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How to Walk in One's Due Season 365+ Days of the Year: Spiritual Food 4 Thought/ Question/ Word 4 Da Day
How to Walk in One's Due Season 365+ Days of the Year: Spiritual Food 4 Thought/ Question/ Word 4 Da Day
How to Walk in One's Due Season 365+ Days of the Year: Spiritual Food 4 Thought/ Question/ Word 4 Da Day
Ebook309 pages3 hours

How to Walk in One's Due Season 365+ Days of the Year: Spiritual Food 4 Thought/ Question/ Word 4 Da Day

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In this book, Latanya Collins invites all readers to a Spiritual Platform where God is the Master of Service. Topics are addressed in detail and according to biblical principles. The define of Time and the question: “What is a Leap Year?” are well expounded upon. Some facts supposedly proven, others debated to present are highlighted for study.

Noting many obvious contradictions about the previous mentioned, as well as, other relevant topics to walking with God, this book inspires a way for anyone to embrace their ability to begin a “Life-long Journey Experience” of daily cleansing, consecration, refreshing, reproofing and restoration.

Although all entailed in this book is seemingly addressed solely to Christian Believers seeking the “Straight and Narrow Path”, it is highly recommended that people of different religious beliefs explore the writings in between these pages to possibly learn where they are in their ‘Spiritual Journey’ unto an eternity of “DUE SEASON”.

Humbly Serving In Due Season,
Prophetic Apostolic Outreach Ministries
True Worshippers of the Harvest - Matthew 9:37, 38
PublisherXlibris US
Release dateNov 6, 2019
How to Walk in One's Due Season 365+ Days of the Year: Spiritual Food 4 Thought/ Question/ Word 4 Da Day

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    How to Walk in One's Due Season 365+ Days of the Year - Latanya M. Collins

    How to


    Due Season



    Spiritual Food 4 Thought/ Question/ Word 4 Da Day

    VOLUME 1


    Copyright © 2019 by Latanya M. Collins.

    ISBN:      Softcover      978-1-7960-6193-2

                    eBook            978-1-7960-6194-9

    All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the copyright owner.

    Scripture quotations marked KJV are from the Holy Bible, King James Version (Authorized Version). First published in 1611. Quoted from the KJV Classic Reference Bible, Copyright © 1983 by The Zondervan Corporation.

    Any people depicted in stock imagery provided by Getty Images are models, and such images are being used for illustrative purposes only.

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    Rev. date: 02/19/2020









    Prelude (Ephesians 4)

    Chapter 1    In The Beginning (Genesis 1 and 2)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 2    A Time For Everything (Ecclesiastes 3:1-8)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 3    God Is… Time That Hath No End (Romans 6:9-10)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 4    Appointed Time (Habakkuk 2:3)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 5    What Is A Leap Year? (Joshua 10:10-14)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 6    Fullness Of Time (Galatians 4:4-6)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 7    Moon (Psalms 104:1-19) vs. Month (Exodus 12:1-2)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 8    Redeeming the Time (Ephesians 5:15-17)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 9    Due Season (Galatians 6:7-10)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 10    Make Your Calling And Election Sure (II Peter 1:10-12)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 11    Due Time (I Peter 5:6-11)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes

    Chapter 12    For The Time Is At Hand (Revelation 1:3)

    Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY

    Personal Journey Notes


    About The Author


    In Loving Memory of My Grandma Irma

    I am especially grateful for the last two years of your life lived for Christ as a Born Again Believer. It was an honor being able to spend this time with you as your granddaughter. And, even more of an honor to witness your New Birth Experience! I know God gave us a second chance to bond and mature, sharing forgiveness and genuine love towards one another. Despite the many obstacles presented before our family, I thank God for choosing you as my Grandmother and the Matriarch of our family! I have always respected your labored walk and I believe any member of our family would be pleased to follow in your footsteps. Thank you for leaving behind a legacy worth regarding and Fighting A Good Fight Of FAITH!

    In Loving Memory of My Auntie Tricia

    Though I only had a few years of my life to spend getting to know you I am glad these years brought us plenty of happiness. I have always felt heartbroken about your unexpected death. I still sometimes think about why your time had to come to an end. I remember how you were always caring and compassionate. I especially liked how you did not find it a bother to play with me, though you were a teen. I cannot recall one moment in time when you were mean. I will continue, Walking In My DUE SEASON in your honor because I consider your life and unfortunate death inspiration to do so!

    In Loving Memory of My Cousin Waddieonne

    I wish you were still here lil cousin to share this moment in time with me. I know you would be happy for me, probably smiling from ear to ear! Though as a baby, you gave me a hard time. I knew after our first car ride together that we would become closer than either one of us could imagine. Because of how you always made an effort to appreciate and compliment my accomplishments, I saw your show of potential to choose right over wrong. As your older cousin, I loved you so much and was devastated in learning of your tragic fate. I choose now to honor the good memories of your life with this book.


    I have known Latanya Collins for more than two decades. She has always been a student of the Word of God. She’s very adamant about details. One thing that Latanya believes is Galatians 6:9, … in due season….

    Now is the Due Season for the assignation of her material for this book. Read it and be blessed! Read it and be encouraged! Read it and move into your own, DUE SEASON!

    - Pastor Raymond R. Watson, Jr.

    I am writing this foreword to endorse Sis. Latanya Collins’ book, How to Walk in One’s DUE SEASON 365+ Days of the Year.

    As a native New Orleanian also, we have shared the same experiences and love for our N’Awlins Community as well as our Spiritual Community. We grew up with the same leaders and love for the same gospel. I have followed her work from a distance, her Lazarus Project for example. She is a passionate person who has deep feelings and revelations that have driven her to pen her thoughts and feelings in this first book.

    People who have suffered and endured deep, personal pain deserve to have a voice among the people of God. This is her voice! Let her speak her strong words to your heart as the encouragement from her book speaks to mine.

    - Lady Vyon Rogers

    I was enlightened by Latanya Collins book, How to Walk in One’s DUE SEASON. It brought back to me the importance of trusting in the Lord for guidance in living my life and understanding that God’s timing is perfect, and He is in control. This book helped me to have a brand-new perspective on how Sister Latanya took her research, wisdom and the insights of the calendar that I was unaware of and opened up a new area for me.

    I will be using the principles I learned from this book for the rest of my life’s journey experience. Moreover, I employ you to seek after the reach of your true destiny, acknowledging that God is in control of time. And if you follow Him, you will too, reach your DUE SEASON!

    - Tamara Reynolds, PhD


    There are many people who inspired the birth of this published collection of God-ordained Spiritual Food4Thought, which also include an occasional Question and Word4DaDAY. However, it would not become a written blessing until God moved on my heart in October of 2009. There would be many things I would wrestle against between now and then, but God would ultimately prevail against all fiery darts thrown by my enemies. Now nearly ten years later, the LORD wakes me up with Ephesians 4:9 on my heart and in my spirit. Therefore, upon searching the Bible before and after this verse of Scripture, I was convinced that God was calling me back to my Vocation of completing this manuscript. Therefore, I shared with my husband of over twenty-one years, Minister Ronald Collins the need for me to begin writing again. And as I expected, he looked at me with a smile and gave a head nod in agreement.

    I am very grateful for the man whom God gave unto me as a husband. Though he may not always allow me to run full circle with every idea that I have, I appreciate him for being my source of balance when needing to make a decision as to whether or not the time is now to do. And this time, I knew I had my husband’s full support because he began searching adamantly along with me for all of my notebooks that I would periodically write down a thought and/or scripture given to me by God. As we gathered together most of what I would need to get started, he would occasionally come in our bedroom, where I was writing just to check on me and see if I needed anything else to comfort my atmosphere as I wrote.

    By now, I knew I needed to get in touch with someone to do a Foreword. At least, four or five names came to mind. However, I chose to call another aspiring writer, whom I had the privilege of calling Best Friend for over 30 years, Minister JoAnn Walker. She is the author of, The Unseen Eye… Volume 1 The Dream Child, a book about understanding HOW and WHY we have Dreams and Visions, while believing God for clarity and seeking the power of God unto Salvation for our lives. After sharing with her key details about the manuscript and how the LORD gave me an emotional Ephesians 4 experience, I asked her if she would do a Foreword and she agreed. Consequently, her busy schedule got in the way and she would not get back with me in time. I am still thankful for the opportunity I was given to share the VISION I received from God for my book with her.

    I consider myself blessed to have My Apostle, Mentor and Pastor a man who has often proven to have my best interest at heart come to mind. Here, too is another person who has on occasion cautioned against my better judgment for me to do something and it later proved to be what was in my best interest. I can remember shortly after my receiving the Born Again Experience as stated in Acts 2:38, the LORD spoke to me, Your relationship with Pastor Watson will be likened to that of Elijah and Elisha. I feel as though I am still yet learning about this relationship. But, thankfully, I feel the leading and guiding of God along my Journey Experience of getting to ‘KNOW’. I am very thankful for Reverend Raymond R. and Lady Mary Watson, Jr. for keeping my family ministered in God’s WORD. It is a blessing to be a part of such a wonderful Christian Family and under the anointed teaching of Apostolic Outreach Center in New Orleans, LA.

    I have to acknowledge Lady Vyon Rogers, who is First Lady at The Pentecostals of Wisconsin. For many years, she would not remember that she had spoken a Prophetic Word over my life some years ago at AOC on Clematis Street. I remember it as if it were yesterday. I was standing on the right side of the ministry, in front of the first pew and Lady Rogers comes over and began praying with me. I remember hearing her speak the words, The LORD is going to use you. I liked the idea of God wanting to use me, but she would go on to say, … in the areas of the Five-Fold Ministry. As a New Babe in Christ, this was hard to phantom. I would allow fear for many years to discombobulate my response. Thankfully, I had the Holy Spirit dwelling on the inside, making intercession for me! Now, I am walking in Due Season of Fulfillment from my Mentor’s Prophetic Word spoken over my life some twenty-two years ago!

    Then, there is Xlibris US Publishing. My relationship with this company began well over twelve years ago. I had begun writing nearly six manuscripts, but only felt once like I may have been close to ready for publishing. In 2010, I was asked to help edit and promote another book. After realizing how gratifying a feeling I was getting from working on someone else’s book, I decided to invest some of my time and treasure into completing one of my own manuscripts. Soon after, I would call Xlibris and begin making financial moves to secure the cost of having one of my manuscripts published. I had a certain feeling of accomplishment and excitement come over me. However, it would be several years to past before I would even be able to concentrate on my manuscript. It was as if all adrenaline drained from my person once payment was made. If it were not for the many emails piling up in my email account to remind me of the need to sign my Publishing Agreement and the many phone call enquiries asking when I would be ready to begin submitting my manuscript, this book, like others before it, would be a forgotten cause.

    I must say, THANKS to everyone at Xlibris US Publishing who patiently waited on the submission of this manuscript and afterwards worked diligently to make sure that the published finish would be for people from all walks of life to see how they can too walk in their DUE SEASON!

    The next three people I would like to thank are my spiritual big sister, Samantha Slack for her Sacrifice of Time and my daughter, Amogni’ Alyccia Collins for agreeing to help with the editing of my manuscript and my son, Amog Amasiah Collins for helping me make the right selection of graphics artwork for the Book Cover, as well as some of the Interior Pages of the manuscript. I truly believe the anointed and talented minds of my children will contribute to bringing the best Glorious life to the eyes of them who will behold this book. In addition, I look forward to having many of Amog’s original drawings featured in future books of mine. Moreover, I knew Amogni’ would help edit, because she is always correcting me about something I do, say or write. I used to think she was just getting back at me from being Homeschooled. But, I soon realized the blessing in seeing her show her dad and me that she is as attentive to us, wanting us to shine as we are to her and Amog.

    In conclusion, I thank my mother, Wyleen Marie Dunn, who despite raising me as a single parent, taught me to be the best person God would expect me to be. She has always been one of my #1 Supporters, encouraging me to never settle for mediocre. In addition, I would also like to thank the rest of my family and friends for your Prayers and Support.


    As far back as I can remember, I kept a written testament of my daily journey with God. Some young girls called it a Diary, while I chose to add ‘God’ to my book title… God Diary. By the time I would become an adult, I would find myself staring out of my bedroom window, looking up into the sky at the clouds wondering, Who and Where was God? Moreover, why did I find it necessary to write to Him? Little did I know this was His way of preparing me for the inspiration He would later give me to begin writing my first manuscript.

    Zealous about having a book published, I anxiously hastened to outline every aspect and detail I intended to include in this manuscript. Everything appeared to be going according as planned and scheduled, based upon Man’s Appointed Time. By now, I would have what I perceived as roughly seventy-five percent of the manuscript written out. But then, slowly there came ‘pause in time’. Was it Writer’s Block or was it God controlling the need for time to be still in relevance to my manuscript completion? He shortly afterwards spoke to me in a vision that the reason I could not be allowed to continue writing on this particular manuscript was because of the Spiritual Application For Every Natural Situation still having need of being revealed and He was still orchestrating spiritually what was to be soon manifested in the natural. So, He took me back to my Daily Journey of written testament. Only this time, I would not express my thoughts on paper or with a pen. Instead, I would receive a platform large enough to share with others. And, this is how Spiritual Food4Thought/Question/Word4DaDAY was birth.

    Soon I would hear from God again that it was time to publish my first book. So, naturally I believed He meant I was to drop my daily writings to go back to completing the other approximate twenty-five percent left undone with my manuscript. This would not prove to be the case. For an unknown space of time, I was unable to retrieve all that was inputted into a computer regarding my manuscript. And worst, the paper copy I had written in a spiral notebook would be lost because of the multiple times our family had to move from one Temporary Abode to another.

    None of this bothered God, the ONE who is ALWAYS in control of a situation regardless of what presents. He comforted me and encouraged me not to worry about the whereabouts of my manuscript because I would be gathering together my ‘Daily Journey’ (all but the earlier paper writings lost during the 2005 Hurricanes) to compile in book format for publishing. He also instructed me to discuss with my husband the need for us to seek out a publishing company. Moreover, on I continued my journey to seemingly nowhere. I was beginning to feel like I was back in the military (U.S. Army). There was a sort of funny saying most of us soldiers rarely ever found funny… Hurry up and WAIT! However, I knew better than to question God about His order of timing.

    Well now with the publishing company again calling, I was ready (so I thought) to publish a book. By now, it is 2010, over 25 years in time from when I first started this journey of daily testament writings and still God would again halt the progress.

    Here now, it is 2019 and clearly obvious that it was meant for this book to be published but only

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