. She wanted to move on. She knew in her heart it was time to face the issues that not only tormented her but were beginning to control her.
Little did she know, it was more than memories that were out to torment her. Who was out to get her and why? Life was getting more complicated by the minute, and she had nobody to turn to and nowhere to run.
Garrett knew the way he had broken things off with Danielle should have been handled differently, but going back for a re do was impossible. However, now with her so near, he knew he had to take this opportunity to win her back. There was only one way that could happen. He had to show her a new and special kind of love with each and every day of Christmas that passed. A gift each day that would stand the test of time and a true love that would never break her heart or leave her alone.
This Christmas season, with a little faith and help from his friends, Garrett’s hope is to see Danielle receive the ultimate gift…, the promise of love by Christmas.

PublisherWestBow Press
Release dateOct 11, 2019
A Promise of Love by Christmas

Karen McClellan

Karen is a pastor’s wife and a follower of Jesus Christ. She was raised in a Christian home and has spent the majority of her adult life serving in her church community. Whether she was singing on a praise team or working with children, she loves to serve the Lord. She is a graduate of Kidmin Academy holding a diploma in Children’s Ministry. For five years she and her husband ran a Christian Drug and Alcohol Rehab called the Mt. Zion House for Women under the direction of Pastor John LaGalbo. She is also an avid writer of poetry and song holding medals for Poet Laurette and Judge Advocate. It is through her writing that Karen hopes to reach others with the gospel message, and, inspire today’s generation with good wholesome entertainment. When Karen and her husband are not traveling in their RV doing ministry, they visit their home located in Burlington, Wisconsin. Together they share 7 beautiful children, (their spouses), and 21 amazing grandchildren.

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    A Promise of Love by Christmas - Karen McClellan

    Copyright © 2019 Karen McClellan.

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    This is a work of fiction. All of the characters, names, incidents, organizations, and dialogue in this novel are either the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously.

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    Scripture taken from the New King James Version®. Copyright © 1982 by Thomas Nelson. Used by permission. All rights reserved.

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7415-3 (sc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7417-7 (hc)

    ISBN: 978-1-9736-7416-0 (e)

    Library of Congress Control Number: 2019913559

    WestBow Press rev. date: 10/11/2019






    Chapter 1

    Chapter 2

    Chapter 3

    Chapter 4

    Chapter 5

    Chapter 6

    Chapter 7

    Chapter 8

    Chapter 9

    Chapter 10

    Chapter 11

    Chapter 12

    Chapter 13



    About the Author


    This book is dedicated with love, to:

    My husband Bradley McClellan

    Our children and their spouses: Amy & Chris Smith, C Jill Clark-Mata & Jesus Mata, Bobby & Pa Buckner, Brian & Rachel Buckner, Machelle & Steve Felten, Michael & Carrie McClellan, Brian & Jenna McClellan

    Our grandchildren: Lynae, Christopher, Lexi, Madison, Marissa, Miklos, Hannah, Alayna, Landen, Brooklyn, Garrett, Grayson, Taylor, Jarrod, Brennen, Keegan, Lee, Samantha, Gavin, Avalynn, & Mikenna

    Special Dedications:

    To my late parents, Carl and Shirley Johnson and my late godmother, Leona Collins; I love and miss you all so much!

    To my godfather, Ray Collins, and my Aunt Delores and Uncle Earl Zesch; I wish I lived closer and could spend more time with all of you!

    To one of my favorite Hearties and cousin, Linda Manhart; I hope to see you soon!


    Thank You Lord Jesus, for the time I was able to spend with you in the writing of this book. May you be glorified by this labor of love.

    Thank you Amy and Jill, for all of your help along the way. For reading my book, multiple times, and giving me suggestions. I am truly grateful!

    Thank you to my brother, Mark Johnson and the Clark-Mata family, for taking care of our home while we’ve been away. I don’t know what I’d do without you!

    Thank you to WestBow Press, for making this dream come true.


    K nowing I needed to use my talents for the Lord, I felt I needed to write and somehow use what I wrote for His Kingdom. I wasn’t sure where to start and decided to pull out all my old writing assignments from college. There in the folder was a creative writing assignment where the professor had tried to convince me to become a writer instead of a police officer. After reading it, I was inspired by that piece and have included that writing in this book. I guess I can now say, I started this book about 30 years ago!

    Each day, I would literally sit down at my computer and pray, Okay God, what would you have me write today? I had no idea where the story line would take me from day to day, but I would sit and type nonstop. I was excited each and every day to see where God would take the story next. Whatever He gave me, I wrote down. I pray that this book will draw you into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, my Lord and Savior. I am so blessed to have been used by Him in this very special way. May all who read this be as blessed as I feel I am.


    On the eve of December 12th

    T he logs in the fireplace snapped and popped as the flames danced wildly, allowing an occasional spark to drift aimlessly up the dark, narrow passage of the chimney toward the snowy December sky. Danielle, wrapped snugly in her favorite afghan, listened to the wind howl and whip around the corners of the cabin as if it were searching in vain for even the smallest crack or crevice in which it could enter and wrap its icy fingers around her. No matter how hard she tried, the nights would never let her forget. Especially nights like this, nights that were so like him. To most, Garrett was warm, kind, and all that was good. To Danielle, he was nothing more than a beautifully sculptured piece of ice, artistically made to look like something he was not. Garrett was the strange yet somehow appealing combination of fire and ice.

    Shuddering, Danielle poured what little brandy was left into her glass and quickly drank it down. She knew that the warm and beautiful fire would never be able to erase the chill of her thoughts, but, the amount of brandy she had consumed was sure to give her a good twelve or more hours of welcomed, dreamless sleep. With that comforting thought, she pulled the afghan even tighter around herself and gave in to the blanket of sleep that was falling down upon her.

    An ice-crystal castle,

    Rainbow kissed,

    Like diamonds galore

    With a fiery twist.

    Sparkle and glitter,

    Precious to see,

    Brilliantly dazzling,

    The wonders of Thee!

    Chapter 1

    Late afternoon of December 13th

    D anielle awoke to the sound of ice pelting the cabin windows. She had forgotten just how treacherous the Colorado storms could be. Rising from the sofa to gaze out at what nature was delivering to her doorstep, she was immediately thankful that Mr. and Mrs. Miller at the Country Market had stayed open long enough for her to pick up a week’s worth of supplies. She knew that even with four-wheel drive, her pickup wouldn’t be able to handle the Rockies long and winding roads in this weather. Knowing that it would be a day or two before the roads would be open to the few vehicles that traveled them, she realized that she had made the right choice in stopping at the cabin before returning to her small hometown of Salem, Wisconsin…, and Garrett!

    Looking at the empty brandy bottle, she was amazed that the only pain she felt resembled a baby lightning bolt that would occasionally dart from one temple to the other. It was nothing that a few aspirin, a hot shower, and a good meal wouldn’t cure. Drinking had never become a habit to her, but she fully understood how easily one could be drawn into the life of the bottle. Just as the common cold or flu would worsen with nightfall, heartaches, too, became almost unbearable as the setting sun was acknowledged by the vulnerability of those it surrounded. With a few good, stiff drinks, the hurting would cease and be replaced with an uncaring attitude that almost seemed to welcome the darkness and serenity of the night.

    After discarding the bottle and placing the glass in the kitchen sink, the realization of the situation hit Danielle full force. With no radio, television, telephone, or ties of any kind to the outside world, she would be forced to follow through with her intentions of this trip. She would finally be forced to sort out her feelings and face the problems that she had been unable to run from. Only then would she be able to face Garrett and get on with her life. Yet not even the thought of a new life, one free of the hold that Garrett had on her, was enough to fight off the slight panic that rose from within her. Nightfall was only a few hours away, and she was stranded, alone, to face the most dangerous entity of all - her heart.

    The evening of December 13th

    The long, hot shower had a soothing effect on Danielle, both physically and mentally. With muscles relaxed and nerves slightly less frazzled, she stood before the full-length mirror with nothing more than the pastel-blue towel that covered her from chest to upper thigh. She silently blessed the California sun for the rich golden-brown color of her five foot, six inch frame.

    For the past two years, she had lived in San Diego, doing her best to forget the man she was forced to leave behind. He had offered her no closure to their relationship. After growing up with him and dating him two and a half years, it seemed the best he could do was a note stating that he couldn’t see her anymore. No reason given, as if she were just supposed to sit back and accept that. It wasn’t that easy for her. She had given him her heart, and he had broken it for no reason that she knew. He wasn’t at all the person she thought he was, so why couldn’t she get him out of her mind? Shaking her head, she tried to clear the clutter and confusion Garrett had left her with. She needed to mentally refresh herself and get ready for what lie ahead.

    Dropping the towel and turning from side to side, she was immediately grateful for the extra hours she had spent instructing the aerobics classes when her coworkers were unable to show. The reflection of her 130 pound figure in the mirror was lean and taut.

    The chill in the air forced Danielle to quickly slip into the white silk Japanese style robe she had purchased a week after arriving in California. Not very appropriate for this particular climate, but it was all she had. Combing the mass of auburn curls that hung halfway down her back, she cursed and promised herself that conditioner would head the list of necessities the next time she traveled anywhere.

    Examining her face thoroughly, she searched for any line, wrinkle, or blemish of any kind. Twenty-nine years old and not looking forward to her next birthday, Danielle was pleased with the fact that most people guessed her to be twenty-four or twenty-five. Her eyes, naturally dark brown, were sometimes aqua blue or the same emerald green that Garrett was naturally blessed with. It all depended on what pair of contact lenses fit her mood that day. Danielle could never bring herself to put on a set of fake nails or false eyelashes, but somehow changing her eye color didn’t fit into the fake category. It was simply a way of satisfying her sometimes impulsive need for variety. Besides that, they could be used as accessories to compliment her outfit for the day.

    Satisfied with the results of the examination she had just given herself, Danielle threw a few more logs into the fireplace and began a tour of the cabin, hunting down each and every pillow. Making a nest out of the seven that could be found, she grabbed her afghan and plopped down in the middle of them. If she was going to torture herself with thoughts of the past, she was at least going to be comfortable.

    Desperately wishing that she had purchased more than just the one bottle of brandy, Danielle reached for the blue photo album that contained every picture, note, and poem that had been exchanged between Garrett and her. On the last page was a lock of his silky black hair that she had personally cut off on their first anniversary. Inside the covers of this book were two and a half years of memories. Memories that made her laugh and cry. Memories that had brought about intense feelings of guilt, and memories that she had tried to destroy in every way possible but was unable to bring herself to do. All the memories she had tried to run from, which she now realized existed only within her own heart.

    The book was nothing more than a physical representation of a love that once existed. Burning it or tearing it into a million pieces wouldn’t solve anything. However, tearing open her heart and facing the feelings that came from within would. It had to! The barrier of irrational fears that she had built up around herself was quickly closing in on her. Another year of this and she might as well become a nun! Well, okay, maybe a recluse. She was a far cry from fitting into the nun category. Men she could give up, but the tranquilizing effect of her occasional bottle of brandy was another story. Then again, without men, who’d need the alcohol?

    It was thoughts like this that scared Danielle the most. It was so unlike her to stereotype. She was suddenly all too aware of the reformation that needed to take place in the next five days. Pulling the box of tissues within easy reach, she opened the cover of the book and knew that with each page, the pain that her heart held would intensify yet grow sweeter. She was making her first step toward recovery. Yes, her first step toward the day she would look Garrett in the eye and not feel a thing.


    Garrett stood at the picture window of his cabin while staring at the stormy sky. The radio station claimed it was the worst snowstorm Colorado had seen in a decade, and all roads to the mountain were closed until further notice. He’d seen a lot of storms since he moved here two years ago, and some of them had been pretty intense. So, to hear this was the worst in a decade wasn’t good news. Yet none of that mattered. She was here. He could feel her presence. Garrett closed his eyes and silently prayed that the Lord would keep her safe and warm throughout the night. Tomorrow he would head up to Danielle’s cabin, on foot if he had to. He knew what needed to be done; and it needed to be done now.

    Tonight, however, he needed to be sure everything was in order. Past experiences taught him to make a quick check of all necessary items for the first aid chest. Flashlights, gasoline snow chains, blankets, and a healthy supply of non-perishable food items were a must. Everything appeared to be in order. Putting on his black felt cowboy hat and jacket, Garrett grabbed the axe and left the cabin to split enough logs to get him through the night.


    Danielle no sooner opened the cover of the photo album and the lights went out. A sigh of relief escaped from her lips, as yet another detour halted her from the nightmare she was about to embark on. Getting up from the cozy nest she had created for herself, Danielle used the light of the fireplace to find her way to the elaborately carved cedar chest where she had earlier spotted a flashlight.

    What is that? Danielle mumbled under her breath. She could see some type of light outside the den window. As she pulled back the curtains, a downed power line was emitting a display of sparks that would put most Fourth of July exhibits to shame. Within seconds, red, yellow, and bluish green flames were shooting up almost as high as the roof on the cabin. Startled, Danielle staggered backwards, tripping over a coffee table, and landed with a thud on the cold hardwood floor.


    Garrett! Are you there?

    Garrett dropped the axe and rushed to get his two-way radio off the seat of his SUV. I’m here! What’s up?

    Nate sounded out of breath. Just south of you, Eagles Crest, the Emmerson place, it’s in flames. We can’t get the equipment up there!

    There was only one narrow lane through Eagles Crest. With the snow and ice it would make it nearly impossible. Even now the snow was falling at a rate of six inches per hour. He knew he was their only hope.

    Can you get your snowmobile down there? Nate asked.

    Garrett’s heart stopped! He was sure Danielle was here. Was she in the cabin? With that thought, Garrett flew into action! He quickly suited up, traded his cowboy hat for a stocking cap, helmet, goggles, and heavy-duty gloves. He attached the first aid cart, grabbed necessities, and was on the trail. I’m on my way Nate!

    Hurry…, but be careful, and keep me informed! Nate barked out the order with the supreme authority of

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